Provincia de Guadalajara

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 31

      Platz für heute

      14 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      180 km und 2:50 Std. Fahrt sind für heute ausreichend. Der Übernachtungsplatz ist auch ganz ruhig und schön, aber kaum hier gestanden, kommen schon die ersten Radfahrer direkt am Womo vorbei, unglaublich 😶
      Gegenüber gestern hat es merklich abgekühlt, von 28° auf 13° und zum regnen beginnt es auch noch.
      Was für ein Tag 🫣
      Ich hoffe nicht, dass es zu arg regnet, sonst bleibe ich vielleicht morgen im Sandboden stecken.
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    • Dia 32


      15 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Bevor es weiter zur letzten Station nach Zaragoza geht, schaue ich noch kurz in Següenza vorbei.
      Geparkt habe ich am Ortsrand, weil die Straßen im Ort nicht ganz so geschmeidig mit dem Womo zu fahren sind. Auf dem Weg zum Ort hab ich mir gedacht: In welchem Kaff bin ich jetzt schon wieder gelandet? Nichts ansprechendes oder charmantes.
      Nach ein paar Gassen weiter, sah es schon anders aus. Sooo klein ist Següenza auch nicht und der obligatorische Plaza Mayor war auch nicht ohne. Allerdings bin ich jetzt schon leicht übersättigt mit Kathedralen, Brücken, engen Gassen und altem Gestein. Ein paar Bilder hat es auch gegeben…
      Vor mir liegen jetzt auch noch knapp 200 km.
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    • Dia 24

      Siguenza to Atienza

      1 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      I had been debating whether to add 6 kms to the 31 Km day, so that I could visit Carabias, with one of the first porticoed Romanesque churches in Spain (at least I think that’s what I remember). The original idea was that Clare would take a cab a few kms out and then we’d go to the church. But there was no cab availability, so she was going to walk the shorter route. So, hmmm, did I want to add those extra kms????

      When I got to the turnoff at Palazuelos I looked at the weather and saw that rain was forecast for 11-2. Since there was no way I’d get to my destination by 11, I decided that since I was going to get wet anyway, I might as well go see the church. I’m very glad I did, it’s beautiful. Locked up tight but beautiful.

      A few kms outside Carabias, my wikiloc stopped working. Oops. And at that point, I wasn’t on the Camino, so there would be no arrows to follow. I pulled up Google maps and in about 4 km it got me back onto the Camino, right at a junction with a humongous salt factory.

      At promptly 11am it began to rain. And it rained for the next few hours —nothing too heavy. I even took a quick rest sitting under a tree and was reasonably well protected.

      At about 5 kms out of town, Atienza appears. The castle on top, dominating the town. After checking in, and doing the normal post-camino things like showering and washing clothes, I headed out to see the sights. Beautiful plaza, very Castilian. And I climbed up to the castle, which had its typically amazing views. Below and in the distance, I saw two bright purple fields that are surely lavender.

      It is raining again, and the hotel restaurant opens in a while, so that's probably what we'll do. Tomorrow a nice short 24 Km!
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    • Dia 61

      Wir haben einen Schatz gefunden...

      30 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      ...keinen Goldschatz, sondern einen Naturschatz. Weshalb sich die Zisterzienser Mönche im 12. Jhd. hier niedergelassen haben, verstehen wir. Der Fluss Piedra sorgt für diese Oase.
      Es ist so atemberaubend schön.
      Heute sind wir den halben Tag durch den mit unzähligen Wasserfällen durchzogenen Park gewandert. Tropfsteinhöhle, Bergsee, Fischteiche Trepp auf, Trepp ab. Genau das richtige bei den Temperaturen.
      Ein Fingertipp auf Google Maps und schon hierher katapultiert. 😜
      Auch das Kloster selbst, hat seine ganz eigene Geschichte. Die erste Schokolade Europas wurde übrigens hier hergestellt. Und das der Weinanbau hier gelingt, versteht sich fast von selbst.
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    • Dia 60

      Ab ins Kloster

      29 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Vorbei an Lavendel-, Mohnfeldern und Stauseen, ging es heute nach Aragonien.
      Ab ins Kloster, nun ja um ehrlich zu sein, ist das Kloster ein SPA Hotel. (Monasterio de piedra)😜
      Inmitten von einem Park aus Wasserfällen ruht diese kleine, feine Auszeit für uns. Camping ist cool, ein eigenes Bad auch🫣😂. (Louisa du verstehst 👍)
      Wir waren ganz angenehm überrascht. Das Hotel ist einfach, COOL.
      Ich will jetzt zum Pool und mal sehen ob die eine oder andere Schönheitsreparatur nach 7 Wochen Camping ( naja und manchmal Glamping) noch drin ist.

      PS. Bis zum Restaurant brauche ich fast einen Lageplan 😃
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    • Dia 25

      Atienza to Retortillo

      2 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      I was like a little kid on Christmas Eve last night. I lay in bed and I thinking about the crazy little trip I had cooked up for today. When I was a junior in college, studying in Spain in 1970, I took a course on the history of Spanish art. This course entailed weekly visits to the Prado with a tutor and two days a week of lectures with the tremendously esteemed Professor Azcarate. . This is where I learned about Romanesque and about the Camino. The Prado has many of the original frescoes from a tiny Romanesque church, San Baudelio de Berganza. The church is about 30 km from today’s stop in Retortillo. How could I be so close to the church whose paintings were the start of my love of Romanesque? And how I learned about the Camino? So I called a taxi located in a town close to the church to see what it would cost. Since his proposal was less than half of my mental euro limit, I jumped at the opportunity. So today, at 4 o’clock, I will get a chance to see San Baudelio. Never mind that most of the paintings were spirited away by the Prado Museum and several rich Americans. I just want to go inside and see it.

