Sverdlovskaya Oblast’

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    • Day 10

      First full day on the Trans-Siberian

      September 4, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Well as we last mentioned on Wednesday evening we were heading for an Uzbekistani restaurant in Yekaterinburg before joining our train. This was more eventful than planned. We arrived at Nigora, under an element of time pressure, and once given a table was greeted by a young waiter who seemed both nervous and rather over keen to please, despite his lack of English. He took our order for lamb chops and shortly after a waitress with good English came to tell us that the chops would take 20 minutes to cook and was that OK? We had enough time so said yes.

      Our flustered waiter presented us with a starter and then dashed around with undue haste from table to table to kitchen and back in Fawlty Towers style. Eventually he brought out our main courses. However having placed John’s dish on the table in front of him he tried a rather complicated manoeuvre of moving our side dishes with two hands whilst balancing Janet’s plate on his wrist. This action was without doubt beyond his capabilities as Janet’s plate of lamb chops, salad and a small bowl of spicy tomato sauce dip slipped from his wrist and was deposited, via Janet, and particularly her hand bag, onto the tiled floor with an almighty crash. Waiters appeared from all corners of the restaurant to clear up the mess whilst the hapless perpetrator of the disaster appeared frozen on the spot and held his head in his hands with his mouth open. He obviously could speak at least one word of English as once he’d recovered some form of composure he then said ‘sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry’ about 50 times. The Manager then arrived to take control of the situation and ‘kindly’ advised us that we wouldn’t be charged for the lamb chops on the floor(!!) and that they would cook us some more free of charge but it would take another 20 minutes! We agreed but knew that revised timescales would likely result in indigestion. They did give us a free take away desert as compensation. Our waiter disappeared for sometime after the incident (we thought possibly for ever) but returned as we were leaving to say sorry another 50 times. We think his long term prospects at the restaurant could be limited so left him a tip as he may well be unemployed imminently. With 4 days on the train ahead of us Janet was pleased to be able to clean off the few bits of food that hit her top however her bag, which took the brunt of the damage, is now perfuming our train compartment with a rather strong ‘scent’ of lamb, stale spicy tomato sauce and dill.

      Following this diversion things worked quite smoothly. We boarded our 9:21pm train and found our second-class carriage and compartment (again we had purchased four tickets for the two of us). We were initially disappointed to see that it wasn’t to the same standard as we’d enjoyed on our last overnight trip. Janet’s bedside lamp wasn’t working, but our Provodnik (i.e. male) Alexander had the train mechanic into our compartment to fix it it within 15 minutes of the train leaving and we got used to our brightened environment quite quickly and felt much more comfortable with the situation as we retired.

      After a decent night’s sleep and a free breakfast served to us at 9am (cottage cheese casserole with raspberry jam....don’t ask!) we have now got ourselves nicely sorted and are looking forward to the longest single train journey we are ever likely to make. Our compartment is absolutely fine and our Provodnik and Provodnista (one male and one female) as well as our neighbours are all friendly. And additional good news for us is that the toilets are fine (hurray!). With two of them between 36 of us we are certainly better off in quantity terms than an airline journey or the UK rail service.

      We have quickly formed some acquaintances in our 36 berth carriage having met a lady named Kirstine from Copenhagen whose daughter lives in Kilburn, North West London, and also a Brit named Tony who lives in Twickenham and is travelling to the Rugby World Cup which starts In 3 weeks time, taking the train to Vladivostok and then the short hop by air to Japan. We also have a little Russian boy (between 1 and 2) who every now and again totters into our compartment, smiles, laughs and then falls over. All makes the time pass easily although we are making some small book reading progress.

      The scenery today has been a mix of light forest (mainly silver birch) and at times flat open spaces stretching to the horizon as we travel across Siberia. As we head further east we are starting to notice that the trees are beginning to turn orange and red as Autumn approaches. We’ve been told that the first snow could well arrive here in the next three to four weeks.

      Every now and again we stop at a station, usually it’s a 2 minute stop in the countryside with a few people jumping on and off but in bigger towns and cities it can be 15 or even 30 minute stops. At the longer stops it’s good to get off and stretch your legs but you have to be careful not to wander too far as the train will depart on time with or without you. There are usually kiosks on the platform if you need anything and also the occasional independent fur hat or smoked fish seller.

      Due to the vast distances we are covering we continually move forward through time zones. We started the trip in St Petersburg and Moscow 2 hours ahead of the UK, then in Yekaterinburg we were 4 hours ahead, by mid-morning today we moved to 5 hours ahead and this afternoon we have just advanced to 6 hours ahead of home. It can be hard to keep pace with this although the world clock on our iPhones does help as long as you have a signal.

