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Top 10 rejsedestinationer Gozón
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    • Dag 42

      Playade Lylmeres/kurz vor Gijón

      9. december 2022, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Was macht man am besten mit einen Regen Tag? Arbeiten🤓 und mit den Freundinnen telefonieren, natürlich gemütlich von der chill Lounge aus😎. Ein Blick auf das Wettergeschehen der nächsten Tage, lässt uns weiter fahren, Richtung Frankreich 🇫🇷Læs mere

    • Dag 132

      Playa de Xagó

      27. juli 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Ganz netter Surferbeach 🏄🏼‍♂️🏄‍♀️
      Haben aber lieber einen Tag Pause vom Surfen genommen und Lasagne am Strand genossen 🥰
      Tornado musste der Vollständigkeit halber auch gezündet werden, ist ja klar 🤙🏼

    • Dag 144

      Playa de silencio & Playa de Xagó

      8. august 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Adler hängt Fischkutter in schmaler Küstenstraße ab…
      Traumhafter Ausblick in traumhafter Bucht! Da wären wir gern geblieben… für immer ☀️
      Weiter geht nach Xagó: Lukas der Surfgott gibt wieder alles für eine gute Show!!Læs mere

    • Dag 18

      Aviles to Muros de Nalon, Spain

      18. september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Today started out like an Easter egg hunt again, finding the arrows and shells leading us out of town. We came across a beautiful church where mass was about to begin. We stepped in, said a quick prayer, and got back to finding those arrows. After about a half an hour of working our way out of town, I looked at my app and realized that it wasn’t on the ‘blue line’ we normally follow, but we kept following the yellow arrows and ended up bypassing a couple towns and shaving off 1.4km. Finally migrating off the blue line worked in our favor! We had a little rain about an hour into our walk, but it was cool so wearing the Packa (a zip up poncho) wasn’t like cooking inside a sauna. Amen. I found myself getting very negative and anxious when I had to pull that sauna thing out. You know by now, I can’t stand walking in the rain. I couldn’t tell if it was going to keep going all day or if it was just a gentle reminder that it’s part of this lovely adventure. As I walked along dirt tracks I asked myself why I got so much anxiety over the rain. I think most would prefer not to walk 15 miles in it, but it felt different. Like more than how others might react. Then it hit me. Montana. 21 day survival trip my parents sent me on when I was 15. It rained 7 of the 21 days. I still remember exactly how many days it rained. How there was no washer/dryer (of course), how everything stayed wet and damp most of the trip, ill fitting boots, one change of clothes, and how I was sent there and had no way out of it. There it was. My resentment, fear, frustration, and just plain anger over that. I was put in the middle of Montana for sneaking out my bedroom window and smoking cigarettes. I wasn’t told about this plan until the day my parents drove me over to Spokane and dropped me off. I was with about 7 others who were a couple years older than me hooked on cocaine, smoking pot, ripping off their employers, and running with gangs. They were rich kids from New York, LA, and one from Florida. I didn’t feel my crime fit the punishment. I was stuck with these ‘bad kids’ and it was an absolute nightmare. I cried as I recanted that memory. Why did my mom go along with my dads militant idea he read about in the Spokesman Review newspaper? Why not just parent me? Why ship me off? Wasn’t the last time I was shipped off either. Why didn’t my step sister have to go? My step brother? They did the same stuff and worse. Because their mother wouldn’t have allowed it. I felt unprotected then and it surfaced today. In the rain, and again, I felt like I had no way out and no one had my back. Didn’t expect to be processing this today. But, I guess it was time! Gotta love the Camino and how it pulls out those little bits of my childhood that were highly disturbing, unforgettable, and so fricking unfair. Not feeling like a victim. Please don’t think that, victim mentality has never been my thing. Just working it out so it doesn’t stay inside and fester anymore. I have choices now. I have a say-so in my life. If I want to walk through the rain, I can. If I want to hail a cab, I can. Today I hung with it because I chose to. And it was just fine. Before long the Packa was being put away in the backpack and I was strolling through beautiful forests in the cooler weather. Felt really cleansed and blessed.
      Holly and I walked within sight, but with space, with no talking, and it was so peaceful. This is whėt I needed. She probably did to. We aren’t here to drink all the wine in Spain or be a tourist. The remainder of the day I didn’t force anything to surface, I just surrendered to what the Camino wanted to show me, and maybe that was plenty for the day.
      My legs felt good, my feet kept stepping and I completely enjoyed the rest of my day of walking. It felt like a short day being only 14 miles. Never thought I’d say that haha!! So much better that those 20 mile days. We had time to get clothes washed and hang them on the line to dry. Dinner is at SEVEN! Not 8!!Yay!! The albergue we are staying at is really nice and clean. The lady runs a tight ship, but she’s super friendly. There is a big lawn with a teepee, horreo (converted to sleeping quarters) and lots of tables and chairs to relax in. Nothing in this town to explore, so it’s a perfect oasis to just be and truly rest our bodies. The next few days are easy breezy. Only 10-12 miles. But, we still have a couple big ones left on the itinerary. We are inching our way closer to Santiago! It doesn’t seem so far away now, but still a couple of weeks. My phone is about dead, need to charge, it’s the device getting us from point A to point B every day, so it gets a good workout!! Time for both the phone and I to recharge. Love you all, peace be with you, and for myself, remembering that every single storm runs out of rain.
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    • Dag 21

