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    • Tag 10


      17. Oktober 2019 in Russland ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Nach ca 26 Stunden und über 1.700 km mit der Transibirischen Eisenbahn erreichte ich gestern Abend Jekaterinburg. Zwar war die Fahrt sehr angenehm und entspannt, dennoch freute ich mich über eine Dusche und ein richtiges Bett.
      Heute erkundete ich Jekaterinburg und schaute mir einige Sehenswürdigkeiten an. Im Vergleich zu Moskau und Sankt Petersburg macht Jekaterinburg jedoch einen ungemütlicheren und tristeren Eindruck.
      Heute Abend geht es für mich dann wieder zum Bahnhof und zur nächsten Etappe mit der Transibirischen Eisenbahn - nach Irkutsk. Diesmal ganze 2 Tage, 5 Stunden und 33 Minuten 😅🙈

    • Tag 26


      16. August in Russland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Zur Sowjetzeit hieß die Stadt Swerlowsk davor und danach Jekaterinburg. An dem Platz wo heute die Heilig-Blut-Kathedrale steht, wurde 1918 während der Revolution die Zarenfamilie Nikolaus || (die Romanow) umgebracht. Das ist die viertgrößte Stadt Russlands und genießt einen hohen Lebensstandard.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 8

      Tram Tales

      15. Juni 2017 in Russland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Well, it was a dreich day in Moscow this morning (Thursday). You know, sometimes this place reminds me of Glasgow - heavy showers, grey skies, road works everywhere and waiting on public transport that doesn't turn up! I waited 45 minutes on a tram with a supposedly 4 minute service. A queue of elderly Muscovites gave the driver what for, shaking their brollies at her, but Big Bertha the tram driver was having none of it. Two young lads ducked under the tram's turnstile in the melee, and laughed as they thought had skipped their fare. But Big Bertha had clocked them, and shouted to the effect, 'come oan you pair, get aff ma tram!' Just looking round the tram, I had to conclude that the Muscovites really are a dour lot - not much of the craic here!

      One poor old soul had either forgotten her ticket, or didn't have one, and explained she was only going one stop. But Big Bertha was having none of it, and slammed on the brakes - she was going nowhere. Eventually a kindly fellow passenger let the old dear use his pass, and we were off.

      The traffic in Moscow is constantly heavy, with many roads gridlocked. Vehicles constantly block junctions and, at their peril, some strayed into our tram track, until BB scared them off with the constant shrill ringing of her bell. At one point our tram came to a complete standstill in the traffic for a good 20 minutes, and folk were desperate to get off and walk. 'Yer gaun nowhere' decreed Big Bertha, 'this is a limited stop - ye cannae get aff afore the Bolshoi!' (I'm paraphrasing here, but you get the gist).

      (I've just realised I'm starting to sound like Kris with a K and his tales of the No. 9 bus to Paisley. Sorry, K, but this was a number 3 tram, so sufficient artistic differences!).

      In the late morning, I decided to pay a visit to one of Moscow's many art galleries. I chose the New Tretyakov Gallery housing the best of 20th Century Soviet art. Behind this, the Museum Park is the final resting place for many Soviet statues torn from their pedestals after the Soviet Union's collapse.

      While I enjoyed the gallery, getting there was a bit of a nightmare, even with Google Maps. Due to even more road works, it was hard to work out which of the various underpasses took me where I wanted to go. Three times I must have passed the same odd-looking woman with bizarre black painted eyebrows and crooked lipstick, trying to sell me a dancing, threadbare rabbit smoking a cigar (the rabbit that is). 'No, thank you, madam, I know I have passed your way several times but I already have one at home.'