      It was decided that the small British contingent, that is us and Tony, would have a couple of drinks in the bar at 5.30 pre dinner. One thing led to another and we were joined by Danish Kirstine and then a young lad travelling alone named Will from Swansea who is having a few weeks in Russia before commencing his degree in Russian History at Durham University in late September.

      Dinner was being served in our compartments at 7pm but we didn’t manage to prise ourselves from the bar until 10:30 - you know how it goes ‘let’s have one more’, ‘one for the road’, ‘one very last one’ etc etc. And several beers later you’re still there! Our final hour of a five hour session at the bar was spent in the somewhat strange company of four seemingly pleasant but rather threatening looking, non English speaking, Serbian lads with interesting facial scars, missing teeth and tattoos who were most definitely ‘on the beer’ and had been for some hours. They seemed keen to engage with us heartily even though there was no chance of effective communication but after a while we made a tactical withdrawal and left them in the bar with a rather nervous looking young Will. We believe the Serbians are due to leave the train around mid-morning tomorrow. We didn’t manage to establish what they do for a living but they would certainly pass the first interview stage for a ‘mercenary’ vacancy on looks alone.

      We went back to our compartment and attempted to eat our ‘Cutlet and Buckwheat’ (sounds and tastes like a clothing brand) airline style dinner which had been waiting for us for several hours. John ate all of his but Janet gave it the big thumbs down. We were joined for supper by Tony who is sharing his compartment with two Russian ladies and as he is living in a top bunk it wasn’t ideal for him to eat his dinner at 10.30 pm when his roommates were asleep in bed under him.

      We had brought a half bottle of vodka with us (drinking spirits on the train is actually illegal) so the three of us enjoyed a couple of vodka and tonics in an attempt to enhance dinner before crashing out just after midnight. Our first full day of the main train journey has gone quickly and it has been fun.
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    • Day 19

      Transsibirische Eisenbahn

      September 5, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Die transsibirische Eisenbahn ist wahrscheinlich ein Once in a Lifetime-Ding.

      Es ist nicht so, dass es nicht schön ist mit dem Zug durch die russische Natur zu fahren. Vor allem, je weiter wir nach Osten reisen, desto sonniger, hügeliger und grüner wird es.
      Die Mitreisenden sind größtenteils Einhemische und durchweg freundlich. Sie teilen großzügig ihre üppige Verpflegung, wir sind quasi Verbündete auf dem langen Weg von West nach Ost.

      Darüber hinaus ist der durchschnittliche russische Bahnreisende deutlich besser ausgerüstet als wir. Kaum jemand ist in diesem Zug unterwegs ohne Hausschuhe, kleine Tischdeckchen, Geschirr, Besteck, Feuchttücher, einer Trainingshose und jeder Menge Proviant. Wir sehen überall gekochte Eier, Tomaten und Gurken aus dem eigenen Anbau, Instantnudeln, Sandwiches, Kaffee, Tee... Wer weiß ob man nicht irgendwo in einen Hinterhalt des Schicksals gerät, abgeschnitten von der Außenwelt ausharren und tagelang auf seine Retter warten muss.

      Die Wagons sind ordentlich und sauber, eine Schaffnerin pro Wagon kümmert sich um alle Angelegenheiten und dient als Ansprechpartner. Leider nur auf russisch, aber Google Translate hilft unglaublich gut weiter.

      Aber vor allem ist die Strecke der transsibirischen Eisenbahn eins: lang und eintönig.

      Wir haben die Strecke von Moskau nach Irkutsk im östlichen Sibirien (insgesamt gute 5200 km) in 2 Teilabschnitte unterteilt.
      Der erste Teil von Moskau nach Ekatharienburg dauerte ca. 30h und war noch recht aufregend. Unser offener Schlafwagen war ausgebucht und überall lagen Menschen, standen Schuhe und Gepäck. Die Nacht in den viel zu kurzen Betten war ruhig, bis auf das Schaukeln des gesamten Wagons.

      Die zweiten Etappe nach Irkutsk dauerte ca. 53 h, 3 Nächte und zwei komplette Tage. Die perfekte Entschleunigung, ein Zwang zum Nichtstun, zum Lesen, zum Musikhören, zum Aus dem Fenster sehen, zum Langweilen.

      Es ist unfassbar, wie groß dieses Land ist. Wie viele Bäume links und rechts der Strecke stehen, wie viel unberührte Natur zu sehen ist.

      Aber die Sehnsucht nach einer warmen Dusche, einem großes Bett und nach der Möglichkeit sich zu bewegen, durch einen Ort oder auf einen Berg zu wandern, wird unterwegs mit jeder Stunde größer.

