Hospital de Órbigo

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    • Dzień 2–3

      Day 2 Hospital de Orbigo

      30 października 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Day two started without any troubles. I met two people from Netherlands so I practised my Dutch. The lady had a problem with her ankle and she could barely walk. They have been on Camino for seven weeks, me 2 days and I already feel quite beaten. The route was nice and quiet. The last stretch of La Meseta. Most of the time the route followed back country road with almost no traffic. One could see from horizon to horizon, nothing around. It reminded me of a story back in my hitchhiking days. One driver mentioned that he experienced something like that in Kazachstan. I strangely became happy when a car appeared on a horizon. I met a German peregrino. He called taxi since his ankle was also swollen and he could not walk anymore. He offered me a ride, I refused. First test? The bridge in Hospital De Orbigo is impressive, the longest on Camino, from 10th century. My albergue is just next to it. Super convenient Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 26

      Ur jousting me

      17 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Compared to the Meseta, towns are beautifully spaced now, and I came, in time, to Hospital de Orbigo and its wonderful bridge.

      I was completely in my head until I got here, and it pulled me into the moment where I stayed the rest of the day.

      I was looking at the wooden stuff on the grassed side, making another Knights Tale joke to myself when I realised, later confirmed by a sign, no that is an *actual* jousting set up. Brilliant.
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    • Dzień 25

      Stage 22 - along the way

      26 kwietnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Today the Camino was back to its verdant, more interesting style after days of straight and flat.

      So many highlights, including the most beautiful supermodel chickens in a cafe we stopped at, the stunning Hospital de Órbigo (with its bridge that legend has it saw 300 knightly fights when one guy got turned down by a girl and decided he had to defend his honour by challenging everyone else to a fight in the 1400s!), and the most gloriously hippy food and rest stop in the middle of nowhere! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 33

      Day 32. San Martin to San Justo

      16 czerwca, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      We were unable to get a bed in Astorga, so we are going to stop about 1.5 miles from there and pass through tomorrow morning. Today we stayed with the original route although it was near a highway. Steve was wishing we had taken the other scenic route. But as the saying goes, there is a reason we were on that path…. We were the only ones there with one other person behind us. I recognized him from various Albergue but had not met. He is usually with a large group of South Koreans. We stopped to shed some layers and he came up on us. We asked if was alright and he said he was just following us. He did not want to pass. He wanted to follow. His name is Kin and he wanted us to guess how old he was. Steve guessed about 70. He thanked us profusely and said he was into his 80’s. I knew then, that was why we were there on that route. I don’t know why he was there alone but we kept an eye on him til we got to our place. Hope we meet again.
      After a short nap, we went to find food. This bar had the best hamburguesas. It was missing the onion tho! Met a local playing cards. Looked like solitaire to me. I was able to call and wish my dad a happy Father’s Day! Tomorrow we will be back in the mountains again. Should be more beautiful scenery but weather can be unpredictable. Today I am grateful that we were where we needed to be, grateful to be able to talk with my dad and grateful for a hamburger! Today we walked 12.9 miles (29638 steps)
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    • Dzień 32–33

      Walking out of Leon to San Martin

      6 czerwca, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      3 Rest days were good!

      I set off to walk out of Leon early~ish in the morning.

      It was nice. The Camino trail ran through the historic part of the city past some beautiful buildings. It was nice seeing Pilgrim’s and familiar faces heading out for the day.

      Wishing them all well with a “Buen Camino”

      I stopped at the bridge on the way out and saw large trout swiming up stream!

      The city of Leon transitions from historic, to working class then industrial. After the historic part it’s like walking through garden city, pooler and president street in Savannah. For my California peeps. It’s like walking through Long Beach, Hawthorne, Wilmington and San Pedro in the ports.

      There is nothing inspiring. A reminder of modern life with busy city busses and working class walking around with big trucks driving by. Smells that are particularly present and not knowing their source. Pew!

      “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot”

      Have you ever tried to walk around an Amazon Warehouse? Uninspiring!

      Walking around these parts reminded me of when I was younger and we would travel through the industrial area and working class immigrant areas often as a kid.

      As I turned down a street with large warehouses. I realized I had to go pee. There was no place to go pee and believe me I can go anywhere anytime.

      As I walked down the street I saw a warehouse and a pop up tent. A man had a pop up pilgrim services stop. His wharehouse was open with bathroom use. He offered me coffee and an orange and a place to sit. He had a box that said Donativo/Donation.

      Not everyone has money for a donation. Seeing the box reminded me of a stop way back on the trail where a pilgrim pop up was on the side of the road and a Pilgrim helped himself to the offerings of the donativo pop up. The man that was running the donativo tent got mad at the pilgrim for taking items and not paying for them. The man screamed and belittled the Pilgrim for eating the food. I offered to pay. The pilgrim said it’s donativo. (Pay what you can and I gave him 10 cents) The pop up tent man said you don’t take without paying! That was a lot to process.

      Back to this post. I sat drank my instant coffee. Thinking about that previous situation. Observed all the items this man had on display for his Pilgrim Donativo tent. He had a big Baird with all the different languages to say hello. It was an industrial where house “it’s a small world after all”. Moment. He was very kind and asked if I needed anything.

      While resting a woman came and sat with me and we decided to walk together for a little while. She told me her and her friend were supposed to walk the Camino but her friend broke her clavicle and so she was solo. Her name was Maureen and she had just started today as her first day walking. She is from Canada and asked me where were the mountains and the landscapes. I told her she is still in the Meseta = Insane -uh!!🤪

      I explained this is the section people avoid. It’s too uncomfortable. It doesn’t offer a lot of visual stimulation. Happy first day! 🤣
      Buen Camino! We both laughed. It was HOT!

