Our accommodation

The building is on a great little street with lots of shops and bars and restaurants. The apartment is a great size. It's not fancy
, but very comfortable. We had dinner at a fancy burger spot. TheRead more
The building is on a great little street with lots of shops and bars and restaurants. The apartment is a great size. It's not fancy
, but very comfortable. We had dinner at a fancy burger spot. TheRead more
Since we were staying in a pretty nice hotel, we decided to sleep in and take advantage of their breakfast before we started, therefore we got a little later start today. There was a light rain whenRead more
We slept in pretty late. I guess we needed to catch up on our rest. It was a very sunny day today. A nice change from our arrival to Porto. We walked over the Ponte Luis bridge to the Gaia district.Read more
durch die Altstadt hoch zur Kathetrale, Pilgerausweise mit dem ersten Stempel erstanden,
dann über die zweietagige Bogenbrücke Ponte Luis die über den Douro führt,
auf der anderen UferseiteRead more
》Livraria Lello (The Famous ‘Harry Potter’ Bookstore)
Considered the third most beautiful library in the world. The store has an excellent neo-gothic façade, where you can see two figuresRead more
We wanted to try and visit a museum or some other historically significant site. Hugh found us an interesting one called Casa do Infante. The structure was had two towers and was just off of the shoreRead more
We researched online the best place for beers in Porto, and it appeared that Catraio was the place to go. We were not disappointed. They didn't brew their own beer but had 15 beers on tap. TheRead more
It rained very hard this morning. By the time we were ready to get out, it had stopped. We had to decide between two spots to explore today. We chose the Super Bock Dome a d all of the gardensRead more
After a coffee and some people watching, we did a quick walk through of the Porto Municipal building. Afterwards we decided to visit Porto Cathedral and the Bishop's Palace. It was only €6 Euros andRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Livraria Lello
Traveler Very nice place!
Looks nice [Scott]
If the servers don't speak English that's a good sign [glenn]