Arroyo de Pozuelo

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    • Hari 13

      Navarette to Najera

      13 September, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today we walked 22km on a great trail surrounded by vineyards. We have now adopted a Dutchie into our Camino Family and once again connected with the beautiful Australian sisters. The German provided sandwiches for lunch and then we ate at the best restaurant yet on the Camino. Muy muy rico.
      Today's Camino is brought to you by grape eating, Aussie sisters, buying CDs, 6 countries at one table, gas station hotels and foodgasms. The Camino will provide
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    • Hari 17


      21 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Droga wila się przez większość czasu pomiędzy winnicami. Rozpoczęliśmy od około 10 stopni Celsjusza ale pod koniec dnia doszło do 24. Słońce i wiatr.
      Z ciekawostek historycznych zaraz przed wejsciem do miasta po lewej stronie ruiny romańskiej świątyni z XII wieku, które służyły za hospicjum dla pielgrzymów, był to ważny i bardzo nowoczesny na tamte czasy ośrodek, dzisiaj tylko zostały ruiny, trochę pojawiło się zadumy podobnej do wizyty szpitala na Łąkowej.
      Piękny portal, pozostałość hospicjum, przeniesiono w XIX wieku troszkę dalej za miasto i służy teraz jako wejście na cmentarz.
      Dochodząc do Najery bardzo blisko wioski Aleson stoczyła się walka pomiędzy legendarnym Rolandem a gigantycznym królem Syrii Feragutem ,który w tym czasie mieszkał w Najerze. Miał ponad 9 stóp wysokości i siłę czterech dorosłych mężczyzn i przerażający wygląd twarzy. Walka trwała 4 dni i Roland wygrał w końcu pchnięciem miecza w pepek olbrzyma który okazał się jego bardzo słabym punktem.
      Wchodząc do Najera najpierw mija się nowe miasto potem za mostem nad rzeką Najerilla wchodzi się w malutkie stare miasto wcisniete między rzekę a czerwony klif. Była to najpierw osada rzymska ,pozniej mieszkali tam Wizygoci i Maurowie. W XI wieku król Sancho III Wielki postanowił zrobić to miasto siedziba swego dworu.
      Głównym budynkiem zajmującym prawie całą starówkę jest Klasztor Santa Maria la Real. Zbudowany, nie przypadkowo w tym miejscu, gdyż właśnie tutaj król Sanchez polując, odkrył w grocie figurkę Santa Maria de Real. I w tym miejscu rozkazał wybudować świątynię, którą doczepiono do tej właśnie groty. Powstał gotycki główny gmach z barokowym ołtarzem i nawami bocznymi. Jest to miejsce spoczynku XII władców Nawarry jak również ich żon i dzieci.
      Kościół król Sanchez w XI wieku przekazał Benedyktynom, a obecnie opiekują się nim Franciszkanie.
      Nie udało się zobaczyć chóru bo był zamknięty z powodu renowacji. Wiele obrazów namalował tam Hans Memling od Sądu Ostatecznego z Gdanska i są ponoc równie dramatyczne.
      To chyba na tyle, idziemy spać.
      It was a very pleasant day... Feet didn't hurt, the distance wasn't too long, and scenery of the vineyards and wineries along the way, constantly reminded us about the delicious, chilled , inexpensive wine waiting for us at the end of our day. I drink white wine, Tomek drinks any wine, but his favorite is vino tinto. Surprisingly to us, it has been served chilled also and he says tastes amazing . At home he always dranked red wine in room temperature. Looks like from now it will changed... Lesson learned on Camino ❤️
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    • Hari 12

      Day 12: Nájera

      21 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      We left Navarrete before dawn aiming for breakfast in Ventosa, about 7 kilometers away. It was our chilliest morning yet, with a brisk wind that had me wishing I’d remembered to move my gloves to my daypack, as my backpack remained behind for transport to our next lodging.

      After a little more than an hour’s walk, we found that the final kilometer to Ventosa is as an “art walk.” It was fun to read an inspirational passage and admire poster-sized art along this stretch of The Way.

