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    • Day 27


      June 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 72 °F

      The first thing that greets us going into Ponferrada is the old Castillo des los Templarios
      I was really looking forward to seeing it and of course it is closed today because it's Monday
      I believe on my original schedule it wasn't Monday plus it was one of my possible rest stops...
      Do check out

      In any case I took as many pictures as I could and then checked out Basilica Nuestra Senora la Virgen de la Encina. Totally cool. More info can be found at
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    • Day 23

      Gracias, El Acebo, buenas dias Ponferada

      August 22, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      I started just with the daylight today! It has really been the steepest and mot dangerous part of the whole Camino! For 2 1/2 hours I climbed down the mountains on slippery clay, rocks and stoned! 100% concentration was necessary not to fall down the steep hillside! As a reward I now enjoy a real „Latte Macchiato“ in front of THE castle of the temple knights! There we a mix of knights and monks between the 12th and 14th century and were also the protectors of the pilgrims! Wait for the stunning picture to cone …😇Read more

    • Day 34


      October 8, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Dzisiaj bardzo zatęskniliśmy za meseta. Resztę opowiem później.
      Bardzo pięknie i prawdziwe oddają nasza dalszą drogę komentarz Piotrusia, Astorga a później katorga. I tak dokładnie było. Do Rabanal było w miarę ok ale później droga zrobiła się bardzo mało przyjazna. Dość duży kąt nachylenia, wioska Foncebadon generalnie opustoszała z jedną albergue i barem i wijącą się w górę droga wśród kamienistych domków. W alberguy na półce znaleźliśmy oprócz dobrego piwa bardzo stare wydanie polskiej książki Historia Piastów Jasienicy. Jako ciekawostka wioska ta występuje w książce Paolo Coelho Pielgrzym chyba.
      Potem wspinaczka do krzyża gdzie był czas na złożenie naszych i powierzonych nam kamieni dokładając się do zbudowanej dość dużej góry przez właśnie takie kamyczki. Jest to ponoć najwyższy punkt na Camino, 1505 metrów.
      Potem zejście w dół wydawać by się mogło że pikuś a tu nic podobnego. Było to bardzo długie i żmudne schodzenia po drodze, która trudno było nazwać drogą, była to ścieżka z nierównych płyt kamiennych różnej wielkości głazów i kamieni. Jedno co, to widoki prześliczne i one rekompensowały wszystkie trudy. Niestety dystans też nie był przyjazny, po przejściu 35 km mieliśmy bardzo silna zimę w oczach a w nogach watę. Minęliśmy parę wiosek po drodze nawet powiedziałbym urokliwych szczególnie podobała nam się dość osobliwy postuj w Manjarin,który generalnie składa się z jednej albergue która dowodził Tomas, który uważa się za ostatniego Templariusza. Bardzo urokliwe El Acebo z dobrym barem i widokiem na góry oraz Molinaseca z urokliwym starym miastem.
      Dotarliśmy w końcu do Ponferrada. Jedynym zabytkiem koło którego przeszliśmy był zamek templariuszy zachowany w całości. Ponoć był podobnej klasy zamek w Syrii ale ISIS najpierw go zrabował a potem wysadziła w powietrze.
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    • Day 43

      Ponferrada (15.2km / 561.9km)

      May 25, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      We couldn’t stop taking photos on this walk. Starting with the sunrise behind the mountain and then the gorgeous landscape as we descended into the valley. The scenery helped keep our minds off the steep downhills! At times the path was very rocky and we had to walk quite slowly.
      They were difficult walking conditions but we managed well and the new shoes continued to do well! Such long steep downhills have taken their toll on many walkers doing too much too fast so we were happy to be in good shape at the end.
      The architecture in the villages was unique to the area with timber cantilever balconies into the stone walls. Amazing they have lasted so long.
      We stopped at the bottom for a coffee and cake before heading into Ponferrada (Albergue Guiana). After showering and washing clothes we were starving so decided to get a series of Tapas for our main meal of the day including a yummy Salad, calamari, chorizo, spicy potato and red peppers!
      We then visited the Medieval Templar Castle. Not castle ruins for a change but a complete castle. It was sooooo impressive and regarded as the finest in Spain. I’m sure it is the scene of many movies! Just thinking the Templars and the castle were purely there to protect the pilgrims is quite humbling.
      We headed into the reasonably modern city for some necessary purchases before going to mass in the Basilica and then ending the day with Churros at last! The churros were average but the chocolate sauce was like a light mousse. James and Tammy joined us as we will be in different villages for the next week. The prices are really reasonable too! I can’t remember when I last paid euro 2.50 for a whisky or 1.80 for a glass of wine.
      We are really enjoying the shorter distances now as we arrive at our destination at 1pm or so and still have energy to walk around the town.
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    • Day 22

      Day 18 - To Villafranca

      October 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      We had great intentions of leaving early, however that did not happen. We made it downstairs around 8:30 and even though we told them we didn’t want breakfast, Ana our hostess, had breakfast all laid out for just us. We did not want to hurt her feelings, so we had coffee, toast and jam.

      Because we were so late we used google translate to have her order us a taxi to take us 5km up the road to the next town - Ponferadda.

      Arriving in Ponferrada, we saw their ancient castle and saw their beautiful church. And we began our walk of 24+ Km for the day.

