Ibiza Nueva

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    • Day 10

      First cruise port- Ibiza

      November 9, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      The first stop of our 9 night Mediterranean cruise on the Norwegian Escape was to the Spanish island of Ibiza, in the Beleriac Sea.

      Known more recently as a big party town for the young jet-setter crowd, it was quite a historical and cultural education to learn of the centuries during which various occupiers ruled this key Mediterranean port.

      “Originally called Ibosim and founded by the Phoenicians, Dalt Vila has been added to by successive occupiers and was once one of the most important coastal cities in the Mediterranean. The last addition was the Renaissance defensive walls that surround it, which Kings Charles I and Philip II of Spain had constructed to defend against the French and the Ottomans.”

      We began by taking a taxi from the cruise port to the top of the Dalt Vila (old city) a fortified area that guarded the harbor. We visited several free museums, and the old cathedral on top of the hill. We walked down the narrow cobbled streets and alleys, with photo ops seemingly around every corner.

      We hit a few shops, before and after stopping for lunch at a sidewalk cafe. Then on back to the ship, for some relaxing in the thermal suite before dinner.

      An evening at a dueling pianos bar capped the night.
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    • Day 8

      PADI AOW & Nitrox certified

      June 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      We had a fantastic three days of diving with Centro de Buceo SCUBA IBIZA Diving Center. They have wonderful staff and a well-oiled setup. J's instructor, Vidal, was a lot of fun. He was impressed with how comfortable J was in the water with such a long break from diving. PADI has online studying which is done before arriving at the drive shop. J did two courses, Advanced Open Water (AOW) and Enriched Air (Nitrox). I completed my Nitrox.

      Dive sites were close by and only about 10 minutes boat ride. There were not many drivers, so it almost felt like a private charter! The weather was fantastic with very calm water.

      The sea life was awesome! We spotted many things: octopus, nudibranchs, many mediterranean moray (MURAENA HELENA), fishes, barracudas, slipper lobster, rock fishes, and more!
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    • Day 8

      NACHT 7 (Mo) Sunrise & La Troya

      July 11, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Der letzte Abend aber die Luft ist lang noch nicht raus… zumindest bei den Engelbergs, Robin und Melody

      Auf dem Weg zum sunrise liefen wir “einem alten Freund” über den Weg - Dani hörte mein Lieblingslied “Circles” und als wir ins Gespräch kamen bemerkten wir dass wir bereits (Insta)freunde sind (wir hatten uns bereits an einem der vorherigen Nächte in der sunrisebar unterhalten)

      Nachdem wir jeden Abend La Petit in einem anderen atemberaubenden Outfit sahen, lernte wir heute an ihrem freien Tag ihre andere Seite kennen: Senen - was für ein hübsches Kerlchen und er wirkt auf alle Fälle ein bisschen entspannter als seine weibliche Persönlichkeit.

      Im Chinois landeten wir auf der heiss ersehnten La Troya Party…

      Peters Fächer war mein Accessoire für das Thema des Abends : Fashion is my Profession 🪭
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    • Day 6

      Cycle & Run

      June 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Today was our first day of three at the Ibiza Marina for some SCUBA diving! I joined the local bike share to make the venture across town faster and quicker.

      After day one of diving we still had lots of energy and decided to do our training run. This time we discovered a better route along the beach.Read more