      By the time we reached the Bar Café Buen Camino, we were more than ready to order hearty breakfasts of sliced tortilla (who knew tortilla would vary so much in flavor and consistency from place to place!, toast with jamón ibérico and tomatoes, chocolate filled pastries, freshly squeezed orange juice, and coffees.

      We left Ventosa with an energetic spring to our steps, admiring the vineyards lining much of the Camino to Nájera. Many of the vines were dripping with grapes. A few, had already been harvested.

      A couple of farm tractors and a few farm vans passed by, kicking up clouds of dust each time.

      As we neared Nájera, we chatted with a pilgrim from Brazil who passed us by. It turned out that she was going to Albergue Puerta de Nájera, so we ended up getting to know her a bit more as we waited for the albergue to allow us all in at 1 p.m.

      I took advantage of the wait time to get a haircut around the corner from the albergue. I’d opted for a short “Camino” cut before we left home, but it had grown in enough to need a trim.

      After checking in—while bumping in to three of our dorm mates from yesterday—we were escorted up two flights if stairs to our shared room. Tonight, we’re in a 4-bunk room. Quite cozy compared to last night’s 12-bunk configuration. This albergue is highly rated, and booked full for the night. The Camino is very busy this year, with an extended Holy Year, plus many who are taking deferred-by-Covid trips augmenting the usual numbers of pilgrims.

      So far, we’re having good luck reserving our lodging the night before: a requirement if I’m scheduling my backpack’s transport for the next morning. When we get closer to Sarria, we’ll book those final few nights to Santiago ahead of time. That’s the recommended approach in a “normal” year, given the higher number of pilgrims on the final 100 kilometers, a requirement to receive a Compostela in Santiago.

      That’s still quite a ways off for us, so today, after taking a shower, I headed off for a solo lunch while Allan took a restorative nap. Dinner last night did not sit well with him, and rest was more appealing this afternoon than a meal. I, meanwhile, am loving the Spanish tradition of a big lunch followed by a light to nonexistent dinner.

      Tomorrow, we’ll head to Santiago de la Calzada, 21 kilometers away.
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    • Hari 11

      Etappe 8 - Nájera 2

      22 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Angekommen in Najera gegen 12 Uhr. In vorhanden Pilgerherbergen wollte ich nach den letzten Nächten nicht absteigen. Brauche wieder eine Nacht für mich. Kleines Hotel gefunden: letztes Zimmer bekommen. Sauber und fein. Teile mir mit einem anderen Zimmer das Bad. Kein Problem. Wäsche gewaschen, hängt zum trocknen. Hoffe, dass morgen wieder alles trocken ist.
      Nach einigen kleinen OP 's an den Füßen bin ich zu einem kleinen Spaziergang aufgebrochen. Konnte noch einem Ehepaar aus Südafrika helfen, denn in meinem Hotel waren noch drei Betten in einem 9-Bett-Zimmer frei.
      Viele Pilger kommen jetzt schon mit ganz großen Blessuren an den Füßen. Sieht teilweise schlimm aus. Ich bin davon auch nicht ausgenommen, hoffe aber, dass ich morgen weiter kann.
      Trotzdem Nájera einmal Sitz der spanischen Könige war, ist dies kaum noch zu erkennen.
      Heute ist sie zur Bedeutungslosigkeit verkommen.
      Die Kirche bzw. das Kloster Santa Maria La Real bleiben das Kleinod der Stadt und sind für Spanien sehr wichtig.
      Mehr als die Hälfte der Bilder dieser Serie zeigen den prächtigen Bau. Fortsetzung folgt im Teil 2 dieser Stadt.
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    • Hari 12

