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    • Tag 13

      Beautiful 31km walk

      3. Juni in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Today was one of the prettiest so far. We left Belorado before dawn and walked up through the forest stopping at a place called Espinosa for coffee, fresh juice and some cake to take away. It was a lovely place, where they tried to serve something other than the usual. I will stay there next time.
      At the top of the hill there was a monument to 300 people killed by Franco at the begining of the civil war, and a man with mental health issues painting shells very badly and telling everyone his problems. Nobody was buying his shells.
      After more coffee and food stops with our Irish Canadian friends and two of Fiona's friends from last year who we bumped in to, we walked through the most amazing wild flower meadows to Atapuerca where we are staying tonight. The hostel is newly opened in a beautiful old house, and we are in a dorm with a girl I nicknamed The Cool Korean, back when we started, because she dresses very cooly, in coolie style hat and colour coordinated everything with gloves and face cover for the sun. Turns out she is Japanese not Korean so I need a nickname to rhyme with that....
      Quite a few people are getting secret nicknames.
      Flowers in the pictures are for Portia to identify please

    • Tag 17–19

      D16- Atapuerca to Burgos 20km

      29. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      When we left Atapuerca this morning there was a chill in the air. We set off through the village turned left and started our climb. The track was a mix of gravel, dirt and loose stones/rocks. We made our way to the top and looking back we had a lovely view of the sunrise and the village below. There was a memorial at the top, a large wooden cross with a mound of stones around it that have been left by pilgrims as they pass through. We continued on this path and after about 4.4km we pass the village if Villalval but there was nothing open there so at the 5.8km mark came to the town of Cardenuela Riopico and found the most amazing cafe. There were spreads of bacon and egg baguettes, lovey chocolate croissants and other pastries. We enjoyed a bacon and egg baguette between the two of us and bought a pastry and croissant to take away for later. Continuing on after our late breakfast the dirt track stopped and we were now walking on asphalt, luckily there wasn’t much traffic. Apparently there was two ways to reach Burgos, one through the industrial area and the other turning left and following the river. Unfortunately we missed the left turn so we walked on concrete all the way to Burgos and to our accommodation. Very hard on the legs and very boring. We dropped our bags at the apartment and walked around town for a bit. After a shower we went to the Museum of Human Evolution. We spent an hour and a half there and thoroughly enjoyed it.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 26

      La croix de la forme!

      14. Mai 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Chemin de Compostelle 19/40
      Étape #12. Camino francés" Atapuerca à Burgos. Kilomètres parcourus: 22 km. Cumulatif : 517,3 km, 25,9 km de moyenne par jour. Étapes restantes avant Saint-Jacques de Compostelle : 20.

      Aujourd’hui nous avons surpassé les kilomètres effectués en 2017 (Camino de la Norte). Nous avions fait 480,5 km et aujourd’hui avec le même nombre de journées (18) : 482,3 km, 6 ans plus tard.

      Pour notre aventure, nous avons établi que nous aurions 4 stades du défi Compostelle.

      Les voici:
      1- Souffrances et adaptations
      (Secteur des Pyrénées, montées de 1 240 mètres)

      2-Réussite et et mise en forme
      (Après 18 jours, résistance dans les montées exigeantes).

      3-Endurance physique et mentale
      (Les étapes 13 à 19 Meseta centrale, 200 km pendant 7 jours).

      4- Sommet et accomplissements
      (Arrivée à Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle).

      Nous sommes arrivés au 3e stade du défi. Pas par pas, toujours devant !

      Une excellente journée pour ma part, j’étais en feu et dangereusement en forme. On a eu une montée de 1,5 kilomètres pour atteindre 1 077 mètres d’altitude et nous avons attaqué cette épreuve sans s’arrêter, atteignant notre second souffle, super sensation.

      Au sommet, nous avons pris une photo. Merci aux 3 américains du Washington DC pour la prise de photo.

      Puis nous sommes arrivé à Burgos ; 173 000 habitants. Quelle belle ville, la plus belle que j’ai vue à ce jour. En plus c’est : “Fiesta de las Flores “ le festival des fleurs. Il y a beaucoup de monde dans les rues. Marcello a mentionné dans son journal aujourd’hui que les Espagnols multipliaient les “Buen Camino” dans le parc de Burgos, c’est tout à fait vrai. Ils ont un respect des pèlerins c’est remarquable de voir ça.

      Demain c’est congé de marche avant d’entreprendre “L aMeseta Centrale”. Étape de 200 km en 7 jours consécutifs.

      Buen Camino 🤗

    • Tag 24

      Day 16-Atapuerca

      20. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ 🌬 73 °F

      We must have our Camino legs now because today's 12 miles went by really fast. After our breakfast buffet this morning, we headed out just before sunrise. We started with about a two mile ascent which then leveled off for most of the day. The ladscape was beautiful.

      There are about eight of us walking the same distances so it's been nice passing each other and then meeting in town again.

      We stopped for coffee in San Juan de Ortega before heading to Agés. We were hoping to have lunch in Agés but the burger place we'd heard about wasn't open yet so we kept going to our final destination of Atapuerca.

      Our host told us about a fine dining restaurant (Comosapiens) that is only open until 3:30pm during the week so we went there and had a very nice three-course lunch.