    • Day 283

      Horsed into Ibiza Town

      April 20, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Hard to know what else to call this day, what started out as a short 5nm motor to Ibiza Town turned into a crazy mornings weather.
      We knew the wind was forecast to be circa 15kts SW, gusting 20 or so...hugging the coastline we are just over a mile from the harbour entrance as the wind keeps picking up.
      20 kts... 25 kts... 30 kts.. 35.....
      White horses coming at us, our speed is dropping and the wind increasing, 1 mile now to the harbor mouth.
      Increase the revs, again, but speed still dropping, lee shore is only 500m away.
      50 kts gust comes through, her bow won't stay straight, feels like she's being smacked to port and starboard, it's half a mile to the entrance and then we can turn away from the weather.
      An alarm starts sounding, we can't figure out what it is, might be a DSC alarm from a nearby yacht, lots of traffic on the VHF.
      Turn off the VHF but still the alarm continues.
      Could be an engine overheating alarm, throttle back but alarm continues.. Can't slow down or could end up thrown onto the breakwater.
      Around us high speed ferries passing all the time. Meanwhile the alarm continues, Margaret goes on the helm while I try and hunt it down.
      No smoke from the engine room so that seems alright, but every time I look at the engine alarm panel the sound is louder..
      We clear the breakwater and turn into the harbour, now we can throttle back, still the alarm continues... Its loudest back where Margaret is at the helm, adjacent to the engine control panel. Suddenly we discover its AIS proximity alarms on Margarets and Ruby's phones time to think about that, have to concentrate on finding our way into the marina, wind is 25kts plus and gusting, ferries passing each side of us.
      Directed to a berth but after two abortive passes decide we should try another option.
      Turn away to get into an upwind berth, start our approach and discover bow thruster has stopped working, maybe circuit breaker has tripped after the previous berthing efforts.
      Too late to turn back, committed now, have to go for it.
      Marinerios on the dock and in a rib are a welcome hand, plus the concerned neighbours we are trying to come in next to - Patpicha a boat who also wintered in Cartagena.
      Just as we get the dock lines on we see another Cartagena boat 'Kaoz' approaching the marina. They too encountered the 50 kt gusts and have a blown out headsail, plus the skippers wife has sustained a hand injury while trying to control the run away sail. On the radio they are requesting assistance, so the marinerios leave us and head over to them in their RIB.
      Makes us glad to be in and safe.
      We do a little tidy up and sit down for a snack and a drink, relief is certainly the sweetest emotion!
      The ibiza night clubs will have to wait... 24 hours anyway.. 😁
      The next morning we take a walk down to nearby Talamanca beach, just next to the port entrance. There we see the sad sight of two yachts which have been blown up onto the beach. Judging by their otherwise fresh appearance, it's probably fair to say the same storm accounted for them too..
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    • Day 298


      May 5, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We only have one opportunity to experience Ibiza’s famous nightclubbing culture so we go for it.
      It’s our last night in the town and Ruby and Colm are having a sleep over in Nana and Grandad’s apartment.
      By pure chance we have the closest berth out of all four marinas, to the oldest and most celebrated club on the Island, Pacha.
      Today, Thursday is the first day this week that it’s opened - it feel like fate and we must go.
      The 12am to 6am opening hours are a little intimidating but we remember that we can leave whenever we want.
      There are queues when we get there and it’s packed when we get inside. People are mainly in their early 20s with a few old timers like us.
      The music is pumping and we have great time dancing and people- watching.
      Like the sensible people we are we head home at a reasonable hour conscious that we are back out on the water in the morning.
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    • Day 296

      Los Abuelos in Ibiza town

      May 3, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      3/5/2022 Tuesday

      Today at one o’clock Ronan and I [Colm] went to the airport to collect Margaret and Donal.
      We had a piece of cake at a cafe while we waited for them.

      Near the hour of two they came out of the terminal.
      After many hugs and kisses we got a taxi back to the port. I was really happy to see them, it had been five months since we last met in Cartagena.

      After a cuppa tea on board we walked into Ibiza town.

      After a nice walk and drink all of us went to a lovely restaurant that was recommended by the guide book.

      Initially we were dissatisfied by the restaurant.The seats were cramped and the music was loud ,but the staff were delicious and the food was very nice. I had shepherds pie.

      We had a nice walk back to the port from town then the Régal crew went back to their sleeping quarters while Nana and Grandad went to their beachside Hotel.

      4/5/2022 Wednesday

      Today was very rainy. At ten in the morning Nana and Grandad come to our humble abode in the port. We played cards and ukulele until two in the afternoon (5mins of pukulele and 3.55 hours of cards)

      We and the visitors checked into their new apartment.

      Around four we all went on a big walk to Ibiza Cathedral way up on the hill. There were lots of really cool tunnels and the cathedral was spectacular. Although we could not go in to see the interior of the mind blowing building.

      After a walk on the beach we had dinner(apples and oranges by my dearest mother)with Nana and Grandad in their new apartment.

                     5/5/2022 Thursday
      This morning Nana and Grandad helped us with our boat jobs .Ruby and I went to Nana and Grandads apartment with our swimming gear,With a blissful swim in Nana in the pristine pool in mind.
      When we got to the pool clad in our swimming togs ,goggles and hats the Grumpy Caretaker said we could not go swimming because it was closed even though it looked perfect to us.

      Nana ,Mom and I went into town to go to a few shops. One of the shops we went to was a Pacha nightclub store where I bought a notebook and Mom got a t-shirt.

      After that we met the others for a drink. Then we went to a Tapas restaurant for dinner. The waiters came around to the tables with plates of hot pinchos to choose from and we also ordered a few thing’s from the menu.

