el Prat de Llobregat

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    • Day 44

      ☀️⛰️🏰The Final Stretch!🎆🌇🏁

      October 1 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      6:47 / 60 miles / 5,850 ft
      Totals: 2,109 miles ( 3,394 km) / 29 vertical miles ( 46,671 meters)
      A peaceful breakfast at Can Golinon with Asia was followed by another departing that seemed too quick. After 42 days of cycling Our final day would be from Can Golinon to Barcelona, since it was our last day we opted for the more mountainous route versus the coastal route we had taken earlier in the trip on day 1. We had the challenge of climbing to Castell de Burriac, an ancient castle perched above the Mediterranean near Mataró on the route for the day. The climb itself was brutal—sand, loose gravel, and steep gradients that had our back wheels trying to find traction, and at times slipping so much we would need to push our heavy bikes onward. But we made it, and standing atop the summit, looking out over the Mediterranean coastline, we knew the struggle was worth it. We spent nearly two hours soaking in the views, feeling a sense of accomplishment, but there was still much more climbing and difficult terrain to come. Video of climb:…

      With plenty of climbing still ahead, we pressed on, knowing Barcelona was within reach. Our route took us on more tough gravel roads, and at one time on a single-track mountain bike trail through a tunnel of tropical shrubbery. About 11 miles from Abraham’s where he left the key to his flat with his neighbor and our final destination, I had mapped us to a cute snack shop along the sea. I like to find our last celebratory stop ahead of time to make it special. We stopped at the quaint little bar by the beach, where we treated ourselves to a celebratory beer and chips. It was the perfect moment of relaxation after the relentlessly tough day of climbs, tough roads, and a continuous headwind.

      Little did we know, our final miles would have a surprise of their own. As we neared Barcelona, I had us routed by Gaudí's masterpiece the Basilica La Sagrada Famíla (still under construction since 1882), one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen, some other sites, and up Montjuïc though the nearby gardens. The sun had set and twilight was making the navigation more difficult. Also, I did not know Barcelona’s massive Olympic stadium was on the hill, and we found ourselves riding by the city’s massive (now) soccer stadium, and to our amazement, the streets were flooded with people. Thousands of fanatical fans were gathered to cheer on the teams, their chants from the stadium echoing through the streets. The excitement was electric—an explosion of a firework in the stadium as night began to fall, adding an unexpected intensity to our ride through the streets filled with hundreds of police and other security vehicles’ lights flashing.

      Navigating through the crowds was chaotic. With the light fading and the streets packed, weaving through people felt like a different kind of challenge. But eventually, we found a quieter route near El Prat (a suburb of Barcelona, where the airport is located), away from the stadium frenzy. In the darkness, the city’s streetlights guided us, casting a soft glow over the quiet streets as we pedaled the final miles.

      We arrived at Abraham’s house late in the evening, exhausted but happy, knowing we had completed our 42-day adventure.

      We ended the day after getting settled in Abraham with a dinner of el plato del día, stir fried rice with chicken, and a side of patata bravas.

      From the tough climbs to the unexpected detours, this final day was a perfect culmination to the cycling part of our journey.
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    • Day 45

      🇪🇸🧳Wrapping Up for the Trip Home🏡🇺🇸

      October 2 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Our final day in Spain began with a bit more work than planned: my eSIM had run out of days, leaving me without cellular service or WiFi. With no way to get connected, we needed to find a solution to book our Uber. Luckily, Google Maps was still working offline, and it led us to the city library. The slight crisis averted! With the phone up and running again, we scheduled an Uber to pick us up at 6:15 AM the next day, a big van that (fingers crossed) would fit both us and our bikes.

      After that was sorted, we spent the morning strolling around El Prat picking up some last-minute food souvenirs to bring back home to friends and family. Spain had been good to us in that department, and we wanted to share a bit of that goodness. Then it was back to Abraham’s (our Warmshower host who left us the key to his flat as he is in Japan), where the real work awaited: packing.

      Lisa dove into organizing our bags and tackling the task of disassembling parts of the bikes, while I sat down to work on our travel blog, reflecting on these incredible past six weeks. Things were moving along until we hit a snag: a stuck pedal. We didn’t have a long enough 8mm hex wrench to remove it, and with siesta time upon us, most stores were closed. After a brief walk around town to see if we could find a tool, we decided to improvise instead. Before we returned to Abraham’s to rig up a solution, we treated ourselves to some ice cream. Ice cream fixes a lot, but unfortunately, not stuck pedals.

      Eventually, we managed to get everything packed up and organized by 6:00 PM. Despite our confidence that we were ready for the airport, we were still a bit nervous about whether the 6-person van we had ordered would be able to accommodate the bicycle boxes. Hopefully, it would all come together in the morning.

