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    • Dag 14

      Day 10- Hiking the Meseta to Hornillos

      9 oktober 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      We left Burgos while dark and walked along the river beside the cathedral and old town. The city was coming alive with bikers and pedestrians all headed to work. There was a nip in the air and it was the coldest morning so far on the trip. It made the first portion of our walk go by very quickly and before we knew it we were at a cafe having our first cup of coffee. It was a big morning to use Julie’s knife, that she bought in SJPP, and we cut up an apple and had it with some nuts we picked up on our hike around the city yesterday.

      Properly fueled we were on our way and headed for our final destination of Hornillos - 22km (13+ miles) away.

      Along our hike we encountered our THE best place for lunch we have found so far. Fried eggs, chorizo, leafy green salad and all around perfect brunch and our halfway point of 10km. Joan literally moaned as she finally had her beloved salad. Outside of the black flies, and the hot, hot unseasonably warm weather it was one of our best stops yet.

      The terrain has changed. We have entered the Meseta, the high plains desert of Northern Spain. The sun is beating upon us. It is dusty with little shade. While we don’t have extreme inclines and declines of the past week, the monotonous never ending gravel road is just as taxing on our bodies as the mountains were.

      For the first time on our journey we did not plan for the night’s accommodations. We thought, “let’s be pilgrims” and see how far we can go. We made the full stage, but the inns were full and left us with only Albergues had room. We found a private room, clean switch a bathroom - a far cry from our luxury hotels. But for tonight it was just perfect.

      After a quick shower, we went to the common area outside our Albergue where we could wash our clothes with a course bar of soap. It smelled fantastic- lemony and Joan bought two beers to help us with our chores. We literally scrubbed our clothes like peasant women by the river.

      Once our work was done we hit the town. We walked the village in search of a cocktail. We found the church, town square and saw that mass was starting in 10 min (6pm) and we attended. As our earlier church experience, it was an absolute blessing. The priest brought all pilgrims to the front of the church. We said prayers and sang songs in our languages and we were blessed with holy water. Another moving experience on our pilgrimage.

      We left church following other pilgrims and walked into a bar/restaurant which had live music and a pilgrim dinner. The bartender spoke English and called himself “Mr fix-it” and we sat down with a beer and started to unwind. We asked what was for dinner and he asked us to “trust him”. As we were waiting for dinner, the musicians began to play. And oh my goodness were we surprised. One a tenor and one a jazz musician- blew us away.

      Joanie got another salad, and Julie her chicken wings and rice. Three pilgrims joined us- two sisters from France and a young man from Germany. It was a magical evening. It truly represented the spirit of the Camino.

      Tomorrow we are off on another 20km. We have a spa booked and going bougie…Buen Camino!
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    • Dag 19


      6 oktober 2023, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 52 °F

      Today we left Hornillos in the dark and walked to Castrojeriz. The walk was mostly flat and through agricultural lands where wheat is typically grown although we didn’t see any wheat until the end of the walk. Tomorrow’s a rest day for us so I will write more about this place, but it is really beautiful. There’s a big hill above the town with a crumbling castle on it.

      People here have been very nice. We’re looking forward to checking out the church tomorrow.

      And they have a farmacia! Although David is pretty healthy now, I’m a week past my COVID positive test and still struggling with congestion and cough and very scant voice. We’re doing well with our walking (although any hills have me wondering “is it always this hard to clim a hill???”) but in the afternoons I’ve been napping. I guess my body just needs the extra down time.

      It’s funny (in a great way) how now that we’ve settled into a routine, David’s cognitive challenges are basically just what they are at home. He gets a little confused about where we are and has trouble making decisions. But he now pretty much seems like his old self. I can’t say enough good things about predictable routines. As long as David kind of knows what to expect, he seems engaged and having fun.’ Our first few days on this trip he was so confused that I feared I had broken some abilities that work well for him by bringing him here. But it’s been a very pleasant surprise to see him rally, adjust, and thrive in this new place! I’m so glad we are able to do this together!

      Also we have been discussing the role of religion and our spiritual beliefs a lot on this trip, something we rarely talk about. I believe in a creator and in the mystery of “everything,” where David is more accepting of the teachings of his Lutheran upbringing. Anyway, one of the things I’m pretty skeptical about is the power of prayer. However, I know a lot of people are praying for us now, and I don’t know if that too is helping, but I’m very grateful fair our friends and family members who are praying for us.
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    • Hornillos & Beginning of the Meseta

      13 september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      Leaving Burgos we traveled with a few new women who have been also traveling solo.

