Cillorigo de Liébana

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    • Tag 7

      Some extra photos...

      15. August 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Some extra photos. One of our group recorded most of our walks on Strava and I've tried to put them in order but, to be honest, one day was as difficult as another so it doesn't matter 😅
      The snake is a poisonous Seoanes Viper which one of the blokes bent down to photograph 🙄😋😅. He'd taken a day off walking, so thank goodness the snake was more frightened!!!
      And Juan is the large bloke on the left of the first photo. He's built like an ox and has more energy than the lot of us put together! Oh, one more of his stories... he and his nephew were the stuntmen for an action piece in a James Bond/Mission Impossible (that kind of thing) film, spraying bullets at a building as they abseiled down it 😱😅😅. Priceless!!!

    • Tag 47

      Schauckeln mit Panorama 😍

      30. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute wollten wir Rianõ und den umliegenden Stausee genauer erkunden. Ein Highlight des Ortes ist definitiv die Schaukel, die hoch oben auf einer Aussichtsplattform steht.
      Wir erfreuten uns über bestes Wetter und Sonnenschein ☀️. Bei der Schaukel angekommen hatten wir Glück und waren alleine. Die Aussicht war phänomenal, man sah wunderbar auf Rianõ und den Stausee. 😍

      Auf dieser Schaukel zu sitzen mit dieser Bergkulisse - einfach ein total befreiendes Gefühl. 🥰

      Nach einiger Zeit fuhren wir weiter, unser Ziel war, wieder Richtung Küste zu fahren. Wir besuchten noch einmal den Aussichtspunkt, wo wir gestern schliefen. Wir staunten ganz schön, da auf manchen Berggipfeln Schnee zu sehen war. ❄️ Und wir standen mit kurzen T-Shirt davor und bestaunten die Gipfel. 🤭😅

      Für die Nacht steuerten wir einen Aussichtspunkt an, wo man wunderbar über die Hermida Schlucht sieht und die umliegenden Berge.
      Dort angekommen gingen wir rauf zum Plateau und bewunderten den Wahnsinns Ausblick. 😍

      Für den Nervenkitzel gab es bei der Aussichtsplattform ein Plateau das nach außen gebaut wurde, unter einem nur ein Gitterrost. Es wackelte ziemlich. 😅

      Was uns besonders gefiel an dem Platz war die Ruhe .. es war mucksmäuschenstill. Und zu unserer Freude war es auch nicht mehr so kalt am Abend und in der Nacht. 🙂

    • Tag 10

      Almost a Camino day!🙄

      18. August 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Yes, almost a Camino day!
      Today, we had a new tour guide, David, Juan's 5 year old grandson. He was very cute and led the way for the first half of the day's walking. He scooted around with boundless energy, spoke Spanish, and all of the teachers in the group (I think 7 of us) oohed and aahed and smiled benevolently 🙄😂. Poor child!
      Our walk was a short 14km today, with 550m of descent and only 150m of ascent, but I'm sure you'll have guessed the sting in the tail...😆😫😖
      The day started out fantastically well, though, with a 2.5 hour wander through beech forest and a jungle of fern, which was head height and quite imposing. There was a tiny bit of uphill walking (no climbing, thank goodness), and a lot of gentle downhill walking. All in all, it really was very camino-ish and a massive change to what we'd experienced over the previous 5 days.
      The scenery was magnificent, and we were able to pinpoint where we'd already walked between the eastern, central and western massifs. I think it's photo 7 that shows parts of all 3 of them.
      At one point, we walked along a concrete path, which was hard underfoot. We were given the option of continuing on this road into the village of Tielve, or taking the older, original path. We all chose the path, which was pretty tough but short and, before we knew it, we were sitting on the terrace of the local bar enjoying our packed lunch of tuna salad and Kitkat, a coke, and some delicious local Cantabrian blue cheese. This one had been matured for 4 months in one of the local cheese caves and was really strong and smelly 😋😋😋.
      After lunch, our new tour guide was picked up by his grandma and we were all given the opportunity to return to the hotel with them. Tempting though it was, we were all keen to finish our week's walking on a high (did I mention that sting?🙄)
      The last hour and a half was the old path between Tielve and Sotres before the road was built and, you guessed it, was the 150m ascent😖. The path was rocky and narrow, as well as pretty steep. I was always grateful when there were walkers coming towards us so that I could do the polite thing and stop😅.
      In photo 8, you can see a cave. This was the last of Juan's stories 😊 - his wife's aunt was born in this cave during the Spanish Civil War - there's an entrance to the back of the cave. Franco supporters in the area reckoned the farmers were all communists and tried to get rid of them all. They fled to the hills, quite literally, and lived off the land. Apparently, the baby was born then smuggled back to Sotres, where the family still live, and fostered by a 'safe' family for 2 years. Living in the hills was particularly difficult as they couldn't even risk lighting a fire for fear of being found.
      Juan's a really interesting bloke, with lots of amazing local knowledge and experiences.
      We finally arrived, thankfully, at a viewpoint at the top of the village where we were able to stop for a quick break before a short and very slow walk back to the hotel.
      Dinner tonight was a selection of tapas, followed by goat and chips, then something extremely creamy and yummy.😋😋😋
      I still managed to get to bed by 10.00pm, though, I was already packed and ready for the off tomorrow.