      Nach über 80 Stunden Bahnfahrt freuen wir uns deshalb unglaublich, unseren Zielort Irkutsk nah am Baikalsee erreicht zu haben und in unseren Unterkunft frisch geduscht einen Kaffee zu trinken...
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    • Day 14

      Weiter gehts nach Jekaterinburg...

      September 14, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nach einer knapp 15 stündigen Zugfahrt sind wir Mittags in Jekaterinburg angekommen. Nun sind wir tatsächlich schon in Asien, denn die Grenze befindet sich ca. 40 km westlich von Jekaterinburg.
      Nachdem wir uns im Hostel ein wenig ausgeruht und frisch gemacht hatten, haben wir uns einen ersten Überblick über die Stadt gemacht. Wenige alte Gebäude und viel neue Hochhäuser im neuen Stil.
      Zum Abendessen waren wir dann in einem sehr coolen Restaurant mit leckerer usbekischer und internationaler Küche.
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    • Day 15

      Jekaterinburg und Gamina Jama

      September 15, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nach einer erholsamen Nacht im richtigen Bett sind wir nach einem leckeren Frühstück zum Kloster Gamina Jama gefahren. Da die Verbindung mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln dorthin nicht besonders gut ist, haben wir uns entschlossen das russische Uber namens auszuprobieren. Ein netter Typ namens Igor (der leider kein einziges Wort Englisch konnte, aber mit bissl Russisch Kenntnissen und Translator App ging es dann schon) hat uns für ca. 5 € dorthin gefahren. Er hat dann sogar auf uns gewartet bis wir dort mit der Besichtigung fertig waren und hat uns dann wieder mitzurückgenommen.
      Das Kloster wurde an dem Ort errichtet, an welchem die Leichen der ermordeten Zarenfamilie verscharrt wurden. Die Mitglieder der Familie werden in Russland als Heilige verehrt. Das Kloster besteht aus mehreren im alten Stil errichteten Holzkirchen und liegt in einem malerischen Birkenwald.
      Danach sind wir in Jekaterinburg nochmals zu der Kathedrale gefahren, welche an dem Ort der Ermordung der Zarenfamilie errichtet wurde. (am Tag vorher konnten wir mal wieder aufgrund der kurzen Hosen nicht rein).... Dafür, dass die Kirche aus dem Jahre 2003 stammt war sie doch ganz nett anzuschauen.
      In orthodoxen Kirchen gilt meist eine Kleiderordnung. Frauen mit Kopfbedeckung und wenn ganz streng mit Rock und Männer mit langer Hose und Oberteil mit Ärmeln. Dann gehört auch noch dazu sich ständig zu Bekreuzigen, auch schon vor der Kirche.
      Vor Beginn der nächsten Zugfahrt hatten wir dann noch ein Abendessen in einem urigen, russischen Restaurant, namens "Podlovka".
      Danach hieß es wieder auf zum Bahnhof. Die nächste Zugfahrt nach Nowosibirsk stand an, diesmal jedoch in der dritten Klasse... Wir sind schon gespannt wie das wird 😉
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    • Day 10


      October 17, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Nach ca 26 Stunden und über 1.700 km mit der Transibirischen Eisenbahn erreichte ich gestern Abend Jekaterinburg. Zwar war die Fahrt sehr angenehm und entspannt, dennoch freute ich mich über eine Dusche und ein richtiges Bett.
      Heute erkundete ich Jekaterinburg und schaute mir einige Sehenswürdigkeiten an. Im Vergleich zu Moskau und Sankt Petersburg macht Jekaterinburg jedoch einen ungemütlicheren und tristeren Eindruck.
      Heute Abend geht es für mich dann wieder zum Bahnhof und zur nächsten Etappe mit der Transibirischen Eisenbahn - nach Irkutsk. Diesmal ganze 2 Tage, 5 Stunden und 33 Minuten 😅🙈
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    • Day 3


      October 9, 2019 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      So, stop number I can't remember. We are here for nearly an hour, so plenty of time to shop for necessities, and have a wander along the platform before my legs seize up! It was here the Romanov's came to their end, but haven't got time to go and see anything, unfortunately. Its warmer here too, and we've left the snow behind - for now, at any rate. We had visitors in the night, but they've got off here, think they were all new train crew, with their smart hats and coats. There were about 20 in all, marching along the platform. The engine pictured isn't our engine, but one on the adjacent track, same as ours though. As we go along this line, we have several engine changes as we go from one train company to another. Lots of maintenance trains too and I saw about 3 gangs of workers yesterday. It's good to know that the track is looked after very well.Read more

