Okee overwinning op mezelf! Het hostel dat ik in gedachten had blijkt gesloten, dus ik moet opzoek naar andere opties. Change of plans! En ik ben eigenlijk best wel trots op hoe ik dat doe haha.Read more
At 28km, this was our longest walk to date and I had been trepidatious about it for days. We were on the road at 6.05am, long before sunrise, in an effort to avoid too many hours of full sunshineRead more
Und wieder zwei Tage näher am Ziel. 😊
Gestern ging es in ca. 22 km von Najera nach Santo Domingo. Da ich bereits 12 Uhr angekommen bin, hatte ich am Nachmittag ausreichend Zeit mir etwas den OrtRead more
Today will be a slightly more strenuous day, compared to yesterday’s walk in the park. 27km, which is OK, but 38°C and no stops for most of it.
Right now it’s cool and fun to walk. We’ll seeRead more
A long walk and a beautiful little town
My guidebook shows that it is a 20.5 km hike today. My pedometer measured 22.3 kms.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Tosantos, 09258