    • Tag 5

      Bloomin' 'eck!

      13. August 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Where to start? Today has been the most amazing day scenery-wise, despite low lying cloud, but it has also been exceptionally challenging!
      I have far too many fab photos to share, but I'll try to pick out the best.
      We started, after a very nice breakfast, with a short drive up yet another winding road, closing our eyes and leaning over every time another vehicle came our way😅. Our walk was a 19/20km one and I swear 15 of them were uphill! That may be a slight exaggeration, but not by much!
      The sun hadn't cracked the clouds when we started so it was interesting walking through the cloud, getting a tad wet but appreciating it. It wasn't cold and I was soon 'glowing' profusely 😂. We'd been warned to take a lot of water - there was only one spring on the route, although there was a refuge we would stop at, too, so I'd packed 2 litres, surely enough until we reached the spring or the refuge?
      From the start it was uphill, uphill and more uphill, but we were rewarded with the most amazing views above the clouds. It was truly stunning 😍. I was pleased not to be right at the back of the group (that was to come😂) but it felt like ages before we stopped for a breather! When we're walking a camino, there are quite a few photo opportunities, i.e. rest breaks!
      We passed a cheese cave, where the local Cantabrian cheeses are matured for at least 4 months, and we have a local cheese tasting to look forward to.
      I'm not sure how long it took (seemed like hours!) to reach the refuge, but it was most welcome! The building is left over from the local zinc mining that took place in the Picos, the last mine only closing about 50 years ago, I think. We walked on the scree left over from the mining activities and we were often sliding backwards, losing our footing, which was a bit worrying! A local warden walked with us, keeping up the rear, to make sure we were all okay.
      On the way we encountered the local sheepdogs... The one in the photo was wearing a spiked collar to protect him from the wolves!!!😱
      After reaching a plateau, we started our walk downhill, which was slippy slidey, too, but a welcome change to up, up, up. The sun had come out, too, so lots more water was drunk!
      After a 30 minute lunch break (and a wild wee) we began walking through a fab beech forest. This bit was lovely and we really got a move on. It was damp and green and fabulous! Funniest bit was when two of us stayed back for wild wee number 2, only to be greeted by 2 walkers going the other way! We'd seen next to no-one all day 😆. Sod's Law!
      Then, surprise surprise, it was more up! "Only 20 minutes", said Juan. Well, it was 24 minutes and such slow going! But, at the top - our vehicle 👏👏👏, thank goodness!
      A very welcome beer was enjoyed when we got back to the hotel, followed by a shower and our evening meal. Now it's time for bed🥱🥱🥱, I think I'll sleep very well tonight!
      Apparently, tomorrow is similar 😱. I'm hoping my body will have forgotten by then😂😂😂.

