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    • Jour 25

      Pulperia Garnacha (octopus tavern)

      12 juin 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

      This is the place to go for octopus or Pulpo.

      I had Pulpo de La plancha, grilled with potato’s, olive oil, chives and Bierzo paprika

      Different texture. It’s chewy if mishandled/overcooked. Done correctly, it’s sort of like a dense filet mignon?. There are two distinct layer: one thin on the surface maybe 2-3 mm which includes the suction cups. This is best lightly crisped. Below that a much thicker layer, circular around the axial axis of the tentacle.

      You tenderize the inner layer by cutting pieces along a tangential axis, thinner slice = more tender, kind of like with corned beef
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    • Jour 36

      GARNACHA Pulperia

      22 juin 2022, Espagne ⋅ 🌧 64 °F

      When in Rome do as Romans do
      When in Melide one MUST eat pulpo..and so the 3 of us went to the nearest Pulperia where I ran into Heather from NYC. We haven't seen each other from Pamplona!!!!

      Juan our waiter

      Sopa Gallego
      Pulpo a con planchet y pan
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    • Jour 44


      13 octobre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Day 40 - Today and tomorrow are shorter walks. Since I didn’t take a rest day in Sarria I decided to break this 28 km stage into two. It was an easy walk (9 miles) and I bumped into this guy who I’ve met 3 or 4 times and each time he compliments me on my shoes (he has the same kind) and calls me India. I say ‘Brazil, right?’’And he says ‘No - Venezuela’. And then I say - ‘but you live in Canada’ - and he says - ‘No, Australia’. We both laugh at my good memory!
      Melide is a decent sized town and has a local population of 7,500. Three Camino routes from the north come together in this town - Camino Frances, Camino Del Norte and Camino Primitivo. This means that the crowds have grown even more and it’s harder to find rooms and beds. Three of us (Ginny, Steve and I) are sharing a hotel room. The room costs €80, so each of us pays a third of that. We have booked apartments for the next two nights, until we get to Santiago. After that I am splurging and getting my own hotel room.
      On the Camino, the goal is to pay as little as possible for the night so that the pilgrimage is more meaningful. In the past I’ve stayed in dorms that have 4 - 10 people and a bed costs as little as €10. A couple of times there have been some heavy snorers, that’s when my one deaf ear comes into good use. But each time it was a very pleasant experience because those albergues had a really good communal dinner and I met a lot of fun people from different countries. Now that I’m nearing the end of the pilgrimage and the crowds have grown humongous, I’ve thrown in the towel and pre-booked hotels/apartments till Santiago.
      More tomorrow from next stop - Arzua….
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    • Jour 36–37


      8 juin, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Vandaag ongeveer 20 km gelopen van Ferreira naar Melide. Een makkelijke wandeling, ware het niet dat ik een beetje ruzie had met Reetta. We hebben inmiddels weer bijgelegd gelukkig. Het was een beetje regenachtig vanmorgen naar veel minder dan voorspeld was. Meer dan wat motregen was het niet.

      Gisterenavond gegeten met twee Amerikaanse vrouwen en dat was erg gezellig en leuk om weer eens een gesprek te hebben over waarom we de camino lopen en over levensovertuigingen. Mimi was van huis uit katholiek maar altijd redelijk vrijzinnig. Ze gaf toe er niet al te veel over na te denken en dat het met een houvast is. De andere vrouw wier naam ik vergeten ben, was niet gelovig en geloofde ook niet in iets na de dood. Ze zat meer met mij op een lijn dat we een uitdrukking zijn van leven. Ze had nog nooit van non dualiteit gehoord en wilde er zeker wat meer over gaan opzoeken. Weer een zieltje gewonnen! ;-)

      Vanmiddag geluncht en vanavond gegeten in een restaurant waar ze meerdere vegan opties hadden, dus dat was fijn! Tijdens het avondeten kennis gemaakt met een Bosniër, Drago, die in Duitsland woont maar weinig Engels sprak helaas. Na ons vegan eten gingen we naar de pulpería omdat Drago inktvis wilde weten. Er zijn om de en of andere reden zeer veel pulperías, (die gespecialiseerd zijn in inktvis) hier en in de vorige dorpen. Een beetje raar omdat we niet echt aan de zee zitten hier.

