Iglesia de San Marcelo

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    • León!

      September 19, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      When we all arrived in León, we showered and immediately went to see the Cathedral and eat! I had the best pizza I have had in a long time in the plaza across from the Cathedral!

      León Cathedral (officially Santa María de León Cathedral) is considered one of the Top 10 Cathedrals in Spain. It's a French-inspired Gothic Cathedral built (between 1205 and 1301) over ancient Roman baths.

      The Cathedral is stunning! We weren’t in León long, the next morning we were up and out!
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    • Day 12

      Illusion of control

      August 11, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Today was my last big bus day - from Burgos to Leon. As we all got off the bus, I noticed another pilgrim walking in the same direction as me. We chatted a bit and he told me that he took the bus because he got food poisoning and was too sick to walk. He said he plans to come back next year just to walk the stretch he missed.

      As I’ve said before, we’re all on our own walk, and I know for many people walking the whole way is important to them. For me, it sparked similar questions of - How do we accept the things we can’t control? What counts as “enough”? How do we let the goals that we set for ourselves be motivating and inspire us to do hard things without allowing those goals to become rigid and unyielding?

      In a lot of ways, I’m grateful that I decided to change course early in my Camino. It disabused me of the illusion of control before I got too attached to any certain outcome. Maybe if I’d walked as far as that man walked I’d have a harder time accepting an “incomplete” Camino.

      I’m weary of traveling by bus and I’ve had my fill of fancy Cathedrals, but I remain grateful that I decided to do this my own way.
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    • Day 25

      Leon, day 1

      June 26, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      First day in Leon. (Back next weekend.). Late in posting as no wi-if last night (more on that in the Carrion de los Condes post!).

      We found a great pizza place (wood-fired!) and also tried their lasagna. We walked past the Basilica and the fountains on our way to the bus station, after dialysis, in order to backtrack and attempt most of the walk to Leon (having jumped to there from Castrojeriz).

      We’ll definitely go back to the pizza place when we get back to Leon! And we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast buffet at our hotel (about 20 minutes walk from the dialysis center). Real, live scrambled eggs! And even bacon that resembled what we’re used to! Buffet didn’t open until 7:30 so we really had to hoof it to dialysis. And got lost! Good news is that dialysis doesn’t open until 8:30 on Saturday—so I can pig out while Sean sleeps in!
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    • Day 38


      October 18, 2023 in Spain

      Leider war es gestern und heute sehr schlechtes Wetter. Es hat in Strömen geregnet. So konnte ich nicht alle Sehenswürdigkeiten anschauen die ich vorgenommen hatte. Der städtische Stellplatz liegt direkt neben einem Einkaufscenter. Sehenswert ist natürlich auch hier die Kathedrale mit ihren 2 mal 90 Meter hohen Türmen. Auch hier spielen die kunstvollen Fenster mit ihren insgesamt 1800 qm Fläche eine bedeutende Rolle. Die Motive und Ausrichtung der Kathedrale sind dem Lauf der Sonne abgestimmt. Das Licht ist ein zentrales Thema im christlichen Glauben. Das Museo Casa Bottins zeigt auf was Gaudi außerhalb Kataluniens schuf.Read more

    • Day 21

      19. Tag: Leon (Pausentag)

      August 22, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Nachdem wir am Morgen aufgestanden sind um Manuel und Luigi zu verabschieden, die heute beide bereits weitergehen, entschließen wir uns dazu uns noch einmal hinzulegen uns schlafen anschließend bis 09:30 Uhr. Einfach herrlich. Anschließend gehen wir in einem nahegelegenen Café etwas Frühstücken. Danach ist wieder etwas relaxen auf dem Zimmer angesagt. Sergio und Alice kümmern sich um ihr Busticket, da die beiden am nächsten Morgen nach Madrid wahren, dort nich einen Tag verbringen und anschließend von dort aus nach Hause fliegen. Anschließend heißt es dann schon wieder Abschied nehmen. Diesmal von Andrew. Er wartet im
      Hostel auf seine Mitfahrgelegenheit, während wir anderen die Kathedrale besichtigen gehen.
      Zurück im Hostel treffen wir auf Gianluca, Alessio und Carla, die inzwischen auch in Leon angekommen sind und mit denen wir zum Mittagessen verabredet sind.

