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    • Dag 4

      Day 2 - To Burgete

      10 september 2022, Spanje ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Day 2 - To Burgete. A beautiful sunrise greeted me this morning in Orisson. I left the Albergue at 7:45 am for day two of climbing the Pyrenees. I hiked about 19 km; 70-75% was uphill… again!! I finally reached the summit of 1429m elevation. St Jean, where I started on day one, is 166m. That shows how much I had to climb in two days!! Although it’s awfully difficult going up for such long distances, and carrying a pack weighing 12-15 pounds, I was blessed with amazingly gorgeous landscapes again today. I was able to visit the statue of the Virgin Mary. What a magnificent view she has! Temperature reached about 30°C. Another blessed day!Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Hardest part done

      24 juli 2022, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Most Camino guides suggest a first 'stage' going from St Jean Pied de Port to Roncesvalles. That's a 25k walk, the first 70% uphill, crossing the Pyrenees, then going down on the Spanish side. It's said to be the hardest part of the whole Camino, with a 1,200m climb which is quite steep in some sections. I thought it was quite brutal for a first day.

      First I was disappointed that the only daily bus from Pamplona to St Jean arrived in the early afternoon, because I would have to wait until the morning to start such a walk.

      However, I got a very good idea from the Camino forum: I could break up that tough stage, walking the first 8k (all uphill) in the afternoon of arrival, staying at Orisson, then completing the stage the next day.

      That's what I did, and worked out very well. I added a variation though: I didn't want to stay at Roncesvalles because that's what most people do. I wanted to walk to the next town, in this case only 3k further: Burguete.

      I read good reviews about an albergue there, and I called the day before to book a bed.

      The day before is the day I was walking to Orisson. They offered a communal dinner, and I met the other pilgrims. We were 32 guests, and there were more Aussies than any other nationally.

      At my table there was Monika from Germany, Emanuelle & Sebastien from France, Peter from Melbourne and Natalie & Daniel, also from Melbourne. We were all above 40, and we had nice chats.

      This morning we all started walking around the same time, but each couple or individual going at our own pace, and we met at random points during the walk. The walk was hard on the legs but easy on the eyes. The scenery was beautiful, and it was a gorgeous day. Very windy near the highest point, but otherwise just fantastic.

      I found out that the people from my table were staying at Roncesvalles tonight. I met Monika and Peter there, at the monastery (pictured), and I sat with them for a rest in the shade before walking on.

      On my way to Burguete I met a little girl called Aixea, who was walking with her grandpa and we had great conversation! She was about 6 and kept asking me questions. I asked some too when she let me 😄

      When I got to Burguete I caught up with another group of younger people I met at Orisson. They were going to the same albergue I was, but didn't have a booking. The albergue opened at 3, and it was 2:30, so we all went to the bar across the road to rest and refuel.

      At 3 we went back to the albergue and the caretaker said it was booked out! So, I could stay but the others couldn't. They were going to the next town 4k ahead.

      The albergue is called Lorentx Aterpea and it is very modern and clean, as described in the review I read. I'm doing the same for tomorrow: staying 5k past the most popular stop, at a place with great reviews, and I just called to book 👍
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    • Dag 3

      Cool early morning

      25 augustus 2023, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      After yesterday's warm and intensive day, I woke up very early due to the various types of snoring sounds and I thought I was going to make use of the cool temperatures in the early morning. So I packed my backpack in the darkness, received a refund for my already paid breakfast and left the albergue with my phone as a flashlight. It was almost empty on the camino and I am enjoying every step of it.Meer informatie

    • Dag 2

      Day 2: To Burguete

      13 mei 2023, Spanje ⋅ 🌧 50 °F

      Today we walked from France into Spain over the Pyranees to Burguete. It was a little over 20k. Most folks that do the Camino stop in Roncevalles but since we stopped in Orisson we decided to go the extra 3k to Burguete. We are staying at the same place where Hemingway stayed and described in “The Sun Also Rises”. Ironically, it was less expensive than the shared room in Orisson and we have a private room! In fairness to Orisson, the room there did include a very good dinner with wine and a simple breakfast.
      Today we had a little hard rain and lots of fog and mist that made for some interesting photos.
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    • Dag 24


      31 juli 2020, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Even een kerkje bezocht en wat gelezen over deze omgeving. Wisten jullie dat hier de oudste verhalen over heksen plaats hebben gevonden? Blijkbaar waren er veel zogenoemde 'heksen' in deze omgeving. Er zouden vele 'heksen' zijn verbrand in deze regio en de kleding werd in de kerken opgehangen als schrikbeeld. Mensen kwamen serieus overal vandaag om deze verbrandingen te zien, gatsie!
      Okee jullie zijn dismissed uit deze geschiedenisles🤪
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    • Dag 12

      Camino Day 2: Roncesvalles to Zubiri

      13 augustus 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Total Distance: 24km
      Step Count: 37.3k
      Blisters to date: 0
      Tortillas to date: 1

      Today we got woken up with chants coming from the church followed by a priest who came into the dorm area singing “good morning” and a whole other range of well wishes for the pilgrims.