      Ruby and I were staying for the night in Magaret and Donald’s apartment.
      Ronan and Margaret went back to Régal.
      We played cards and then we went to bed at 22:45.

      This blog was written by Colm :^)
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    • Day 285

      Ibiza town

      April 22, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      It’s very exciting being at Ibiza marina with Regal tied up opposite ‘Below Decks’ style superyachts. The commercial units next to the marina office are full of Louis Vuitton, Tag Heuer and Bvlgari. We are in the ‘steerage’ part of the marina - Pontoon ‘L’ beyond the boat storage unit, a 15 minute walk to the office. They keep the likes of us, who hang their laundry above deck and go shopping with granny trolleys, well hidden. Ronan enquires from the marina office about laundry facilities and they direct him to the concierge service. 6 euros to launder a t-shirt they tell him - We don’t even try to calculate how much 2 black bags full would cost.
      There are plenty of ordinary people in Ibiza too as well as a nice sprinkling of the quirky and crusty. So we don’t feel out of place here and and it’s enjoyable to watch the ‘beautiful’ people in their lovely clothes, cars and boats.

      The island is just waking up after winter - the nightclubs don’t open for another week. It will be interesting to see if the dynamic changes once it is open season.

      The town is very pretty, its skyline dominated by the old walls surrounding the upper town with its cathedral perched on top. We go through the gates and walk up into the narrow streets of the old town and enjoy tapas for dinner. Prices are expensive, a soft drink is 3.50 and a homemade lemonade is six euro - of course Ruby and Colm opted for the homemade lemonade!
      The lower part of town at the waterfront is also lovely to walk around with pretty squares, funky shops and cafes as well as high street brands we are delighted to peruse.
      In all honesty we spend very little time touristing over the 4 days we are here. Regal needs attention for a myriad of reasons - the regular chores needing our time; shopping, laundry and little repairs but what dominates these days is minding our dotey boaty in this weather. The wind is strong and changeable and our lines ashore need to be changed around a few times. We are stern-to with one mooring line at the bow. One day she being blown onto the marina and we have to pull her out to prevent her bashing into it. The next day the wind is blowing her off so much that its nearly impossible to reach the pontoon safely. The homemade passerelle we had constructed in Cartagena is not up for the task. We go straight to the nearby industrial estate and walk back carrying a new 2 meter ladder - this is not the image I had in mind when I dreamed of sailing in Ibiza.
      We copy a design for gang planks we had seen on other boats; plastic decking screwed into the ladder and then a rope with a snatch block to raise and lower it. It proves very effective and we can now get on and off the boat again.
      The wind is very strong for these few days and the boat rocks and pulls constantly no matter how many lines and snubbers we have ashore. The pontoon we are on is very exposed to the swell, the wash from the ferries and the wind. We have disturbed sleep every night and on the worst night of wind everyone on the pontoon is up at 4am. We are sleep deprived and in this sense at least we are having the real Ibiza experience.
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    • Day 9

      Spanien | Ibiza

      August 4, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      ... nun ist unsere Kreuzfahrt zu Ende. Wir liegen noch im Hafen von Ibiza, morgen geht es nach Hause.
      Der Tag war spannend, sehr anstrengend aber trotzdem sehr schön. Das Drama fing schon vorgestern an. Die Borddurchsage sprach von Streik im Hafen von Ibiza. Statt Ankunft 8:00 erst 13:00, vielleicht im Hafen. Wir haben das Auto, was für 9:00 für uns bereit stand, storniert. Ein paar Stunden später die Durchsage: Jetzt doch mit der Hafenbehörde verhandelt ... glauben wir nicht und behalten Recht: erst um 10:00 können wir von Bord, dafür gibt es keine Taxen, wegen dem Streik ... und keine Transferbusse, also zu Fuß, soweit die Füße tragen ... wir fahren mit dem Wassertaxi, dann zu Fuß zum Hard Rock Cafe, natürlich mit angemessenen Pausen. Auf dem Rückweg fast 50 Minuten in der Taxi-Warteschlange, aber um 14:30 erschöpft im Pool. Ela kühlt sich auf ihre Art ab ...Read more

    • Day 11

      Sail away: Ibiza 🛳

      September 8, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Ein letztes Mal heißt es nun für uns auf der AIDAstella: Leinen los. Ziel ist unser Heimathafen auf Mallorca. 🛳

      Dann ist auch schon das Ziel unserer Reise am Mittelmeer zu Ende. 😔

      Standesgemäß gibt es am letzten Abend der Reise die berühmte AIDA-Torte! 🤩
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