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    • Dag 20


      14 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Well, we made it. Had some doubtful moments at times😂 bus from Ourense to Sarria was through picturesque mountains. Casa Solance, our home for the next three days is absolutely stunning. Peaceful and picturesque. Off to find a laundromat now🫠. Think our clothes will walk there!!!Meer informatie

    • Dag 14


      18 mei, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Ik snap niet zo goed waarom zo veel mensen Sarriá gebruiken als plek om de Camino naar Santiago te starten. Ok het is net meer dan 100km, genoeg voor een certificaat, maar ik vind het niet echt een mooie plaats. Dan zou ik eerder kiezen voor Lugo als je toch alleen maar 100km wilt lopen..
      Sarriá heeft gewoon ontzettend veel best lelijke flatgebouwen. De kerk (gesloten) ziet er ook niet zo spectaculair uit van buiten.
      Wat ik wel aardig vond waren de camino mozaïeken in het trottoir.
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    • Dag 55

      Walk and taxi to Sarria

      21 mei 2023, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Our good fortune with the weather continues! It was chilly this morning, but knew it would soon warm up and predictions for Sarria were for sunny and in the early 20s! A, R and R set off early after breakfast, at about 8.15. They said it was again just beautiful and Amr has given me photos to show it, but also quite a lot of ups and downs and fairly hard work. They arrived here in Sarria at about 2.30, and it was about 18 kms…according to the itinerary! Can’t ask Amr now because he is at the laundromat!!

      So I tried to find my taxi partner, the Norwegian woman of yesterday, as we agreed to share one again today to Sarria. We were staying at the same place (which is a large complexo) and I hadn’t seen her since yesterday afternoon when we agreed to do it…she had said she would organise it, so I had faith, but when all the walkers have left, the towns get very quiet, till the next batch of walkers start dribbling in. So I talked to a nice woman who was cleaning the rooms, and she knew who I meant - the one with long hair, with the crutches - and next time I saw her, she said, yes taxi booked for 11 because she had found her on her rounds! So all good.

      We had another very nice taxi driver, good English and talked all the way, about Galicia and where we were going…loved that I came from Australia - long way - and can speak French, Italian and English as well as Spanish…quite a linguist. So we had a very smooth ride in a Tesla, and arrived here at 11.15. I went to my Norwegian friend’s hotel so we could have a hot chocolate together, as our walkers wouldn’t be arriving for a while…and I knew where our hotel is, as we stayed there twice before. Very nice, and while we were there her friend walked in at about 11.40!!! She is a very fit Swede, but she must have been going SO fast…she said she was running, but that can’t have been very enjoyable…my lot didn’t come in for almost another 3 hours.

      So I walked back to our hotel - Alfonso IX - very nice, and right on the Camino and near good eateries. Room ready, bags not here yet, so dropped off my excess stuff, and walked around…lovely and sunny, and actually just had shirt sleeves! A change from the last few days! (Now a few clouds are scudding across, and a bit of wind and it has dropped to 16 or so)… I sussed out where R and R’s hotel is, as they are in a different one, and not always easy to find, as street names often not visible etc…about a kilometre away from us, so worked out the most direct route. Sarria is busy, as many pilgrims start here to walk to Santiago, and it all does become more crowded. But it’s a nice small city, and the old part is set on a steep hill, with many steps to climb. Driving in I saw for the first time the flat modern part! Then I saw that the walkers were getting closer, so walked back along the camino to meet them. I have walked almost 10 kms today!

      Now the post dinner addition: we met up with R and R at 5.30, and had a walk up the many stairs where the camino leads, and up through the Main Street of the old town, with many albergues and tapas bars…and churches…lovely view from the top, and we went to the 7pm mass with R and R and then had a good meal…I had the Galician soup of cabbage and potatoes…yum….(and some chiperones, but not done quite as perfectly as I like!).
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    • Dag 4

      Moving on to Sarria

      23 mei 2023, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We left Madrid this morning by train and travelled to Sarria to start our Camino. We are so happy with our first “home” on The Way. A beautiful spot in historic home. We splurged to have our own private bathroom and the space couldn’t be any more perfect. We lugged two packs along with us but only carrying the small packs on the Camino. The large packs will be transported for us each day while we walk

      Tomorrow we walk from Sarria to Portomarin. 20 km!!!! Wish us luck!!!
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    • Dag 5

      The Beginning

      24 mei 2023, Spanje ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      I woke up this morning at 6am to the sound of a rooster outside and smiled. Our Camino starts today!

