Okres Bratislava II

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    • Day 28

      Good morning Slovakia

      August 28, 2023 in Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Fell asleep in Hungary and woke up in Slovakia. Pretty cool. A pretty amazing exit from our home base in Hungary as we cruised past the parliament buildings in the evening. Budapest was amazing. So much to see and do, but not enough days. Next time I guess.

      A variety of currencies on this trip. It used to be more of a hassle to track down currencies but the process is now pretty simple. Jump on your bank’s website, choose the currency and amount and a few days later you get a note saying it’s ready to be picked up. We never buy too much in advance as credit cards work everywhere as do bank cards. It’s pretty easy to grab local cash. In Hungary, we’ll use the Forint. One CAD=260 Forint so 1000 Forint is about $4.00CDN. In the remainder of Europe we’ll use the Euro until we arrive in London where we’ll use the GBP.

      Our first experience with a lock. People in canoes can simply pick up them up in order to bypass difficult areas. Unfortunately, large river cruise ships and other vessels can’t simply be plucked from the water and carried overland. To help us continue on up the river, dams and a series of locks were built. It’s a bit shocking to look out your patio door and see a concrete wall about a foot from the patio. These captains are talented.

      Our first ever visit to Slovakia. We spent the day in the capital city of Bratislava before heading out to Austria at night. Host to the crowning ceremonies of 11 Hungarian kings and queens between 1536 and 1830, Bratislava is known as the “Coronation City of Kings”. After a morning of watching the sights from the top level of the boat, we headed out to tour the city. Bratislava seems like a pretty laid back type of spot but fairly touristy. Lots of stores selling ‘authentic’ Slovakian souvenirs that were mostly made in China? The first thing I think of when I hear the word Slovakia is their success in international hockey whether in the World Juniors, World Championships or the many NHL players born here…. like the Šťastný brothers.

      We found that we constantly had to be watching for bikes, trams, buses, scooters, etc.Trams have priority on the streets and we were reminded that do not stop under any circumstance. There’s just so many people roaming around

      The city of Bratislava was founded 1291.Our guide often reminded that they are no longer a communist country and she loved telling a few communism jokes. They seem fairly content that they no longer live under communist rule but she did mention that the 20 or so years she lived in a communist state were not really that bad. Communism ended here in 1989.

      They say life is all about choices. This mornings choices were, a game of chess or a dip in the pool. At 32 degrees, the pool looks like the best choice.
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    • Day 10

      Un jour à Bratislava.

      June 12, 2023 in Slovakia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Nous voilà repartis sur la route pour 80 km de vélo.   La sortie de Vienne a été longue et pas toujours bucolique. Une météo  agréable au début puis des orages. Mais la piste est bonne. Nous sommes attendu chez des Servas, une maman Zuzana et sa fille Slavka dans un appartement de l'ère communiste, avant 1989, resté dans son jus. Zusana est à la retraite mais travaille encore 5 heures par jour comme secrétaire, veuve depuis janvier. Slavka, 40 ans, habite et travaille en Italie depuis 20 ans et n'aspire pas à vivre en Slovaquie: des gens trop tristes, avec un penchant prononcé à boire ...

      On sent chez Zusana la satisfaction d'avoir retrouvé la liberté de parler, de voyager mais aussi le regret d'une vie moins confortable mais plus facile, avec un meilleur système de santé, du travail pour tous...

      Elle nous a guidés toute la journée et Slavka a passé la matinée avant de rejoindre son copain.

      Cela a commencé par la visite d'un musée d'art moderne au bord du Danube, puis repas dans un restaurant perdu dans un petit village et visite de la vieille ville. 

      Pris par une pluie orageuse nous nous sommes abrités sous le porche de la cathédrale fermée à cause d'un concert du chœur et de l'orchestre philharmonique slovaque. Zusana a réussi à  nous faire rentrer gratis en disant que nous étions des choristes. francais. Incroyable, des VIP!

      Nous avons poursuivi par la visite du château,  totalement reconstruit et de la ville ancienne. Bien conservée à  l'exception de cette percée autoroutière qui passe au pied de la cathédrale et sur l'emplacement de l'ancienne synagogue.  Une ville à taille plus humaine que celle de Vienne et moins fréquentée,  surtout par temps d'orage.

