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    • Day 12

      Day 11 To Najeria in some rain

      May 17 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      We are in the Rioja region, known for its wine, and we hiked through so many vineyards today. It was misty and a little rainy in the afternoon, so i got to wear my favorite raincoat. After lunch in Najera, we toured the Monestery of Santa Maria, a Benedictine monestary built at an entrance to a cave. Our apartment is fabulous, located near the cliffs.Read more

    • Day 12–14

      Day 12 Past fields of poppies to Santa D

      May 17 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      That field of poppies! A beautiful 23k hike today to Santo Domingo de la Calzada, where we are spending the night at Abadia Csitercence, a convent run by the sisters. After looking around the Cathedral of Santa Maria, built in 1504, we climbed up the dark and scary bell tower to see a panoramic view of the city, including the Camino path we will follow in the morning. .Afterward, Kristina and I splerged on a dinner at Los Caballaros, a Michelin restaurant. I would recommend this restaurant for wild boar lol.Read more

    • Day 9–10

      Day 8 to Najera

      May 14 in Spain ⋅ 🌩️ 14 °C

      Had a little drizzle this morning and a cool day... a blessing since we walked far... (29.5km - damn... we should've just walked in circles to tick)

      I can feel my calves today!!!

      Saw a lady (video clip) who really struggled to walk. Hats off to her for keeping going. And a bit of appreciation for my body, fitness and what I can do physically.

      So many similarities between walking the Camino & the Comrades... everyone really just want to see you through. And so many different people you meet on the road.

      After our wine flew from the fridge... and it was all on the floor... we had to get more... and during supper the rain, thunder & hail came! So instead of going out... we stay in
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    • Day 17


      May 11 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Day 9 Najera
      Distance from Torres del Rio 32kms

      With another long day ahead we left Torres del Rio before the sun rose. Although a long day the path was easy and the temperature was pleasant. We haven’t seen much wildlife about but today we spotted a toad it almost blended into the gravel path. Posted this for the grandies. Passed by archaeological remains of a church and hospital founded in the Middle Ages the hospital assisted pilgrims on their way to Santiago. Through a village with its period houses and carved family crests and armorial shields so much history.
      We entered into the town of Najera (with its high rock face acting as a dramatic backdrop) early afternoon. A great walking day behind us and around 576kms to go to reach Santiago de Compostela.
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    • Day 17

      Azofra and Cirueña

      October 4, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      We walked out of Najera up a road through a gap in the cliffs, onto a wide open rolling plateau. Vineyards and fields that had been harvested already.

      Grapes are being picked and hauled away by tractors.

      We made a coffee stop in Azofra with Inger and Bengt from Sweden.

      After Azofra, we walked almost 6 miles to Cirueña for a lunch stop at Bar Jacobeo.

      This morning's terrain was wide open country, with few trees and no shade. Right now it is 75 degrees and no clouds. We are hot and thirsty. This must be a brutal walk in July and August!
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    • Day 8

      Tag 8: Logroño - Nájera

      February 27 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

      Um 6:30 Uhr verließ ich Logroño. Zwar wusste ich, dass es heute regnen sollte, aber dass mir Regen, Wind und Kälte so dermaßen bis auf die Knochen zogen, damit hatte ich wirklich nicht gerechnet. Weiter ging es über offene Fläche und der Wind peitschte mir nur so ins Gesicht. Nachdem ich drei Stunden ein Gefühl des Aushaltens durchlebte, kam ich völlig durchgefroren in ‚Navarrete’ an.
      So flüchtete ich in die nächstbeste Unterstellmöglichkeit - die ‚Iglesia Santa Maria de la Asunción’. Überrascht von der imposanten Ausstrahlung, taute ich buchstäblich langsam wieder auf, indem ich alles anzog, was ich bei mir hatte und dabei im Kreis hüpfte.
      Plötzlich ging die Tür auf und Alex (SWE) stand vor mir, der auch in der Kirche gestrandet war. Das Lachen stand ihm ins Gesicht geschrieben.
      Gemeinsam zogen wir weiter, um ein Café aufzusuchen und uns etwas zu stärken. Denn es erwarteten uns weitere 20 km mit genau der gleichen Wetteraussicht!
      Kaum war der Kaffee geleert, brach auf einmal die Sonne durch die Wolken. Es war wie ein Wunder, denn der Wetterbericht sprach vom Gegenteil.
      Zwar wanderten wir im unfassbaren Wind, doch genau über dem Wanderweg blieb eine Gasse blauen Himmels bestehen. Es war ein unglaubliches Schauspiel um uns herum, von nicht beschreibbarer Schönheit. Alex sagte nur: „You know? Sometimes I just want to eat this view. It‘s so beautiful!“
      Mit steifen Gesichtern vor Kälte erreichten wir schließlich ‚Nájera‘, wo wir in der tollen ‚Pilgerherberge Nájera‘ plötzlich wieder auf Mike (UK) stießen. Gemeinsam öffneten wir eine Flasche des weltbekannten Rioja Weins und aßen ein zünftiges Mittag-/Abendessen aus Suppe, Baguette und spanischer Salami.
      Nun heißt es Regenerieren und Genießen…!
      Ein harter, aber toller Tag, der mir mal wieder gezeigt hat: Nach harten Momenten folgen meist wieder schöne Momente. Und die sind dann umso schöner!
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    • Day 12


      April 3 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Oh I could stay in Najera a while. The municipal albergue is my favourite yet, managing to be both the cheapest (€6) and most communal so far.