      After a quick FaceTime call with Sebastian, we headed out for an early dinner at Bar Tíboli the same bar/restaurant we had been to the night before. We loved the place, and why not repeat a good thing? As we sat outside on the empty patio, lit by the soft orange glow of the streetlights, we enjoyed the sound of light sprinkles falling on the cobblestones. It was the perfect backdrop for reminiscing about the journey we had just completed. We laughed about the quirky things that happened, talked about how, despite being practically inseparable for the entire trip, we never got tired of each other, and discussed the places we’d like to return to one day and other places to explore: Japan, Southern Spain, Portugal, and definitely some time in the Basque region of the Pyrenees.

      We couldn't help but start thinking about the things we'd have to do once we got home, but quickly agreed to stop that train of thought. This moment was too perfect to ruin with to-do lists. Instead, we shifted to talking about the food we were going to miss and, on the flip side, how we wouldn’t miss the constant smoking and vaping in public spaces. I swear, I’ve inhaled more secondhand smoke in the last six weeks than in the last six years, and it continues at the Chicago airport as I write this.

      The rain picked up just as we decided to head back to the flat, and I joked that it was only fitting, given the amount of rainy weather we had encountered during the trip. But honestly, it felt like the perfect way to end the day—a soft, quiet rain to close out this unforgettable adventure. We went to bed early, ready for the journey home but not quite ready to leave this part of Europe.
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    • Day 47

      J47 - Barcelona 🥰

      October 8 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Un passage et une escale à Barcelone. Pas de photo, car on ne voit rien de la ville ...

      A la place, je me dis qu'il est temps que je rentre... L'ouragan Kirk, qui touchera la France bientôt, arrive sur le nord de l'Espagne et il ne va pas faire bon marcher par ce temps là... 🤯Read more

    • Day 28

      Ich bin dann mal weg

      September 3, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      Heute morgen ging es nach Nürnberg um pünktlich den Flug nach Girona zu erwischen. Das hat dann auch alles prima geklappt. In Girona gab's nach kurzem Schreck wegen fehlendem Gepäck schnell den Mietwagen. Ein Fiat sollte es sein, wurde dann aber schnell zum neuen Golf. Und da ich nur 20 Minuten entfernt war von Lorret de Mar, war mein erster Weg zum Strand. Schön an der Promenade einen Kaffee trinken. Zuletzt war ich hier mit 16 zur Abschlussfahrt der 10ten Klasse.😄 Ok zurück am Auto, war alles fast wie in Deutschland. Erstmal einen Strafzettel von der Scheibe nehmen..., aber Mann von Welt oder ehr Mensch um Welt bügelt esmit einem nicken glatt.

      Ok auf nach Barcelona und während der Fahrt noch den morgigen Flug nach Lima Umgebucht. Statt Mitternacht geht's nun morgefrüh um 10 über Madrid nach Lima. Gegen 19 Uhr werde ich dann morgen in Lima ankommen. In Barcelona wollte ich mir gerne den Park Güell ansehen, die Karten waren aber leider bereits für heute ausverkauft. Dann eben mal an der Sagrada di Familia vorbei gefahren und die Las Ramblas mit einem Eis entlang geschlendert. Am Abend wollte ich dann in Meernähe schlafen und fand vorerst einen guten Spot. Nach Hinweisen von Locals blieben mir dann glücklicherweise 200 Euro Strafe erspart, da die Parkplätze den Anwohnern vorbehalten sind. Und ja liebe Spanier, das ist ok! Ich bin schließlich nur auf der Durchreise. Die Stadt ist im Übrigen mittlerweile übersät von graffitis mit dem Text "tourists go home" und die allgmeine Bevölkerung hat die Nase voll von Deutschen und Briten.

      Meine isomatte mitzunehmen war dann auch die richtige Entscheidung. So liegt es sich im Golf für diese Nacht deutlich bequemer. Ab morgen dann Hostel Waikiki😄👌

      Guts Nächtle
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    • Day 3

      Day 2: Shakedown Ride in El Prat, ES

      August 21 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Abraham gave us great advice to take a 12 mile ride to a quiet beach. We got in the ocean for a soak and loved being pushed toward the beach by the big waves. The bikes are ready for our first day heading toward the Northeast. Other highlights of the day were: relaxing in hammocks in the AM, bravas at the beach, and dinner with Abraham on his balcony.Read more

    • Day 41

      Back to Barcelona Part 2

      September 22, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      And so all good things must come to an end. We ended our Spain - Morocco - Andorra adventure where we began ... in Barcelona. We had one last night in Barcelona before we commenced our 27-hour journey back to Brisbane, with a five-hour stopover in Doha, Qatar.

      Next stop: Brisbane
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    • Day 5


      April 12, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Zum Schluss flanieren wir noch durchs Quartier Barri Gotic und am Yachthafen entlang. Bye bye Barcelona!!

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    El Prat de Llobregat, el Prat de Llobregat, إل بارت دي يوبريغات, el Prat, アル・プラ・ダ・リョブレガート, 08820, Эль Прат, Прат де Љобрегат, Ал-Прат-да-Любрагат, 埃尔普拉特德略夫雷加特

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