      Then back to the hotel to collect my bags and head off to Kazansky station. Moscow has nine main line stations, all huge and in grand palatial-like buildings. I hoped I had found the right one. Yes! I checked into my berth on the 16.38 train. It was clean and comfortable and I was pleased I was only sharing my 4 berth cabin with one old, non English-speaking Russian man. Our compartment had comfy seats, and our berths above were made up with fresh linen and towels. We had a table, a safe, slippers and toothbrush / toothpaste, power points and even a TV. Shortly after our prompt departure, our Stewardess brought us our complementary meal - an airline type affair, consisting of a hot pork dish with rice, a roll, crackers and jam, and a bottle of water. She returned with tea in a glass in a fabulous silver Russian tea holder as we departed the metropolis and headed East. With only 5531 miles to Vladivostok, the first real part of my Trans Siberian Railway adventure had finally begun!

    • Tag 10

      The Last of the Romanovs

      17. Juni 2017 in Russland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      After a 25 hour train journey from Moscow I finally arrived at Yekaterinburg where I would spend 2 days. The journey had been very comfortable, especially as my travelling companion got off at 4am, leaving me the compartment to myself for most of the trip. The dining room was deserted at breakfast and lunch, most Russians preferring to bring on their own food (and drink!). Each carriage is run by a ‘Providnitsa’ - who maintains order, keeps the place tidy and the samovar topped up, so there is plenty of hot water for tea / coffee and pot noodles. I had heard some frightening tales about these women, and was expecting Big Bertha’s cousin Ursula from the Urals, but was pleasantly surprised when a young student doing this job on her summer holidays appeared.

      Yekaterinburg is in the Urals, and is probably best known as the place where Tsar Nicholas ll and his family were murdered in 1918. The pleasant girl in the tourist office arranged with her colleague Maxim to give me a private tour of the area, and we visited the monument marking the border between Europe and Asia, some ancient Ice Age stones in the forest, where I saw a wedding with a very gloomy bride (do they ever smile?), and a place called Ganina Yama where the Romanov bodies had been taken and disposed of in an old mine shaft, to be discovered only in 1991. A lovely monastery has been built around the spot in a beautiful, peaceful woodland setting. It was a tranquil and poignant place to visit.

      In the evening I went to the bijou Ykaterinburg Opera House and saw a performance of Carmen. I arrived a minute before curtain up and got a great seat in the stalls of this lovely theatre for 100 rubles (about £1.35!). It was a great production, complete with a Soviet tank and Russian tram, but sadly no sign of Bertha! Well, you can't have everything…

    • Tag 2


      8. Oktober 2019 in Russland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      We found the restaurant car and are having our tea. It's not very busy, but most people bring their own food or buy it on the station. It's supposed to be quite expensive, but I thinks it's about average.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 11


      18. Juni 2017 in Russland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Ykaterinburg is an attractive city - Russia's 4th largest, with Boris Yeltsin, the first Russian President, hailing from here. Beautiful day again today, so I took a trip up the Vysotsky Tower - named after one of Russia's most famous singer-songwriters (what do you mean you haven't heard of him!). Great views from the 52nd floor. Visited the famous Church on the Blood, built on the site of the house where the Romanov's were shot (before being taken to the woods outside the city and dumped in a mineshaft which I had seen yesterday). Amazing church, and busy on a Sunday with a children's choir singing outside and free food (literally loaves and fishes by the looks of it) being handed out to soldiers and families who apparently travel great distances to come here.

      As I was running low on socks and pants I found the very place - M&S Ykaterinburg branch - only double the price. The city is proud to have been chosen by FIFA To be a host city for the 2018 World Cup.

      After dinner, a return to the Opera House to see Romeo and Juliet - the ballet. Another stunning production. It was sold out so I had to pay top price of £15 for my seat tonight. Now a wait until the ungodly hour of 3.45 am to catch the next leg of the Trans Siberian - with 2 full days on the train! Wish me luck!

    • Tag 71

      Yekaterinburg @night

      14. August 2018 in Russland ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      As almost all cities in Russia Yekaterinburg is very nice at night. We walked around for a while and noticed that the only buildings which are in the dark are the churches.

