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    • Dia 12


      27 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Arriviamo a Comillas per le ore 17:00, parcheggiato ERNESTO in uno dei numerosi parcheggi liberi del paese ci avviamo verso il centro dove, godendo del sole appena spuntato, ci concederemo una una breve visita dei i giardini SOBRELLANO sbirciando però solo rapidamente tra le siepi il 🏯CAPRICCIO di GAUDI 🧑‍💼📐. Dopo una piacevole passeggiata torniamo al nostro viaggio.Leia mais

    • Dia 12


      27 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      In ingresso al paese di Comillas incontriamo da subito la bella spiaggia 🏖️ con le sue onde 🌊 infrante sulla scogliera e il campeggio 🏕️ a picco sul mare. Non deve essere male una sosta qui, ma purtroppo nei prossimi giorni mettono forti venti e pioggie e le piazzole nel verde esposte al mare, per lo più posizionate in fondo ad una bella salita non sono le più adatte a noi per poter dormire sonni tranquilli in queste condizioni.Leia mais

    • Dia 19

      Comillas Albergue

      8 de outubro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Nice clean place with good service, but pretty tight quarters. Slept horribly, maybe the worst night so far even though it was extremely clean, there were two or three exceptionally loud snorers and the room was very warm and stuffy. I actually left my bunk around 4am to go sleep in the common room on the sofa for a few hours.Leia mais

    • Dia 14

      El capricho de Gaudí

      20 de maio de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      One of Gaudi's masterpieces is this house here in Comillas. So if you're not close to Barcelona and want to experience something by the master, this is a great stop.

    • Dia 4

      GO TO JAIL

      9 de setembro de 2017, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      This morning when I woke up it was raining. I already knew it was going to be that kind of day........ WET WET WET. During breakfast I had a chance to chat with some really nice spanish people also staying at the albergue.

      One couple was from Bilbao en the other from Valencia. It was the last day for the couple from Valencia, so they gave me a pair of socks (so I wouldn't get more ampollas) and they also gave me their bastones ( walking sticks).
      I gave them my curaguide card, because they guy has always wanted to visit Curacao 😁.

      So after saying goodbye I started walking and after a while it started raining...... Hopi hard.... And there was nowhere to hide from the rain, so helaas my pants and shoes were empapados.

      When I arrived in Cobreces, the rain stopped for a little bit and then just when it started up again, I passed this little capilla. I call it capilla but don't know if that's the correct name. It was this little stone house with two stone benches on each side and at the back there was a statue of a saint.
      Anywayyyy, I stopped here out of the rain and had a chance to tend to my feet, which were wet and painful. After a while, feet rubbed with Vaseline and a compeed or two further, I started walking again.

      It rained off and on, and when I arrived in Comillas there was a light drizzle.
      I did not want to stop here, but with the rain and also the feet situation, it was the wise choice. The next albergue is 12 km away, and my feet can't handle that.
      Fingers crossed that I don't get bed bugs from this place 😁😁

      Comillas is also a nice town. Popular because a couple of buildings here are (partly) by Gaudi. I have been here before, and I think I even took mama, mimi and opa here to see El Capricho. So then I've been here twice already. Notice how I am trying to convince myself that it's okay that I'm staying in bed instead of exploring the town. Did I mention it's raining 😁😁😁😁.

      The albergue I staying at is referred to as La carcel, the jail! Because in the olden days it used to be a jail. No, I am not sleeping in a cell, they have been taken out. Tonight I am sleeping with 14 other people..... Let the snore fest continue 😝😝😝😝
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    • Beautiful day on the Camino

      15 de junho de 2019, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      The sun shined on us all day!! And we walked through beautiful countryside, smell of fresh cut hay and eucalyptus, sounds of the bells on cows, goats and sheep. We had a few climbs that left us puffing, but nothing compared to what we’ve already done. And we had many views of the sea, as well as the Picos de Europe mountains in the distance.

      Just outside of Oruña, we passed the Church of San Pedro. Like most country churches, the entrance was locked. But just as we were about to walk away, a young man hurried up and asked us to come inside. In the shade of the portico, he offered us lemonade, an orange and a banana, “for strength.” Then he gave us a brief tour of the church.

      He asked if we were married. Then he picked up a clamshell from a small table. The two sides were decorated outside and inside, with a small painting of the church. The young man said the two halves were like the two sides of marriage, “ups and downs.” He broke the two halves apart, threaded one with green cord and one with red, the colors of St. Peter, and told us to place them around each others’ necks. It was a nice moment, and if we had arrived 5 minutes earlier, it would never have happened.

      Soon after that we arrived in Cobreces, had a nice brunch of eggs and toast, and continued walking toward the sea. We passed a nice beach, climbed a few more hills and finally arrived in Comillas. It’s also a tourist town, once favored by the Spanish nobility, and graced by several creations of Gaudí.

      As we were having dinner near the church square, we could hear bagpipes playing. We learned there’s a folk festival going on, so we spent some time listening in. If WIFI cooperates, there should be a video below —
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    • Dia 15

      21.5kms to Comillas

      26 de setembro de 2017, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      It was good to do a shorter walk and to arrive in Comillas in time for a menu del dia. This turned out to be a marathon lunch, as they somehow forgot about our order and brought us a plate of patatas bravas as an apology. We then had the other three courses, plus the complimentary green teas to apologise again! All of this was quite funny as we hadn't actually complained - we were too tired and relaxed to notice how long it was taking to bring the food.

