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    • Day 10

      Cirauqui, Lorca and Villatuerta

      September 27, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We have arrived in our destination for tonight, Villateurta, about 18km of walking. We passed through two more hilltop villages. The descent from Cirauqui was on an ancient Roman road and bridge over the stream in the valley.

      Before Lorca we walked under a canal, see photos.

      We walked with a very nice woman, Annabelle, from Majorca. There is a picture of her on a bridge with Sue. It was nice to be with her when Lorca sounded an emergency horn, followed by a PA announcement in Spanish. We asked if we need to take shelter! She laughed and said, "No they are just telling the town that the new Covid vaccines are available tomorrow". Whew!!!!

      Our albegue tonight is beautiful, newly renovated building in yet another hilltown, just opened last summer. Sue and I are relaxing in the common room with a bottle of vino Tonto and some snacks, while our laundry is in the washer.
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    • Day 8

      Etappe 5 - Estella 1

      September 19, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Gegen 6.30 Uhr sind wir wieder auf dem Weg. Frühstück gab es in einem Café in Puente la Reina.
      Nun haben wir ca. 8 km zurückgelegt und durchwandern erste Weinanbaugebiete. Der Wein ist recht klein und angetrocknete Trauben schmecken schon wie Rosinen. Landschaftlich fühle ich mich hier fast wie in der Toskana.
      Kurze Pausen in kleinen Café bei Café con leche, frisch gepresstem Orangensaft und Banane - 😋lecker!!!
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    • Day 30

      Uterga to maneru

      May 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Well yesterday the walk up the hill was so steep it was all I could do to stay upright! On top of that I had developed a sore throat, trip to a pharmacy to get medication. I made it though. Today I'm taking the bus to Estelle and have booked in for 3 days to get myself better, as it's no fun having to pack up everyday and cope with reduced energy.
      I met some people from Argentina who now live in Florida and they had to ask me the question "how old are you! " They were amazed.. I don't think it so amazing...but thére you are they insisted on a photograph...then were on their way.
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    • Day 7

      Puenta la Reina to Estella

      April 8 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

      87 miles done. 413 miles to go. Met a snail friend on the trail today bright and early. I was feeling a bit sluggish, but that could’ve been the fantastic Navarra vino blanco from last night. Met two guys on the trail walking together and joined them for the rest of the day’s walk. Good company, good conversation, good pace. Saw beautiful countryside filled with vineyards, medieval churches, and farmland. Rewarded myself after the long walk with a bacon burger, wine, and more pintxos (no idea what I ate, but all were tasty, although what I thought were onion rings were inedible after having seen My Octopus Teacher (Netflix, 2020). IYKYKRead more

    • Day 7

      Puente la Reina to Estella

      May 10, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      23.5 km today. Walked most of the day with Aleta. Stopped at Mañeru for brekkie after an hour and had the usual coffee and tortilla combo. Stopped for a drink at Villatuerta later.
      Really cold wind today and the rain almost came on but I continue to be really lucky with the weather.
      I've started seeing fields of grapevines.... that's going to increase in the next few days as I reach La Absolutely freezin tonight and I've got shorts and sandals on. Found a launderette (oh no, not the launderette) and gave most of my gear a good wash. Los Arcos tomorrow 😊
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    • Day 9

      Day 6 Estella

      April 16 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Our new albergue last night had only 7 people so it was nice and quiet. The surprise breakfast let us start our 24km walk early so it was nice checking in today at 2pm. A pretty uneventful day except for Cirauqui, a lovely medieval village up on a hill. Check out those old grapevines. Must be a sight to see in Sept.
      Bros, I know where the Oak Island path comes from....Spain 🤣
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    • Day 9

      Puente la Reina to Estella - part one

      March 31 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      I think I'm actually turning into Winnie the Pooh. Or maybe I always have been, and I'm just leaning into my truth? I started the day by talking to some of my Piglets and Roos and Tiggers (see, this works), who are at a derby tournament in Sydney which is making me miss them as that's always a great time. Then I had a walk in the woods and a think think think. All I could do to not tap my head with my paw. I did have pants on but that's only because it's going to rain.

      The pants were probably for the best actually, mud central again. It's this really thick, really slippery clay style stuff. At one point I knew I was going down and surprised myself by letting out a strangled CRIPES as I sunk my knee into the bog. Cripes? Grow up. The Japanese couple ahead of me helpfully pointed out that they had sticks and I didn't, we all had a good laugh and I tried not to kick them.

      The hilltop village of Cirauqui was about 8km into the day and stunning. I risked going off the signed way to explore it, and was rewarded by cats, and a nice coffee, and a toilet. I'm beginning to suspect those loos in Roncesvalles are diverting a water source because with the NOTABLE exception of them every other flush is insipid at best. There's the travel insights you came for.
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    • Day 66

      57. Wandertag

      May 24, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Spanien hat uns rasch in seinen Bann gezogen. Warmes, sonniges Wetter, weite Felder mit Mohnblumen. Auch die ersten Hügel mussten wir überwinden. Der Camino Frances auf dem wir uns nun befinden entspricht in weiten Teilen dem alten Pilgerweg. Das zeigen auch die Figuren auf dem Hügel. Als Teilabschnitt ist dieser Abschnitt als Weg der Vergebung gekennzeichnet bis Puerto la Reina mit der alten Brücke aus der Römerzeit. Wir sollen vergeben damit auch uns vergeben wird. Eine grosses Wort und oft doch so schwierig. Das will ich mir durch den Kopf gehen lassen.
      Heute übernachten wir in Maneru gut bewacht von diesen eisernen Ritter auf dem letzten Foto.
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    • Day 4

      Good morning, Day 2

      July 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      I started early this morning at around 530. The weather is good so far even though they predicted thunderstorms at 6 AM. weirdly enough I’m hurting a little bit especially in my left foot, which I am attributing to the new shoes, Altra Lone Peak, which are zero drop shoes, and a completely different technical kind of walking.

      Despite having booked and paid an Albergue in Estella, I think I would like to check if the Albergue in Lorca still has a bed for me.

      Last evening I got to talking to the Hospitalero at the Albergue I was staying at. He told me that the rush of May and June is now over and due to the end of San Fermin and the hot weather. I should not be having any problems finding shelter for the night.
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    • Day 6

      Stage 5 - along the way

      April 7 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      A lot of pretty sights today and especially the wild flowers.

      We saw a lot of circling huge birds - don’t know if they’re actually vultures but we were told that there are vultures here often.

      We also came across a confusing sign with arrows pointing in opposite directions! It turned out to lead to the ruins of an old abbey, and Nick and I went to investigate.

      It was very humid and the hills felt hilly. We met Brittany at lunchtime and she, Nick and I had a big and emotional conversation about parenting experiences. It was raw and I think really surprised us all (in a good way).
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Mañeru, Maneru

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