    • Tag 15

      😋 4° PIT STOP SPESA 🛍️🇪🇸+🎁

      30. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Durante il viaggio a POTES approfittiamo per una sosta al supermercato (BM) per rifornire la cambusa e fare un po' di regali, acquistiamo un po' di , frutta🍈🍑 e verdura 🍅 FORMAGGI 🧀 e MIELE 🍯DEL PICOS DE EUROPA 🏔️ SUCCHI DI FRUTTA🧃 DOLCI 🥮 E TONNO e Sardine 🐟, wurstel , acqua 💦, marmellata, tisane🫖, patatine 🍟 e BIRRA🍺 🇪🇸 ESTRELLA.

      💲 TOTALE € 133,00

    • Tag 27

      Campingplatz la Isla

      24. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Auf dem Campingplatz angekommen, durften wir uns den Stellplatz aussuchen. Wir haben uns echt so hingestellt, dass wir wifi haben. Leider hat es nicht so gut funktioniert. 😂
      Die sanitären Anlagen waren sehr sauber!
      Auf diesem Campingplatz waren wir 2 Tage, da schlechtes Wetter gemeldet war.
      Abends haben wir etwas gespielt und waren auf dem Campingplatz essen. Clara hatte Lende und ich Zitronen Hähnchen. Das Essen war ein Reinfall. 😂

      Am nächsten Tag sind wir in einen Waschsalon gegangen. Dort wurde unsere Wäsche richtig sauber und gut trocken. 🥳

    • Tag 28

      Ribadesella 🚠

      25. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Nachdem wir auf dem Campingplatz ausgecheckt haben, sind wir weiter in der Schlucht gefahren um mit einer Seilbahn auf den Berg hoch zu fahren. Die ganze Fahrt über hat es geregnet und es war kalt.
      Dort angekommen war das Wetter immer noch schlecht und wir wussten nicht ob die Wolken oben auf dem Berg nicht auch noch da sind. Zudem hat die Seilbahn 17€ pro Person gekostet. Das war uns zu viel. Nach kurzem überlegen sind wir wieder zurück gefahren. Unten konnten wir nämlich auch nicht wandern, da es geregnet hat.
      Auf der Straße waren einige Kühe unterwegs und auch vor den Bergen waren welche zu sehen. 🐮

    • Tag 29–30

      Offroad nach Fuente De

      9. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Die Cabraliega-Stadt Sotres liegt auf 1050 Metern Höhe, einer der Gipfel Asturiens. Kurz vor Sotres leitet uns das Navi auf einen Landwirtschaftsweg. Nach kurzem Überlegen bringt uns der Weg dem Herzen der Picos de Europa inmitten der Natur näher. 23 Kilometer Off-Road-Piste liegen vor uns. Es gibt einige schwierige Aufstiege , aber für Howhe kein Problem.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 2

      Tag 1 die Zweite / Part 2: 16.10.2017

      16. Oktober 2017 in Spanien ⋅ 15 °C

      Der Ursprungsplan war, in Cicera zu übernachten, aber da es bei unserer Ankunft erst 14:00 war, ging es nach der Kaffee-Bier-Stärkung weiter. Und wie es so sein soll, gab es genau einen französischen aber spanisch sprechenden Mitpilger in der Bar, der für uns die Herberge und ein Abendessen in Cabanes organisierte. Es sollte einfach so sein. 😊Weiterlesen

    • Tag 138

      Potes - Ondres

      19. April 2022 in Spanien ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      Wir werden heute Spanien verlassen.
      Die N-621 hält wieder zauberhafte Abschnitte für uns bereit. Wir kommen aus dem Staunen und Fotografieren nicht mehr raus.
      Es ist einfach nur schön.
      Bei einem Mercadona wird noch angehalten, gerade recht für eine kleine Pause, während mein Co-Pilot noch ein paar spanische Spezialitäten einkauft.
      Danach geht's weiter nach Ondres.
      Ob wir wieder mit Regen beglückt werden?
      Schau'n wir mal...
      Tja, richtig vermutet. Nicht nur auf der Fahrt, nein, auch hier wieder Regen.
      Wir haben beide keine Lust auf einen Strandspaziergang. Viel zu ungemütlich.
      Also, Heizung an, Fernseher eingeschaltet und gechillt, wie unsere Jungen das heutzutage nennen.

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Cillorigo de Liébana, Cillorigo de Liebana

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