      Our accommodation choice today was based entirely on its proximity to that menu del dia. We're in a pension. I'm not even sure of its name. We'll walk around the town later and I'll hopefully have a swim.

      This was a pretty straightforward walk today. Nothing difficult or spectacular. I called into the San Pedro church near Oreña and the man there seemed delighted that someone took the time to visit. There's a sello and a Camino information board.

      Over the past few days I've seen quite a few posters about the Camino Lebaniego and a pilgrim in a bar in Santander was singing it's praises. So many Caminos .....,,,,,
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    • Dia 5


      8 de setembro de 2022, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Journée merveilleuse sur le Camino aujourd'hui. Qui commence d'abord avec un petit déjeuner avec vue à la Posada. Et un rafistolage de pied : en plus des compeed, pansements, compresses, sparadrap,... Tout y passe ! Ça rendra les ampoules soutenables une bonne partie de la journée. Départ tardif à 9h30. Je me mets en route pleine d'ambition pour affronter la plus longue étape jusqu'ici. Route de béton toujours aujourd'hui, mais cette fois les paysages sont magnifiques ! C'est un enchaînement de vallées verdoyantes et de petits villages charmants. Je salue nombre de vaches et chevaux sur mon passage. Et de temps en temps on aperçoit l' océan et la côte. Je fais un bout de chemin avec deux allemandes qui n'ont pas d'hébergement pour le soir, je suis bien contente d'avoir réservé le mien la veille. Beaucoup de gens m'ont dit que sur le Camino principal il y a des auberges tous les quelques kilomètres ce qui laisse place à l'improvisation et la spontanéité . Cependant sur le chemin du Nord les villages sont plus espacés et les auberges plus rares, alors les places sont chères ! (après des heures de recherche, je me demande d'ailleurs bien où je vais pouvoir dormir demain..).
      Je prends moins de photos aujourd'hui car j'ai laissé mon téléphone dans le sac, ça m'évite de casser le rythme et aussi de regarder mon podometre toutes les demi heures, ce qui n'est pas toujours source de motivation. J'arrive à Cobreces à midi, c'est le point de mi parcours. Une petite demi heure de pause, sandwich, coca, et ça repart pour les 11km restants . Le village est super joli avec une très belle église. La route descend vers la plage, et le chemin s'étend derrière l'océan. Ensuite, il faut bien sûr remonter toute la falaise dans l'autre sens et la pente est rude. Mais la vue est de plus en plus magnifique avec l'altitude : la vallée verte et le village au fond, la plage et l'océan en bas. De temps en temps on aperçoit aussi les célèbres Picos de Europa en toile de fond (chaine de montagne espagnole). Une fois de plus, les 5 derniers kilomètres sont rudes. Je croise un couple de retraités canadiens qui eux aussi se languissent d'atteindre la fin. C'est très vallonné et il y a peu d'ombre aujourd'hui. En haut d'une côte j'aperçois enfin de nouveau la mer au fond, je me dis qu'à partir de maintenant ça doit descendre tout droit jusqu'à la mer. Grosse erreur : le Camino n'aime ni les lignes droites ni les raccourcis... Entre 2 hypos j'aperçois enfin le panneau qui indique "Comillas 2.0km, 30min", je n'ai jamais été si près du but ! Les derniers kilomètres se font sur un sentier calliouteux qui met bien à mal mes ampoules, mais la perspective d'arriver me permet d'ignorer la douleur. Et là soudain, au détour du sentier, plus de doute : un doux air marin, un fort bruit de vagues... Et l'océan ! Tout proche cette fois. Et enfin, ce panneau qui annonce COMILLAS. Énorme joie et soulagement ! Fierté aussi, car j'ai survolé cette étape en moins de temps que prévu. Une sensation qui donnerait presque envie de recommencer tous les jours.
      Encore un bon kilomètre pour arriver à mon auberge. J'y fais la connaissance d'Isabelle qui elle est partie de la Belgique et marche depuis 4 mois... Après une lessive rapide je m'empresse d'aller découvrir le village, et surtout d'aller me jeter dans la mer ! Comillas est vraiment très joli !!
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    • Dia 4

      Gawking at Gaudi

      26 de setembro de 2018, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      One of Antoni Gaudi’s early commissions was the 1883-85 construction of El Capricho, a holiday villa in Comillas for Maximo Diaz de Quijano, a wealthy lawyer.

      It’s a small but comfortable house with each room displaying whimsical design features that related to the clients interests of music, botany & literature.

      Fun Fact: Quijano only spent 7 nights in El Capricho as he died of liver failure in his new bedroom just before the building was completed.
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    • Dia 347

      Spanien, Comillas

      7 de setembro de 2018, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Ab jetzt ging es wieder alleine weiter...
      Nach einer verregneten Nacht bin ich weiter nach Spanien. Den Grenzübergang habe ich komischerweise überhaupt nicht registriert, plötzlich kam mir die Sprache auf den Schildern "vertraut" vor.

      Vom Campingplatz aus habe ich einen Ausflug in den kleinen Ort Camillas gemacht, mit dem Fahrrad parallel zur Küste. In Camillas gibt es ein Haus von Gaudí, was ich besichtigt habe. Außerdem gibt es eine Uni (wahrscheinlich nicht für Normal-Sterbliche), die in einem imposanten Gebäude ist, von der man einen tollen Weitblick hat.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Comillas, 39520, Комильяс

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