      I laid out my clothes by the bed last night so I’m ready for an early start.

      Hoping for a Buen Camino 💃Meer informatie

    • Dag 27

      27. DAY | 25 km

      25 mei 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Der Sinn des Lebens...

      Hier auf dem Jakobsweg sind die Meisten auf dieser Suche, einige haben alles hinter sich gelassen und möchten von Job bis Wohnung sich komplett neu erfinden. Bevor man auf diese Reise geht, ist ein klassischer Satz, zumindest von vielen die den Camino aus Erzählungen kennen "Du wirst anders zurück kommen und bestimmt vieles ändern wollen". Nein ich möchte nichts an meinem Leben ändern, aus jedem Stein meiner Vergangenheit habe ich mir ein Schloss mit den wundervollsten Menschen die diese Welt zu einem besseren Ort machen gebaut. Jede Entscheidung die ich getroffen habe, folgte immer die Stimme meines Herzens, weshalb ich auch glücklich bin. Diesen Weg bin ich für mich selbst gegangen, um Erkenntnisse zu sammeln, Gott mehr Dankbarkeit zu erweisen und ihm jeden Tag näher zu kommen. Nun bin ich heute morgen in der Natur all die tollen Seiten welche ihr in mein goldenes Buch verewigt habt durchgegangen und was soll ich sagen, mein Sinn des Leben seid IHR !In einer Zeile stand geschrieben: Du bist in deinem Umfeld von so vielen starken Wurzeln umgeben und somit reicher als so mancher Millönar. Heute sage ich aus voller Überzeugung, kein Millönar wird jemals so reich sein wie ich es mit euch an meiner Seite bin. Wenn du ein Herzensmensch von mir bist, dann weißt du das und kannst davon ausgehen, dass ich IMMER für dich da sein werde. Danke für eure Worte, sie haben mich mitten ins Herz getroffen und zum weinen gebracht, aber Hey ich habe hier gelernt, dass weinen befreit und ich nur aus Freude weine. Also falls auch du ein Tränchen verloren hast, möchte ich dich nun zum lachen bringen.

      Jessica ein Mitglied meiner Camino Familie teilte mir heute mit Sie habe Schilder mit ACHTUNG BÄREN gesehen und auch Tatzenabdrücke, also schaute ich Mal im Internet nach und ja hier gibt es welche. Schaut euch mein Video an, dann wisst ihr wie ihr euch schützen könnt.


      Il senso della vita...

      Qui sul Camino, la maggior parte delle persone è in questa ricerca, alcuni hanno lasciato tutto alle spalle e vogliono reinventarsi completamente, dal lavoro allposto di lavoro. Prima di intraprendere questo viaggio, una frase classica, almeno da parte di molti che conoscono il Camino dai racconti, è "tornerai diverso e probabilmente vorrai cambiare molte cose". No, non voglio cambiare nulla della mia vita, da ogni pietra del mio passato ho costruito un castello con le persone più meravigliose che rendono questo mondo un posto migliore. Ogni decisione che ho preso ha sempre seguito la voce del mio cuore, ed è per questo che sono felice. Ho percorso questo cammino per me stessa, per essere più grata a Dio e per avvicinarmi ogni giorno di più a lui. Stamattina ho letto tutte le pagine dell mio libro che avete scritto nell mio libro d'oro e che dire, il mio senso della vita siete VOI ! In una riga c'era scritto: Sei circondata da tante radici forti e quindi sei più riccha di tanti miliardari. Oggi dico con piena convinzione che nessun Milionardario sarà mai ricco come me con voi al mio fianco. Se sei una persona del mio cuore, lo sai e puoi essere sicuro che io ci sarò SEMPRE per te. Grazie per le parole, mi hanno colpito dritto al cuore e mi hanno fatto piangere, ma ho imparato qui che piangere ti libera e piango solo per gioia. Quindi, se anche voi avete perso una lacrima, vorrei farvi ridere ora.

