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    • Day 28


      June 3, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Today we arrived in Lugo. We are now officially only 100km away from our destination Santiago de Compostela. It's a big milestone for us. Probably in 4 days we will arrive there. Much earlier than expected and anticipated. All is well, we love what we do. Most likely this won't be our last Camino.Read more

    • Day 9

      Day 25 O Cadavo to Lugo 529.7 km

      October 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      This was a very long stage but very scenic.

      There was only one bar to get food and drinks so it was a challenge mentally as well as physically.

      The weather was pretty good. It did not rain. It was 17 C so very warm. There were huge wind gusts that came out of nowhere it seems.

      Lugo is the Capital and very beautiful. The Cathedral is magnificent. But I only took a picture as it was pouring rain. There is a medieval wall built around a section of the city centre.
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    • Day 8

      Day 24 Fonsagrada to O Cadavo 497.7km

      October 16, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Left after breakfast of Japanese noodles. Very easy to find the way except at one point when a man walking his two retrievers stopped to direct me.

      Beautiful sunrise. It threatened rain but only sprinkled.

      Basically the Primitivo is climbing up a mountain and then back down over and over again😉

      Feeling a bit tired. "Delayed Onset Fatigue" for sure.
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    • Day 32


      May 19 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Day 32
      Rain. Even the town sculpture in Castroverde suggests that it rains a lot here and that we need to support each other when everything is grey.

      I felt very weary today, and emotional. The old chestnut tree was one of the loveliest encounters this morning. When the churches are all locked, as if we are disapproved of, as if to fend us off, the natural beauty feels all the more sweetly welcoming and wonderful. A tree like this might predate any of these buildings; it might have seen more comings and goings, might have witnessed a huge variety and number of human, animal and plant life-events never usually taken indoors! I still knock on every locked church door, a symbolic act of request and protest: this Camino is for at least some of us - for me, yes, for me - intended to be a spiritual pilgrimage experience: we pilgrims should be able to enter designated religious buildings to pray along the way, or what's the reason for their existence? It seems to me that if I can't do that, then I am better off not wasting my time approaching the church buildings (I passed perhaps 6 locked chapels today, and knocked at each one) but letting nature communicate the presence and strength, the faithfulness and peace that I seek. After all, nature was there proclaiming everything good long before humans created philosophies and structures intended to contain and direct our behaviour.

      Still finding new flowers I haven't spotted before, but it takes an eagle eye to spy anything new among the greens and colours of the wayside. Or to notice that this little flower head, whilst being very similar to whatever-it-was the other day, is actually probably a different plant or even species. Spotted rockrose, southern camomile, sweet spurge.

      I am enjoying the Galician stone and slate cottages; I could almost be in the Cotswolds! It's a gentle grey, comfortable, homely. The landscape has reduced from mountains and heathland to hills and fields, and again feels familiar from home.

      Lugo, a walled city with a wealthy feel, obviously of historic significance (but I'm not going to explore what its story is, either in person or online) is grand, and the Cathedral grander yet. I met with Petra, the pilgrim I've most enjoyed catching up with again and again, and we ate lunch together, before finding a central hostel. Joined in a Pentecost mass. Although the cathedral art is impressive, I find much more pleasure in the quirky bits of decor than the grandiose, like this little cherubic guitar maker (Luca?).
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    • Day 42


      October 23, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Pick the authentic Camino messenger?

      You meet a doctor who listens to your injuries and pains and says " That shouldn't cause permanent damage. You can probably push through that. Disclaimer - I'm not a foot specialist."

      You get the following text from one of your Camino family. "I've found a bus that stops 4km from O'Cebriero. My host in Villafranca says there's a bus along the whole Camino after O'Cebriero so no more expensive taxis"

      Within the same hour you get the following text from another one of your Camino family
      "I’m half way through to O’Cerebro. It's brutal. If you could bypass this mountain, I highly recommend you take the bus. The weather is for ducks."

      A black cat in a Templar Knight's hovel insists you stay an extra day and that it is unsafe to go near any mountains.