      After brekkie, I set off walking with David, a 67 year old man who I’d met in the town I stayed before staring my Camino and a few other pilgrims that we’d catch up with here and there. Our day was filled with great conversations about everything!

      The trail itself started off through a beautiful lil forest and ended in one of those downhills that no one ever enjoys. Had my first and the best tortilla española to date at Espinal, and later, we stopped at another Cafe that turned out to be named after a Spanish restaurant in Venezuela that the owner had visited on many occasions when he was younger. Talking to people (especially locals) is my favourite way to experience the Camino ➡️

      Zubiri had a lovely river in which we were able to take a dip to cool down and church bells that rang every half an hour day and night! I guess you gotta take the good with the bad 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    • Dag 5

      Roncesvalles to zubiri

      3 juni 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      Left roncesvalles about 630 and got into zubiri around 130. Hard walk on the downhill parts. Walked into town and went to the first albergue. Found 3 empty beds. Carmen, Jenna and I took them the other three went down the street and took 3 beds at a place I stayed before. Found out my favorite bar is now a bar/bakery. No real food there but great donuts. The place closes at 8. We got a last bottle of wine and drank it. We walked down the street and found a rec center that had a good meal. Came back to the room and played the quiet game. Also carmen lost her sun glasses.Meer informatie

    • Dag 15

      Fin de rando éprouvante !..

      3 mei 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Chemin de Compostelle 10/40
      Étape #2 Camino francés" de Auritz à Zubiri. Kilomètres parcourus: 21,3 km. Cumulatif : 283,3 km et 25,7 km de moyenne par jour. Dénivelé enregistré, positif : 472 mètres et négatif : 904 mètres.

      On a démarré la 2e étape à 8h30. Première constatation, tôt le matin il y beaucoup de pèlerins qui convergent vers Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, comme une procession. Puis, quelques kilomètres plus loin, ce fut la tranquillité.
      Ce qui est remarquable du côté de l’Espagne, c’est la qualité des chemins (photo), les nombreux services, la précision des indications; bref, aucune comparaison avec la France.
      La rando d’aujourd’hui fut excellente, les montées étaient pas trop prononcées mais à la fin c’était dangereux et toujours sur une forte pente (-904 mètres). Le sentier était parsemé de pierres qui sortaient du sol. Bref, tout était propice à l’entorse (voir photo).
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    • Dag 3

      Orisson to Burguete-Auritz

      19 september 2022, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      I woke up early in Orisson to the most beautiful sunrise over the mountain. The sun seems to rise slowly here, as it takes a journey over the peaks of the Pyrenees.

      Along the road, there were so many herd animals. Sheep, cows, horses, pigs… and some free animals like the birds of prey that circled the highest summits.

      I walked with Chet for a long time, as we seemed to walk at about the same pace. He is a very kind man and I hope I see him and his wife again.

      Roncesvalles was a cute little town but I’m glad I went the extra two kilometers through the woods to this town.

      I was the first to arrive at my hostel, and got a head start showering and resting before dinner. Sadly, I am once again stuck in a room with a guy who sounds like he’s coughing his lungs out. I don’t anticipate much sleep, even with my earplugs. I wish sick people would just stay in a private room instead of ruining it for everyone else. I really can’t get sick while I’m on this trip so I’m trying to stay away and wash my hands plenty.

      For dinner, I walked to the local grocery store with my bunk mate, a woman from California who is currently living in Kentucky with her daughter and grandchildren.

      I met two guys from the US who were a riot. They referred to each other as “my best friend” almost exclusively and one brought about two pounds of tea supplies that he shared with me. This is by far the latest I have stayed up and it’s because of good conversation, company, and tea.
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    • Dag 4

      2. Tag: Auf Sonne folgt Regen

      1 september 2021, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Heute laufe ich um kurz nach 6 Uhr los. Zunächst scheint das Wetter toll zu sein und ich sehe, als der dunkle Schleier an Himmel sich aufhellt, die ersten Sonnenstrahlen hinter dem Bergen durchscheinen. Doch auf dem weiteren Weg setzt Regen ein. Zu den Zeitpunkt frühstücke ich sehr lecker. Kurz vorm Ziel rutsche ich auf einem glatten Boden weg. Ich komme unbeschadet an.Meer informatie

    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Auritz, Burguete

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