Plaza Santo Domingo

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    • Dzień 27


      1 października 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      We started out from Reliegos about 7:30am after Mary, the owner of the hostel, made us good coffee and gave us a pastry and banana for energy. The hike into León was a little under 16 miles with a wide range of changes and variation.

      We noticed yesterday that the landscape had changed from brown to green and today was even a bigger change. We clearly have moved into a different environment and are moving from the flat agricultural region back into more hills. After a week of flats we are looking forward to the change.

      Our walk was really quiet up until the last couple of miles as we started into the city. León was a bit of a shock to the system after days of quiet. It is much larger than Pamplona or Logroño and may take a bit to get used to. We are here for 2 nights for a little down time and exploring before getting back to the solitude of walking.

      Buen Camino
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    • Dzień 29

      Rest day in León

      3 października 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌙 45 °F

      We had a good rest day in León. We caught up with friends, did a little resupply and failed at getting more cash. It is very risky putting your ATM card into a machine here as it may not come back. This happen to a friend and she had to wait in the town until the bank opened to get her card back. The bank was closed for two days! 🥴

      We stayed in a quirky hostel with a great view of a fountain located on a major roundabout. Yesterday there was a major festival in town that brought people from every region within proximity of Leon. The parade lasted forever with each region marching behind a giant flag of their providence. The parade ended at the cathedral where all flags were left around the perimeter of the cathedral. We watched most of the parade from the streets but when it was never-ending, we realized we could watch it from the window of our hostel since they paraded right past the fountain. It seems every time we are in a major city, it is during a festival.

      We didn't think we were interested in touring yet another cathedral but are so glad we toured the cathedral in Leon. The stained glass in this particular cathedral is absolutely amazing.

      Today we are off to Villavante, hope to have more photos and updates tonight.
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    • Dzień 2


      11 lipca 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      León - unser Ausgangspunkt für den Camino. Mit dem Zug sind wir durch die weite kastilische Einöde gefahren, durch spärlich zivilisierte Landschaften, vereinzelte landwirtschaftliche Betriebe, die unter der sengenden Sonne einen ewigen Sommerschlaf schlummern. Angekommen in León hat es leider nur noch für einen Aussenblick auf die prächtig beleuchtete Kathedrale gereicht, dafür aber für ein pane con iberico und ein kühles Bier. Morgen bzw. heute geht es los! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 169

      Leon til Hospital de Orbigo

      26 września 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Det ble det buss ut av Leon kl. 08.00. Fremme i Velverde de la Virgin kl 08.13 - 10 km - tilsvarende en spasertur på vel to timer gjennom et industriområde.

      En fin start på dagen med 12 grader, økende til rundt 26 grader ut over dagen. Leden gikk i hovedsak langs riksvei 120, en til dels sterkt trafikkert vei, med mye bilstøy. Lange rette (kjedelige) strekninger kan by på motivasjonsutfordringer, men ikke i dag. Lett til sinns ble de 26 km en grei dagsmars, slitene bein og en noe plagsom vannblemme til tross. Ved 4-tiden var jeg framme ved Albergue San Miguel, en Albergue med karakter. De tilbyr kunstmaling til de besøkende og over alt henger det fargerike malerier. Ikke den beste kunsten, men det gir en hyggelig atmosfære.
      Det mest kjente ved Hospital de Orbigo er den romerske broen over elven Orbigo. Et flott byggverk fra den romerske perioden. På 1100 tallet ble det bygget et hospital og en kirke for pilegrimer av Hospital Riddere, som tok vare på de farende pilegrimene. Der av navnet Hospital de Orbigo.
      Hvert år i juni arrangeres det et ridder tournament til ære for Ridderen Suero som i 1434 utfordret alle dugelige menn til duell, med hest og lanse, på broen. Det sies at han knakk 300 lanser før han ble drept i sin siste duell.

      Kroppen er vasket, svette klær vasket, vannblemmer stelt og skriveriene er unnagjort. Nå blir det hvile fram til middag kl 19.00. På vei til middag -
      et bilde av den gamle kirken og hospitalet fra 1100 tallet.
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    • Dzień 8

      Lugo / Sarria

      7 sierpnia 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We reached Sarria Sunday evening. We easily found a hotel an went and had dinner. Restaurants do not open for business until 8:00pm, so be ready to eat late in Spain.

      The next day we were still dealing with blisters so decided to spend another night in Sarria. We were informed that there wasn’t a room available so we moved to the Alfonso Noveno hotel. We dropped off our bags and then drove 30 minutes to the city of Lugo to return the rental vehicle. Lugo city center is a beautiful old city built by the Romans and it is sorounded by this tall stone walls. We walk through the main gate an wondered around the city. Walked into El Camino de Pedro coffee shop and was helped by the owner, a woman from Honduras who had immigrated to Spain 15 years ago. We had some interesting conversations with her about her own journey.

