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    • Day 14

      Day 2 Matosinhos to Labruge

      September 16 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 72 °F

      Our walk today left the city and walked the coast through small beach towns and fishing villages. We passed a beautiful lighthouse first. Portugal spent quite a bit of money to make the pilgrims’ journey easier by putting in boardwalks the whole way up the coast. Much easier than sand or roadways. Greg and I tried out the backpack transfer service today. I think they forgot us at first but after several frantic emails, our bags arrived at our destination. It seems we’ve worked out all the bugs, so I will definitely use this service. We walked nine miles today, which was much easier without the backpack. We stayed in our first hostel tonight. Since there were three of us, we got to share a bungalow , which she told us gave us privacy. Ha! People kept sticking their heads in the window to see what it was like. There was hardly room to stand for one, much less three. The jury is out whether or not we’ll do this again.Read more

    • Day 12

      Angeiras to Vila do Conde

      September 23, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      After coffee, I was back to the boardwalk. Most of the trail today was on this boardwalk, and the rest on cobblestone. Plus a short (thankfully) area where the sand had drifted over the trail. That was tough.

      I chatted with some people from Malaysia, Columbia, Germany, and New Zealand. And the people in my room are from Germany and Italy. The Camino is very international.

      Once I got to Vila do Conde, I had to find a bridge to cross the large river. Once that was done, I had a fabulous lunch. Salada do Frango, or chicken salad. Very nice.
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    • Day 2

      Agoucadoura wir haben dich vermisst

      September 11, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Nach langen heißen 27 km sind wir nun endlich in Paulas Elternhaus angekommen. Ich habe mir heute bestimmt 25 mal die Frage gestellt , was machst du hier überhaupt. Viele nette Pilger kennengelernt Aber viel schöner war es die Einheimischen kennen zu lernen. Buen CaminhoRead more

    • Day 1

      Day 1 from Porto to Labruge

      September 5 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      First some statistics: 40,000 steps, 17.5 miles, 28 kilometers, 210m/688 feet elevation gain. 6.5hrs of walking between 7am and 3pm. Lovely day out of Porto, steep steps down to the river, then a long walk along the river (6k), had breakfast around 9am, continued walking till noon, had lunch by the sea, continued onwards. First sunny, then cloudy and very (headwind) windy making it somewhat nippy. By the end, my feet were sore, glad we found a nice place to sleep and put our feet up. Small blister forming (darn). The spirits are positive and high! Great first day. Tomorrow shorter day.Read more

    • Day 6

      Camino Day 1

      September 29, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Today we left Porto to start the Camino. We walked along the seaside boardwalk all the way from Matosinhos. Beautiful beach and crashing waves. We stopped on Paraiso at Pe No Mar for lunch and had a lovely meal with great service. Now we are in Labruge (population 3000) before we head on for our hotel tonight in Vila Cha (even smaller population), just up the road.Read more

    • Day 22–27


      May 8 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute Nacht war Horror, wir hatten einen Schnarcher, den Kate sogar 2x weckte, ohne dass es etwas nützte und eine Schnarcherin, die ich weckte und ihr sagte, dass sie zu laut sei. Sie schaute mich nur ungläubig an, aber alle Pilger waren wach und beschwerten sich. Doch was nützt es, irgendwann schliefen wir ein, aber um 6 war alles auf um sich fertig zu machen.
      Heute ging es wieder dem Strand entlang, ab und zu suchten wir schon ein wenig abseits den Weg, immer der gleiche Strand und vor allem legten wir heute viele km auf den Holzstegen und im Sand zurück. Hostel hatte ich vorab schon reserviert und so konnten wir uns wirklich Zeit lassen und waren trotzdem um 12:30 beim Hostel und trafen alte, junge Bekannte.
      Heute konnte ich auch erstmal eine zeitlang am Strand verbringen, obwohl das Wasser saukalt ist.
      Am Abend waren wir ein netter Trupp, Kanadier, Dt., Ukrainer, Iren , Engländer und Franzosen, die sich bei Rot- und Weißwein gemeinsam zum Strand begaben, war ja gleich über der Strasse, und den Sonnenuntergang miterleben.
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    • Day 2

      Von Porto nach Labruge

      April 27, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nach einer mäßigen Nacht ging es noch vor acht Uhr los. Einmal durch die Innenstadt, zurück an den Fluss Douro und dann immer am Wasser entlang.
      Eigentlich wollten wir mit der historischen Bahn die Strecke etwas abkürzen aber dir fuhr erst um 9:00. Also sind wir die 4 km dann doch zusätzlich gelaufen. Irgendwann am Meer angekommen ging es eine lange Strecke auf Holzstegen am Wasser entlang.

