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    • Day 65

      Auf dem Weg in die Pyrenäen

      June 22, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Regen und teilweise tiefschwarze Wolken haben heute unserer Route begleitet. Salamanca haben wir diesmal ausnahmsweise links, bzw. rechts 🤭, liegen gelassen.
      Unseren Nächtigungsplatz haben wir heute in Torquemada, zwischen Valladolid und Burgos, gefunden. Wir stehen hier alleine auf einem sehr ruhigen und kostenfreien Platz der Gemeinde, neben der Kirche und dem Friedhof… Storch auf dem Kirchturm inklusive! 😊Read more

    • Day 25

      Mi amigos

      May 30 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 72 °F

      Stopping for a break in the day on the way to fromista with my friends I met two days ago. Waiting for Trina and Cheryl to catch up.

      The Walk across the maceda has been made better by walking with my friend Claire I met last week..

      Being with people takes your mind off of your body which is a good thing.

      Only 5K to go.
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    • Day 26


      May 20 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Day 18 Boadilla
      Distance from Castrojeriz to Boadilla 20kms

      Started the day with a steep climb out of the village up to 1050m and back onto the Meseta. The view back over the valley was worth the climb the landscape today was much the same as yesterday. We crossed over into the Province of Palencia and with few trees to offer shade we were fortunate the day was warm and mostly cloudy. Hobbit like dwellings built into the hillsides and the farm track we walked on took us over a Roman Bridge and into Boadilla. Here we caught up with Camino friends we’ve made along the way and whom we haven’t seen for days. Surprising how we come together at different times and places.
      Listening to our bodies we took a rest this afternoon at our lovely albergue. Another set of storks are busy with their young family on top of the building outside our dorm window. Fascinating to watch.
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    • Day 2

      Een eerste dag vol nieuwe ontmoetingen

      May 6 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Vandaag begon dan echt weer het camino leven en met die instelling begon ik dan ook de dag. Het lopen naar Carrión de los condes was een eenvoudige wandeling van ongeveer 20km. Onderweg aan de praat geraakt met een Amerikaan, een Schot een Italiaanse en een stuk heerlijk alleen gelopen. Toen ik ik Carrión aan kwam had ik een lekker rustig terrasje uitgezocht voor mijn lunch. Vlak daarna schoof de Amerikaan die eerder had ontmoet aan en voor ik het wist zaten we met zijn vijven aan tafel.
      Het avondeten werd een groep van een man of 10, ik had zelf ook nog een andere Nederlander meegenomen. Het was een gezellige avond en waren er uiteindelijk 8 flessen wijn op gegaan.
      Al met al een heerlijk begin van de Camino.
      Vandaag ga ik een serieuzer stuk lopen... Wordt vervolgd.
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    • Day 21–23

      Day 21 Carrion de los Condes

      May 26 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

      We are still in the Meseta, which is green and flat. Although look closely at the one green pic and you can see mountains in the distance. We will be at our highest elevation later, even higher than the Pyrenees at the start of this journey. Walked several miles along the Carrion River and saw plenty of farm equipment harvesting grain. The town of Carrion de los Condes is alive and vibrant. We met Marie from Whales, who is staying at the Monastery of San Zolio, and she took us through the museum under the Monestary, which is not open to the public. The Monestary was built in the 1100s, and it is stunning. I told 3 people I would light candles for them. You know who you are, and your candle burns bright in the Monastery of San Zolio. We were on our way to dinner when we heard the bells toll for the Augustinian sisters blessings of all those walking the Camino. I do not usually post food pics, but here is
      dinner. Grilled vegetables.
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    • Day 16–17

      Day 15 to Fromista

      May 21 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Frosty morning... would've been cold if it wasn't for the steep climb to 920m to start the day with!

      Beautiful windy roads... walked with Mateo in the beginning and then moved on after Itero de la Vega.

      Saw the Korean couple, Aimee and Herman & Monique at the hostel.

      And also the lady with the super sore knee... she has long conversations with me in Spanish... thought I was a doctor... but must've mistaken me with Jodie. Saw her in Belorado or San Juan de Ortega... making coffee with hot water from the bathroom! She's in pain but not stopping.
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    • Day 24

      Long walk to Frómista

      May 3 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Another amazing day, but quite a long one…about 27 kms, though Amr’s watch says 28…but it again was sensational, except just when we had almost arrived, and were enjoying walking along the canal de Castillo there was a diversion and we had to take a long cut around some works, where it looks like they are putting a highway through…probably only an extra km but it was a bit boring!

