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    • Dag 29

      Von rabanal nach el acebo.

      31. maj 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Hola Freunde des caminos. Das wichtigste zuerst. Heute bin ich das erste Mal seit 14 Tagen eine Etappe ohne Schmerzen im linken Schienbein gepilgert und hoffe, dass es so bleibt. Die Etappe führte heute in die las montánas, welche sich im Gegensatz zu den Etappen durch die meseta als abwechslungsreich darstellte. Die Gebirgszüge und Täler, die mit einer üppigen Vegetation überzogen sind, zeigen ein atemberaubendes Panorama. Ein absoluter Höhepunkt und sehr emotional, war der Besuch des cruz de ferro ( einfach mal googlen). Der Abstieg runter ins Tal nach El acebo, war schon eine echte Herausforderung. Steile und schmale Wege gefüllt mit Schotter und grossen Kieselsteinen, forderten absolute Konzentration, damit man keinen Abflug ins Tal machte. Erkenntnis des Tages: Es gibt keine Probleme, nur Herausforderungen.Læs mere

    • Dag 10


      28. maj 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Entering Molinoseca, I see a man plastering the arch of the main entrance of a small church. Hola! Buen Camino! Peregrino! Aqui! Aqui! He motions me over, walks me into the church and opens up the door….runs back to the side room and flips on the light. Me llamo es Antonio. Yo soy El trabador de iglesia. I am the church workman. Donde es? Seattle! Donde? Washington! Ah, Americano! The light comes on and I am in tears. The church doesn’t look like much from the outside, but it sure is special inside!Læs mere

    • Dag 23

      heat wave incoming!

      2. maj 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      today was difficult! it was a climb to start and then the rest of the day was pretty much just a steep downhill on loose gravel :( feeling p tired today after having a super snorer in the bed right above me last night. but anyway, I am here in Ponferrada while hiking in 80 deg. weather. Tomorrow will be the same.Læs mere

    • Dag 23

      Descenso a Ponferrada

      12. maj, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Mi hermano Iñigo me dijo el primer día que la dificultad del Camino dependía de tres cosas:
      1) De cómo de larga es la etapa
      2) De los desniveles (subidas y bajadas) y
      3) del tipo de terreno

      Esta etapa lo tiene todo. La bajada desde la Cruz de Ferro s muy empinada y llena de piedras durante 20Km. Las fotos no reflejan la tremenda pendiente.

      Pero los paisajes de los Montes de León hacen que sea una etapa muy bonita
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    • Dag 41

      Mountain Mists and Knights Templar

      22. oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      After some quiet days, today was full of adventure - a misty mountain, burdens released, a loco taxi driver and the mythical Templar knights.

      As is customary, the Camino continues to provide the answers I need. A few days back I was wondering if I could make it to Cruz de Ferro, the Iron Cross. At 1504m, it's the highest point on the Camino, and the legendary spot where is pilgrim leaves their pilgrim stone and their past burdens behind. There was no problem getting to the Cross, the issue was the descent
      afterwards, which is known as the hardest on the walk, a brutal 8km on loose slippery rock. This part of the walk would have destroyed my ankles and ended my Camino. But a few days back I'd met a lady who was determined not to miss the cross because she was carrying blessed rocks and ashes from home. She told me about the Camino Angel Luis the taxi driver who is the go to man for taxiing the descent.

      With Luis booked to fetch me off the mountain at midday, I set off up the mountain about nine. I should have left later but it wasn't raining and the sun was rising and briefly shining so it seemed the best time to go. The rising sun over the valley was an absolute delight.

      I have carried from home a very small white river pebble from the Douglas River at Bicheno to leave here on the mountain in honour of the Spainish people who have been my generous hosts on this journey. So I said my thanks to Spain and left my rock on the very large pile on the mountain. I don't feel I have too many burdens to leave on the mountain, but I do hope the seven or eight kilos I've lost on this journey so far will stay in Spain and never return. Probably not if I have a Brownie Gelato for dessert.

