The Big 5 False Bay

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    • Dag 13

      Paint Day

      25. april 2023, Sør-Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Bagwash, Painting and Sealing day today. Plus doing all those little jobs that need doing.
      We arrive not to early this morning and the team have a little present for one of the builders helpers a pair of boots. A huge smile on his face when he got them. Thank you Geoff (Papa Smurf)
      Debs and I have a huge list of things to get through about an hour and a half journey away. So we borrow the builders vehicle and away we go. Leaving the volunteers on Nkosie safe hands.
      Pick up one beds
      Pick up two mattresses
      Buy two food parcels
      Buy bush knife 🔪
      Buy axe 🪓
      Buy one rake
      Buy one hoe
      Buy phone
      Drop of shoe at Mndiwa school
      Pick up curtains for house builds
      Buy curtains poles
      Buy Nails for plaque
      Drop of mattress at Lindani
      Drop of mattress at Anelle
      Drop of.............
      Think I best stop there...lol
      After 4hrs of running around job done. Then we got a phone call from Nkosie to say the team had finish just has we pulled into the build.
      Tired but happy volunteers.
      Last task of the day. Thank you to Carshalton Football Academy for donating two of their foot kits to two local teams here in KZN South Africa. Most teens don't show emotion, but these lads you made their day, month, year. 👍🏽
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    • Dag 7

      The BIG Build Day 3

      19. april 2023, Sør-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      It's been a full on day today on the build and the team are really cracking on with it. They are so jelling together and supporting each other. The family we are building for every day greet us and I make sure I go and spend a little time with the Grandfather.Les mer

    • Dag 16


      20. januar 2023, Sør-Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

      It's the last day in Africa before I have to make. The long journey home.
      Sometimes you have to keep a promise and today is one of those days. "The Beach" I promised to Lindani that I would have a beach day. But first in the morning I have to complete a few things .The look on his face doesn't look that happy.......lol
      We drop Thabiso of at the bus stop do he can make his way home with a plan for the future.
      Then it's time to sort out all the clothes for the children from our Gift4Christmas campaign. Each year at the CoCos Foundation through amazing donations from donors. We make our way to Mduku in the southern area where we work and to Mdinwa school. The child in this area have so many challenges and because of this we nearly always visit this school for the Clothes4Clothes donations.
      We meet Musa our south area coordinator at the school and he has arranged for 11 children to be taken by mini bus to the local shops. For some of them it is their first visit and the first time they have traveled in a mini bus.
      We arrive at the shops and they look a little nervous. But take control whilst Lindani announces that he is going to his favourite Barbers for a hair cut. (Well his favourite barbers in South Africa) Nkosie meets Abraham the now friend that owns the shop where we buy all the uniforms from and they all start the process of sorting out the children's school uniform. For Lindani this is a first. The opportunity to be able to see all his hard work back in the UK collecting the clothes and sorting them and then seeing them been eBay. The result of all that is eleven little smiley face.........
      The second promise was to take Lindani's mum out for a meal at the Fig Tree. So back to Hluehluwe we go and I get a great opportunity to check in with Lindani's mum to see she is happy about the plans for his future. I see where he get his big smile from and happy attitude. She one of those ladies that is beautifully from the inside out and the outside in.
      The beach, there never seems enough time to go there. It's one of the best in the world yet when I'm in Sodwana bay there is always so much to do.
      But with Lindani drag me down there at the end of the day before I fly back to the UK 🇬🇧 I am so grateful.
      Nkosie looks after our stuff whilst we dive into the sea 🌊
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    • Dag 16