      We walked around the city and over the Roman’s walls were we had the opportunity to walk through ancient history.

      After a 30 minutes buss ride, we were back to Sarria. Nick wanted to eat pasta that night so we visited a very charming restaurant called ”Roma 1930”. Instead of pasta, we end up sharing the biggest T-Bone stake in our lives. There, we were introduced to “Chupitos”, a local liquor made of grasses of coffee. We had two of each and we were set for the night. Of course we had to walk a kilometer to get to the hotel 🥹
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    • Dzień 33

      To Leon

      13 maja 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Easy walk across the last of the Meseta.
      Mostly straights from El Bugo Ranero, but lots of trees planted by the path along the way made it a pleasant walk.
      Rather than miss the Eurovision party in Leon by one day, we played the get out of jail card and caught a taxi the last 20k from Mansilla de Las Mulas, with no regerts. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 31

      León has been lovely....

      27 czerwca 2023, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

      ...so much that I haven't taken time to make a post. Which is too bad. So here's a quick photo dump.

      The Cathedral's stained glass amounts to nearly 1,800m2. That's nearly 1/2 an acre! And it is so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. The soaring roof was built so delicately that after a few hundred years a complete restoration was required .... That took 50 years.
      I have a hard time imagining buildings in those time-scales. León only had about 5,000 residents when this enormous gothic palace was built.

      Now, being inside those soaring arches, with the sun streaming in... I can see how people felt religious inspiration.

      We spent some time being amazed by the Gaudi museum (Casa Botines) as well.... I could write pages about his genius.

      The rest of the city is full of flowers, art, statues, friendly people, museums and delicious food. One day was not nearly enough!
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    • Dzień 25

      Sahagun - León

      12 września 2020, Hiszpania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Heute Morgen machte ich mich ohne Frühstück auf den Weg zum Bahnhof. Die Schalter waren natürlich geschlossen und so musste man an einem Automaten das Billet lösen. Mit einer kleinen Verspätung fuhr dann der Zug ein. Die Eisenbahnwagen sahen sehr modern aus. Auffallend war die Sauberkeit und die Tatsache, dass die Scheiben nicht zerkratzt waren. Nach ungefähr 40 Minuten fuhr der Zug in Leon ein. Im Bahnhofsgebäude setzte ich mich in ein Café und bestellte mir wieder einmal einen Café con Leche. Was noch nachzutragen wäre ist, dass sich heute morgen meine Füße und Beine das erste Mal seit einiger Zeit wieder besser anfühlten. Mein Hotel war nur ungefähr 300 Meter vom Bahnhof entfernt. Ich ging zum Hotel und läutete unten, worauf die Türe geöffnet wurde und ich so in den zweiten Stock steigen konnte. Die Pensioninhaberin war sehr hilfsbereit und zeigte mir die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten von León auf einer kleinen Karte. Sie führte mich zum Zimmer und zeigte mir, wo ich morgen das Frühstück einnehmen könne. Sie war mir auch behilflich mit dem Busfahrplan, denn ich möchte meine Füße noch ein bisschen schonen und werde den ersten Teil der morgigen Etappe mit dem Bus zurücklegen. Heute ist Samstag und gegen Mittag befand sich die halbe Bevölkerung auf den Straßen. Die Cafés waren alle voll mit konsumwilligen Spaniern. Ich meinerseits machte einen Rundgang durch die Altstadt, die sehr sehenswert ist. Es hat sehr viele schmucke Gassen und sehr schöne Gebäude, darunter die Kathedrale. Nach der Siesta kamen noch mehr Leute aus ihren Häusern und belebten die Straßen noch mehr. Die Spanier laufen häufig in Gruppen herum vom Kleinkind bis zur Großmutter. Alle sind adrett herausgeputzt und flanieren in den Strassen. Da mich der Hunger plagte, ging ich ein bisschen früher etwas essen. Dies passte auch, da ich an diesem Tag früher ins Bett gehe, da ich morgen um 9 Uhr auf dem Busbahnhof sein muss. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 2

      Leon at night

      7 września 2021, Hiszpania ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      I’ll bet I have walked through Leon at least seven or eight times. Many Caminos intersect here or near here— The Francés, Madrid, Salvador, and Vadiniense are the ones that come to mind. But when you’re walking through, you have to go to bed early, and you don’t get to see the city at night.

      So, since I am taking a jetlag day tomorrow, which I rarely do, I thought I would spend tonight walking to some of my favorite monuments to see them lit up. Gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, those are just a few adjectives that come to mind. Since I slept a few hours on the plane, I’m really not too tired, so carpe diem. Beautiful buildings are beautiful at any time of day, but at night they are really special. Even a favorite little cheese store looks magical.
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    • Dzień 34


      18 września 2022, Hiszpania ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Nice walk today into Leon... very large city, we will be spending an extra day here to rest and explore before starting the final 1/3 of our journey to Santiago.

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