      We saw a gentleman from Ireland traveling alone, and quite confused—this was his first day on the Camino, as he is starting from Burgos. We helped Simon learn how to spot “ the way” out of Burgos. But I must say, Burgos is terribly marked—or should I say not marked much at all! Simon seemed happy to have a cadre of pilgrims to follow.

      After 5 hours, 15 miles, and one big hill later we are at our Albergue for the night.

      Tomorrow we begin the Meseta. Meseta is a part of Spain known among pilgrims for its wide skies, dry heat, and flat lands. It is
      180 km some say 220 km, some have no idea! There is very little to see. It is important to carry more water than usual. And it is important to be prepared for heat, sun, and rain.

      Speaking of rain, we are having an incredible storm now. Praying pilgrims are not walking in it! ⛈

      I’m off to have a beverage, and dinner after washing the sweat, dust, and dirt from my clothes and me!

      Feeling better today. How wonderful it was to have a rest day yesterday! Soaking in a hot bathtub two days in a row was a true luxury!

      Tomorrow I am off to Castrojeriz, 20.1 klicks.

      Can you find the shell or yellow arrows? Some signs are more obvious than others, but not most.

      Blessings to all who read this! ✝️💜
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    • Dag 27

      Day 18-Hornillos del Camino

      23 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      What a lovely day! It was cold this morning so we didn't start walking until after 9am. It was sunny and there was little shade, but a constant cool breeze made it enjoyable.

      We stopped for coffee in Tardajos and I ended up sparking a lively conversation about tortilla de patatas among four local women. It wasn't the usual "with or without onions" debate. It got into "not everyone makes good tortilla", to the right type of potato to use, to how to beat the eggs properly. We found Tardajos to be an extremely friendly town. Several older gentlemen stopped us to talk as we walked through town.

      As we were walking down the hill into Hornillos, we heard explosions and saw smoke in the air. We were hoping it wasn't another Civil War. When we checked in, we found out that there was a wedding in the plaza (we could hear the music) and they were responsible for the fireworks. We tried to crash the wedding but we were woefully underdressed. But not as underdressed as the German guy wandering the street in his boxers!

      We chatted and dined with a Hungarian lady who started her Camino today in Burgos. 13 years ago she walked St. Jean to Burgos. We also dined with a couple we've been with since Quintanilla. We seem to stay at the same places. They recently moved from California to Georgia.

      We ended up walking 14.5 miles today. Tomorrow might be slightly shorter.
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    • Dag 16

      Day 16

      8 september 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      I was awake pretty early this morning, I admit I was a little worried that I may have had a bit of a headache as two glasses of red wine is usually my limit 😬… no headache.. result!!
      Breakfast eaten.. It was time to head off…
      There were no worries this morning regarding the route as my accommodation was literally on it.
      It was lovely for walking first thing, no wind today meant it wasn’t quite so chilly.. it was a really enjoyable walk today which surprised me as I wasn’t expecting it to be with not much in the way of hills.. a few long gradual climbs saving the day 😂
      I went passed a guy really tramping on with his sticks ( very popular, can’t believe how many people use them ), when he suddenly came running up along side me to check if I was doing the marathon!! I assured him I wasn’t, he seemed relieved as he just said “very good, very good “.. I think it was a couple of Km’s and my taking a few photos before he believed me and settled back down to his own rhythm.. I also passed Ben and Chloe from last night and after a few words I got a hug from Chloe, discussing the difficulties of being a girl and needing a wee on route last night obviously brought us closer 😀
      One thing I have found amazing so far are the clouds.. I keep finding myself taking numerous pictures of them, they’re fantastic.
      I finished today in Castrojeriz, which is absolutely beautiful, but is like a ghost town, there are no people!!!! AND everywhere was closed, I think one bar and a shop were all that seemed to be open, and even the bar shut at lunchtime… by the time I had my evening meal, breakfast seemed like an age ago and I was seriously hungry!
      With everywhere closed and nothing much to do this afternoon I really wanted to sit down with a book! A proper paper book! No room in the bag, ..I hadn’t brought one .. then i remembered slipping my iPad mini down the side of my bag.. not paper, but it did have my kindle app on it, which was definitely better than nothing.
      Much to Steve’s irritation, I have absolutely no problem reading and re reading books I enjoy.. so what was it to be.. Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights??… toss of a coin decided and Wuthering Heights it was. So I had a really relaxing and guilt free afternoon reading….
      Dinner this evening was fabulous.. but i was VERY hungry…they’d gone out of their way to make an alternative for me as everything that was on this evening’s menu contained meat.. so appreciated.
      I’m feeling pretty sleepy this evening, which is bizarre, as it was a shorter walk today and my spare time was spent lying on the bed reading!!
      Despite my fab meal, I’m already looking forward to breakfast!!!!😂
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    • Dag 13