      Le lendemain après une journée sans vélo mais avec beaucoup de marche, nous partons pour Budapest, 220 km de vélo que nous avons prévu de faire en 3 jours.
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    • Day 88

      Thanksgiving in Bratislava

      November 23, 2023 in Slovakia ⋅ 🌙 5 °C

      We had a happy Thanksgiving in Slovakia this past week. We were back in the capitol city, Bratislava, and were able to celebrate there. It was sort of strange to be out of the country on Thanksgiving since other places obviously don't celebrate it. But we were able to make the most of what we had. In the morning I visited the Bratislava Christmas market. This was super exciting and was the first time it felt like the holidays. They had booths set up with food and drinks and they were setting up Christmas lights all around the square. I tried the holiday punch which was nice and warm and then headed over to the nearby university where we had Thanksgiving dinner. In Slovakia, it is traditional to have goose feasts so that is what we did. It was definitely not your normal Thanksgiving food, but it sufficed. We had goose, baked apples, potato salad, pumpkin pasta and these crepe looking things. Then we did some karaoke and our hosts, Alena and Juraj got our professors a cake since this is their last year of leading the study abroad program. It was sweet time together but I was really missing home. And I am really looking forward to seeing you all in just a few short weeks!Read more

    • Day 5

      Bratislava Camp

      June 30, 2020 in Slovakia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Nachdem wir den Campingplatz in Bratislava erreicht haben, sind wir um den See gewandert. Ein Cache auf dem Weg mitgenommen, letztendlich war der Weg doch weiter als gedacht. Zur Stärkung gab es aber noch ein leckerer Bier zwischendurch. Im Camp wurden die Einkäufe in einen Tomatensalat umgewandelt. Morgen geht es mit der Straßenbahn in die Stadt.Read more

    • Day 34


      June 14, 2024 in Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Ich habe mir heute Zeit genommen, in die Stadt zu fahren (leichtes footing ohne Gewicht) - nicht zuletzt weil ich gelesen habe, dass es eine Fähre nach Wien gibt. Ich wollte mich vergewissern, ob die Fähre fährt und ob sie Velos mitnehmen.
      Die Fähre fährt um 10.30 Uhr und den Anhänger muss ich wie im Zug auf den Sitz aufladen. Da er ja völlig zusammenlegbar ist, sollte es kein Problem sein. Ich freue mich schon. Auch soll der Veloweg nicht besonders sein, versicherte mir ein Velokollege aus Wien.

      Bratislava hat eine relativ kleine Altstadt und daneben entwickelt sich eine moderne Grosstadt. Als ich die Burg auf dem Berg besuchte - neben der das neue Parlamentsgebäude steht, trafen sich vor dieser Oldtimerfreunde, welche ein Rally fuhren.
      Bratislava hiess bis nach dem ersten WK Pressburg und war in seiner Blütezeit Krönungsstadt in der Zeit von Maria-Theresia.
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    • Day 3


      July 16, 2023 in Slovakia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Eben waren wir in Bratislava, ist schon was ganz anderes so ne City und den stadtkern ohne Navigation zu finden 😆 heutige Mission war es ein Bild zu machen mit der Statue Cumil die man am Kopf streichelt 😄
      Und ein paar Impressionen der schönen Altstadt sind natürlich auch dabei 😊
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    • Day 7

      Il sait prendre soin de sa douce 😇

      May 10, 2023 in Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Ce soir, on a un peu frais et c'est tout naturellement qu'on profite d'un point feu de camp déjà établi sur notre lieu de couchage pour nous en faire un aussi.

      Fort, courageux et puissant, Christian se lance à l'aventure pour m'en faire un beau !

