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    • Day 15

      The Hills Are Alive …

      September 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Santo Domingo to Belorado
      Day 12 - 23.5 km

      With Sunflowers 🌻
      Today instead of the vineyards we spent the day walking through paddocks of Sunflowers. Unfortunately they had passed their best but it was still a delightful view, and we appreciated the artistic designs on a few of them. 😊

      We started the day at 7.30 after a breakfast at our lovely accommodation. It was cloudy so a nice temperature to walk in. A relatively easy day over rolling hills again. Arrived at Belorado around 1.30 in time to check in to our Albergue and then find some well needed sustenance. 🍺🍺Looking forward to a Pilgrims meal night… 13 Euro for 3 courses including a bottle of wine. 🍷🍷😜
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    • Day 13

      Etappe 10a - Villafranca 1

      September 24, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Links und rechts des Weges gibt es immer einige kleine Sehenswürdigkeiten. Viele der kleinen Dörfer fristen ihren gerechten Schlaf, wenn nicht immer wieder Pilger das Dorfleben aufmischen.
      Heute geht die Pilgerkarawane viele Kilometer durch die Kornkammer Spaniens. Sehr hüglige Landschaft, abgeerntete Felder und hohe Stapel Strohballen.
      Noch eine Bemerkung zum Rucksack: es wurde immer wieder festgestellt, dass man nach einigen Tagen den Rucksack nicht mehr spürt. Richtig, denn ich "suche" ihn manchmal, d.h. ich spüre ihn kaum noch.
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    • Day 12

      Day 12

      September 4, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Once again I’m going to have to start backwards .. I’ve just come back from my evening meal… well!! I was sat on a table with a man from Australia, a guy from Germany ..Ben and Deneese from Brazil.. hilarious how we all managed to converse, but we did!! And Denisee ( I’ve no idea how you spell it but it sounded like a cross between the two above )
      Insisted on us sharing the whole bottle of wine as the guys were on beer!!
      They all commented that they saw me everyday.. as I went past 😬😬
      Ben from Germany had packed up his job and apartment, decided to do this and then travel around Europe for 6 months or so…The Australian man was doing it with his son and Denisee was actually just bonkers in a lovely way and I’ve no idea why she was doing it..
      Well, back to this morning.. I set off about 8 ish and it was actually really cold feeling and I thought maybe I should have put my tights on!.. silly girl!! By 8.45 it was really warm, and very soon after boiling hot 🥵
      It seemed to be rolling up and down today, probably a fair bit more up than down, but it was long and gradual.. no vineyards!! not a single one!! But, lots of wheat and loads and loads of fields of sunflowers, which a few weeks ago would have been absolutely amazing, but were now dry and dying. Once again the views and the sky were stunning, apologies if today’s pictures are a bit “ same ie “
      Nothing of interest happened on route, once again in a good rhythm and feeling pretty comfortable and passing people 😬
      Today was a bit like yesterday with lots of people arriving in Belorado at a similar time and stopping at the first cafe / bar for a beer.. I sat chatting to Phil, who comments every day when I go passed and “slow “ Irish Jerry.. they’re hilarious and seem to be having a fabulous time going how they feel and stopping when they want.
      My accommodation today is a room in an apartment. It’s great, really clean, hot shower and close to the route for tomorrow.
      Although I wasn’t particularly tired after my walk this morning, I just couldn’t be bothered going out to wander around this afternoon, so I had a lazy one and lay and watched todays stage of the Vuelta guilt free!!!
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    • Day 16

      Day 14 - To Belorado

      September 22, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Day 14 - To Belorado (Thursday)

      It was unusual to see someone wearing a John Deere cap, so I had to take a picture.

      Just can’t get enough of those cathedrals! Church of San Juan Bautista in Granon on the way to Belorado, built between 15th and 18th centuries!

      Who would have thought farmland could be so beautiful. But then my frame of reference is the flat prairies Alberta. All the crops had been harvested already except sunflowers (not sure what all they grow but they do grow wheat and barley). And it’s time to harvest that shortly. It is used for sunflower oil and sunflower seeds. Pilgrims having fun again making faces on the sunflowers 😂

      Iglesia de Santa Maria church in Belorado, built in 16th century.
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    • Day 12


      June 2 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today we crossed over into Castilla León, still rolling wheat fields but no more Rioja grapes. We are staying in another pretty medieval town where there's a festival going on. There's a veggie menu on offer so Fiona is excited at the prospect of real food.Read more

    • Day 7


      July 23, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      It’s a week now, and this year’s Camino is nothing like any of those I walked prior. While there is a small group of pilgrims forming that try to walk or dine together, most walking and dining is done either in preformed groups along language or age lines, or alone.

      Everyone walks their own Camino, but if the German group remains all but functionally mute when passing or being passed by pilgrims (customary is a quick Hola or Buen Camino) and suddenly, behind sour looking faces, almost unwilling to accept the indignity of having to do so, asks to have their picture taken… that’s a different Camino as the one I am used to.