      Back to Mkhuze

      8. april 2023, Sør-Afrika ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      By 7:30am we were all awake. Funnily enough I wasn’t the first one up this morning and as I walked up to the house I could already hear hurricane Anneka bellowing away.
      The kettle had just boiled so I made a coffee and said my pleasantries then escaped to the roof terrace to wake up slowly. Pete joined me 5 minutes later and said as soon as the staff turn up we’d get going, which was fine with me.
      After 2 coffees I took Ellie tea in bed and told her the plan, then I got dressed and went back to the roof terrace.
      Pete came back up and said Anneka had wanted to join us so he’d lied and told her that we were going to go on a kayak safari and as we bundled in the car to leave at 8:30am she shouted enjoy your kayaking to Ellie and Ellie got in the car very confused.
      We headed down the sandy tracks and back into Mbazwani before joining the highway and 45 mins later we had arrived back at the Mkhuzi game reserve.
      Once again we didn’t need to pay as we had the rhino card and after logging our details we just entered the park. Within 500 meters Pete spotted what he thought was a worm on the ground and then realised it was a caterpillar and opened the door and put it in his hand.
      It was a monster caterpillar bright green in colour with deep ridges all down it’s back. We later identified it as a lunar moth caterpillar and it was quite beautiful.
      For the rest of the day we had a pretty average game drive. We saw hundreds of baby animals which was lovely including impala’s and giraffe. And then we just spotted the usual herds of impalas and Imyala with the odd zebra thrown in.
      We stopped for lunch at 12pm in the rhino dino cafe and Pete and I had Ostrich Pittas and they were lovely. Ostrich tastes just like a good steak but with absolutely no fat. Have you ever seen a fat ostrich?
      Then it was back to the game drive and the afternoon went pretty much the same as the morning only much, much hotter and we were glad to be leaving at 2:30.
      Ellie slept across the back seats all the back to Mbazwani , she definitely isn’t feeling well because of the mild sunstroke but luckily the gland in her thigh has started to go down but Pete is convinced we both have tick bite fever so he stopped at the doctors in Mbazwani only to find they were closed. Pete said we’d try again tomorrow if Ellie wasn’t feeling well.
      We got back home and Hurricane Anneka was telling us about her day of nothing and what had been going on on the news so Pete and I grabbed 2 beers from the fridge and Ellie ad a juice and we hid in the roof terrace until sunset.
      Then I said we should really go and face the music and sit with Anneka much to Petes disgust and we all went back downstairs only to find that Anneka had gone for a lay down in her room.
      There was silence for a change while Pete cooked and the 3 of us just whispered talking trying not to wake her and listened to the evening sounds of Africa come to life. For an hour it was very relaxing. Then dinner was served and hurricane Anneka woke up super charged and we had bellowing across the dinner table again.
      After dinner Ellie went straight to bed, Pete, Anneka and I sat talking until Pete changed the subject and got onto WW2 aircraft and my pictures. Something Anneka couldn’t get involved with so at 8pm she went to bed which left just me and Pete on our own until 9pm which was great. Then we both went to bed, it was an unbelievably still night with absolutely no air, I knew sleeping was going to be tough tonight so I took a cold shower and then lay on the bed praying for some kind of breeze that never came.
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    • Dag 28

      iSimangaliso NP

      3. september 2019, Sør-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Heute waren wir im Park unterwegs und haben die diversen Lookout Points besucht sowie Tracks abgefahren. Die Füsse haben wir dann noch in den indischen Ozean getaucht, zum Baden war es uns zu windig.

      Zu sehen bekamen wir Monkeys, div. Vögel, Gnus, Büffel, Kudus, Zebras und Co. Von den Möwen wurden wir sogar beim Mittagessen attackiert.....