      Clouds float past in the shape of a resort in San Sebastian with free foot massages and a swim up bar. A Templar Knights awaits to transport you through a portal back to summer.

      Ok the first three were authentic, the last two may be the result of the margarita I had with dinner.

      The Next Morning...

      I caught another bus, this time to Lugo which is not on the Camino Frances.. I have made it to Galacia, the last province on the Camino. It is beautiful here apart from and because of the endless rain. Autumn is in full swing and everything is green and gold and red. Rain is forecast every day for the next two weeks. The buses passed by beautiful mountains covered in beech forests but seen through the sideways rain squalls I was happy to be on the inside.

      I have skipped ahead again. My Camino journey is morphing naturally into just Nic's journey. I am keen to explore the beauty of Galacia more so than the trails of the Camino. I am keen to experience the Spainish culture more so than the pilgrimage culture. I feel my days on the Camino are coming to an end but that I am finding the freedom to explore without any preset expectation except those core goals which have always been just to move, to go slow and simple, to continue learning and to live in the moment.

      I sit in a bar in Spain, where drinking alcohol seems a prerequisite to being fed, waiting for my accommodation to open. After siesta there is more than 2km of original Roman wall, still completely intact, in which to circle the old city and stroll away the afternoon. If this is not the definition of slow and timeless, I am lost.

      Tomorrow I am meeting a friend at the beginning of the last stage of the Camino Frances. I may then walk a couple of days in the rain to experience the villages of Galacia. Who knows, maybe the sun will shine for a while.
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    • Day 23

      Lugo ruft - ich raffe mich auf.

      May 28 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Kein Footprint gestern. Er fiel meiner Bronchitis zum Opfer. Ein Tag ohne Aktivität. Nichts. Die einzige bemerkenswerte Aktion war der 100 m lange Weg zu den sanitären Anlagen. Sonst? Nichts, außer einen Ingwer-Orangen-Tee nach dem anderen aufzubrühen. Der kalte Wind machte es mir auch einfach.
      Heute Morgen Aufbruch. Lugo ruft mich. Ein kleiner Zwischenstopp in einem Carrefour. Was mich dort wunderte: die Ecke für Butter kaum aufzufinden. Drei Varianten im Angebot: eine mit Salz, eine Fettreduzierte und eine von mir Gewünschte. Ähnlich bei der Frischmilch: eine einzige Variante im Angebot, dafür meterlange Regale für H-Milch.
      Dann auf den Asphalt: was mir dort auffiel. Jedes Rinnsal, jeder Bach, jeder Fluß heißt in Spanien Rio.
      Außerdem massenhaft Pilger. Alleinlaufende, in Pärchen aneinandergeheftete oder ganze Wandergruppen, die anscheinend irgendwo ein Bus ausgespuckt hat. Freilaufend waren sie alle.

      Erster Stopp: Palas de Rei. Im Straßenatlas gelb gekennzeichnet. Und dieser Name: "Palast der Könige".
      Da muss ein Stopp sein. Und was war: nichts. Ein völlig unspektakulärer Ort. Das konnte nicht sein. Alle Reiseführer durchwühlt und siehe da, es muss eine romanische Kirche und eine mittelalterliche Festung geben. Google aktiviert und wissend. Allerdings jeweils ca. 8 km vom Ort entfernt.
      Erste Station das Castillo de Pambre. Eine stolze Festung aus dem 14. Jahrhundert. Eine der letzten gut erhaltenen Feudalburgen Galiziens. Weniger schön: die ansässigen Hunde. Erst kam ein Kalb, dann das zweite und noch ein drittes hinterher. Keiner bellte. Kam mit der Satz im den Sinn "Hunde die bellen beißen nicht. Und die nicht bellen...? Ich kam ohne Blessuren davon aber mulmig war mir schon. Jeder Einzelne von denen hätte mich zerlegt.
      Weiterfahrt zur dreischiffigen romanischen Kirche San Salvador Vilar de Donas. Einst unterstanden sie dem einflussreichen Orden der Santiago-Ritter, die den Jakobsweg absicherten. Ein unglaubliches Bauwerk und nicht umsonst eine der wichtigsten romanischen Kirchen Galiziens. Natürlich verschlossen.
      Kurze Fahrt noch nach Lugo, kleine Irrfahrt durch die Stadt weil mein Navi mich partout über Fußgängerbrücken, durch einen Schulhof und auf einen Hospitalsparkplatz leiten wollte. Meine Copilotin fehlt eben an allen Ecken und Enden. Morgen steht die Altstadt von Lugo an. Und soviel sei verraten, die älteste Stadt Galiziens hat irre viel zu bieten. Also dranbleiben...
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    • Day 61