      The “hot shit” pilgrim is J, a physician from Australia. Quick to explain to me, that my work in social and community medicine just shows that I am not long enough in the game to value money, he’s nevertheless the kind of riot that makes him a Camino Legend.

      We’re two days from Burgos and three from the beginning of the Meseta, my favorite part. The landscape is barren and the bars serve as nodal points. It’s here that Camino Families are forged, break apart, reorganize, and gain dynamics beyond the walking together.

      We’ll see what the desert brings. Tomorrow brings 39°C, little shade, and 32 kilometers. Time to attend the pilgrim dinner and hit the hay.
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    • Day 19


      September 23, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Dzisiejsza droga można powiedzieć prowadziła cały czas bardzo delikatnie pod górę w sposób falujący. Większość czasu przebiegała wzdłuż dość ruchliwej drogi odbijając na szczęście co jakiś czas do małych wioseczek. Nie będę wspominał wszystkich ale wspomnę tylko parę punktów. Mianowicie pożegnaliśmy się z La Roja i winnicami na dobre i weszliśmy do największego rejonu Hiszpanii Castilla y Leon, który będzie się ciągnął przez ponad 400 km. Zaczęły nam towarzyszyć przeogromne otwarte przestrzenie, z rzędami zasuszonych słoneczników.. przypominających złomowisko zardzewiałych pryszniców zwróconych w jedną stronę...
      W miasteczku Granon funkcjonuje przyparafialne schronisko gdzie obowiązuje zasada "Daj co możesz i weź co potrzebujesz".
      Piękny bardzo klimatyczny kościółek gdzie można zatopić się w myślach, a na przeciwko w barze należącym do peruwiańskiej młodej rodziny napić się pysznej kawy i soku pomarańczowego.
      W kolejnym miasteczku Viloria de la Rioja urodził się Święty Dominik. W miejscowym kościele jest zachowana chrzcielnica w której był ochrzczony a przy głównym ołtarzu jego figurka z relikwiami. Reszta drogi upłynęła nam na marszrucie w żużlowym kurzu, huku przejeżdżających ciężarówek odliczaniu ostatnich kilometrów... Na szczęście miasteczko Belorado i nasze miejsce zatrzymania okazało się bardzo klimatyczne i urocze. Mnóstwo kolorowych murali, piękny kościółek i gościnni gospodarze naszego hoteliku. Pięknie zakończony dość wyczerpujący dzień.
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    • Day 18

      Day 13 end: Santo Domingo

      May 31, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Santo Domingo de la Calzada is picturesque enough to warrant its own post here. So much history! The food wasn’t great (at least where we ate) but when you’ve walked over a half marathon you don’t care as much!

      There is a network of paradores in Spain - luxury hotels in historical buildings. I’d wanted to stay in one at least once and we did in Santo Domingo. It was amazing! A beautiful old building and the room had a bathtub and especially luxurious sheets - it felt like heaven!

      1. Detail on the Catedral de Santo Domingo de la Calzada
      2. The tower next to the cathedral. As with most things I’ve photographed, this doesn’t do it justice.
      3. Store front. I just liked this one, especially with the reflections in the upper windows and the fact that it’s a bookstore. It’s interesting to see how specialized the shops are here. No Walmart!
      4. There are two paradores in Santo Domingo. This is a feature from the one in which we didn’t stay - the Parador de Santo Domingo.
      5. This is from an artistic installation in front of the parador where we did stay - the Parador de Bernardo de Fresneda. This represents a pilgrim asking for help. There’s a whole thing with chickens in this town.
      6. Lovely golden hour light on “our” parador. 14th century, I think? Whoa.
      7. Inside the parador. So beautiful.
      8. This parador is next to a convent. Here’s a walkway leading to the convent. It felt very peaceful!
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    • Day 19

      Belorado - town of beautiful murals.. ❤️

      September 23, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Spain is full of graffiti, the amount of it surprised me. I know, graffiti is everywhere. In States there is a lot of graffiti, where we live there is a lot. For some it's art, for some it's a kind of vandalism. Everyone can have their own opinion about the graffiti. But I'm truly enjoying Spanish murals. They see like a breath of fresh air between the graffiti. The town of Belorado so far was a true murals winner. To not miss some of it, you had to have eyes around your head... If you walk forward and not turn your head back you can miss a lot of beautiful murals. Just check for yourself. Some of the pics of the murals are also from Ages. They all just make my heart happy, they are beautiful ❤️Read more

    • Day 14


      September 18, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      Almost 14 miles today. I sent my bag ahead again and walked with Carol. We were joined by Nessa, from San Francisco, and later on Joan. We're beginning to be the slow & injured walking club. We went thru a few small towns today and stopped in to see their churches.
      Carol, Joan and I are going to be walking together the next few days as well. We've planned out our next few days. I'm looking forward to taking a day off in Burgos.
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