      The exciting news of the day is that our place has a washing machine! We washed every stitch of clothing we have (both sets, haha) and luckily it's sunny and windy so everything has dried quickly.

      Tomorrow we walk to Burgos and then we'll have a rest day.

    • Tag 24

      Day 16 - Atapuerca

      20. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ 🌬 72 °F

      Had a very pleasant walk today, started to a beautiful sunrise in Villafranca before we left. The walk was a 7.5 mile to start, we went 8.5 before stopping for a cafe Co leche and a cerveza (OK maybe two). We then made our way to our stopping point for the day, total of 12 miles today. One more day to Burgos, and a day off, yeah.
      No video update today, sorry.

    • Day 18 - Villafranca Montes to Atapuerca

      16. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Well, what a difference a day makes. Yesterday I was bragging about my great bed in the albergue but it turns out, it was one of my worst nights. I had someone wake me up twice by touching my feet, I am sure because of my snoring.

      The first time was around 10pm. I had just fallen asleep. The lights were just turned out, so I could only see the body walking away but I couldn’t see who it was. So I felt bad and didn’t go back to sleep until 1am. I was out reading stuff on my phone when I decided I better go to sleep. So I go back to bed and at 1:30am, again, someone touched my feet to wake me up, again, I only saw a shadow but I said out loud, “Don’t touch me”. I have a feeling they were surprised that I saw them or knew I was touched. I decided to change direction in my bed and put my head where my feet were so that they would have to walk around me to touch any part of my body or touch my head (where I could react faster) They didn’t do it again, that I know of.

      It was during the time that I was stewing in anger that I decided I am going to get private rooms instead of albergues. Really, everyone knows people snore (and I was definitely not the only one in the room snoring), so they should come prepared with ear plugs if they need them. I started to do the math, and quite often a private room is around $35-$40 euros. I pay $10-15 for the bunk bed, so really, in the scheme of things, it really isn’t much more money, and worth the piece of mind and comfort.

      So I am settled in a private room in a pension. I have my own bathroom, I can come and go as I please and have quiet and privacy. The downside is I really am going to need to try and book ahead. I will stay in another albergue I am sure, when it is the only option, or the hotel is too expensive, but I will try to book private from now on.

      The walk today was good. I did 18kms and feel pretty good. I get some strange aches, one in my right big toe, and the other in my left thigh, but if I take my break around each 5km mark, then they don’t bother me. Today I didn’t take a break until 6km so I suffered a little for a kilometre or two.

      Tomorrow I head into Burgos. I already have booked a hotel there, the same one that Joerg and I stayed at when we were there. I am looking forward to that.


    • Tag 19


      6. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Our accommodation is very different from anything we have experienced so far.
      Went to the archeological dig this evening. Every interesting to see where they are digging but sadly wasn't able to understand the commentary, as it was in Spain. But we will go to the museum in Burgos and get a better understanding of what it is all about.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 21


      15. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Day 13 Atapuerca
      Distance from Villafranca to Atapuerca 20kms

      After a delicious dinner and a peaceful night’s sleep in the palatial
      albergue we stepped out into the coldest morning since our walk began. The temperature was a chilly 3c and to keep warm we picked up the pace and made our way up the mountain. Within a short time we were at the top walking through the forest passing wild heather down the other side and crossing over a Roman bridge to the first small village of the day for breakfast. A very cute ‘bar’ with homemade delights and good coffee. We met an elderly gentleman (79) who was walking the Camino solo and having whiskey in his coffee “to give him strength” to continue his walk! We admired his enthusiasm and fitness and wished him Buen Camino.
      We arrived at our lodgings for the night in the early afternoon and were pleased to be out of the cold the day having only reached 11c.
      Heading for Burgos tomorrow and a rest day in what we believe is a beautiful city.

    • Tag 13

      Burgos ! Burgos ! Burgos !

      22. April 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 45 °F

      Today was a short, slow day that was along the highway most of the day :( but in other news, Burgos is a really cool city that reminds me so much of Madrid (which I already miss so much 💕💕💕) I wish I could stay here and explore more so I’ll definitely have to come back !Weiterlesen

    • Tag 19


      24. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      All I know is I was walking for the pool!

      All I could think about on this walk was that Amy said she found and booked an Albergue with a pool!! What a pool ? No way?!?!?

      I love water. I love to be near it. I love to be in it!

      I marched on with a mission to get close to the water.

      I barley remember the day except for the last 5 km. I didn’t see a soul as I walked by the cereal fields. I watch the waves wind blow through the fields.

      So happy when I made it to belrado

      It was fun!
      I was tired when I finished !
      I swam and drank a San Miguel!

      I had the pilgrims diner in the Albergue

      And then……………….

      Top bunk assignments.

      I thought to myself , If I didn’t know Amy-and if Amy wasn’t in the bed next to me. I would be sharing a bed with a stranger. It could be a man or a woman and either way I’d be breathing on them. snoring around them, laying half naked around them cause it was so hot up laying next to the ceiling and vice versus . Video attached!

      I thought ya know you did this in the Navy and I also thought “YOU AIN’T IN THE NAVY NO MORE!!!

      Welp to top off this particular experience in Albergue Cuatro Contreras we had a curfew!!!
      When was the last time I was mandated to be home by a certain time and told to be in bed by a certain time . 10:00PM!! To be exact.

      Note: it doesn’t get dark here
      Until almost 11PM!

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