    • Day 262

      Tugulym - kurz vor Jekatarinenburh

      March 31, 2024 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      Heute sind wir 672 Kilometer auf guten Straßen gefahren. Sibirien zeigt sich bei Tauwetter von seiner schlammigen Seite; entsprechend sehen die Autos aus 🥴 Der Übernachtungsplatz für heute auch das volle Kontrastprogramm zu gestern: Fernfahrerrastplatz an viel befahrener Straße.
      So muß das 😊
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    • Day 263


      April 1, 2024 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Tolle Stadt mit einzigartiger Geschichte. Wieder viele offene freundliche Menschen gesehen ….. sind beeindruckt. Jekatarinenburg liegt am Fuße des Ural der Europa von Asien trennt.

      Morgen gehen wir die Überquerung an 😊
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    • Day 26


      August 16, 2024 in Russia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Zur Sowjetzeit hieß die Stadt Swerlowsk davor und danach Jekaterinburg. An dem Platz wo heute die Heilig-Blut-Kathedrale steht, wurde 1918 während der Revolution die Zarenfamilie Nikolaus || (die Romanow) umgebracht. Das ist die viertgrößte Stadt Russlands und genießt einen hohen Lebensstandard.Read more

    • Day 8

      Tram Tales

      June 15, 2017 in Russia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Well, it was a dreich day in Moscow this morning (Thursday). You know, sometimes this place reminds me of Glasgow - heavy showers, grey skies, road works everywhere and waiting on public transport that doesn't turn up! I waited 45 minutes on a tram with a supposedly 4 minute service. A queue of elderly Muscovites gave the driver what for, shaking their brollies at her, but Big Bertha the tram driver was having none of it. Two young lads ducked under the tram's turnstile in the melee, and laughed as they thought had skipped their fare. But Big Bertha had clocked them, and shouted to the effect, 'come oan you pair, get aff ma tram!' Just looking round the tram, I had to conclude that the Muscovites really are a dour lot - not much of the craic here!

      One poor old soul had either forgotten her ticket, or didn't have one, and explained she was only going one stop. But Big Bertha was having none of it, and slammed on the brakes - she was going nowhere. Eventually a kindly fellow passenger let the old dear use his pass, and we were off.

      The traffic in Moscow is constantly heavy, with many roads gridlocked. Vehicles constantly block junctions and, at their peril, some strayed into our tram track, until BB scared them off with the constant shrill ringing of her bell. At one point our tram came to a complete standstill in the traffic for a good 20 minutes, and folk were desperate to get off and walk. 'Yer gaun nowhere' decreed Big Bertha, 'this is a limited stop - ye cannae get aff afore the Bolshoi!' (I'm paraphrasing here, but you get the gist).

      (I've just realised I'm starting to sound like Kris with a K and his tales of the No. 9 bus to Paisley. Sorry, K, but this was a number 3 tram, so sufficient artistic differences!).

      In the late morning, I decided to pay a visit to one of Moscow's many art galleries. I chose the New Tretyakov Gallery housing the best of 20th Century Soviet art. Behind this, the Museum Park is the final resting place for many Soviet statues torn from their pedestals after the Soviet Union's collapse.

      While I enjoyed the gallery, getting there was a bit of a nightmare, even with Google Maps. Due to even more road works, it was hard to work out which of the various underpasses took me where I wanted to go. Three times I must have passed the same odd-looking woman with bizarre black painted eyebrows and crooked lipstick, trying to sell me a dancing, threadbare rabbit smoking a cigar (the rabbit that is). 'No, thank you, madam, I know I have passed your way several times but I already have one at home.'

      Then back to the hotel to collect my bags and head off to Kazansky station. Moscow has nine main line stations, all huge and in grand palatial-like buildings. I hoped I had found the right one. Yes! I checked into my berth on the 16.38 train. It was clean and comfortable and I was pleased I was only sharing my 4 berth cabin with one old, non English-speaking Russian man. Our compartment had comfy seats, and our berths above were made up with fresh linen and towels. We had a table, a safe, slippers and toothbrush / toothpaste, power points and even a TV. Shortly after our prompt departure, our Stewardess brought us our complementary meal - an airline type affair, consisting of a hot pork dish with rice, a roll, crackers and jam, and a bottle of water. She returned with tea in a glass in a fabulous silver Russian tea holder as we departed the metropolis and headed East. With only 5531 miles to Vladivostok, the first real part of my Trans Siberian Railway adventure had finally begun!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Sverdlovskaya Oblast’, Sverdlovskaya Oblast', Sverdlovsk, Oblast de Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskaja oblast, Свердловская область

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