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    • Día 54

      Cathedral Tour

      6 de febrero, España ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      After a slow morning, we eventually began doing some siteseeing. This began with the Setas de Sevilla, which is a weird and random wooden looking structure, almost resembling a frame of an uncomplete building. Yet, it is fully completed and was created to provide shade and a viewpoint for travellers and locals in the Plaza de la Encarnación. Though, many locals do not like it because it can be a bit of an eye sore. There is a small archaeological area underneath to go with the viewpoint, but for 15 euros, we decided we would skip it and head to begin the cathedrals of Seville. This started with the Iglesia Colegial del Divino Salvador. Situated in a beautiful square, the brightly coloured red and cream fascade looks quite extraordinary from the outside. Yet, you only really get an idea of the grandure of the building once you are inside. Tall ceilings and three main altar pieces that stand out amongst the lightly coloured interior. The gold and black alters stand out emphatically as soon as you enter, and the beauty can only really be grasped as you approach the monument and witness the detail that is present. The three of the altars in conjunction make for a truly magnificent site. We spent a bit of time reading the information pieces before moving on to the major site on the ticket, the Cathedral of Sevilla. This has the guiness world record as the largest cathedral by area in Europe, and it did take some time to fully explore the whole floor level. There were numerous altars and monuments throughout each of the naives, with some even expanding into tiny little cathedrals within themselves. As such, it took a long time to see the whole site while trying to take in the sheer size of the main area. Toward the end, we were given the opportunity to walk La Giralda Tower. Although quite a few steps, it was well worth the 360-degree views of the city. The bars they installed to stop people from falling made getting photos difficult, but you could find a way when necessary. This was a great experience and a good way to complete the cathedral. By the time this was done, we were already very tired, but we spent a bit of time in the gardens and gift shop before continuing on to lunch. However, I had managed to convince mum and dad to wander across the city to the Plaza of Hercules because I enjoyed my time there during my previous visit. It was a very lively square full of locals and nice-looking restaurants. We were desperate for a drink and a seat by now, but there were plenty of restaurants to pick from. This made the process of deciding a bit more painful, but eventually, we arrived at a nice tapas place. Tapas seemed a suitably last dinner for me in Spain. After some time here, we headed home after quite a long day of walking and relaxed and snacked until it was time to sleep.Leer más

    • Día 6

      Day 6 - Sevilla Arrival

      15 de septiembre de 2017, España ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Well...we have said it 5 days in a row and meant it every time. But, once again, every day has been better than the last. We LOVE Sevilla.

      Cadiz had originally been planned as a day trip from Sevilla but we decided to change it to a 2 night stay. After just a few hours in Cadiz, we thought about bagging Sevilla completely and staying a week in Cadiz. We are so happy we didn't do that. Sevilla has all of the charm and beauty of an old Spanish town like Cadiz and Toledo with all of the attractions and kind people of a city like Madrid. It may not have a beach, but it has a beautiful canal surrounding the city, as well as cathedrals, museums, monuments, AND Plaza de Espana, where the pod race scene from Star Wars Episode One was filmed. And we managed to see all of this today. But, the stand out of the day so far has been the food.

      After our tapas-filled lunch, Tim and I agreed it had been our best meal yet. But even that couldn't top our tapas-filled dinner at a Michelin star "bar", Eslava. I want to write all of these tapas down so we don't forget.

      Lunch - swordfish over orange wine sauce, "Padron" peppers, dates wrapped in bacon, hearts of palm over vegetable gazpacho, eggplant topped with goat cheese and drizzled in honey

      Dinner - roasted mackerel with tomato onion pepper salad, roasted pork rib with rosemary honey glaze, artichokes with fried garlic and shavings of cod, grilled razor clams with lemon, slow cooked egg over boletas cake with caramelized wine reduction, and brick pastry stuffed with cuttlefish (we did it again!) and algae served with yogurt.

      (Each of these tapas are about 2 Euros a piece...amazing)

      ...not to mention where we are staying. We have a room in a 19th century Andalusian house that is absolutely beautiful. Our friendly hosts are the ones who recommended both of these amazing meals.

      I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
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    • Día 7

      Sevilla day2

      10 de mayo de 2023, España ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Am luat un hop-on-hop-off care merge cam prost (vine rar, iar sa astepti in statie la 40 de grade, nu e placut).
      Am vazut Plaza de Espagna, Muzeul de mesteauguri si Catedrala. Toate au fost minunate, dar totusi catedrala m-a impresiinat cel mai mult.
      Seara am fost la un spectacol de flamenco, intr-o sala de vreo 40 de lucuri, foarte intim, dinamic si antrenanat. Am aflat ca flamenco este o muzica care a pornit de la tiganii andaluzi; adevarul este ca aduce un pic cu maneaua. Un cantaret ( de jale), un chitariat, unul la percutie si, evident, o dansatoare. Am uitat sa spun ca domineata am facut jogging pe malul Guadalquivir.
      Am luat si un pranz special in zona Triana, am mancat Caracoles, niste viermisori intr-o mica cochilie.
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    • Día 8

      Day 8 - Last Day/Night in Sevilla

      17 de septiembre de 2017, España ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Sevilla has been absolutely amazing! It reminds me of a Spanish Richmond. It has all of the feels of a small city, yet it's large enough to have a little of everything. There are restaurants, bars, and cafes on every street. There is a ton of culture and history everywhere you look. The people are so charming and friendly. It's cheap! There's a waterfront full of architecture, parks, water sports, art walks, and even a foodie event that we stumbled upon today (similar to "Broad Appetite" of Richmond). While we could happily stay here forever, we did these 3 days right and are happy to see what's in store for us next. We stayed in a beautiful Andalusian home with the nicest hosts imaginable. We ate some of the best food we have ever had (and checked off 7 of the 15 or so restaurants off of our hosts' recommendation list), we wandered about 10 miles a day through streets and alleyways, we explored the beautiful architecture on both sides of the canal, we saw the Cathedral, the Real Alcazar, the Plaza de Espana, and so much more.