      Luis, the wise mountain taxi driver, had encouraged me to walk a few more kilometres through the mountains and agreed to pick me up from the home of Tomas, the self styled last Knight Templar, and sole inhabitant of the village (more suitably the hovel) of Manjarin. By the time I reached Tomas, who clearly wasn't in on the secrets of any hidden Templar riches, the mist had set in and the rains had come. Tomas, being the most sociable mountain hermit I've ever met, opened the door to his wood shed and gathered in passing dripping pilgrims for a chat. While not a single English speaker passed while I was there, I managed to communicate that Taxi Luis was coming and picked up a few more customers that made my taxi fare a bargain. I watched pilgrims come and go (I was their for a while as I had set out too early and had no phone reception to hurry Luis up) as Tomas encouraged them to stay on the road and off the slippery rocks.

      The added bargain of some Spanish speaking passengers for my taxi ride was that Luis chatted endlessly to them and not me. Yesterday when he also gave me a lift, we couldn't drive more than five kilometres an hour because he was too busy chatting to google translate and playing it to me the entire drive. Out of that I did pick up that a Google review would be greatly appreciated and having done that I was his favourite passenger today. Some of today's photos were taken by Luis who insisted on stopping the taxi for every photo opportunity. We also managed to pick up my friend Anna from Arizona on the way down the mountain as well.

      Arriving at our destination of Ponferrada, Anna and I had lunch beside the Knights Templar Castle before parting ways again.

      The valley in which Ponferrada sits is beautiful, surrounded by rugged mountains in all directions. I'm glad the rain eased up enough this afternoon to see them all. I find the geography fascinating. As I approached these mountains from the other side slowly over a few days, they didn't look very big. In the Meseta I was already at an altitude of 900m and it rose quite gradually to the summit at 1500m. But in Ponferrada my altitude is under 600m and the descent was rapid so the mountains look much taller and more rugged from this side.
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    • Dag 34

      Day 30: Rabanal to Molinaseca, part 2

      16. juni 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      So much beauty!

      1. It’s amazing to me how the wildflowers growing along the side of the trail are as beautiful as any planned garden, complete with complementary colors.
      2. and 3. Towards the top
      4. Looking forward (westish?) from the top. The city on the left is Ponferrada, which I’ll reach tomorrow morning.
      5. So. Many. Hours. of this.
      6. The village of Riego de Ambrós is exceptionally picturesque. I didn’t stop here because the bars were uphill (and back down) plus extra mileage. I was grateful for the fountain there, though!
      7. Iglesia de San Nicolás de Bari in Molinaseca
      8. Ermita de Nuestra Señora de las Augustus’s in Molinaseca. I didn’t have the energy to explore either of these.
      9. Puente Romano in Molinaseca. I staggered over this to get into town.
      10. Molinaseca is also very pretty.
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    • Dag 34

      Cruz Ferro, then on to El Acebo

      21. oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We walked 2 kilometers to Cruz Ferro, the Iron Cross. The tradition is to carry a stone up to the mountain top, leave it at the cross as a symbol of a burden to leave behind.

      We left our stones and continued on.

      We walked another 6 km along the ridge top, hit the high elevation point of the Camino ( Sorry no #Samberging photo, it really was not a special spot)

      The we had a difficult 3-4 km descent, steep and rocky. We walked a couple of kilometers along the road, but a driver kind of squeezed us against the guardrail, and yelled at us in Spanish about the Camino being up the hill. We crossed back to the path after that and walked the rest of the way on the rocky trail!

      From the terrace of our hostal, we can see the Bierzo valley below. Tomorrow,'s walk!
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    • Dag 34

      Todays Trek to Acebo

      21. oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Lots of climbing up & a long painful downhill trek today (we still have more downhill tomorrow). The Cruz Ferro (Iron Cross) was very memorable. Jim & I left stones that at the top of the cross symbolizing a burden we'd like to leave behind. Hopefully, I am not the "burden" as I was pretty vocal about my knees killing me by the time we got to Acebo!😅

      All along our walk today there were gorgeous vistas everywhere we looked.

