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    • Dag 12

      Day 12, Coimbra to Sernadelo

      12. april 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Today we completed 15.51 miles from Coimbra to Sernadelo. This morning was a little slow going for me because my right knee was being wonky. We walked the first few miles mainly on a bike lane. We knew it was supposed to rain today, so we were prepared with our waterproof pack covers and rain ponchos. Sure enough by about 9:45 a.m., a steady rain started. We donned our rain gear and carried on. We didn’t mind the rain because it kept it cool. We did a lot of road walking today, which is murder on the feet after awhile, but we took plenty of breaks to break up the day. Our last stop, we had some hard sparkling apple cider called Sommersby. We both liked it a lot. It wasn’t too sweet and was light and refreshing. We finished the day in Sernadelo, a small town just outside of Mealhada, which is the suckling pig center of Portugal. Guess what's for dinner?Les mer

    • Dag 15

      Day 10 Coimbra to Sernadelo

      5. mai 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 63 °F

      It was a pretty boring day. It was shorter than our usual day, only 16 miles today. Unfortunately, all but about 4 miles were on roads. The best part was leaving Coimbra along the river.

      We hate walking on roads. There is not always a berm to walk on and you have to stay alert. But, we still managed to take in a few pretty sights. The people along the Camino are very nice and very aware of the Camino. Yesterday, when we were at intersections looking at our book or our app, trying to confirm which way to go, some random person walking by said "Camino?" and then pointed in the right direction. Today we started up a hill and there were two ladies outside having a chat. As we got closer they started talking to us very excitedly in Portuguese. We thought they were cheering us on. Then they started shooing us away from them and pointing. Yep, we had missed a turn. I don't believe in coincidences so I am thankful for these people being in the right place at the right time!

      We spent some extra time at the cafes chatting with other pilgrims. The Mexicans joined up with a pilgrim from Spain and one from Puerto Rico. They are carrying flags from their countries and they were having fun!

      For those who care, neither one of us took an Aleve today so the aches and pains are getting less!! And on a blister count, it's Eileen - 3, Jeff - 1, all on toes and all healing well.
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    • Dag 15

      Etappe 13

      22. mai 2023, Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Mit der Herberge, die uns in der letzten Nacht für 10€ Unterschlupf gegeben hatte, waren wir vollauf zufrieden. Wir hatten das "Glück", im Gegensatz zu heute, allein in einem Zimmer mit 2 Etagenbetten, die allerdings auf etwas wackeligen Beinen standen, übernachten zu dürfen.
      Ich entschloss mich, auf den Wunsch von Roland hin, in der oberen Gefilden zu nächtigen! Das stellte sich für mich schon bald als sehr praktisch heraus. Denn  jedesmal wenn Roland sich rührte, kam auch das Bett in Bewegung und schaukelte mich so sanft in den Schlaf! Bei Roland stellte sich der Schlaf nur sehr schleppend ein, denn er hatte kein Vertrauen in die Konstruktion und daher wohl Angst das Schlafgebilde könnte zusammenfallen! Zu eurer Beruhigung, es ist nichts dergleichen passiert!
      Da es bei dieser günstigen Übernachtung kein Frühstück gab, machten wir uns schon früh auf den Weg Richtung Cafe-Bar. Schon bald wurden wir fündig und konnten, im Kreis von vielen jungen Leuten, die fröhlich singend und ziemlich angeheitert von der letzten Nacht übrig geblieben sind, einen Kaffee und feine Croissant geniessen.
      Dann machten wir uns definitiv auf den Weg....die heutige Strecke verlief nicht ganz so idyllisch wie die gestrige, denn wir wanderten doch recht viel an gut befahrenen Strassen entlang. Natürlich auch durch Dörfer wo wir uns zwischendurch eine Pause gönnten. Hier gibt es noch lange nicht in jedem Dorf ein Restaurant und auch die Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sind rar. Darum waren wir froh, als uns das Wasser ausging, einen Laden zu sehen, von dem wir glaubten, es wäre ein Lebensmittelgeschäft! Leider war es aber ein Grosshändeler, der nur Grosspackungen im Sortiment hatte. Freundlicherweise erlaubte uns der Verkäufer, unsere leeren Flaschen an einem  Wasserspender aufzufüllen! So kommen wir täglich mit netten Leuten in Kontakt! Auch mit unsere heutigen Herberge sind wir wieder zufrieden! Obwohl, wie ihr auf dem letzten Bild sehen könnt, hier einiges los ist.
      Ps. Ganz viele dieser Gäste sind für uns keine Unbekannten mehr.
      Tschau zämä!
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    • Dag 18