      Verblijf in Hostal Ezequiel.
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    • Jour 18

      Familie bij elkaar

      22 mai, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Gisteren net voordat Cley uit Nederland vertrok liet de me weten haar plannen te veranderen. In plaats van Ligonde besloot ze naar Melide te gaan waar ik mijn albergue had geboekt voor de nacht.
      En dat betekende een eerdere hereniging met de familie.
      De volgende ochtend samen naar Arzúa gelopen waar vandaan Cley en haar moeder transport naar o pedrouzo zouden nemen en ik nog een kilometer of 10 verder zou lopen. Maar wat heerlijk om je vrouw weer te zien na zoveel dagen zonder haar.
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    • Jour 7–8

      Road to Melide 15kms Day 3

      15 mai, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      An "easy" day of "only" 15kms...ah how ones perspective changes! The day started out sunny but cool (7 degrees), and the path was much more interesting.

      At km 63 was San Xulian do Camiño, and in this tiny village there is a beautiful romanic church from the xii century where an old man gave us a stamp.

      At Km 63.486 was a nice tiny artisan shop.

      Just beyond that on a photogenic bridge we met up with the foursome of Australians again and got our pic with them. We had met them the first night in Sarria and had been bumping into them the whole time, even at dinner the night before.

      We had lovely canopied forest paths and it was really enjoyable...and then the heavens opened up, and the torrential downpour began.

      Mud, mud, and more mud with ankle high puddles that left wet feet.

      I was only 2k. From town when I saw the first cafe/bar in a while and thought ...I need a break. Turns out many of our crew did too. A bag of chips and an Estrella Galicia beer and I was good to go again.

      The city of Melide is quite large, and we were all craving pizza, so after drying off we hit the streets looking for some and found a place not too far from our hotel with great pizza and great sangria. And lo and behold we met the Australians again!

      A quick wander around, and I headed back for a nap before dinner.

      Pau is an excellent guide but his choices for dinner...questionable. he wanted us to have an opportunity to try Pulpo (octopus) and said this place would likely be the best place in the world to have it. Yep....nope.

      Grabbed a couple of souvenir tshirts for the kidlets and a Christmas ornament, and then off for another Estrella!

      A good day! Even with the rain.
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    • Jour 90

      78. Wandertag

      17 juin 2023, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Zuerst zu den Fotos:
      Der Weg geht bis zum Ziel noch 53 Kilometer. Das heutige Ziel ist Melide aber nicht im Tessin, sondern in Spanien. Dann hat es hier Eukalyptus Wälder , oft sieht man diese Speicher ,wo die Maiskolben mäusesicher aufbewahrt werden. Kleine Bauernhöfe und die spanische Waschmaschine von früher. Gestartet sind wir heute um 06:30 Uhr und haben den Sonnenaufgang gesehen. Das Wetter war heute weniger heiss als gestern und der Himmel bewölkt. Heute Abend gehen wir Pulpo (Tintenfisch) essen, eine galizische Spezialität. Freue mich! Soweit das Tagesgeschehen, dann wieder so eine Erzählung , die mich heute berührte. Wenn man sich so langsam dem Ziel nähert fängt man an, das geht auch mir so, Bilanz zu ziehen. Untereinander spricht man dann davon, was das Schönste, Beste und Beeindruckenste gewesen sei. Heute hat mir ein Mann folgendes erzählt.
      Er sei ja nicht gerade der Spirituellste, meinte wahrscheinlich der Gläubigste. Aber als er da vor dem rostigen Kreuz beim Cruz de Ferro gestanden sei, ist er sich ganz klein wie ein Kind und nackt vorgekommen. Er hätte seine Seele auf der Hand getragen und sie dem Kreuz hingestreckt und zu Jesus gesagt. Hier bin ich, nimm mich so auf und richte mein schlechten Taten milde und anerkenne was ich Gutes getan habe. So stelle er sich das vor, wenn er einmal stirbt.
      Ich sagte nur das ist schön und wir haben geschwiegen. Was so ein Camino mit einem macht, ist für mich nach wie vor eindrücklich.
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    • Jour 35

      Mother Gretchen

      26 avril, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      "I mean, if you even knew how mean she really is. You know I’m not allowed to wear hoop earrings, right? She told me two years ago that hoop earrings were “her thing” and I wasn’t allowed to wear them anymore. And then my parents got me a pair of really expensive white gold hoops for Hanukkah and I had to act like I didn’t like them. It was so sad. And you know she still cheats on Aaron. Every Thursday she hooks up with Shane Oman in the alcove behind the auditorium. And I never told anybody that cause I’m such a good friend!"En savoir plus