      Tageskilometer: 29,5km
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    • Day 3

      Don't worry, it's only 22.5km!

      May 10, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      It's funny how 22.5km can turn into 32km!!! 😲🙄🤣
      We began by losing our way back to the airport... kilometres later we arrived there ready for coke, coffee and a second breakfast of pastel de nata.
      A metro journey into Porto plus a walk to the cathedral meant we didn't start walking until 1030. The day was spent making sure the ocean was to our left (great advice from our absent guide Julie🤗) although it was quite some time before we left the Douro and joined the north Atlantic.
      Lunch was spent just short of Matosinhos - I ordered a beef sandwich that came out as beef, egg and chips! Somehow. I managed to eat it 😋 🤣.
      22.5km turned into just a few more and then even more... and we finally found our fab accommodation in Angeiras. We had a very nice Pilgrim's menu for €10 and now we're ready for bed and just 22.5km tomorrow. Honest!!!🤣
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    • Day 5

      Labruge and our first alburgue!

      June 23, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We walked SO much farther than we had anticipated! 17 miles according to my pedometer! Definitely tired, but feeling accomplished! The coast was gorgeous! After Matasinhos it was miles and miles of boardwalk and beach! The sea wind in our face kept us cool on this hot day! So far, very greatful for the items I’ve packed with me! Impressed with the Lush shampoo bar! Going to use my Sea to Summit sleep sack tonight! 👏👏👏Read more

    • Day 3

      Who'd have thought it?🙄😂

      May 10 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Last night, after a short trip to the local mercado, where we purchased bread, tomatoes, salad leaves, Philly, peaches, yoghurts and a large bag of crisps (oh, and a beer each) we very happily made our way back to our room and ate a simple, but hearty supper! After showering and repacking ready for our next day, our first camino day, we were flat out by 2200 (well, I was, Julie, not so 😴).
      We left our room at 0900 this morning as we didn't have to be at our next stop in Labruge until 1500, and with only 18km to walk (ahem), that was tons of time! Our walk was fabulous and we strolled along for about 6km until we reached Matosinhos, where we stopped for our second breakfast, the first being yesterday's yoghurt and a bread roll. My second was some sort of thing with ham and chorizo inside and a caffeine kick with a coke zero, Julie's was a cake and coffee 😋. Sid and Mog managed to get stuck in, as well! Then it was back on the sidewalk and a stamp at the information office, where we came upon the mourning ladies, fantastic bronze sculptures remembering a tragic storm when 152 crew lost their lives leaving 72 widows and 152 orphans 😥. We met a couple of Swiss German ladies on bikes who wanted to know how to get to the bridge that took us over the rio Leça and, between us, and using English, my basic school girl German and Google maps, we managed to show them the way! We continued walking over the bridge and through Matosinhos until we found a lovely little chapel where we stopped again for a drink and a look out to sea, and another bilingual chat with the ladies. We watched a couple of divers and were a little worried about one who seemed to be being washed by the waves a little too close to the rocks! He obviously wasn't worried, though, so we left him to his snorkelling and joined the boardwalk, the start of a great walk to Labruge on bouncy planks of wood that were good for the knees 😄. Timing was good and we were on track to arrive at our accommodation by 1500ish, so we stopped for another coke and an ice cream - much needed!
      We also passed some gorgeous little fisherman's cottages and, if you look closely, you can see the cat nestled amongst the nets😂.
      Continuing on our way, we reached the turn off for Labruge so I switched on the Airbnb message for directions. BIG MISTAKE!😂😂😂 It took us inland for a few kilometres, that was fine, but then directed us across fields of some crop or other🙄. Hmm... what to do? Actually, using Google maps was a good idea and brought us to our night's accommodation, with just an extra 3+ kms walked 🙄😂. Should have known😂.
      Our room is very nice, and we've managed to handwash some smelly clothes (not easy when there's no plug in the sink!) and it's so warm it's already nearly dry 👏. I must admit to walking most of the way today with yesterday's wet knickers pinned to the back of my rucksack. You can take the girl out of Liverpool...😂
      We were very sensible and stocked up on provisions before we reached our room, and have enjoyed tuna, tomatoes, bread and an orange for supper. With, of course, a beer. Wouldn't be a camino otherwise, would it?
      The little village we're in is lovely, surrounded by farmland (and don't we know it - tractors and smells...😱😄) but has a lovely church and an unusually large cemetery which seems to be having a makeover by the church commitee ladies. Fresh flower arrangements were being laid on graves and the whole place was being swept clean. Wonder what for?
      We've planned our route for tomorrow. Just 22kms... Yeh, right 😂😂😂
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