      Wie fast alle Städte in Russland ist auch Yekaterinburg bei Nacht bzw. am Abend sehr schön beleuchtet. Lediglich die Kirchen wurden hier nicht beleuchtet.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 17


      18. Mai 2017 in Russland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      De stad die je op vijf verschillende manieren kan schrijven, de stad waar de laatste tsarenfamilie is geëxecuteerd en waar wij eindelijk lekker weer kregen! Na zoveel weken sneeuwstormen en regenbuien zijn wij extatisch met onze 18 à 20 graden :)

      Yekaterinburg is een mooie moderne stad en staat volgens mij toch wel het meest bekend om haar grensovergang van Europa naar Azië. We zijn officieel in Siberië, maar deze stad doet erg westers aan met standbeelden van The Beatles, Michael Jackson, een Amerikaanse TGI Friday en grote winkelcentra.

      We keken naar de zonsondergang vanaf het hoogste punt van de stad, wandelden langs het water en lagen lekker in het park boekjes te lezen. Morgen gaan we nog even flink wat boodschappen doen en eten inpakken want..
      We beginnen zondagavond aan ons langste stuk in de trein van 58 uur (3 nachten) naar voor ons de laatste stop in Rusland: Irkutsk, waar we naar het Baikal meer gaan! Het is daar nu 30 graden dus de winterjas kan onderin de backpack hoera!

    • Tag 71


      14. August 2018 in Russland ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      The next stop on our way is Yekaterinburg. It is a really nice city and not too big city but with a lot of churches around.

      We found some funny monuments including the Beatles and Micheal Jackson and of course we have done pictures with all of them! Also we had really good food today. We started with Pelmeni for late breakfast, had a bubble waffle with ice cream for lunch and ended with Sibirien Pelmeni, Borsch and Vareniki for dinner. Especially the restaurant "Pelmeni Club" where we had dinner was awesome!!!

      Der nächste längere Stop auf unsere Reise durch Russland ist Yekaterinburg. Es ist eine wirklich schöne Stadt die vor allem nicht zu groß ist, sodass man locker alles innerhalb von einem Tag ablaufen kann. Gefühlt besteht die Stadt fast ausschließlich aus Kirchen. Lustig ist, dass hier zudem an jeder Ecke Statuen von verschiedenen berühmten Menschen inkl. Michael Jackson und den Beatles gibt. Wir hatten ein bisschen Spaß und haben mit allen Fotos gemacht.

      Super war heute auch unser Essen. Zum Frühstück gab es Pelmeni, danach eine Schoko-Bubble-Waffel und zum Abschluss des Tages ein russisches Menü mit Borscht, Pelmeni und Vareniki. Vor allem das Abendessen im "Pelmeni Club" war richtig gut!!!

    • Tag 28

      Zentralstadion Jekaterinburg

      3. Juni 2018 in Russland ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Nach dem Höhenrausch auf zum WM Stadion, das als das lustigste gilt. Die Tribünen mussten nach außen gebaut werden, da das Stadion nach FIFA Vorgaben zu klein war. Die können aber nach der WM wieder abgebaut werden. Zu guter letzt durch die Stadt zum Stellplatz gelaufen, Tee mit Früchten und Marmelade getrunken und noch kurz auf einem Stadtfest vorbei gekommen.

      Jekaterinburg ist eine faszinierende Stadt in der altes und neues einfach zusammen passt. Alles ist sehr relaxt hier.

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Yekaterinburg, Jekaterinburg, Екатеринбург, Jekatěrinburg, Ekaterimburgo, Iekaterinbourg, יקטרינבורג, Ekaterinburg, Jekatyerinburg, SVX, エカテリンブルク, 예카테린부르크, Catharinoburgum, Jekaterinburgas, Jekaterinburga, Jekaterinenburg, Jekaterynburg, Єкатеринбург, 葉卡捷琳堡

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