      Last night in Lugo

      June 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Well last night was fun it made me think of Abby a bit - it had the feel of a big gray party with the whole town in on it.

      I got to go dancing and even went to a Latin night club and had a few dances which was nice but also felt sad as I missed my playmate :-(Read more

    • Day 21

      Past the wall

      September 25, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Today's KM's - 29.9kms
      Total KM's - 462.8kms
      Total blisters - 8

      A leisurely stroll today to Lugo. Mostly walking through gently rolling hills and forests. The day started in the dark and with thick fog until about 9:00. Only a little bit of road walking, to keep us on our toes, as logging trucks thundered by. The main achievement today occurred as we passed under the walls of Lugo and now have less than 100kms to go to Santiago.

      Lugo seems to be a relaxed place, with lots of bars and restaurants. The most impressive feature though is the Roman wall which circles the whole part of the old centre. The wall is 7m's wide, had 85 towers and 10 gates. With the way in and out of Lugo for pilgrims through 2 of those gates.

      We have some time to explore Lugo as we wait for the crazy Spanish dinner time of at least 7:30 (most don't open till 9pm). This doesn't really suit pilgrims who have been walking since 7am and are sleep deprived due to sleeping with snoring strangers. Special treat tonight though, our bunk beds are deluxe and include a privacy blind. Too bad they won't block out the snorers 😴
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    • Day 24

      Ausgiebige Wanderung durch Lucus Augusti

      May 29 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Wie der Name schon sagt, hat Lugo eine lange Geschichte. Nicht umsonst gilt sie als die älteste Stadt Galiziens. Und sie hat was zu bieten. Auf zwei Sehenswürdigkeiten will ich besonders eingehen. Starten wir mit der Kathedrale Santa Maria. Mein altes Problem: im 12. Jahrhundert startete der Bau und fertig war er im 18. Jahrhundert. Und das Gemisch der verschiedensten Baustile sieht man ihr an. Letztlich dominiert der Barock und das gibt von mir deutlichen Punktabzug. Ein Besuch wert war die imposante Kirche trotzdem. Sie hat einen vollständigen Lettner und ein kunsthandwerklich hervorragendes Chorgestühl. Von der Schatzkammer der Kathedrale ganz zu schweigen.. Da häufen sie sich wirklich, die Schätze. Zweite Anlaufstation war ein UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Über 2 Kilometer lang, 5 Meter dick und ca. 10 Meter hoch. Gemeint ist die alte römische Stadtmauer, die die Altstadt von Lugo fest umschließt. Zehn Stadttore unterbrechen sie, sonst nichts. Ein beeindruckendes Bauwerk und nahezu vollständig dazu.
      Ansonsten hat die Stadt noch schöne Plätze, Parkanlagen und Gassen zu bieten, in denen abends viel Trubel herrscht. Vor der Rückkehr zum Wagen konnte ich noch einem Konzert der Musikkapelle von Lugo lauschen. Gute Musik, nur der leichte Wind nervte die Musiker, immer wieder wehten die Notenblätter davon.
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    • Day 61

      On the road again (well the bus today(

      June 11, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      So feeling better and am sitting in Estacion Autobus de Lugo to catch a bus to Santiago.

      I'm thinking one night in Santiago then maybe a service tomorrow and a sorry walk on the road again and do Finisterre this week which will get me there and back for Friday before flying to Sophia on Sunday via Lugo.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Lugo, لوغو, LUY, ルーゴ, 27001, Луго

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