
agosto 2017
Un’avventura bella ma breve di Rachel Leggi altro
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  • Giorno 1


    1 agosto 2017, Canada ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    The time has come for another adventure and I am so excited and blessed to be able to visit Europe for an entire month!

    My previous blog website was shut down, and as such, I have decided to try this one out instead. I am hoping that I will be able to keep my readers up to date with where I am in the world.

    It's a weird feeling to think that roughly 6 months ago I was just coming home from my 10 week Asia trip. I am so fortunate to be able to pursue my love of traveling and spend time with my family along the way.

    This trip, while long, doesn't feel that long in comparison. However, this trip will have a lot of "firsts" for me, and I'm both excited and nervous to experience Europe and cross 4 more countries off my list!

    5 weeks and 4 countries - France, Germany, Holland and Ireland! It seems somewhat like an odd or not typical combination (especially the Ireland part) but sometimes things just work out that way.

    I am currently traveling with my mom, dad and sister. I will be with my mom and dad the whole time in Paris (score 1 for free accommodations!), then heading to the south of France and Berlin with my sister.

    I'm really looking forward to sharing my journey with whoever is reading this and I will be posting an entry for each city, starting with Paris.
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  • Giorno 2


    2 agosto 2017, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    I didn't realize until I started actually writing my entries that you could only upload 6 pictures at a time, so I have chosen to write an entry about each day in Paris since we did so much and 6 pictures would not cover it.

    We made it! After a 6 hour (though slightly delayed) flight, we arrived in Paris. The flight seemed so much shorter than my last trip (16 hours) and I was actually happy about that. The time difference is 6 hours here, getting us here around 12pm. After a long ordeal, we finally were able to get into our apartment - check out the views! It was so nice to be able to stay with my parents for a few days, especially the first part of my trip. We were in a great location, a short walk to the Opera and not too far from the Louvre. Paris is a pretty big city, and walking around is nice but some places are too far to walk.

    Our first day was spent walking around the city, getting to know where exactly we were staying and trying some local wine. It felt a bit surreal at first - this city is beautiful! Walking around felt really nice and I didn't actually feel super touristy (unlike part of Asia where people took pictures of us). There were so many cafés and patios to sit on, and so many cute shops filled with treats to look at (and drool over).

    Between lack of sleep and being a bit jet lagged, we were ready for bed.
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  • Giorno 3

    The Louvre and Arc de Triumph

    3 agosto 2017, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Our second day was much more "productive" as we decided to check out some famous Paris sites. We started our journey with walking down to the Louvre, which is so big and beautiful. There is so much to do in the area between the museum and the garden, it's no wonder it's so busy. We started with waiting in line a bit to enter the building, and it was pretty cool going into the "pyramid". Of course our main goal was to see the Mona Lisa but we did take our time and see some other pieces of art first. You could spend hours and hours inside if you really loved art, and my family and I aren't exactly "art lovers" but still spent a few hours inside. It really is a beautiful museum and very very big! We found the Mona Lisa and the painting was pretty and there were a lot of people waiting to see her.

    After the Louvre, we walked through the Tuliere garden. The grass is so green (because you can't walk on it) and there are fountains with lawn chairs where you can sit and enjoy the view. You can walk from the Louvre, through the garden to reach the Arc, but not without walking on the Champs Elysee. This street had some incredible shopping (great for my sister, not so great for myself on a backpacker budget) and was so beautiful. I really can't believe how beautiful all the buildings are everywhere you go. There were so many places to eat and shop, it was a wonderful walk.

    At the Arc you can walk around a bit, but you cross under the street to get close to it. You could also pay to visit the top, but we decided to save our money since we would be getting incredible views from lots of other places anyway. The carvings and details were amazing, but the pictures really don't capture how big it is.

    There are so many places to eat (over 17,000 listed on TripAdvisor!), so finding somewhere to eat was no problem. It felt like a lot places served more Italian style food, which I'm okay with, although trying new food is always exciting.

    After dinner we went to a place my sister has been talking about since she left Paris almost 4 years ago - Laduree, which is a macaron shop. We had to buy some, and even at 2 euro each, they were pretty delicious. I had 1 lemon and 1 raspberry, although they had tones of flavours such as mint, lavender, licorice, black currant and as salted caramel.

    As we did a lot of walking (17 km!), we decided to try out the metro. Coming from a small city, metros are still pretty new to me. Although after navigating the Beijing metro I think the Paris one felt like a piece of cake! We made it back to the apartment, ready to get some sleep to prepare for another busy day!
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  • Giorno 4

    Notré Dame and the Eiffel Tower

    4 agosto 2017, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Our third day was probably the most "touristy" and admittedly my favourite day! We started our day pretty early since we figured we had a lot to do in one day. We took the metro to the island in Paris and I was really impressed that they had a metro station under the river! Notre Dame is on the island, which is pretty small but so incredible. It was a short walk from the metro to the front of the church, but a pretty long line. Atleast the view made up for the wait! Inside the church was amazing - beautiful stained glass, high ceilings and a massive alter. We went in and mass was in progress (although it was really loud), but there is so much to look at around the church. It really was beautiful, but we couldn't wait to get on the top and see the views of Paris!

    We left the church and you can sign up for a time to go up the tower. We didn't realize you had to sign up and not just wait in line, so the time left on the machine was between 5-6 that day. We decided to download the app (technology is great) and go up the tower the next day and reserve a spot in the morning before we left. For anyone reading this that is considering doing this if they end up in Paris, the app is called "In the Line" and the icon is a hand with a red background - it makes planning your day so much easier knowing that you can come at a specific time.

    After Notre Dame we went back to the apartment to get my sister (she had already been and didn't want to go again), grabbed some lunch (seriously, the patios and outdoor cafes are all over) and made our way to the Eiffel Tower. We got off the metro a little early so we could see the tower from a distance, take pictures and walk across the bridge. In front of the tower is a lot of street food and "fair" like activities, shops and souvenir stores. There's also two merry go rounds, which cost too much to consider riding. To get into the tower you have to go through a security check, then head to any of the elevator lift lines. There are 4 - north, south, east and west. All the lines were pretty long and took about 45 minutes each to buy your ticket. We could have bought them in advance, but hey, nothing wrong with some quality family time. The elevator itself goes pretty fast, and takes you to the first floor. It goes diagonally up the leg of the tower, which felt pretty weird. On the first floor you can look around and the views were pretty incredible. Thankfully the line to get back in the elevator was another 45 minutes, and wrapped around the tower (I think there's only 1 elevator up) so we had a good view for a while. The elevator to the top floor took a lot longer and went straight up, and admittedly I am terrified of heights so I didn't actually look out on the ride up. Once we were on the floor I was better and loved the views! It was even more incredible from higher up, although it was more fenced in and a lot smaller. I think some people don't buy the ticket that takes you to the top, but it was worth it (not that I paid anyway). We took the elevator down to the 1st floor, which actually turned out to be the second floor, and walked down to the actual first floor. We read and saw advertisements for a glass floor, which wasn't impressive. It was small, and the glass wasn't clean at all. It was more translucent and didn't really allow you to see much. Oh well! We took the elevator down to the bottom, took some more pictures from afar and headed back to the apartment!
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