      Zum Mittagessen treffe ich mich mit Cecile und es ist wie immer total unkompliziert. Anschließend Ruhe ich mich etwas aus und mache mich anschließend auf die Suche nach einem Geldautomaten. Auf dem Weg treffe ich George aus Rumänien wieder, den ich schon einige Tage nichts mehr gesehen habe. Wir unterhalten uns kurz bevor er weiter muss, da er zum Abendessen verabredet ist. Auf dem Weg zurück um Hostel treffe ich Lionel wieder und geselle mich für ein paar Drinks zu ihm. Kurz darauf taucht Cecile in Begleitung einer weitere Französin (Margalie) und die beiden gesellen sich zu uns.

      Anschließend treffe ich mich in Begleitung von Lionel und Cecile mit den Italienern zum Essen. Anschließend geht es bis früh um zwei in eine nahegelegenen Bar um den Abschied von Sergio, Alice und Gianluca zu feiern, die uns am nächsten Tag verlassen werden.
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    • Day 23

      Day 23: To León

      June 3, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Saturday morning, I started off on what would be a 15 mile walk to Leon. So far, I’ve been really fortunate avoiding the common ailments that are common if not predictable with such long daily walks. I’ve only suffered one small blister. Unfortunately, shortly after starting out this morning a tightness/pain developed in my left shin. I walked/limped through a few little towns on the way in. Mantilla Mayor had me seeing spots when I briefly stopped there, and it also had another nice mural. I passed another bell tower that was home to massive stork nests and the “new” bridge into town. (It was built in 1778). I also met a new Camino family member (Sally Jo from Houston) that helped take my mind off my aching shin. By the time I made it onto Leon (it seems to take forever to get from the rural countryside into the heart of the big cities), I wasn’t sure if I would be able to continue without giving my ankle a day or two of rest. (The standard prescription for what I am pretty certain is a “shin splint” or tendonitis). I stopped by a Farmacia and picked up some Ibuprofen, stopped by a bar and had lunch and a Tinto de Verona (basically red wine and lemon soda) and then rested awhile in my albergue. I also confirmed with them that I would be able to stay an extra night or two if needed and would let them know in the morning. Before long I was getting restless and the local 400mg ibuprofen had kicked in so I walked to the Leon Cathedral (it was spectacular) where I ran into my Camino buddy Kelly. We walked around the old town, took touristy photos, and acted silly (it was a great distraction from my shin). We then met up with our friends Collin from Austin, Sunny from Amsterdam, George from London & Bryan from Australia, and another pilgrim for dinner. Afterwards I hobbled back to my albergue, got off my feet and was in bed by 7:30. Hopefully tomorrow I can continue onward…Read more

    • Day 25

      Well, that was cool!

      May 27, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      After three days together, and 120 miles of riding-- through heat and rain and a few missed turns-- Honey Badger and I got to León last night. She was a great ally on roads and trails, heading straight into one storm without complaint, and helping me outrun two others. I'll miss her.

      Looking back, I'm happy with the choice to ride, and for reasons different than those expected. True, I crossed a less-scenic area five or six days faster than if I'd walked, and doing that let me see a few people I'd met earlier on the trip.

      But switching modes also gave me new chances to stretch. I used different leg muscles, practiced new skills, faced down new fears (like bombing down a rocky trail with a rack full of gear!) And that's a big part of why I came to Spain.

      Today I'll wash clothes, buy a few things, enjoy León and take pictures. Tomorrow I'll pick up sticks again, and continue walking west. I'm looking forward to it.
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    • Day 31

      Angekommen in der Meseta Norte

      May 11, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Mit der Fahrt nach Hospital de Órbigo und dann Léon, sind wir in den nördlichen Teil des kastilischen Hochlands (Meseta Norte) eingedrungen. Die Landschaft ist viel flächer als in den vergangenen Tagen und geprägt von Landwirtschaft. Wir geniessen die Fahrt und die Abwechslung.

      Für einen der wenigen nennenswerten Anstiegen springt dann noch spontan ein Bauer von seinem Fahrrad und hilft uns mit schieben 😅. Einfach so, weil er der Überzeugung war, dieser Stutz sei zu steil für uns 🙃. Wir bedanken uns vielmals und er kümmert sich wieder um seine Reben.
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    • Day 23

      León- Day 21 (Rest Day)

      October 7, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      Took a rest day to enjoy León. Rented an Airbnb with 8 friends, slept in, and made pancakes for breakfast.

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    Iglesia de San Marcelo

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