      Mission réussi, ma moitié c'est le plus fort 🤩😍
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    • Day 76

      Bratislava, Slovakia

      November 11, 2023 in Slovakia

      And now to the next new country! Slovakia! Definitely somewhere I never thought I would visit, but I am glad to be here. We spent the first few days in Bratislava- the capitol. Our hotel is super cute and is in the old city. There are a few different restaurants just across the street that have been scrumptious. I've also ordered eggs Benedict at about 5 different places. It must be a favorite here. While in Bratislava we visited a Jewish cemetery, a castle, and even had a class with Slovakian students.Read more

    • Day 41

      Bratislovia, Slovakia Day 40

      June 4, 2023 in Slovakia ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      An abrupt change in the weather, much cooler and gray today with showers forecasted. No bight sunny day pictures today. I had scheduled a walking tour of historic Bratislava today while in Vienna. Met all at the starting point about a mile from where I am staying. The tour was well done, Dominica was intelligent and did not hesitate to answer difficult questions. I knew almost nothing about the history of Slovakia, now I know a bit more.

      For those of you who are interested, a very simplistic overview. For those not - skip,to the pictures. 😂. Recent Slovakia history: after 1000 years of Hungarian rule, they merged with the Czechs to become the Czecho-Slovak Republic. (Czechoslovakia) During WW II Czechoslovakia was under Nazi rule and “saved” by Soviet troops at the end of the war, leading to Czechoslovakia then under Communist rule following the war. In 1989, the Velvet Revolution brought about essential political changes and paved the way for democracy. Slovakia became an independent country in 1993 and joined the EU in 2004.
      The tour started at 10A in the Old Town. We spent over an hour in the 2 main plazas and adjoining areas. It is a pleasant area, many large shade trees, cafes and many tour groups, different companies. Many shops and restaurants open, unusual for Europe on a Sunday.

      The 2nd half of the tour was the story of the Jewish quarter during WW II and then Communism. A sad story an the impressive sculpture and area around it pay respect to the tragedy. Next we climbed the hill and stairs to the castle. The castle was built purely for defensive purposes and it’s not as “attractive” as many European castles. Renovations began in 2013 and took almost 10,years to bring the fortress to its current state. Extensive gardens were also added. Slovakia is working very hard to add itself to the list of major tourist destinations in Europe. Bratislava is very popular with German and Austrian tourists. A very interesting several hours.

      Took the rest of the day off from tourism. 😂. Grabbed a bad sandwich and a coke for lunch but had some “to die for” Belgian chocolate gelato for dessert that more than made up for the sandwich. Spent the rest of the afternoon catching up with some sleep, communications and planning for the final phase of this trip. Had no reservations after I leave here. Decided to first revisit a place in Austria neat Salzburg as the first stop wending my way west to Geneva for my flight home on the 13th.
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    • Day 40

      Vienna to Bratislava, Slovakia Day 39

      June 3, 2023 in Slovakia ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Another travel day. Retrieved my car from the car park ($18 for 4 days!) and then back to get ML & R and take them to the train station for their next stop - Budapest. I am on my way to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, only an hour east of Vienna. Had a few things to do before leaving Vienna, get gas, go back,to,the hotel I stayed at the first night here and pick up my electric toothbrush that I left there, and one more tourist stop in Vienna - the Hundertwasser House. (Really an apartment building). I had visited this delightfully amusing site on my last trip to Vienna many years ago. The building was built by Hundertwasser, an artist/architect in the 1980’s and incorporates his thinking on how architecture and nature can coexist. The building has almost no straight lines and 250 trees and bushes incorporated in the terraces, It currently houses 53 apartments and 4 offices. It’s hard to get a good picture, the video is better.

      I had some time to kill before I could check in to my apartment. Had looked at a map, saw a large lake only about 20 miles out of the way and headed there - Neusiedler am See. It was the perfect tranquil, peaceful lake setting, a few cafes, small hotel and comfortable seating around for all. I picked up some lunch and just and relaxed and decompressed after 2 and a half weeks of traveling with others and a very busy travel schedule.

      On to my new home for the next 3 nights, a beautiful apartment on the 27th floor of a modern high rise building in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia - a new country for me! Spent some time to settle in and the out for a walk. The Danube river runs through Bratislava as well as Vienna on its way to its end in the Black Sea running thru 10 countries and 1,770 miles. And it’s a 5 minute walk from my back door. A fun walk along the river with all of the families enjoying a beautiful Saturday afternoon. A 6 mile path with lots of open space, trees and grass, playgrounds for kids and cafes lining the route. Home for dinner tonight, pasta, as usual, and Netflix in English! 😂
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Okres Bratislava II, Pozsonyi II. járás

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