      Otherwise it was great - we set off about 9, and it was cold but not icy, and left Castrojeriz and the first thing was a long climb - about 1.5 kms and 900 metres - which we knew from before, but this time it was a sparkling green and amazing panorama back to Castrojeriz. We had always thought wow, but in spring WOW! The you walk across the plateau and down the other side, steeper but fortunately paved so no sliding loose stones, and another great vista on the other side.

      Then it went on, always green and lovely, and undulating, but it was long. There are many wild flowers - rogue yellow rapeseed plants dotted, rosemary bushes now flowering, and we found from Rachel’s app that one rather straggly but pretty flower was “rocket salad” and looked carefully, and smelt the leaves, and it was rocket, arugula. And there are poppies, and we identified a Judas tree flowering beautifully. We stopped for a break (but to my horror they didn’t do ColaCao) and otherwise just plowed on.

      Got to the lovely canal de Castillo before reaching Frómista and stopped in a bar before even finding the hotel. Finally I had my ColaCao, and it was in a ColaCao glass!!! A first! Also, while we were sitting there an American pilgrim came up to Amr and said how much he loved the hat!! I thought all who have commented would appreciate that…Then found our hotel, all in the same one tonight, and a new one for us. A very modern ecohotel, and large modern room and such a huge bed we will lose each other. All meeting for dinner later, at a restaurant they have given us vouchers for.
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    • Day 12–13

      Day 11 Tardajos - Castrojeriz

      May 7 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      29.7 km (324.6km from start). 5h 25min walking incl. only 25 min breaks. 1900 calories. 6 km/h

      Finally a perfect day on the road. Beautiful weather, endless fields of Meseta, no pain in my knees or muscles. Huge amount of energy - I had a fun today.

      Last night hostel was a nice place - but some people can make it difficult. Had an elderly gentleman in our 8 mans room who wanted door to hallway open but window closed. We would have died in there if there was not for a tough Spanish lady who opened the window during the night. Elderly gentleman was bitching whole morning that we made him sick and destroyed his Camino 😂

      Walking Camino is very simple - I used my phone to find a way only in big city’s. There are yellow arrows everywhere - no chance to miss the Camino.

      Staying in quite nice hostel in Castrojeriz - they have breakfast with bacon and eggs. I can feel tomorrow will be another fabulous day on Camino 😇
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    • Day 15–16

      Day 14 to Castrojeriz

      May 20 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Easy day... apart from starting (again) without coffee!

      Luckily at about 9km's at Castellanos de Castro I got great coffee and pancakes with peanut butter. Bed huskies- Oasis - sat at my feet. And played with a littkitten, India.

      The church ruin of San Anton is incredible! And they have a small albergue there...

      My watch died... but feels like I walked about 15km's but must be at least 19 to 20...
      Can still feel my leg but I'm either getting used to it or it's getting better.

      Saw Monique, Herman (from Holland), Matteo(UK), Ken, Alyssa & brother (Toronto) on the road.

      Forgot to mention the little buck that came from nowhere and ran next to me for a (short) while before he disappeared in the thick grass

      Also Hans, who looks like he is suffering but he keeps going.

      Nice municipal aulberge tonight... colourful & friendly.

      Korean couple, old lady with sore knee, Tom, Mateo & girl who I saw long ago- also with injured knee - all here
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    • Day 25


      May 19 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Day 17 Castrojeriz
      Distance from Hornillos to Castrojeriz 22kms

      We started day 2 of the Meseta and were rewarded with a stunning morning a beautiful sunrise and the sound of the Great Spotted Cuckoo such a charming sound. There was no clock.
      Possibly the easiest day so far and one of the most rewarding. Walking between wheat fields after wheat fields could be considered mundane we found it to be a tranquil experience. We entered a small village with a tiny church and prayer room we took a moment to think of those who had made a significant impact on the world.
      Stopped to view the remains of the convent Santa Clara (XIV Century) and wondered what the decaying walls could tell us.
      Arrived at Castrojeriz early afternoon a lovely village of 500 inhabitants. We were soon scrambling up the hill to the 9th Century castle ruins not a lot left but stunning views of the village and surrounding fields.
      We are dining in at the albergue tonight and at 8pm will go down to the cellar for a degustation (Spanish term) of wine. A hard life being a pilgrim.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Provincia de Palencia, Palencia, Palenzia, Província de Palència, Palentzia, Palence, パレンシア, Palência

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