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    • Day 34

      Palast des Volkes

      October 4, 2022 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Weiter geht es zum Palast des Volkes.

      Es ist das zweitgrößte Verwaltungsgebäude der Welt.
      Das Gebäude ist riesig aber nicht besonders hoch. Über 1000 Zimmer, am Bau waren 700 Architekten beteiligt und doch sinkt das Gebäude jedes Jahr

      Wir mieten uns zwei Roller. Das klappt zuerst ganz gut, aber die Wege werden immer schlechter.

      Nicht weit vom Palast wird die größte Orthodoxe Kirche der Welt gebaut, hier in Rumänien sehr umstritten, da 75% der Staat bezahlt. Eigentlich sollte sie 2018 fertig sein, aber es wird immer noch daran gebaut. Es sollen 5000 Menschen darin Platz finden.

      Sie hat auch die größte freischwingende Glocke der Welt: 25 Tonnen schwer.
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    • Day 34

      HRC Bukarest

      October 4, 2022 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Mit dem Bus geht es zum Arcul de Triumf, ein nach dem Französischen Vorbild erbauter Triumphbogen.

      Von dort gehen wir durch den „König-Michael-I.-von-Rumänien-Park“ , einen sehr schön angelegter Park mit einem alten Bekannten in der Mitte. Für seine Verdienste für Europa steht der Kopf von Konrad Adenauer hier. Und schon denkt man an zuhause.

      Hier gibt es auch ein Michael Jackson Deckmal.

      Ein unbedingtes muss für uns, das Hard Rock Café in Bukarest. Es ist viel schöner wie das in Wien und Budapest. Und lecker natürlich auch, sogar mit einer Vegetarischen Karte.

      Müde geht es mit dem Bus zurück zu unserem Womo.

      Bukarest hat uns von der Stadt nicht besonders gefallen, doch sehr runtergekommen und dann werden solche Prachtbauten, wie die orthodoxe Kirche gebaut. Auch unser Gastgeber sieht das äußerst kritisch. Aber schön war der Tag trotzdem.
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    • Day 197


      October 13, 2022 in Romania ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Das Paris des Ostens wird die Stadt genannt. Wir sind überrascht von den beeindruckenden Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt. Beispielsweiße das Parlament ist das zweitgrößte Gebäude der Welt. Die Altstadt lädt nicht nur zum Bummeln und Essen ein, sondern ist vergleichbar mit der Großen Freiheit in Hamburg.

      Beim Heimlaufen stellte ich fest, dass die Musik inzwischen zu laut für meine Ohren ist. Ich weiß nicht, ob es am Alter oder der langen Abstinenz liegt.
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    • Day 95

      Wild Mushrooms

      October 10, 2022 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Tried to buy 10 lei's worth of mushrooms from some gypsies on the side of the road, but it was 1kg or nothing... 🤣 So with a full carrier bag of tiny mountain mushrooms I went and explained to Brace we were having mushrooms for the foreseeable

      They were lovely, but they went mouldy before we ate more than a handful 😭

      Also featuring Lennon looking like a thug in headphones
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    • Day 95

      Elliott came to stay!

      October 10, 2022 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Elliott came to stay for 3 nights, here in Bucharest! Lennon adored him, wasn't shy of him at all and just spent most his time staring at him 🤣

      We were far too busy having fun for me to remember to take many photos 😬

      So night one, we were in the air bnb, Elliott got locked in the bathroom 😂 we tried everything but nothing worked, so we had to call the landlord, who tried everything but nothing worked, so he had to call the locksmith who smashed the lock in 🙈

      Then in the night I felt itchy and had some lumps appear like I was being bitten and then I felt like there were things crawling all over me. I tried to ignore it thinking I was imagining it because of the bites. But later the next day Elliott showed me he also had a bite... The boys checked and there were bedbugs all in the bed me and Lennon had slept in 😭😫😭😫😭

      The boys said they didn't really mind and would just stick it out until Thursday 😫 as the one petrified of bugs and also the only one covered head to toe in itchy bites, it was an absolute no.

