The beginning

januar 2018
Et kort, men fint eventyr af Shahnavaz Læs mere
  • 5fodaftryk
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  • 4dage
  • 29fotos
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  • 71kilometer
  • On our way to Bangkok

    11. januar 2018, England ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    Well we've done it! We've jacked it in with just 40l (hand luggage) for our 5 month trip. It was a crazy start to the day with everything that could have gone wrong did... But we finally got to the airport, through the ridiculous queues at security and made it just on time for our traditional airport routine; a spritz of Victor Rolf and Hugo Boss; filling up of water and toilet duties! Phew! The flights were pretty non descript with a 2hr stop over in Abu Dhabi.

    So many people have said we should write a blog or keep them updated so I've decided to create footprints of all the places we go and write a little blurb each time. Please note Day number x might not be accurate so look at the dates 😊
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  • Dag 1


    13. januar 2018, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    At first we didn't think Bangkok was really that busy (compared to London), boy were we wrong!! The roads are a bit crazy but being northerners and living in Rusholme I think we've mastered crossing the road now 😂 Here are a couple of pictures from our first two days of Wat Pho, Wat Arun and Chatuchak Market. We also decided to join the craziness of Kao San Road and by golly it was heaving with party animals! Let's just say it was an experience!Læs mere

  • Dag 2

    Markets Galore

    14. januar 2018, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Wow Bangkok really knows how to put on a market! Let's just say we are eating well! Also I decided to finally pick up the courage to get my hair cut. It was a simple cut, but only £10 and sooo nice to have the weight off my head!Læs mere

  • Dag 3

    Bangkok Day Shopping and Food

    15. januar 2018, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    We've had an incredible time in Bangkok. We did the must do... eat lots of street food...oh and see lots of temples. Today we mainly ate amazing food and visited Decathlon and Tesco 😂Our highlight by far was tonight's dinner. I banned Will from using Google Maps and we decided to walk to China Town using different side streets to hunt out some true (back alley) Street food. We thought we ordered grilled whole fish with vegetables and rice (1st dish) and Prawn and Clam broth (2nd dish). Instead comes a whole cooked fish, 2 plates of rice (sent one back), a plate of vegetables in oyster sauce, prawn and vegetable broth and the most amazing stir fried clams Haha 😂 Let's just say we ate like Kings, but it was mostly veg and fish! SCRUMMY!Læs mere

  • Dag 4


    16. januar 2018, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    We decided to take our first adventure true backpacking style; not quite knowing where we are going, what train we are taking or where we will be staying when we get there. Picking location was fine and a natural stop, buying a ticket was really easy, but looking for a hostel in 33 degree heat with our backpack was less fun although manageable.

    Ayutthaya is where we decided to take slight risks... It was recommended to sight see using tuk tuk guides or bicycles. Not being a confident biker obviously we went for biking! Oh boy I was terrified. However, it was the best thing I've done so far and the coolest (literally!). We saw some beautiful ruins and one at sunset which was really gorgeous. When we got to our final ruin I was shattered and we kept forgetting to eat due to the heat and we were both ravishing. So we decided to grab the most scummy looking pork on a stick. I was so excited to eat it so we went to sit down, mistakenly next to this huge black dog. Natural instinct kicked in and the dog was on it. Out of nowhere came 6 more dogs. They say everyone will either fight or flight. I'll give you one guess to who's natural instinct it was to flight... Will. I'd never seen someone run so quick with his pork. I was left with 6 raging dogs. Unwillingly I threw my pork on the floor and left it with them. I was terrified, gutted and starving from cycling all day. Ah well the final ruin was worth it and truly beautiful in sunset. However we forgot to consider the darkness which comes after sunset. We had to cycle 30 mins in crazy traffic and no lights. Luckily we made it back just after twilight! I was so proud 😀

    Then came our next mini adventure... We tried to book our onward travel online, but nothing was coming up for 3 more days, but luckily got it all sorted and am now waiting for a 12 hour sleeper train journey... I'll report back in the next footprint!
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