Madeira Story Center

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    • Hari 6

      Funchal Part 2

      11 Jun, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück ging es heute wieder nach Funchal. Zuerst haben wir den gestrigen gesehenen Decathlon besucht. Wir wollten uns ein paar Wanderstöcke besorgen. Aber diese waren komplett ausverkauft. 😅 hätten wir uns auch denken können.
      Anschließend ging es in die Altstadt zur Seilbahn von Funchal. Die brachte uns nach Monte.
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    • Hari 3

      Zona Velha (Altstadt)

      8 Jun, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Ein besonderer Hingucker derAltstadt sind vor allem die bunt bemalten Türen, die durch das 2010 gestartete Projekt Arte Portas Abertas entstanden. Rund 100 Künstler nutzten seither die Chance die Altstadt mit Kunstwerken zu verschönern.Baca lagi

    • Hari 3


      14 Mei, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Constantly in awe of the plants here! The succulents outside of the Airbnb are 3 feet tall - putting our house plants to shame.

      For our second and last full day in Madeira, we spent it exploring the capital of Funchal. We started it with a dip at Doca do Cavacas - natural swimming pools of volcanic origins. Love a public swimming pool with a view!

      We decided to walk into Funchal, stopping for a pastel de nata from Petitfours on the way, which was simply delicious. We learned some history of the island and its inhabitants at Madeira Story Centre before taking the cable car all the way up to Monte. We enjoyed spectacular views over Funchal and the Birds Eye view of the houses built up into the hill side. Once in Monte, we walked around the Tropical Garden, seeing so many more plants! Fun fact; Madeira is actually known as “flower island” and about 16% of the plants here do not grow anywhere else in the world!

      Instead of taking the cable car down, we decided to take a more “memorable” mode of transportation - toboggan. We climbed into what could only be described as a large wicker basket controlled/pushed by 2 drivers on the back, using their boots as brakes to control the direction/speed. Apparently these “sledges” were created in the 19th century to transport wine barrels downhill!

      Photos are from the natural pool, the tropical garden, Funchal and the toboggan/sledge ride.
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    • Hari 2


      24 April, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Zu Beginn möchte ich die Herkunft des Namen erläutern. Funchal stammt von der Pflanze Fenchel, denn als die Insel entdeckt wurde, standen überall Fenchelpflanzen, heute ist Funchal bekannt für seinen Zuckerrohranbau, daher stammt auch das Nationalgetränk „Poncha“ (Orangesaft mit Zuckerrohrschnaps). Funchal ist die Größe Stadt auf Madeira und hat einen großen Hafen. Christiano Ronaldo ist hier geboren und aufgewachsen und wird hier als Held gefeiert. Fußball hat deshalb eine große Bedeutung, da es Ronaldo aus ärmlichen Verhältnissen geschafft hat durch sein Sport berühmt zu werden.
      Wir schlendern durch die Altstadt und die engen Gassen des Kulturviertel, welches viele Bars und Restaurants beherbergt, seit die Künstlerszene die Türen malerisch gestaltet. Ein Eis in der Einkaufsstraße darf nicht fehlen, wir beobachten das bunte Leben und die ausgelassene Stimmung der Menschen.
      Auch Sissi- die Kaiserin hat es auf Madeira, wegen des Klima gut gefallen.
      Die Jacarandabäume stehen in voller Blüte, der Frühling ist an allen Ecken präsent. Wir sind gespannt, was wir in den kommenden Tagen noch alles erleben.
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    • Hari 7

      Rua de Santa Maria @ Funchal

      28 Mac, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Die traditionelle Kneipenstraße in Funchal ist die "Rua de Santa Maria". Sie ist bekannt für ihre charmanten Kopfsteinpflasterstraßen und die bunte Vielfalt an traditionellen Kneipen und Restaurants. Die Gebäude entlang dieser Straße sind mit wunderschönen Wandgemälden verziert, die von lokalen Künstlern gestaltet wurden und verschiedene Aspekte der madeirensischen Kultur und Geschichte darstellen. Es ist ein beliebter Ort für Touristen und Einheimische gleichermaßen, um lokale Spezialitäten zu probieren, Live-Musik zu genießen und das lebendige Nachtleben von Funchal zu erleben.Baca lagi

    • Hari 9

      Funchal / botanischer Garten

      10 Mac, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Jetzt wurde es wirklich mal Zeit die Hauptstadt Funchal zu besichtigen!
      Knappe 110.000 Menschen leben hier.
      Der Altstadt sieht man das "alt" an😅, aber es wurde die letzten Jahre viel getan um die Stadt etwas aufzupimpen. So findet man an fast jeder Tür etwas gepinseltes und der Magnet der Altstadt ist die Gondel, die hinauf in den botanischen Garten fährt.
      Das haben wir uns natürlich auch nicht entgehen lassen😁
      Übrigens sind die Portugiesen super kinderfreundlich. An jeder Schlange durften wir mit Neo vorbei und wurden bis nach ganz vorne durchgeschleust, sodass wir nirgends warten mussten. Mega Service!!!
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    • Hari 3

      Seilbahn Funchal Monte

      5 Februari, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Kleine Stärkung nach der Bustour. Dezent geirrt bei der Bestellung der Getränke, der Eistee hat sich als hochprozentiger Cocktail entpuppt. Was soll's, damit habe ich mich dann wenigstens in die Seilbahn getraut *hüstel*Baca lagi