      Etappe 9 - Santo Domingo de la Calzada 1

      23 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Im kleinen Hotel habe ich mich so wohl gefühlt, dass ich heute morgen nicht einmal den Wecker gehört habe. Deshalb kam ich erst gegen 6.30 Uhr los.
      Mit einer Amerikanerin, einer Holländerin und einem Spanier habe ich dann einen Abzweig verpasst, was uns ca. 5 km mehr für den Tag beschert hat. Ultreia!!
      Landschaftlich war der Weg heute lange nicht so schön wie gestern. Er war hügelig - aber kaum Abwechslung.
      Als ich das erste Mal den Kirchturm der Kathedrale von Santo Domingo de la Calzada gesehen habe wusste ich: noch rund eine Stunde zu laufen. Genau so war es! Gegen 11.30 Uhr ist die Stadt erreicht.
      Einen ersten Überblick wieder in der Touristinformation erhalten.
      Dann zur Pilgerherberge - Bett erhalten und beziehen, danach Duschen und Fußpflege - das Wichtigste!!!
      Ein kleiner Stadtrundgang schließt sich jetzt an. Zuvor erst einmal etwas Essen, da Frühstück heute irgendwie auf der Strecke blieb.
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    • Hari 12

      Stage 11: Nájera to Santo Domingo

      24 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      20.9 km/13 miles, about 7 hours, 52°-59°, cool cloudy with intermittent rain showers, got to try the poncho - it works great! 🌧️ Bit of a slog after last good rest stop for elevenses (at 10:00) in Azofra 5.8 km in. Got into an interesting conversation about religion/ spirituality during which a woman from the Netherlands shared that she just found out she has bladder cancer. We all prayed with her before heading back out. You just never know...each day is a gift.
      Mid- back lodged intermittent complaints today- its main demand seems to be "you must stop, sit down and take off the d*** pack at least every two hours!!" Seems reasonable.

      I have thoughts, I am not my thoughts.
      I have sensations, I am not my sensations.
      I have emotions, I am not my emotions.

      I'm experimenting with walking with the Minimal Required Effort (MRE- and/or meals ready to eat). How do I walk in as relaxed and graceful a manner as possible? without extra effort? Resisting or having an emotional reaction to my sensations/experience is extra and adds stress. Where am I clenching? (even my jaw! when I get into grim determination mode). Surrender into the experience, breathe.... experience is experience, suffering is optional. (Hah, great in theory 😂)

      I've decided the poles slow me down sometimes, the effort of swinging them with every stride, so I'm playing around with them. Sometimes I hold them horizontally, or swing them ahead together every few steps (pretty soon I'll be twirling them like batons).

      Got checked into the Cistercian monastery, into my spare but comfortable room, have showered and done laundry and it's 6:00 pm, dinner isn't till 9:00! I'm so hungry I don't know what I'm going to do till then!
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    • Hari 9

      Etappe 8: Logronio nach Najera

      26 September 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Um 7.45 starte ich in Logronio, noch bei Dunkelheit.
      Wieder standen fast 30 Kilometer an.
      Erst führte mich der Weg, durch einen Park und an einem Stausee vorbei.
      Später ging der Weg in eine breite Schotterpiste über, die an Weinbergen vorbeiführte.
      Nachdem wir Navarette durchquert haben, ging die Strecke fünf Kilometer an einer Autobahn entlang.
      Als dieser lästige Abschnitt endlich überstanden war, velief der Camino weiter Richtung Najera, durch kaum besiedelte Abschnitte.
      Hinter einem Hügel konnten wir Najera erblicken.
      In Najera angekommen, musste ich mir erst noch eine Unterkunft suchen, da ich nichts vorgebucht hatte.
      In der ersten angesteuerten Unterkunft, hatte ich Glück und konnte in der Albergue Puerta de Najera einchecken.
      Morgen geht's weiter nach Santo Domingo de la Calzada.
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    • Hari 16

      Arriving in Najera

      3 Oktober 2022, Spanyol ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      So I arrived in Najera with blue lips & sticky fingers. So far the "grape police" have not apprehended me in my undisclosed location 😇.I have not picked one single grape walking through the miles of vineyards on our Camino route. I believe strongly you shouldn't pick things that are not yours. Today was hot & I succumbed. Thanks Jim for ratting me out! However, the grapes were everything & more than I had hoped!