      Aviles, Spain

      17. september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

      25km walk today. We started with a 6€ Buffet breakfast. They even had GF toast and lots of fruit and eggs. Great start!
      Walking out of Gijon takes quite awhile. We have left the beaches and are in the pastures and forests again. We had decent ups but mostly flat. And some industrial areas that just weren’t photo worthy, at all! And stinky. Uck!
      There were only one place to stop for coffee, water or food. So for the most part it was another banana, chocolate, almonds and water day.
      We have arrived in Avilas, Spain! We have enough energy to really walk around so we are off!!
      Apperantly, they don’t believe in serving drink without food here, we are being told, Hurray hungry us!
      No chips or simply some bread. We get bread with Jamon ( ham) or torte, in this case potatoes and eggs sliced from a pie shape. Great folks! Beautiful town. The architecture and the history just pull me in! This town just pulls at me.
      We slipped into an open church. and were enthralled by its art and presence. . I sat down and I got tears in my eyes actually, they were flowing., I had no idea where they were coming from…. something about this church just hit me.
      Tomorrow we are off to Muros de Nalon. 22km
      Up down, up down, I will try not to bore.
      Hope you are all well!!
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    • Dag 22

      Muros de Nalon,Spain

      18. september 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Today was a rather introspective day. I may cover that, May not.
      22.8km flat or straight up and some decent descents.
      Heading out this morning looking for the Shells in town to mark the way. We came upon an open church. As we left the beautiful church a very nice man asked if we were in the Camino pointed us in the right direction with a ‘Buen Camino’ and a smile. Over these many days that has happened a wonderfully perfect times: a woman putting out trash or a clerk opening their shop have called out and given directions, pointing and gesturing or walking with us until they are happy they have set us in the right direction.
      Today we started out with rain and dirt/muddy roads. Then traveled in sun sun and on paved roads. We walked beside pastures and through villages. We can hear traffic at times. Sometimes we are on the road. At times no shoulders. Yikes!!
      We had 2 ‘caffee’ stops today. Each time they proprietress gave us our drinks then brought out cake, bread with meat, or bread with cheese etc. .Not a lot but apparently in this part of Spain you eat when you drink anything. I love it. I can’t eat it, but I love it! 😃
      We have ended at a spot for the night with a Horrio as its symbol. I am admittedly a ‘bit’ obsessed with these historical / still used family: household grain storages. I finally had to promise I would quit pointing out every single one. Tammy might have gagged me. 😂. So sorry for you- I re-entered a few photos in case you missed them.
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    • Dag 41

      Gijon to Avilés

      28. august 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We are back on the Camino at 9:10 am this morning, it’s going to reach 26 degrees and apparently our walk today is 24 Km, (we’ll see when we get to our destination). Our packs feel very heavy today, it’s been a while since we carried them or even walked on the Camino. I am excited to be back on track, not really knowing what we will encounter or what our day will have in store for us, but to me that’s half the fun! We walk beside a massive steel production plant, it reminds me of the one out of Baz Luhrmann’s - The Great Gatsby. The sun already has some sting in it, and we are feeling it as we climb inclines in the road, I fear we may have lost our trail legs! I will know for sure by the end of the day. We walk on quite country roads all the way to our first town, we stop at the church there, it’s locked but it has a cute little library exchange on the grounds and there are a few cement benches positioned under the shade of big old trees, we pick one, take off our packs, shoes and socks, and sit, the cold cement on our bodies, legs and feet feels so soothing, we sit here for 20 minutes or so, just enjoying the break in the shade, then it’s time to go again. We get our socks and shoes back on, then heave the backpacks on and just like that we are ready to continue along the road to Santiago. We walk on a very quite country road, the scenery is pretty with rolling green hills, small crops and homes dotted here and there. We come to the next town, we have done 18.02 Km, it’s 3:00 pm and we are looking for lunch. We get to a bar and order a drink, but this bar has no food. We sit and drink our drinks. Louie’s feet are killing her today, she has struggled on all day and has done extremely well to get this far, we get a taxi the last 9.23 Km. We get to our apartment, drop our backpacks off, there is a bar just outside our place, we go there but can only get drinks, no food, so we have a drink, then go in search of a supermarket, they are all closed as it’s Sunday. We go back to our apartment hit the showers then order pasta through a food delivery app. It arrives, the portions are a good size and the food is yummy. We then lie down and rest our weary bones, if we fall asleep, so be it.Læs mere

    • Dag 101

      Cabo de Peña

      2. december 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Nach den "Bufones" ging es noch etwas weiter gen Westen.

      Nächster Stop war der Leuchtturm am "Cabo de Peña".

      Auch hier beeindruckte mal wieder die Steilküste. Von diesem Punkt soll es auch möglich sein, mit etwas Glück Wale zu beobachten. Leider war das Glück nicht mit uns.Læs mere

    • Dag 102


      10. november 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Ein Glück haben wir noch diesen Ort gefunden. Wir stehen direkt an einer Klippe die Ins Meer ragt. Die Aussicht von hier ist einmalig und wir verbringen hier eine ruhige Nacht da wir ganz alleine stehen.Læs mere

    • Dag 5

      Playa de Xagó 🌄🫓⛱️

      25. juli 2023, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Derrapando después del trabajo de Violeta nos vamos a ver el atardecer a la playa de Xagó 🌄

      La playa es enorme y hay poca gente, por lo que aprovechamos para hacernos unas fotos mientras casi nos engullen las olas, como hemos visto que les ha pasado a algunas algas y bivalvos 🧐🐚

      Para cenar, vamos a un chiringuito "Pijipi" y nos comemos (como podemos) unas arepas mientras probamos otras cervezas artesanales 🍻

      Volviendo a casa nos tomamos un vinito rosado para aguantar este trote y reposar la cantidad de comida de estos días. La vuelta al gimnasio va a ser divertida 😄
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