      So poor Brace had to take every item of material we had taken in there (which included all our bedding and blanket and clothes and Lennon's teddies and me and Elliott went accross the road to another air bnb we booked
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    • Day 96

      Air Bnb take 2

      October 11, 2022 in Romania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Bit of a mix up really, as so few photos and so much went on 😂
      Here is Lennon enjoying the bath of our second air bnb... The photo of the meal is earlier at lunch, we ate all the foods recommended by the tour guide at a restaurant in the old town also recommended.

      So the second air bnb was much nicer than the first, more spacious, modern and just better. In our haste to get sorted Brace drove off leaving me and Lennon with no food, clothes or toys for the baby 😂 so I collected some bits and bobs from round the house and plonked him in the bath for a while.

      All seemed well, and a better night sleep was had, no itching or bites.

      It wasn't until the next day due to a confusing message from the landlord of this air bnb, Brace admitted he had seen cockroaches in the bathroom the previous night 😭😭😭 the same bathroom he then let me go for a nice relaxing rare bath in, the same bathroom I sat on the floor for ages bathing Lennon. Also we slept on the mattress on the floor that night so Lennon wouldn't fall on the floor, not to mention Lennon was constantly eating bits off the floor 😭😭😭
      Well that was the final straw, I am not good with any creepy crawlies, ever. But the 2 sets we'd had those past 2 days have to be up there with my absolute all time worst nightmares 😫😫😫

      So tears, and a mad collection of all mine and Lennons things, we were going back to our safe lovely beautiful little van. No more air bnbs for us. No thanks.
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    • Day 97

      Obor Market

      October 12, 2022 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Went for the least English "full English breakfast" I've ever had... Then we went to Obor market for some beers, honey, Kürtőskalács (the large tube dessert we've been seeing everywhere but decided to wait until Elliott came to try one with him)Read more

    • Day 171

      Bucharest, Romania

      October 26, 2022 in Romania ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Bună from Romania!

      Home of Transylvania (more on that in a few days) and Gypsy culture (the proper modern term is Roma or Romani). Bucharest is not a terribly old city. In 1977 an earthquake decimated much of Bucharest, leaving much of their city more modern.

      Romania is an interesting place. The name Romania is derived from a belief that they are descendants of the true Roman Empire. This MIGHT be related to the fact that when the Roman Empire split into east and west, the Eastern Roman Empire (aka the Byzantine Empire) had its capital in nearby modern Istanbul.

      So generally, Romania feels a kinship with Italian culture. The Romanian language is very similar to Italian. For example, Hello is Salute, and goodbye is La Revedere which sounds like Arrivederci.

      It's also notable that despite the affinity for Roman culture, the early inhabitants of Romania were a tribe called the "Dacia." In fact there is a Romanian car manufacturer of that name. They were one of the last tribes conquered by Rome because their fighters gave them a REALLY hard time. The Dacias were a highly sought after mercenary group for that reason. When the Romans did eventually conquer the area, it seems that many Romans migrated to the Romanian region, which further backs up their name as Romania. In fact, Dacians were known for having red hair (Celt ancestry?) and that is not common in modern Romania.
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    • Day 171

      Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum

      October 26, 2022 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      The Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum, in Bucharest, Romania, was established in 1936 and "contains 272 authentic peasant farms and houses from all over Romania." (from their Wikipedia page)

      The houses have been originally built as far back as 1765. Many of the houses could not be entered, so we don't have many interior pictures. While the houses were taken from all over Romania, we observed many of the houses seem to come from the Transylvania region.

      It was good to get this perspective of Romania tradition and walk through this open air museum on a nice fall day. Bucharest had a "Peasant Museum", but it was closed for extensive renovations. That was disappointing, but the village museum was a great consolation prize.
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    • Day 111

      BBQ at Matthews House

      October 26, 2022 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      What was initially a cup of tea at our Romanian besties house, ended up being a bbq followed by a bonfire with his parents and sister too, who could not have been more lovely.

      His Dad was obsessed with Lennon who was as usual lapping up the attention. Sadly we didn't get many pictures but I really wanted to make sure we remembered those chicken skewers 😂 they live next door to a church, in the centre of Bucharest, so we had choir singing all night which we thought was nice, but they hated because it's all evening every evening... And can feature rap and other unusual religious music 🤣Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    București, Bucuresti, Bucarest

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