      Highlights of our 9am-5pm hike were as follows: a chicken burrito, our first winery, village church, joan fed the feral cats, and we had more hills than we thought. We walked more road today than the previous three weeks of walking the Camino.

      Arriving in Villafranca del BIERZO, a picturesque medieval town, nestled in the mountains where old Spain has been restored for all the pilgrims to enjoy.

      We walked thru the village, and found the 1st bar on the right for our first cerveza of the day. We encounterd many pilgrims we knew from along the road, and one of our favorites, Carol from Wales, joined us for dinner. It was a wonderful night.

      Tomorrow we need to do at least 23km and trying to get an early start. Have a great day.

      Also…Julie figured out to watch Hallmark movies on YouTube and it’s brought a little bit of home to us as we unwind from the road.

      Buen Camino!
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    • Day 31–35

      Day 28 continued, Ponferrada

      October 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      I got to the Hostal early enough that I decided to check out my surroundings. I stopped at the tourist office first and found out that on Wednesdays all museums are free which included the templar castle. In 1178 the Templar Order and its knights were decreed to be the protectors of Ponferrada. These legendary knidht-monks were also the protectors of pilgrims across regions of Spain and Europe. The castle was built in different periods and styles from the 12th to the 16th centuries and is now a national monument. It encompasses over 8000 square meters (86,111 SQ ft). It took me until it closed to cover its entirety. It needed a separate footprint. The spiral stairs up to the top lookout were very steep and narrow but the surrounding views were well worth the effort.Read more

    • Day 31

      Day 29 Ponferrada

      October 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      It was drizzly today and cool, but I caught a few glimpses of blue sky in the afternoon. I had a cappuccino at a funky little cafe called Chocolate an Churros across from the castle and after that I took a walkabout in the downtown area and took some pics of interesting things. Then I ventured back to the historic district, where I visited Iglesia de San Andres (17th century baroque style alter), the Basilica Nuestra Senora de la Encina (16th to 18th centuries, built atop the 12th century church of Santa Maria),
      the central Clock Tower, the
      Ayuntamiento (municipality) of Ponferrada, and the
      Real Cancel (the old Council Palace and Royal Prison), now the Bierzo Museum. In between I did a bit of souvenir shopping and enjoyed visiting with the gracious shop owners. I topped the day off with a pic of the castle all lit up.
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    • Day 22


      August 7, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Had great pancakes for breakfast after an easy 10k walk into town. The castle is a must and free to Icelanders and Norwegians because apparently they paid for it.

      Today takes me to Camponaraya and an albergue promising to be better than last nights shite.Read more

    • Day 32


      May 23, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Ik zit op m'n hotelkamer, even maar eens goed douchen en slapen en ontbijten zodat ik er morgen weer tegen kan.
      Maar eerst terug naar vanochtend. Een redelijke nacht gehad en 's ochtends een ontbijtbuffet waar ze echt hun best op hadden gedaan. Tja en daarna was het weer op de pedalen. Via een historische (pelgrims) brug reed ik de bergen weer in. Mijn doel was zover mogelijk voorbij Astorga komen en als het erin zat wilde ik uitkomen in Ponferrada maar daar moest ik wel een partijtje voor trappen zeg, onder andere 30 km hellingen en daarna ook een heerlijke afdaling. Ik heb een klein beetje zon gehad maar toen ik op hoogte van 1500 meter fietste kwam de hagel plotseling uit de lucht vallen dus zsm mijn regenpak aan maar het voelt niet prettig. Daarna nog wat geregend en dat was het. Ik kwam nog voorbij een 'bijzonder kruis' waar je middels het weggooien van een steen weer gereinigd ben. Ik had geen reden om een steen te gooien dus ben doorgefietst. Heb wel iets gemijmerd hoor.... De omgeving was ook weer een andere en toen ik in Ponferrada uitkwam was de pijp ook leeg.
      Morgen wil ik eerst dit traject afsluiten door Villafranca del Bierzo aan te tikken en daarna begint officieel mijn laatste traject van 208 km. Ook in dat traject zit nog een flinke kuitenbijter dus ik moet kijken hoe of dat gaat, ik bekijk het maar per dag....
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    • Day 40

      Les Templiers et leur forteresse

      May 28, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Chemin de Compostelle 31/40
      Étape #. 24. Camino francés « Molinaseca à Villafranca Del Bierzo ». Kilomètres parcourus 31,8 km. Cumulatif :820, 2 km, moyenne 24,36 km par jour. Étapes restantes avant Saint-Jacques de Compostelle : 9 et moins de 187,5 km à fouler.

      Un beau départ après un copieux déjeuner. Après 9 km sous un soleil radieux, on découvre un magnifique château, une vrai forteresse construite en 1178 par les Templiers, très impressionnant (photos).
      Puis quelques arrêts pour se reposer car il faisait chaud (23 c).

      Au 19e km on aperçois des champs de vignes à perte de vue (photo).

      Plus on avançait plus on entendait et voyait la menace de pluie ce pointer. On a augmenter le tempo mais finalement la forte pluie et vents nous a brassé pas mal. 2 km plus loins on est arrivé à notre refuge.

      Une bonne journée de plus de 31 km.

      Nous sommes sous le 200 km de Santiago (187,5 km) et nous sommes encouragés.

      Buen Camino
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ponferrada, بونفيرادا, Ponferado, PFE, ポンフェラーダ, 폰페라다, 24400, Понферрада, Понферада, 蓬费拉达

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