      Als wir dann noch die letzten paar Kilometer vor Parkausgang 2 weisse Rhinos 🦏 (Breitmaulnashörner) sichteten, hatte unser Tag wieder einen super Abschluss! Fasziniert waren wir ausserdem von der üppigen Landschaft.
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    • Dag 7

      Zuka & Umkhuze Game Drive

      30. mars 2023, Sør-Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      At 6:30am I was awake, Simon was leaving us today to head back to his family in Johannesburg and Pieter was going to drop him off at the bus depot. He was told to be ready for 7:30am sharp and I felt like we should atleast see him off from here and say goodbye, so it was an early start for everyone.
      Just before 7:30 Pieter asked us what we wanted to do for the day and Ellie suggested another day in a park and rather than Pete having to come back we quickly got all our things together and threw them in Karin. Then we had to wait until 8am for Huzane to turn up, she is Petes second mum and cleaner, and then we left.
      At 8:30am we said goodbye to Simon and put him in the minibus to Johannesburg which is around 7 hours away. Then we were on our own again, with Ellie riding shotgun this time and me having the whole of the back seat with my camera gear. Straight away I got the Biltong out as now there would be more to go around.
      Our next destination wasn’t really a stop. It was the Zuka Private Game Reserve and is super expensive catering to the rich for private safaris but there is a main road that runs through the park and has to be kept open as it was there before the park fell into private hands and we took that road through the game reserve to get to our destination.
      The route was amazing and we saw Zebra, a huge water buffalo that was the Mike Tyson of all buffalos and then we spotted a lone rhino in the distance.
      I was gutted it was so far away but 5 minutes later I spotted a closer Rhino looking at us and as I started taking photos a baby one walked out from behind. I couldn’t believe our luck and it was an incredible sighting, had we have been 5 minutes earlier or later we wouldn’t have seen them. Then we spotted a giraffe at the side of the road a little further up and as we got closer a baby giraffe stepped out into the middle of the road right in front of us.
      Just as we came out of the game reserve there was a little roadside motel called the Boabab inn that did breakfasts and as it was now 11:30am and we had all skipped breakfast we stopped for food.
      It looked like a nice place to stay with little thatched rooms dotted all around a lush green landscape and a tiny swimming pool just behind the restaurant area and they did us a lovely fried breakfast. Then it was back in Karin for 20 minutes until we got to our park for the day. The uMkhaze game reserve, and yes that is the correct spelling.
      The parks in this part of Africa are lush and green and very foresty. There are also huge rocky cliffs dotted about and lots of rivers and lakes so water for the animals isn’t really a problem even in the dry season, so the whole feel of the place is very jungly and this also makes spotting animals a lot harder.
      We saw lots of our usual finds like warthogs, Impalas and now imyalas are on that list aswell as various birds, which is always special to us but not so exciting anymore. What really made our day exciting was when we climbed an observation tower and right infront of us were 2 huge white rhino. We couldn’t believe our luck, we had, had a real result with hippos today and had we driven past or there hadn’t been a tower we would never have seen them from the road because the grass was to high. We had been really lucky.
      Not long after that sighting and back in the car we headed for a hide that was really just an open piece of grass overlooking the lake but here we saw 2 hippos, a bunch of Vervet Monkeys and on the way out we saw a massive water monitor which is a super rare find on a game drive. Again we had been really lucky.
      Just before 4pm we started heading home which took about an hour and we said what a good day it had been for animals. Then after coffees Pieter cooked us an amazing fillet steak, with potato salad, African style, and mixed vegetables. It was all amazing.
      By 8pm we were all done and we sat with Pieter talking until 8:30pm whilst he had his last joint of the day and some of the whiskey we had brought him and then it was time for bed.
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    • Dag 22