    • Jour 49


      6 novembre 2022, Espagne ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Heute ein unvergessliches Erlebnis - wir sind in Melide angekommen und haben einen " Pulpo" ausprobieren dürfen. Ein netter Herr hat uns von der Strasse eingeladen zum Probieren. Zuerst hat es uns gekraust, aber wir müssen sagen es hat sehr gut geschmeckt. Der Herr war sehr nett und man muss auch sagen ein hervorragender Verkäufer.
      Sonst ist Melide für uns ein sehr langweiliges Städchen. Es hat keine Ausstrahlung, keinen Charakter und keinen Esprit. Irgendwie hat das Städchen nichts schönes. Es ist ziemlich unorganisiert. Überall fahren viele Autos. Die Häuser fallen auseinander, sind alt und ungepflegt - sehr viele stehen auch zum Verkauf.
      Auf andere Seite kann man hier Geschäfte mit teurer Kleidung sehen wie auch sehr teure Autos wie z.B. Porsche oder BMW. Irgendwie passt das ganze nicht zusammen. Das waren unsere heutige Eindrücke von Melide. Das einzige schöne was wir hier erlebt haben war der Sonnenuntergang - nur leider waren die hohen Häuser im Weg. Aber trotzdem war es für uns schön.
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    • Jour 35

      Palas de Rei to Calle - part two

      26 avril, Espagne ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Ok I'm up to telling the tale now.

      There was a guy limping around the kitchen last night, and as I was packing up in there this morning, I did such a good job of saying hello when he hobbled in that he thought I was Spanish! That evaporated instantly don't worry.

      I was very prepared to loathe him on principle as a new starter but I shan't because he's Spanish (Madrid), extremely Catholic, has done the Primitivo and Norte before, and is handsome in a tennis way. Like this guy ABSOLUTELY plays tennis, or should be in tennis catalogues at least. If you don't know what I mean by that I simply can't help you I'm afraid.

      It's Friday, and the template stages split the remaining 77km between us and Santiago de Compostela (SdC) into three days (28km, 20km, 19km) to arrive on Sunday. Between that fact and the exaggerated wincing I was watching him do, I was somewhat confused when he assumed I was getting to SdC tomorrow. He was, and it's easy terrain from here he said - you can do it easily.

      Something I haven't mentioned here yet is that when we are chatting about the day and how far we're going, we almost never use the town name, we talk about distance. So the stage town is Arzua (28km) but there are other options at 31km, 33km, etc. In pilgrim, if someone asked where you were going today, you might say I'm going to try for 33 but if it rains I'll go to 28. I pondered this over my - if not rounded, perhaps manic scribble? - breakfast of a chocolate protein shake, pork empanada, and REALLY good really cheap yogurt I'm furious to only be discovering now.

      I pondered this further as I walked, and ran into him after a few kilometres because althought he was in his pjs when I left, evidently he's extremely fast. We walked together for about five kilometres, he asked me questions like there might be a test at the end. He's been to Australia once for a Catholic youth convention, I bet that was an absolute riot. After insisting I stop in Melida to eat octopus at a specific restaurant, he abruptly said well, ok Leslie, I'm going to go and pray for you now, and sped off. 10/10 exit.

      I tend to do anything good looking people say - it's a character flaw - so at 10am I dutifully schlepped into the pulperia to see Michel finishing up, "wow, jus, a-wow" and got an even stranger second breakfast. To be fair to him it was absolutely amazing. I'm always iffy on inland seafood, but Galicia does stretch to the coast, and apparently their traditional cooking methods are a source of great pride (even if the source of the octopus itself is Morocco).

      So far it had managed to stay clear but I knew it was going to turn and sure enough, about 40 minutes from Arzua hail started pelting down, followed by rain that quickly got so aggressive it was funny. Saturated, I sloshed into town, stood under a balcony where Sophie and co were sitting dryly having got there earlier, and dripped. If you think about it, it's the GETTING wet that sucks, staying wet is sort of tolerable, and I knew it was going to rain earlier in the day tomorrow so I figured I'd keep paddling (which would cease to be a figure of speech if this kept up to be honest).
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Melide, ميليدي، لا كرونيا, Mellid, メリーデ, Мелиде, Мельид, Меліде, 梅利德


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