      Jessica, una ragazza della mia famiglia del Cammino, mi ha detto oggi che aveva visto dei cartelli con scritto ATTENZIONE ORSI e anche impronte di zampe, così li ho guardato in internet e sì, ce ne sono alcuni qui. Guardate il mio video e saprete come proteggervi.

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    • Dag 44

      Solitaires sans solitudes

      1 juni 2023, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Parti ce matin nous étions plusieurs à circuler sur le chemin de départ après avoir pris la route traditionnelle le nombre de pèlerins diminuaient graduelles jusqu'au moment où nous nous sommes retrouvés seules sur Le chemin officiel au son de la rivière et des rebords de la route et sa garnison de fleurs sauvages, 2 veinards en pleine nature sur des montagnes russes avec des dénivelés interessants, prendre le temps d'observer et l'appréciation
      des conseils de Luc pour améliorer
      la qualité de mes photos.
      Revenus sur le sentier menant vers la ville nous avons retrouvé bizarrement un autre groupe de pèlerins qui avait forcément pris un
      autre itinéraire.
      Arrivé Sarria belle ville nous aurons le temps la cathédrale et certaines attractions.
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    • Dag 15

      Recovery day in Sarria

      4 juni 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      Didn't sleep very well last night, but we scheduled the hotel breakfast for 730, so i made it downstairs for that. I rested a little and then found a lavenderia to wash my clothes and got my chores out of the way. We went back to our favorite pizzeria for a cáfe con leche and a croissant, where Kristina from Vancouver joined us. There was a car show outside, so it was very busy. The car show was interesting, what you would expect with more smaller and European cars. We crossed paths with Dan from LA again, one of the first pilgrims we met on the Camino. Last rest day before Santiago, 130 miles behind me, 71 miles remain. We finished our stay in Sarria with a Galician dinner at a Galician pubMeer informatie

    • Dag 88

      76. Wandertag

      15 juni 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Gestern Abend wieder einmal gemeinsames Essen in der Gites. Dann heute Morgen bei wunderbarem blauen Himmel und milden Temperaturen gestartet durch eine wunderbare Landschaft gelaufen. Es war herrlich. Unterwegs haben wir noch einen Neandertaler getroffen, hat sich wohl auf den Jakobsweg verriet. Erstaunlich Spanien, wie es sich in den letzten Jahren entwickelt hat. Neue Herberge sind aus dem Boden geschossen. Die Qualität hat enorm zugenommen. Verschwunden sind die grossen Schlafsäle mit den dreistöckigen Betten. Die Nassräume sind in angemessener Zahl vorhanden und sauber. Jetzt muss sich Frankreich aber sputen um den Anschluss nicht zu verlieren.Unterwegs hat es immer wieder Angebote mit Früchten und Gemüse auf der Basis von Spenden/Donativo. Heute waren wir in Sarria eingeladen von einem Belgisch/Französischen Ehepaar zu einer Geburtstagsfeier. Es war der Hammer, und wir haben vereinbart, auch mit einem anderen Ehepaar, dass wir uns am Dienstag um 17:00 vor der Kathedrale in Santiago nochmals zu einem Essen treffen wollen. Freue mich darauf. Dann geht es an die Planung der Heimreise. Und wir wollen noch nach Finisterre an das Ende der damaligen Welt wandern, bevor es dann wieder Heim geht. Den genauen Rückreiseplan gebe ich dann später bekannt.Meer informatie

    • Dag 26

      Day 26 - Sarria

      3 oktober 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Weary legs today so glad we only had to do 10 miles. Arrived in Sarria in time for lunch. Spent the afternoon catching up on washing and assembling Abi and Mike's rental bikes ready for their arrival tonight.
      17kms cycled today, 240m up, 350m down.
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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Sarria, サリア, Сарриа, Саррія, 萨里亚

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