      Day 14 Coimbra - Sernadelo

      22. september 2023, Portugal ⋅ 🌙 61 °F

      Day 14 - Coimbra to Sernadelo
      September 22, Friday

      Started 7:30 am. Finished 1:25 pm. 24.6k/15.3m. Walking time 4h59m. Steps 31,378. Calories 1,124.

      Left behind the large university city & headed further north. Weather was perfect with a mix of sun & partly cloudy. A lot of pavement walking, but only a short portion on a busy highway (with a wide shoulder to walk on). All in all a good walking day.

      I felt a little a drift today. The 7 people I have been consistently seeing, eating with, staying in same place over the last 5 days are all one day ahead of me. That is what happens when you take a rest day. So I’m now presented the opportunity to meet new pilgrims. I did run into Peter from Britain, who I met in Tomar.

      Okay, the highlight of the day - I ate like a pig! The area I’m staying is known for its suckling piglet. Well had to try it. I ate like a person possessed! Started with a beer, fresh cheese and regional bread. Second course pig, homemade chip fries, salad and red wine. Finally Dessert cake. Photos show it all.

      Enjoy the journey. Photos with captions. Bom Caminho.
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    • Dag 16

      Day 13/2 Coimbra to Mealhada

      16. mai 2022, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      For my first true day on the Camino, we traveled 23.3 kilometres from Coimbra to Mealhada while climbing 219 metres. According to my companions, this was a relatively boring leg as it was mostly over flat, paved terrain. For me, it was the perfect introduction to the Camino, particularly since the bulk of the distance was done under overcast skies with temperatures in the low 20s.

      Along the route we met up with the Dutchman, Wil, as well as Scott and Judy from California. All three drifted in and out of our group over the course of the day, until we reached Mealhada. At that point, Scott and Judy planned to travel back to Coimbra via train for the night and return to Mealhada in the morning.

      At about the 12 km mark we stopped for coffee and Pastel de Nata in Sargento Mor and then powered our way to lunch at Lenis-Bar in Mealhada. For €7.50, we had soup, a main course, salad, wine, dessert and coffee, all of which were delicious. We then checked in to the Oasis hotel and I had a deep afternnon nap before going out to buy supplies for breakfast in the morning. While at the store, we were unable to resist a bottle of tawny port for €5.99, which Brenda, Ernie, Anita, Wil and I promptly polished off in an impromptu gathering in the hallway outside our rooms.

      For dinner we gorged ourselves on some delicious vegan fare at Floresto do Leitoes.

      After dinner we waddled back to our rooms and prepared ourselves for our next early morning departure.

      A great first day on the camino
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    • Dag 7

      Not for vegetarians

      22. oktober 2018, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Mealhade does not have much to offer except restaurant after restaurant specialising in - suckling pig! I tried it but have to say I think my version is at least as good. A rather forgettable walk to Sernadelo (just after Mealhade) from Coimbra - some of it beside a despondent smelly canal and road. The one excitement was a herron like bird that kept flying off just as I was about to capture it on the iPhone camera. And about 6km through a eucalyptus forest. Came across two crews of timber workers cutting and removing trees - cheery waves and questions. The Portuguese find it very odd that a woman would be walking solo anywhere - let alone all the way to Santiago. But they have all been admiring and wished me well.
      The weather is unseasonably hot and my red umbrella is up much of the time.
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    • Dag 16

      Happy Easter

      31. mars, Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      It was an uneventfull walk to Mealhada today. I met Jorge and his wife Charo from Argentina on the path tho. Jorge has done 9 caminos, and his wife 6! Lots of people in the albergue tonight.

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