    • Hari 7

      Funchal und botanischer Garten

      15 Julai 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Mit dem Shuttlebus ging es erneut nach Funchal. Um den botanischen Garten erreichen zu können, nahmen wir direkt nach Ankunft ein Cablecar und fuhren hoch hinaus. Patrick und ich rasten anschließend mit den Korbschlittenfahrern wieder nach unten - war das ein Spaß! Machen wir wieder 😅👍🏼Baca lagi

    • Hari 5

      Funchal, Madeira

      7 Januari 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      An interesting day to start the holiday. Arrived at the AirLynx car park in good time after a quick journey to Southampton, parked the car and after a short while boarded a mini bus that took us and baggage to the Mayflower cruise terminal. There we left our main luggage and then crossed the road and walked the short distance to the COVID testing centre where we were to have our lateral flow test. We joined quite a long queue at 1205 hrs in the open air (a very good thing the weather was dry). It took forty five to fifty minutes complete the exercise and we then walked back to the terminal building and joined another queue to give a verbal health declaration (we had already completed a written one online two days previously but that wasn’t good enough). We then sat down for about 15 minutes until the result of our COVID test was messaged to us and, being negative, we joined another queue for the priority passengers which was longer than the normal queue. We then arrived at the check in desk where we had our photographs taken even though we had uploaded our photographs during the online check in process. We then joined a queue to pass through security where my jacket, belt and shoes had to come off. Given clearance, we boarded the ship where we were directed to our muster station where we were logged in. We had to watch the safety video on the TV in our cabin. Ignoring the cabin at this point we headed straight to the appropriate restaurant for what turned out to be a really nice lunch, for me, of squid and sea bass and a lot of sparkling wine, which, at this juncture, we felt we deserved after two hours of testing and checking in. Our baggage was waiting for us but before unpacking, I tried to download the ‘Myholiday’ app, which we need on board, but failed. After some time I joined a queue at the ‘Myholiday’ desk close to reception to speak to somebody, which I did, but they were of no help. I returned to the cabin and discovered that my VPN application on my phone and tablet was to blame. Once I disabled it I managed to download the app. It looks as though it could be useful. Dinner in the evening was very good and met a couple from South Wales who were excellent company. Went to bed early. We had had enough enjoyment for one day.

      4th January. Sea a bit choppy today as we head south through the bay of Biscay but is forecast to improve later this afternoon. Joined the virtual queue for breakfast and no sooner had we done it we were informed our table was ready. Good system this. The ‘Myholiday’ app seems to be working well at present. No lunch today but afternoon tea with sandwiches, cakes and scone. Really nice dinner in the evening. The food, so far, has been excellent. Almost everybody complying with the need to wear a mask around the ship, which is encouraging.

      We all have to have antigen test either tomorrow or 6th and a further test the following week to comply with Barbados requirements. They also require a passenger locator form to be completed. Instructions are to follow. These tests will be paid for by P&O.

      5th January. Stood in a queue for 35 minutes at 0810 am for the lateral flow test. Well organised but a bit slow. By the end of the day, apparently, two thirds of the passengers had been tested. We will only get to hear the result if we are positive. So far all is quiet. The ‘Myholiday’ app broke down for the black tie evening dinner and we just had to turn up. Working well until then. During the day we were able to sit outside in the sun for a while as the temperature warmed up. Still heading south towards Madeira and will arrive there on 7th.

      6th January. A pleasant day. 16 degrees but feels warmer in the sun and out of the sea breeze. The app is working again and so joined a virtual queue for breakfast and lunch. I can see this being permanent. Had a vegetable sushi roll for lunch with wasabi and it almost blew my head off. I had not realised that wasabi was so hot! The waiter came to my rescue with more water. The entertainment so far has not been to our taste. The comedian the night before was not good and a ventriloquist on a black tie evening?

      Forecast for Madeira tomorrow is mainly sunny with a risk of a shower in the morning and a high of 22 degrees. Good enough for us. We have both been vaccinated twice, had a booster, had a tetanus renewal and I have had a shingles jab, we were given an antigen test before check in and a further antigen test on board. Madeira has nothing to fear from us!

      7th January. Arrived in Madeira and docked at 0800 hrs. Boosted with COVID jabs, fully masked and smothered in sun tan lotion we set off and wondered the pretty streets of Funchal. We came across the cable car and took the ride to the top (32 Euros for two return) and at the top walked to the. church of Our Lady on the Mount where one of the emperors of the Hapsburg Empire is buried. Wonderful views from the top. Took the cable car back and now sitting in a cafe with free wifi. We leave tonight to cross the Atlantic to Barbados.
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    • Hari 14

      Funchal: Arte de Portas Abertas

      1 April 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      This is Part II of the footprints describing what we did in Funchal today. Don’t worry, there will be fewer words since I already reminisced and described our day in the previous footprint.

      While I was researching what to do in Funchal, I came across several recommendations to check out the Arte de Portas Abertas in the city’s Zona Velha (aka Old Town). The article went on to describe the street art on Rua de Santa Maria as murals … most painted on doors. Did someone say murals? Got to go in search of them for sure.

      Apparently this project, which translates as the Art of the Open Doors, was the brainchild of a group of local artists. The side benefit of the project? It helped to revitalize a rundown section of the city. Indeed, visitors are now attracted to the street that is now lined with shops and restaurants … more of the latter than the former. Alas, tables and chairs at times blocked a clear view of the murals … but in those cases, I focused on a detail shot instead of the full door.

      A fun and colorful stroll!
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