      Last night after I posted to our blog we had a lovely meal with our Camino friends in the restaurant of a 15th century hotel. Beautiful atmosphere & food was also delicious.
      Posada Ignatius

      There is not a lot to say about our walk today. It was stunningly gorgeous and so many grapes 🍇 so little time...
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    • Hari 9

      shorter day today to Santo Domingo

      18 April 2023, Spanyol ⋅ 🌙 57 °F

      today was a shorter today, which was nice seeing as my last couple of days were on the longer side 😅😅 got to my town for the night at noon, which is about 2-3 hours earlier than when I am normally done walking. and then drinks w friends, while waiting for laundry - a nearly daily routine thus far 😂Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 28

      Now at Nájera

      24 April 2023, Spanyol ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Another really pleasant walk…cloud cover and breeze, so not too hot, patches of blue and sun, but not blazing…perfect really, and we walked the 16.8 kms through more picture postcard scenery of vineyards, olive groves and some grain fields - but predominantly vineyards. We left between 8.30 and 9, and got here at about 2, stopping at Ventosa for a coffee/ColaCao break…and a lunch break at a well placed park for pilgrims with trees and benches just before arriving at Nájera. The walk in to town is always rather dreary - through an industrial area and not the best end of town, then you arrive at the river and the bridge and it is all lovely…the old charming part. We are staying at the same hotel as twice before, so all very familiar.

      We stopped to have a beer and a snack of croquettas on arrival, before checking into the hotel. Quite a few walkers there, and an amazing thing happened. Two women arrived, and asked if we were Australians from Sydney, and they turned out to be a cousin of Cathy’s husband Pete Sertori and her friend Angela!! We had in fact heard that they were on the camino, probably catching up to us, from another cousin Margaret Moore, who has walked the camino and we have had lovely camino bonding sessions…but how amazing to actually meet up!! Margaret had sent us both photos of each other, but I think I could have sat at the same bar and not noticed…but Amr looked, and Susan looked at us and wondered…and it all clicked!anyway, very good. We are meeting up for a pre dinner drink in a little while, though also had an end of walk relax for a bit too. They had arrived not long after us, and had walked from Logroño….almost 30 kms…leaving in the dark at 6.30…too much to enjoy it…they plan to get a bus across the meseta I think, as they have a schedule for the flight home! Better to bus and then truly enjoy the walking I think.

      So now we are settled into our room, relaxing, reading, doing words etc…the Spanish double rooms often consist of 2 beds pushed together, but each with its own set of sheets and covers…all gets very tangled when you untuck them (I like everything loose)…but all part of the tapestry…at least we get to have our own pillow this way!!..our room today is actually a triple, with an extra bed…

      Soon we will hit the town and look for a good place to eat tonight. Last night’s dinner was fun, at the hotel which had a restaurant and probably one of the few places available on a Sunday night…many walkers there - a couple from Luxembourg, a couple from England, a Belgian and an American…the waiter was from Argentina. I had a veg soup that was virtually delicious cooked veges with a very little liquid…and then roast chicken (they have a way of making it taste so good)…comfort food! Amr had salad and hake…I wonder what tonight will bring.

      After these 2 easy days we have 4 more all over 20 kms. Shouldn’t be too much, we are well in stride now, and don’t let ourselves get tired. The longest will be the walk into Burgos on Friday..about 26 kms I think, but Burgos is lovely and we have a rest day there.

      Well now back from dinner…fun again. First we met up with Susan and Angela, and a group of other walkers from many countries, great to chat and also goodbye as they will all be ahead of us tomorrow. Then we left the young (about 60 yr olds!) as we had found a good place for dinner and wanted to get there before it was full…we did the right thing…empty when we arrived, but soon people arrived and more people turned away…good dinner, and the English couple from last night there at a nearby table and another Australian woman we hadn’t seen before…bit of a loner and really nice. Amr had a beautiful fish that he saw being taken into the kitchen, and I had stuffed peppers..all good…
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