Nossa Senhora de Fátima

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    • Päivä 7


      5. toukokuuta 2023, Portugali ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Aujourd'hui journée libre à Lisbonne. Notre guide nous emmène en métro jusqu'à la place du commerce puis nous longeons un arsenal et découvrons un immense marché couvert où l on peut acheter ttes sortes de mets portugais et les déguster sur place. Mais ce n est pas l heure de s adonner à des plaisirs gastronomiques. Alors nous nous séparons du groupe et déambulons ds les rues de Lisbonne en essayant de repérer la direction du château autrefois citadelle maure conquis par le 1er roi du Portugal Afonso Henriquès au 12ème siècle. Apres une halte déjeuner ns ns dirigeons vers le château en grimpant sans cesse car il domine Lisbonne et offre une vue imprenable sur la ville. Nous y passons une partie de l apres midi parcourant les exterieurs ds un cadre ombragé et reposant malgré le nombre de touristes , ainsi que les chemins de ronde et le musée.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 2

      Good morning Lissabon

      6. huhtikuuta 2018, Portugali ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Wie vermutet (gehofft😃) haben wir unseren Anschlussflug verpasst und durften die Nacht in Lissabon verbringen. Ursprünglich wollten wir das auch, haben dies aber aufgrund des hohen Zuschlags wieder verworfen. Jetzt bezahlt uns TAP sogar das Hotel (wohl unser luxuriösestes für die nächsten 4 Wochen) inkl. Nachtessen und Transfer😊
      Wünsche werden wahr...
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    • Päivä 1


      7. joulukuuta 2018, Portugali ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Um 6 Uhr sollte unser Flieger abheben, aber nachdem wir eine Weile rückwärts gefahren und 50 Minuten irgendwo auf dem Rollfeld parkten, verkündete unser Kapitän mit einer Stimme wie Gilbert Becaud, dass wir „unfortunately ... äh ... (er wendete die Kartoffel in seinem Mund) ... back to the Gate“.

      Wir sahen schon unsere Reise platzen, aber nach knapp zwei Stunden war alles repariert, die Lenkung funzte wieder, und ab ging's nach Lissabon.

      Nach dem Einchecken im Hotel fuhren wir mit der Metro erst einmal runter zum Tejo. Die Sonne kam langsam raus, und der Triumphbogen sah schon sehr beindruckend aus unter dem dunklen Himmel. Oben waren wir auch und genossen den ersten Blick über Lissabon.

      In der Stadt geht es ständig auf und ab, aber die Ausblicke lohnen. Wie vom berühmten Elevador Santa Justa. Da die Schlange für die Auffahrt sehr lang war, gingen wir hoch zur Ruine des alten Klosters (ein Besuch des Museums ist sehr zu empfehlen) und fuhren nach dem Genuss der Aussicht vom Fahrstuhl ohne Wartezeit hinunter.

      Wenn dann abends überall die Lichter angehen, kommen bei 18° zwar immer noch keine Weihnachtsgefühle auf, aber der Glühwein schmeckt trotzdem.
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    • Päivä 1

      Like coming home!

      6. marraskuuta 2021, Portugali ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Our flight over was uneventful. That’s a good thing. I had been unable to get our seats online or even at the Champaign airport, so when we checked in at flight time they put us way at the back of the plane. Little did I know that that would be a stroke of luck, because we both were able to snag a full row — four seats across. That made for a very nice flight, and a lot cheaper than business class. Going through Madrid airport was very easy as always, and we got a little breakfast before our flight. A quick flight over to Lisbon, a 10 minute cab ride, and we were back at the Marriott.

      Both the doorman and the guy at check-in treated us like we were returning prodigal sons. I suppose that’s not surprising since this is our 16th year here!

      Joe always likes to take a nap on arrival, while I try to power through, so I went down to the fitness center. Then a big circle walk through the neighborhood to see what’s happening.

      Biggest changes I’ve noticed are the opening of a huge Lidl store and the demolition of my favorite frutería. But I am glad to report that our favorite grilled fish place is still standing and we will eat there tonight.
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    • Päivä 13

      Last day teaching and Camino meetup

      18. marraskuuta 2021, Portugali ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      We didn’t have much time for a long walk this morning, so we went down to my favorite sock store, Pedemeia. (Portugal makes wonderful high quality socks – who knew?). It’s located next to what they call the Loja do Cidadão, the Citizen’s Store.

      It’s a great concept — all public utilities, government services, etc. have a counter in this large place. Phone companies, electric utility, gas, drivers license, passport, labor questions, it’s all under one roof. When you enter, there’s an automated kiosk, so you can get your number for the place you want to go. The one I like best, but would dearly hate to go to, is the one for “I lost my wallet.”

      As always, class went quickly, and now it’s over! I just can’t bring myself to consider that this might be the last year so I will just keep my hopes up.