      We are staying in a very old casa rural called La Rosa de Agua. This old place is owned by a guy in Texas! We were told we'd meet Mike from Texas tomorrow. The little village of Acebo is one of the prettiest of our trip! It's surrounded by mountains. Peaceful music was playing in the little restaurant & a warm fire was in the woodstove as we ordered lunch. It's kind of chilly here because we're high up & the weather is damp & cloudy.We got the most beautiful salad for lunch, (iceburg lettuce in salads is all they have served so far during our trip). This salad had spinach, frisee, strawberries, nuts, cheese, eggs, tuna, olives, apples... it was a work of art!
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    • Dag 25

      Etappe 21 - Ponferrada 2

      6. oktober 2022, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Von Molinaseca ging es per Beine weiter bis Ponferrada.
      Molinaseca ist ein wunderschöner kleiner Ort, welcher eigentlich zum längeren Verweilen einlädt.
      Ponferrada hat uns mit angenehmen 27 Grad empfangen, nachdem es in den Bergen ziemlich kühl war.
      Heute wieder einmal ein Einzelzimmer, damit ich Schlaf nachholen kann.
      Habe gerade entschieden, noch einen Tag in der Stadt zu bleiben, da ich sehr gut in der Zeit liege.
      Ponferrada ist die letzte größere Stadt vor Santiago de Compostela.
      Der morgige Tag steht mir für eine Sightseeingtour zur Verfügung.
      Jetzt sitze ich gerade bei einem Tinto de ferrano, einem gespritzten Rotwein.
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    • Dag 48

      A truly beautiful day - at Acebo

      14. maj 2023, Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      A really good day! Still cold, about 2° at 7am, but bright and great walking conditions. After breakfast Amr set off at about 8.15 and I waited in the hotel, taxi not due till 9.50, and it was a share taxi, with another couple who were to be driven to Ponferrada (where we will be going tomorrow)…these little hotels like to clear you out so that they can get the rooms ready for the next wave of walkers who will soon be arriving! So at about the appointed hour the taxi arrived, with an Irish/English elderly couple - very relaxed and friendly - and we chatted while the driver had a coffee and chatted with the hotel owner! Then we set off, and when he wanted to say something he would talk into his phone which came out with the English translation in a very proper voice…!

      The walk today is one of my favourite days - when you go over the highest point of the camino (even higher altitude than the Pyrenees) and with difficulty walk down the other side with paths of loose stones, but gorgeous views of Ponferrada and the whole valley below. And you pass the Iron Cross, a special marker, where people leave stones and take photos etc…well, Luís, the taxi driver, said we’d stop there for photos, as the road, which I’d never noticed before when walking, goes right alongside…so that was a thrill as we didn’t miss that high point, and the even more amazing thing was that when I stalked Amr he was almost there too, so we waited a few minutes, and there he was!! What a moment! Dot and Sean, the other couple, we’re almost as excited as I was…and Luís thought Amr wanted a lift too!!..we put him straight on that!…so off we went again, seeing all the views that you would see walking, and I have to say I don’t feel too deprived at all from not walking.

      We are now at this little village half way down the mountain side, and staying in a very sweet room and very content. This place has another newer, bigger and very posh property a few hundred metres down the road where we will have dinner, as here does not do evening meals. It will be a communal pilgrim meal, as besides being upmarket, it also has an upmarket albergue with dormitory rooms, and you book and pay for your dinner, select from the menu all in advance! Extremely organised…but it also has a pool, spa, masseuse etc! The people in both places were both so helpful and kind - I had arrived early, before booking in time of course, but they brought me some camomile tea and I had a relaxed wait, so they’re not just super-organised! I happened to chat to 2 different Aussie women in my 2 waiting places - one from Davidson, and one from Port Macquarie, and the taxi had little koala dingle-dangles that an Aussie had given him! He is going to take me from here to Ponferrada tomorrow morning.

      So Amr arrived about 1.20. Quite tired after the difficult downhill bit, even though the total distance is about 18 kms. This is siesta time and he is horizontal and watching Netflix I think! We had a little lunch together, and will have dinner at 7 on the dot…have ordered salad, fish and a lemon dessert for us both!

      Will put photos of the beautiful views, and one of me at the iron cross before I met Amr…we did a selfie there but it’s awful of both of us!!
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