      Today’s walk was on the short side, and very enjoyable. We are clearly in a part of the country that has been less impacted by the drought. There were tons of wildflowers, including some that I think were lupines. The walk really had three different parts. First an ascent up to a pine forest that extended for several kilometers. Then a descent and a long stretch on flat open fields. And then third, the rocky steep ascent to the border between Castilla y La Mancha and Castilla y León. No rain, some clouds, beautiful views.

      I spent a lot of my walk today thinking back to that year in Madrid. That was more than 50 years ago! I remember our cute little apartment on Galileo 82, second floor. It’s now a very gentrified part of Madrid, but when I lived there, it was a pretty normal neighborhood. A few cows down the street in a little shed, and tons of little shops. My roommates were Gail, daughter of an army colonel who was a surgeon in Vietnam, and Nicole, daughter of the Senegalese ambassador to Italy. You can imagine that we had a lot of fun. Our biggest challenge was to figure out how to get to the end of the month on our small budgets. It usually meant that the last few nights our dinners consisted of fried onions and popcorn. An unusual aspect about living in Madrid at that time was the”sereno,” This was a man, usually inebriated, who wandered the streets of the neighborhood all night, with a huge ring of keys that opened every front door of every apartment building. When you needed to get in, you just stood on your doorstep and clapped, and he would eventually show up. Oh, the memories.
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    • Dia 25

      San Baudelio de Berlanga

      2 de junho de 2023, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Promptly at 4 pm, Berlanga de Duero’s only taxista showed up at the Hostal Muralla. It was about a half an hour to the church, through some pretty amazing landscape. Very barren and very rocky. We were the only ones at the church, and it gave me goose bumps. I could see the outlines of the frescoes that had been removed, and there were good pictures that re-created the inside of the chapel. Lots of horseshoe arches, a second floor private oratory, and an altar. There is also an entrance to a cave , where a hermit possibly lived. When this church was built, 10th or 11th century, it was right on the Christian-Muslim border.

      Apparently the church was part of a small (long disappeared) monastery complex. When it was all abandoned, ownership passed to private hands. Then in the 20s, when US treasure hunters were lusting after Romanesque, and the churches in Catalunya wouldn’t part with their treasures, they descended on Soria. The private owners apparently were happy to sell and after a five-year court battle, the Supreme Court approved the sale. There are now pieces in Indianapolis and Cincinnati. Though I don’t understand how it happened, Spain was apparently able to recover a lot of the frescoes (a trade made with the Cloisters, perhaps?) and those are now in the Prado, where they introduced me to the beauty of Romanesque in 1970.

      After our long visit, the taxista offered to take us through her town, Berlanga de Duero (though the Duero River is about 8 Km away). The castle is pretty amazing, and we also went to the interpretive center of San Baudelio. It explained the process of removing frescoes and then replacing them on different walls but I couldn’t understand it. The technique is called “strappo.”

      Clare snd I will be sticking quite close tomorrow. The first part of our walk is off Camino, and the second part goes through a canyon which may have a few tricky parts. Weather looks good!
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    • Dia 10–11

      Ciudad Encantada

      9 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nach einer etwas kürzeren Nacht, wir waren erst 01:30 Uhr vom Spiel im Bernabéu Stadion zurück, machten wir uns auf den Weg Richtung Peniscola. Allerdings haben wir noch einen Stopp gemacht. Ciudad Encantada ist eine Kalklandschaft in einem großen Kiefernwald im Hochland nahe der spanischen Stadt Cuenca und des Flusses Júcar. Die Felsformationen bilden ein Labyrinth aus Felsbrücken, mehr oder weniger breiten Wegen und offenen Plätzen, wo man die Ruhe genießen kann. Hier oben werden wir auch die Nacht verbringen.Leia mais

    • Dia 19

      El Vallecillo

      17 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      A 10k circular walk from El Vallecillo this morning, taking in waterfalls, caves and metal walkways! Slightly less impressive than we were hoping for on all fronts tbh, not helped by the fact that it rained for 90% of the walk.

      We had also forgotten that we were at over 4000ft so it was pretty cold and we didn’t really have the correct gear. Oh well live and learn.

      Another lovely lunch spot near the end of the walk. It would have made a great place to wild camp but we haven’t got the bottle for that yet I’m afraid.
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    • Dia 3

      3rd day - Hacia Madrid con paradas

      11 de maio, Espanha ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Dopo due giorni di trasferimento e piccoli inconvenienti finalmente oggi si vedono cose carine e nuove.
      Per puro caso sono passato accanto alle fonti del Rio Tajo uno dei più importanti fiumi spagnoli.
      Strana statua celebrativa in loco: devo approfondire.

      Quando ero ragazzino siamo stati a Cuenca ma chissà perché non siamo stati alla Città Incantata. Ovvero rocce che hanno assunto le forme più strane a causa dell'erosione di acqua e vento. Un bel giretto di tre km che rischiava di essere rovinato dalla pioggia ma per fortuna è uscito un pallido sole.
      Purtroppo per adesso non si sa come vestirsi ci sono escursioni termiche che vanno dagli 8 ai 27 gradi.
      Toccata e fuga a Cuenca perché super affollata.

      Dopo un bel dì km eccomi a Campo Criptana Una delle due località con i mulini a vento di Don Quijote. Siamo nella Mancha e a pochi km c'è anche il paese di Dulcinea El Toboso
      Panorama molto bello: ho lanciato anche il drone mi aspetto bellissime immagini.

      Pernottamento tranquillo in un paesino in provincia di Guadalajara. Domani in tarda mattinata Recopolis (domani vi racconto cos'è) e poi nel pomeriggio a Madrid.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Provincia de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Guadalachara, Guadalaxara, グアダラハラ

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