      Hornillos del Camino

      4 augusti 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      This is my destination today. A very small village, I have a feeling that this is one of those places that pilgrims keep alive. The only visible commercial activities are a few albergues and basic food supplies.
      I am staying at El Alfar de Hornillos, a small private albergue, nice and quiet with very helpful hosts. Not quite the level of Belorado, but also has a swimming pool 😂
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    • Dag 24

      8.5 kms to Cafe Fuente Sidres

      11 oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      An early start today , as we needed to be out of the Albergue before 8 AM, So a 7:50 walk through the dark streets if town, past the church. And a long gradual climb to the Meseta. We have met Susan from Australia who walked with us all morning.

      Found an Albergue and cafe open outside of of the next town for a late morning coffee.
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    • Dag 19

      Hornillos del Camino

      5 juni 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      Bwuee between wwwwell fffolks wez made it here. Me, myself and I and my pics y ampulles

      Within reasons I still feel them (one day rest technically is not enough to heal) but I moved along fine in the sandals

      20 klicks..kicks... Did a good chunk of it in the morning with cooler temperatures (it did rain last night, Thanks be to GOD)

      Attended Pilgrims Mass tonight with was awesome
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    • Dag 25

      Burgos to Hornillos de Camino

      28 september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Today we were up early and left Burgos in the dark at 7 am. I had a terrible night's sleep so it all seemed a bit of an effort and my legs and feet seem to take on a life of their own! It didn't take long though for the cool morning air to wake me up and it was a much prettier exit from Burgos then the entrance. We passed the beautiful Cathedral and then on past the University and leafy suburbs
      Unfortunately we had thought we would find a cafe in the outer suburbs of Burgos for breakfast but that was not meant to be. Finally after 11km of walking we came to Tardajos where the coffee was good and the croissants were even better. All was well with the world!
      We carried on and met a young english chap carrying a gnome on the walk. We wished him luck. It's tough enough with a pack on your back. We think we have seen the last of Barrett who biked gaily past us in his kilt so we were slightly sad to wave farewell.
      After passing through another village we came across a dear wee church where we popped out heads into. Inside were 2 nuns who were blessing everyone and gave us tiny St Christopher pendants. It was all quite a surprise.
      On we walked with blue blue skies and freshly harvested cereal crops with windmills topping the hills and then a gradual long climb to the official beginning of the Meseta. The Meseta is the high central plateau in Spain and the soil is poor and the landscape is barren but there is something quite grand about the expansive views you get and the big sky. There is not much shade but luckily there was a breeze.
      At about 1.30pm we walked into the one street town and all we can hear is the odd chime of the church bells and the usual rooster crowing.
      Our room is old fashioned but spacious which is a luxury. There are quite a few pilgrims staying here with a very homely bar and restaurant. Enclosed is a photo of the swimming pool which is looking a tad green.
      We have had a wonderful siesta and now soon it will be time for a quiet drink and a pilgrims dinner.
      I must say it's nice to be back in a quiet villages and enjoy the peace of a little place. Buen camino
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    • Dag 13

      Sore feet

      4 augusti 2022, Spanien ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      My feet were very sore as I was approaching Burgos yesterday. It's internal, either muscles, tendons or ligaments, as I still don't have any blisters.
      Last night I was contemplating spending a whole extra day in Burgos, to give the feet a break. But they felt much better in the morning. Still some pain with certain movements, but I could walk, and I was only going to do a relatively short day of 20k.
      I taped the right foot, and it made me feel better, even if just a placebo effect.
      The terrain today would be mostly flat, and I knew I could make it if I went slow, being careful how I placed my feet on the ground.
      Yesterday was also fairly flat, and I sped up a bit (I beat Manolo 😂). No speeding today.
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