      Another Night Safari Through Phinda

      14. april 2023, Sør-Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      After a very long drive in the dark through extremely heavy traffic we arrived at the Boabab inn just after 7:15pm. It had already been a very long day after getting up at 6am, fixing the brakes, going shopping, doing a game drive through Hluhluwe, and then driving to Richards Bay, doing more shopping and then driving back.
      This was the meal and drive we had all been looking forward to all day and we all ordered Heisbein pork for dinner with vegetables washed down with Windhoek draught beer and a sprite for Ellie. Then it was back in the car at 8:30pm and we made the 20 minute drive to Phinda private game reserve to do a night safari.
      Obviously being a private game reserve with a public road running through the middle a night safari is illegal, especially with a spotlight, but there is nothing to stop you doing it as long as your careful and you could cut the excitement in the car with a knife.
      We rolled through the entrance gate giving our details to security and then we were hunting.
      Straight away we spotted wilderbeast looming in the darkness with only there eyes shining, then we spotted impala’s standing at the side of the road.
      Then, out of the darkness walking up the middle of the road came a huge female lion. We couldn’t believe our luck. 2 lion sightings on the same road in 2 days. Then she came right upto the car and ducked into an opening in the bushes next to us and just stood there. She looked busy and agitated like she was looking for something. Then she turned around and came back towards us and walked right next to the car as we rolled slowly forward. She completely ignored us, she was in the zone. And then she disappeared off to our right into the bushes and increased her pace and disappeared.
      We continued driving and about 1km later another female lion walked across the road out of the bushes right in front of us head down and her haunches high. She was stalking something and we realised all the lions were hunting and we were in the middle of the hunt as they communicated silently with each other. It was really amazing to experience.
      After that we saw loads of owls, 2 water buffalo and then a Jenet climbing out of a tree. It was a crazy night drive and we knew we had been lucky with our experience’s.
      From the final security gate it took us another hour to drive home. Fortunately for everyone there were no cows in the road and the drive was slightly less terrifying than the other night and we finally arrived home at 11:15pm completely shattered after being up for almost 18 hours.
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    • Dag 9

      Bhekamangwane Breakfast Club Paint Day

      21. april 2023, Sør-Afrika ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      When you write a blog at the end of a day you have the fortune of looking back on the whole day.
      The day starts at 5am early early. ready to take the volunteers to the Breakfast club at Bhekamangwane school. The journey down is a little quieter than normal as the volunteers catch up on some sleep.
      Thanda is the Principal at the school an amazing lady that is so inspirational and more Importantly her pastel care is amazing. A lady with strong boundaries and good values. At this school she has the breakfast club so organised papa the children line up so well and wait patiently. Once the children have finished eating the porridge 🥣 they attend their assembly under the beautiful tree. The children's singing is so beautiful all in harmony. Before we leave we to have our photo taken.
      We then have yet another house to paint for the Girl Guides. When we arrive there is a little puppy 🐶 by the house that we are to paint. Such a skinny little thing. I always carry some puppy poaches of meat on me and after that and a few biscuits his fell asleep with a full tummy.
      The team jump to it and they all take a wall and crack on within 3hrs they have bagged washed, painted and sealed the house.
      Thank you, happy team happy, happy Girl Guides and happy puppy 🐶
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    • Dag 12

      Day 11 2nd Safari day

      7. august 2023, Sør-Afrika ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      6am up and ready to go for the second game drive and on the look out for Lions 🦁. Everyone is up and no one need waking up on the second safari day.
      Dillon our Safari ranger did us proud, not just a lioness but 3 beautiful cubs. It never ceases to amaze me the pure size of these animals.
      After an elephant interaction we had lunch at Tiger Lodge over looking the reservoir,
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    • Dag 4

      Community Day

      22. oktober 2023, Sør-Afrika ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      Because of the delay getting here we did two community days in one.
      Showing the team the family that are in desperate need of a house and delivering them food parcels. To showing them the houses that the CoCos Foundation has done in the past is always hard but this community day has a different feel about it. We took the team to see the houses and families that are in desperate need in the morning and then in the afternoon we visited the families we had built homes for on our last trip. Lex was blown away by the difference within the people and the way they seemed so much happier. It's like you have taken all the pressure of them.
      The young adults where so genuine delivering the parcels and placing them down so gently into their houses.
      Lastly, we visited the house that we will be going to build on this trip. The team was so excited, jumping around all over the place asking so many questions. It was exhausting, but at the same time exhilarating. So looking forward to this Build…………
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