      The day ended with a real treat, a get together of five members of the online camino forum. We met, appropriately, at a bar with the name Peregrina. So great to meet some people whom I had only known virtually before today. It was so much fun, even for the three spouses who are not quite as enamored with the Camino. 🤩
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    • Päivä 5

      Tourist on a Tuesday morning

      10. marraskuuta 2021, Portugali ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Since I teach from 2-5, the day is pretty well cut in the middle. But this morning I managed to get to the gym, eat breakfast, and get us to the castle by 10. We’ve been there many times, but the days are beautiful and it’s fun to re-visit. One new development since the last time we were there was the discovery of some Iron Age hill forts, covered by some Phoenecian building, covered by some Roman building, covered by some Visigothic building, covered by some Moorish building, covered by some medieval Christian building. Sheesh — it is a tough call for the archaeologists — at which level do they stop? What do they preserve?

      One of the nicest things about the hilltop castle is of course the views — out over the river, down over the Alfama (moorish section), down over the old city. We enjoyed ourselves a lot and hopped a cab to get back by 1:15.

      Uber has come to Lisbon. Cab drivers are unhappy. So we split the baby in half — one way we go in Uber, one way in a taxi. The differences are not huge. We have not been using the fabulous metro system, less because of covid and more because of how long it would take us given my limited time and Joe’s slowing pace. Good excuses anyway. :-)

      My students from Sweden and Norway received news of the first snowfall today. And here we sit in sunny and 60s. No complaints at all.
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    • Päivä 4

      Day 2 of Teaching

      9. marraskuuta 2021, Portugali ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Well, I have to admit that teaching for three hours in a row tires me out a lot more than it used to! And dare I say that teaching with a mask on (and trying to understand non-native English speakers with their masks on) is a challenge. But I am loving it. My class is much smaller than usual, because of covid restrictions. 14 as compared to the normal 35 or 40. About 1/3 Portuguese and 2/3 Erasmus (EU). Teaching US law to a bunch of EU law students is very fun — they are undergraduates (as compared to my more jaded graduate US law students), and they are grounded in a system that is very different than mine. Being able to push back on their assumptions and challenge their thinking is a teaching delight.

      The teaching days are falling into a pattern — go to the gym, take a two hour walk after breakfast, get Joe set up back in the room for the hours that I will be gone, go teach, and then walk to dinner in a different direction than we walked yesterday. We’ll break up the routine by going to the castle tomorrow morning early, and then on Thursday we leave for the long weekend, so I really don’t have much of a pattern going on!

      Weather is absolutely spectacular, as is the fresh grilled fish.
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    • Päivä 10

      Back in Lisbon

      15. marraskuuta 2021, Portugali ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Back into the routine, and today I was happy to meet up with one of my closest law prof friends in Lisbon. He was in charge of the international program way back in 2004 when I first came to teach, seems like just a few years ago! Our time was cut short by the fact that we had to head to a Millenium bank to take care of some issues — turns out the local branch couldn’t deal with this simple transaction, and we had to go up to the Colombo shopping mall to a bigger branch. That gave me a chance to remember that this shopping mall set the gold standard for an homage to consumerism.

      After today’s class we had to head downtown to find an “oculista” that would repair Joe’s glasses. That gave us an excuse to walk around some of the main central parts on the way to our favorite pizzaria. Sitting on the outdoor terrace next to the river, much of our view was blocked by a huge cruise ship. But the pizza is just as yummy as we remembered.

      I am so sad to be going home just days before they light up the holiday lights. There were none at all last year, and the city has promised that they will be better than ever.
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    • Päivä 14

      Full-time Tourists

      19. marraskuuta 2021, Portugali ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      First thing on today’s agenda was to get the covid test for re-entry to the US. I’ve had more than my share of covid tests, but usually using saliva. We had those awful nose swabs when we were leaving Spain in June so I was ready for it this morning!

      By 10:30 we were in Belem, at the edge of Lisbon, where we visited the Jeronimos monastery, the Archaeological museum, the Monument of the Discoverers and the Naval Museum. WHEW, that sounds like a lot, but we took a break for lunch, and a break for some of those delicious Pasteis de Belem, crispy thin dough surrounding unbelievable custard filling. The monastery facade has undergone extensive cleaning and it just looks beautiful. Even if you are not a fan of Barroque/Manueline architecture, this place does dazzle.

      I made sure that we got back to the hotel in time for Joe to rest before we head out for downtown again. We just learned that the Christmas lights will be turned on tonight! So we made it by the skin of our teeth. Last year there were none, because of covid, and the city has promised that this year’s will be special. So we will probably walk a few kms and then hope to find a nice place to eat for our last night in Lisbon!
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    • Päivä 13

      Sightseeing & Beach

      18. heinäkuuta 2016, Portugali ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Den letzten Tag auf Lissabon ausnutzen! Zu Beginn ging es hoch zum Aussichtspunkt Santa Maria, von dort hat man einen hervorragenden Blick auf die "Christus-Statue", die eigentlich Cristo Rei heißt und die "Golden Gate Bridge", die natürlich auch irgendwie anders heißt. Gefühlt steht man zwischen Rio de Janeiro & San Francisco. Mit den alten Straßenbahnen ging es nach Belem, wo man das Hieronymitenkloster bewundern kann. Von dieser Architektur gibt es wohl nur 1 weiteres Gebäude in Europa. Und dann mal nichts wie raus an den Beach. Westlich von Lissabon ziehen sich wunderschöne Strandsände entlang aber Vorsicht: der Atlantik kann ganz schön kalt sein. Wir haben uns in Cascais niedergelassen und ein letztes Mal die Weite des Meers genossen😍Lue lisää

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