      Today was a great finale. Another workout on the water. Crepes for breakfast. Hours of alley wandering and site-seeing. Siesta. Wine on the rooftop. More walking. Another tapas-filled dinner and people watching on a busy terrace. Now some rest and relaxation before we head off to Granada in the morning.
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    • Día 1–5

      Sevilla, late 2023 sun getaway

      4 de noviembre de 2023, España ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

      Early start, 1am for airport, effortless trouble free all the way to Seville.
      First impressions are that this is a really nice place, hotel is good, weather is great. Second impressions after walking 20k steps in North sector of old town is that it is very good and on its way to being best place we have stayed and seen in Spain.
      On our afternoon exploration we stopped in a local bodega where Diane asked for sangria and they said NO, they had their own version; red wine, ice, lime and bitter lemon. I just wanted red wine and took a sip when the barmaids threw their hands up in horror. Your not supposed to try that rot gut red wine!!! That's why they add ice, lemon and lime. All in it cost us 4 euros, poor wine but great place.
      Found a supermarket on way back to get a bottle of wine with a screw top as i dont have a corkscrew for the afternoon. It tasted really heavy and sweet, then Diane found it was sherry! All got 6 euros!
      Ps,,,some lovely buildings and churches/basilicas i have photographed here not quite to Diane's taste!
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    • Día 2

      Sunday in Sevilla

      5 de noviembre de 2023, España ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      A sunny day of slow wandering around. First to Setas de Sevilla (the wooden mushrooms, brilliant) then to convent san ildefonso for cakes thru the door but closed (will have go another day) then to catholic church divini Salvador (brilliant 400 year old wooden and gold leaf alters etc) mixed with a few drinks and a very good tapas lunch. Another +20k steps, feet are a bit sore.
      Tonight is as busy as last night at 8pm, dont kids go to bed here! absolutely packed. There must be close to 100 bars/restaurants near us packed outside on street.
      Pics ...
      Hotel coffee machine
      Setas de Sevilla x 2
      Strange front garden
      Salvador church x 2
      Outside our hotel
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    • Día 7

      Vuelta a Sevilla

      29 de junio de 2023, España ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Después de un gran viaje por el Algarve toca ir volviendo a España. Una vez terminamos de ver la capilla de faro, cogemos el coche y vamos hacia allí. Esa noche ya no hay más hostales, nos quedamos en casa de la hermana de Pilar.
      Avanzamos esquivando coches y por carreteras tortuosas y mal señalizadas hasta encontrar un ansiado huequito en el que dejar el coche.
      Y ya maletas en mano, vamos a descansar un ratillo que también nos lo merecemos.
      Cuando deja de hacer taaaanto calor o por lo menos ya no nos cocinamos al salir a la calle, salimos con la intención de que David vea Plaza España. Por el camino acabamos cenando en un bar unos cuantos montaditos de Pringá (que a David le vuelven loco) y ya retomamos el camino.
      Pero, ese día tenemos mala suerte con Plaza España, y es que casualmente hay un concierto y está cerrada al público. Así que, decidimos que tenemos que volvera al día siguiente.
      Pero para que la noche no quede en nada, nos tomamos unos cócteles de fruta natural, hablamos y hablamos (y mira que el viaje ha dado para hablar) y ya nos dimos un bonito paseo por Sevilla nocturna, hasta llegar a una azotea enfrente de la catedral, donde las vistas son espectaculares.
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    • Día 3

      Alameda de Hércules 🌙🦩📸

      7 de junio, España ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Llegamos a Sevilla y empezamos el desfile por la Alameda de Hércules mientras nos bebemos las primeras cerves en uno de los bares que hay a pie de calle 🍻

      Admito que es muy divertido ir vestidos todos igual, con una camiseta personalizada y co nuestro nombre, unas diademas de palmeras, Maria "vestida" de papagayo y Carmen de flamenca. Es inevitable que la paren por la alameda para echarse fotos con ella 📸😂Leer más

    • Día 2

      Paseo a la hora del atardecer 🍄🍪🌴

      6 de junio, España ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Esta tarde salgo a pasear y voy a la mítica Librería Verbo, en la calle Sierpes 📖 una visita un poco triste, ya que están en liquidación poe cierre desde el 2017 que lleva abierta.

      Hago un largo recorrido mientras hablo con Papá sobre el piso de alquiler que han encontrado en Oviedo y llego hasta la Alameda 🐝

      A la vuelta, paso por las Setas y compro unas galletas para Juan y Laura. Café para llevar mientras vuelvo al piso. Ya ha llegado Juan y cenamos los tres juntos mientras repasamos la ropa que nos tenemos que llevar mañana 🧳 y hacemos los últimos preparativos para la despedida #CuentaAtrás ⏳
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    • Día 3

      Soirée à Alameda 🤗🍷

      12 de noviembre de 2022, España ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Le soir mes amis Laura, Juan, Jose y Maria nous rejoindre pour un verre. On se promène au centre ville et on marche jusqu'à Alameda, le quartier avec beaucoup de bars.

      On fait une soirée tranquille tout simplement avec des tapas et du vin 🍷❤️‍🩹Leer más

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