      We walked together for a couple hours. It was probably 45 minutes in reality. The heat was uncomfortable and with nothing to look at we were running out of casual conversation. It was a soulless walk. She opted to get rest and stop. I forged ahead.

      I find these walks to be as fascinating and rewarding as any other whether it’s realized on that day or further down the line.

      What is past pleasure, instant gratification, enjoyment, Spotify playlist and podcast, complaining and so on and what’s past that and what’s past that?

      So many things to think and play with when walking in the Meseta.

      Oh I hear foot steps behind me!! I turn and it the guy from Uruguay that we had dinner with a few stages back! I hug him and ask how he is and take a selfie! He briskly marches on.

      I never saw anyone else for the rest of the day walking. It’s the volunteer road less traveled for sure. I’m not sure if everyone is supposed to travel it. I asked myself do I belong here walking this road?
      I definitely questioned wtf am I doing here?
      It’s there if you want to give it a go.

      I made it to my albergue. It was a quiet - ghost town. It was like staying at one of those old motels on Hwy 17. There was Nada in this town.

      I sat outside on the porch and a few Camino friends walking by spotted me and screamed my name!

      What a relief! Someone knew me and I knew them. Before I knew it. We had about 5 of us. We added a few more new Camino friends who were from Italy. We all had some beers chatted about our day. Everyone agreed “that was a shit walk” 🤪

      We had our pilgrim dinner. Which was pasta & garden salad, chicken paella and non alcohol after dinner shot. It was like doing a shot of shnapps with no alcohol.

      After dinner I sat out in near the Chicken coop talking to chickens.

      I prayed that the trail tomorrow would be brighter visually inspiring and then I prayed I would see it that way.

      Lights out! 💡 😴 🛌
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    • Dzień 24

      Part 2 of Day 19

      13 lipca, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      They had discovered the coliseum where the 7th Roman Legion would practine for battle and have fights with slaves and prisioners when they were building new apartments. The ruins of the bath rooms and latrines are also cool. Our hotel has glass floors so u can see what they discovered under the building. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 19–20

      Day 18

      23 sierpnia, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Tappa da León a Hospital de Órbigo
      Km 37
      Lasciare León è stato difficile... sia per le poche indicazioni, sia per il suo fascino!
      In mezzo al nulla ho conosciuto il sig. Dimitrio che faceva la sua passeggiata quotidiana. Dopo una breve intervista mi ha chiesto se avessi 40 anni... mi stava già simpatico a prima vista ma così ha conquistato un posto ďonore! Io gliene ho dati 75 ma lui ne aveva 87 quindi credo di essergli stato simpatico anch'io!
      Poi mi ha invitato ad andare nel suo bar a bere!
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    • Dzień 38

      Easy walk today, into Hospital de Órbigo

      29 września 2018, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      It was only a short walk, 15 kms, today, but we left at 8 am to catch the beautiful cool morning air, as we knew it would be a continuation of the unshaded road from yesterday afternoon. But it is so different in the coolth of morning! It is light at 8, but pre sunrise, so we soon had the magic of the rising glowing pink ball of the sun behind us. And the road which had been endless and rather tedious yesterday took on a very different light...it was dead flat for about 10 kms, and must still be the end of the Maseta, but different from the past week. We now pass by many corn fields, some beets and alfalfa, and a few cows. Tomorrow we will be into the hills on our way to Astorga.

      So we arrived here at Hospital de Órbigo by about 11.30, despite a refreshment stop along the way. We sat at a shaded bench near the famous bridge and ate lunch and wandered round a bit till our room was ready and bags arrived. This long and famous medieval bridge (13th Century, built on an earlier Roman one) we remember well, and our hotel room again looks out over it! Except this time it is a glorious day...our photos from last time were in the rain. So we will have a lovely quiet afternoon reading and relaxing. And the wifi seems good...a relief after the very variable and weak one from yesterday which kept cutting off when everyone was using it. I finally sent photos I wanted to send yesterday and will hope for success with this, plus more photos. This is a lovely little town on the river Órbigo, we even saw people trout fishing as we walked over the bridge, and I see trout features on menus here quite often. And of course it had a hospital for medieval pilgrims.
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    • Dzień 26

      Yesterday's walk

      12 września 2016, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌙 57 °F

      20 miles from León to Hospital de Obrigo
      Stayed at Albergue Verde, where they do a vegetarian dinner that was really good. It was so nice to have lots of vegetables after so much bread, meat and potatoes. They also had an evening yoga session that was very nice and relaxing.

      I was going to try to get to Santiago by September 22, then walk three days to Finesterre, then bus back to Santiago on my birthday on the 26th, because my friends Tom and Diane said that they would like to buy me birthday dinner, but I think that would be pushing it too much.
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    • Dzień 18

      Leon .. like moths to a flame

      27 września 2017, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Medieval pilgrims and modern pilgrims alike are drawn to the Spanish cities for provisions and to be wowed by their cathedrals. Leon is no exception. An elegant cathedral with exceptional stained glass windows. I could take pictures of the stained glass work alone for hours.

      But after the contemplative and peaceful countryside, Leon is a bit unsettling to this Canadian pilgrim. I'll be happy to get back to some solitude and leave Leon and its cathedral to other pilgrims. Buenas Noches.
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    Hospital de Órbigo, Hospital de Orbigo, 24286

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