      Albergue atmosphere naturally depends on the random alchemy of its guests but in no small way, the two Italians running this place are doing wonderful work. I'll tell you more tomorrow.

      I've walked 67km in two days. I'm weary and I'm proud.
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    • Day 12

      Logrono to Najera

      August 28, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Left for Najera this morning at 7 AM. Hike should be at 30 Km. There is steep climbing at two different hill locations. I stopped complaining about climb if it were perpetually flat wouldnt be as satisfying. A light rain starting out. Poncho on or off is the question of the day. Small Albergue in Najera setup like the wooden Army barracks of old. Saw several people from the past week, should I be surrprised that they remembered me? Going to bed early again. Buen Camino.Read more

    • Day 12

      Saturday 3rd June - Najera to San Doming

      June 3, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      We left Najera at 7 on the. Most beautiful morning. Coffee in Azofra at Bar Sevilla with tostada and they also made me a cheese sandwich for later.
      A wonderful walk in a stunning landscape and cool for a while. Weather began to heat up around 10.30 and I was very relieved to find a donativo food and drink stall by a shady area with a water fountain and benches.
      Changed my shoes for sandals for the first time which was reasonably successful although as the path was stony I did have to shake them out from time to time.
      On the bird front I heard a Rock Sparrow for the first time.
      Arrived in San Domingo at about 12.30 and immediately ran into Dave and Cherie - our clown friends from Maine - who were eating at a little bar in the square so stopped to chat with them.
      Have finally managed to solve the problem of accommodation in St Juan de Ortega where there seemed to be nothing available for Monday night. Janice was able to share details of a hostal which I have now been able to book for €15 each. Just very relieved that we will have somewhere to stay as it was looking impossible other than a terrible Alberge which everyone said to avoid.
      Explored the cathedral and learnt about the chicken legend. The cathedral has two live chickens (I have video!). The story is that a pilgrim lodged with a local family whose daughter made advances to him. When he rejected her she put a coin in his bag and then accused him of stealing. He was tried, found guilty and out to death by hanging. His parents then went on a pilgrimage to Santiago and on their way home wanted to collect his body for burial. But at this point he came back to life. When the town people approached the judge, who was eating chicken, saying that they did not know what to do with him as he was still alive, the judge said that he wasn’t any more alive than the chicken on his plate - at which point the chicken also came back to life. Sorry for the very brief and probably incoherent retelling of the story but I did enjoy the chickens in the cathedral!!
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    • Day 19

      Rain drops keep falling on my head

      September 30, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Walked my first day in the wind and rain. Learnt the Spanish word for cold - frio. It was a drizzle most of the time, just enough that stopping for a rest anywhere was a bit cold and miserable. Thankfully the weather is warming up again from tomorrow and by the middle of the week it's going to be way too hot.

      Day two after a rest day I was a bit hesitant about the 18 km. I was also out of supplies and there weren't necessarily going to be shops or cafes today. I headed out about 9.15 hoping I'd find a decent breakfast and some snacks before I left town. On the first corner I found an open cafe and scored bacon and eggs for breakfast and some supplies for the road. Last night I'd had a lovely pilgrims menu of lentil soup, stewed beef cheeks and egg custard with Robert from the US who I'd meet in the laundromat in Logrono the day before - so I was suitably well fuelled for my day out.

      I also found Andrea from the US and Geraldine from Ireland just finishing breakfast. I'd meet Geraldine in Los Arcos a few days back but Andrea and I had been chatting, passing each other and having lunch together since back before Pamplona. They headed off but my breakfast was quick and I caught up with them just a little way out of town.

      I thought I'd brave walking with them for the day and would hopefully be able to keep up. I thought a little company might help a cold wet day to be a bit cheerier and that also it might stop me from dawdling the second half of the day. It was a good decision. They are both lovely companions and while I had to walk faster, they needed to rest when I did and were a great distraction from the weather.

      We took a slight detour into the only village near our path today and had a lovely early lunch before walking through vineyard after vineyard across the countryside. We were given some lovely wine grapes to eat along the way and made it into town not long after three.

      I'm hostelling tonight but while I booked a dormitory, I've scored a room with just myself and two others. Susanna from Hungary says it's the nicest room she's had since she started so I am being thankful I can have a private room when I want and company if I feel the need.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Nájera, Najera

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