Ljubljana grad

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    • Day 58

      Day 9 - Graz & Ljubljana

      July 17, 2023 in Slovenia ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Today we woke up and left Vienna. We drove to Graz for a lunch stop. It was another spectacular town with beautiful buildings. We walked up 260 stairs to this beautiful park, castle and clock tower area overlooking the city and took some photos. We discovered there was a slide that could take you to the bottom, but heard excessive screaming coming from said slide so we just walked back down the steps. Next we walked around to find lunch, we got schnitzel burgers which only one of us enjoyed as idiot me let them put ketchup on Erin's burger...
      We jumped back in the bus and headed to Ljubljana in Slovenia. It was 36 degrees when we got off the bus but luckily the room had air conditioning. Our first mission was attempting to buy a drink which is half non alcoholic beer and half isotonic drink (Gatorade) which was made un collaboration with the Slovenian national football team (spoilers: we never found it). We then went on a walking tour around the city, it was absolutely stunning. It was much smaller than the other cities on the itinerary and had such a cosy feel to it. We walked over the dragons bridge, saw the love lock bridge, saw the cheese and unpasteurized milk vending machines and saw the beautiful river. We fell in love with the city very quickly. We walked through a park and saw a smaller castle, then headed back to the river to sit on a barge for dinner. It was lovely sitting and watching the boats, kayakers and paddleboarders go by. We stopped for another drink in old town, then climbed up the mountain to get to the castle hill. Honestly it was the steepest incline I've seen in a while. Once we made it, there was a stunning view across the city and to the mountains. We had some drinks with the castle behind us and the city in front. Definitely one of the most stunning places we've sat and had a drink. We walked around the castle area, finding the vineyard and exercise area. Then headed back to the hotel. We headed to the roof top which was another gorgeous view of the city, and noone else was taking advantage! We could have sat there for hours. We are very sad that we don't have more time to explore this gorgeous town!
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    • Day 15

      My Favorite European City, So Far

      October 3, 2023 in Slovenia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Dragons, diverse architecture that includes classical Baroque and Austrian influences, a triple bridge, a castle, boat rides on the Ljubljana River… this relatively small city has so much to offer. Slovene architect Jože Plečnik’s famous buildings and designs, now on the UNESCO Heritage List, grace the city, including the striking National and University Library (building with the orange brick) and the novel Triple Bridge. So many cities glorify military figures with statues and monuments. I was so pleased to learn that the statue overlooking Ljubljana’s Preseren Square honors not a warrior, but a poet, France Preseren, considered the greatest Slovenian poet. That speaks volumes to the character of this city. Slovenia is a small country with a wonderful capital city that I am so glad I had the pleasure to spend some time in.Read more

    • Day 13

      Wunderschönes Lubljana

      September 3, 2019 in Slovenia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Wie angekündigt, haben wir einen Zwischenstopp in der wunderschönen Drachenstadt Lubljana gemacht...
      Einfach toll: alter Stadtkern, tolles altes Schloss und nette Leute (wenn man mal die Mütze vergessen hat)... 😉Read more

    • Day 8

      Ljubljana Castle

      December 20, 2019 in Slovenia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      A funicular took us 70m up to the castle overlooking the old town, which included a penitentiary, built to cater for the growing requirements after some legal changes in 1803 which clearly resulted in more lock ups.

      Its also where we met Friderik, the castle mascot! You can see a picture of him below, as well as a picture of Rich doing his best Friderik impression. So mousy. So delicate.
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    • Day 9

      Hvala Klemen

      December 21, 2019 in Slovenia ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      We checked out of our lovely old town apartment today, which I found on AirBnb. The host, Klemen, was a gem, and he's renting the place out on behalf of his brother, who is apparently a professional football player.

      It was an adorable, space efficient, fun place - the bed could fold up, the table folded down and could be moved along the wall on runners to do that in different areas, and lots of storage was hidden away cleverly.

      I can't take better photos than the ones online already so I've repurposed them here to give you an idea, with the exception of the last, which shows where the apartment is in relation to the street, Stari Trg - above the restaurant Landerik.
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    • Day 3

      Stadttour durch Ljubljana

      July 18, 2022 in Slovenia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Auf unserer Stadttour durch Ljubljana haben wir die Burg und Innenstadt erkundet. Da wir mit den Rädern unterwegs waren, haben wir den Bus wieder sicher abgestellt - merkwürdigerweise landen wir schon das zweite mal an einem Parkplatz beim Friedhof, zum Übernachten war uns das dann allerdings doch zu gruselig.

      Noch ein kurzer Einkauf und wir fahren weiter zu unserem nächsten Stop. Wir freuen uns schon denn jetzt geht es in die „Wildnis“.
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    • Day 5

      Ljubljana - dag 2, slottet

      July 16, 2023 in Slovenia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Efter en skön busstur från Postojna där Sigge passade på att sova större vägen av resan (länge sedan han sov i knät❤️) kände sig grabbarna redo för mer sightseeing så vi gick över ”The dragon bridge och tog glasgondolen upp till Ljubljanas slott.

      Här var utställningen av marionettdockor och dess historia det som var roligast enligt grabbarna.

      Sedan tog vi gondolen ner igen, låste fast ett familjehänglås på kärleksbron och åt en supergod pizza och slovensk efterrätt som gillades av hela familjen😋

      En lång dag med många steg och supermånga för barnen (säkert 40000 för dem).

      Tillbaka på vårt hostel slappade barnen medan vi packade lite snabbt inför morgondagens avresa mot Kroatien.
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    • Day 36

      Lovely Ljub

      August 2, 2023 in Slovenia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      A day exploring Ljubljana (pronounced how it is spelled), reunited with Bailey. At the behest of 3 different recommendations we tried horse burgers for lunch - they were alright, don't see why you wouldn't just eat a cow. After that, we cantered around some cultural sites, including a castle that was previously full of housos and a military base turned your centre.Read more

    • Day 6

      Ljubljana - Day 2

      September 29, 2023 in Slovenia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Looked around the castle, completed a castle-wide escape room and saved the dragon! Ate at the open kitchen food market (Egyptian Tauk, Vegan Raspberry Steamed Dumplings and Croffles with Jam).
      Stumbled across the European Researchers Night Festival and saw the Metelkovs Mesto culture centre.
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    • Day 16–18

      Wer ist eigentlich Jože Plečnik?

      August 1, 2023 in Slovenia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Uns summt es noch in den Ohren „Again, again and again“. Mit einer piepsigen und hohen Stimme und einem herzlichen Lachen beendet unsere Stadtführerin ihren eigenen Witz.

      Die Rede ist von Jože Plečnik, der prägende Architekt dieser wunderschönen Hauptstadt Sloweniens. Er baute viele Gebäude, Brücken und Märkte in Ljubljana und wir werden ihn nie vergessen, weil das „Again, again and again“ zu unserem Running-Gag auf der Reise geworden ist.

      Ljubljana ist zum Genießen: Tolle Hotels, vorzügliche Restaurants in mitten einer autofreien Innenstadt, wo kleine E-Busse dich kostenlos durchs Zentrum chauffieren. Ein Markt mit regionalen Köstlichkeiten von Bauern aus dem Umland, wunderschöne Brücken und viele Parks und Grün.

      Slowenen keltern orangenen Wein, der zwar optisch schön ist, jedoch geschmacklich mehr als durchschnittlich. Auch die warmen Worte und der vorherige ausführliche Genuss von unserem Guide Boris bei der Weinprobe änderte nichts am Geschmack des orangenen Weins.

      Vermutlich kommen wir „Again“, weil Ljubljana im Herzen Europas eine prächtige Stadt ist.
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