Vega de Valcarce

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    • Day 30

      The earliest departure ever

      June 16, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      Got out shortly after 6 in the morning in order to attack the big hill that is coming up and give myself plenty of time to do that
      temperatures are still supposed to get hotter in the day with the possibility of thunderstorms developing after 2:00pm

      Obviously got treated to a sign of a full moon and unfortunately missed the pink moon the previous night
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    • Day 28

      Etappe 23 - La Laguna 1

      October 9, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Nachtruhe gibt verbrauchte Kräfte doch schnell zurück. Ziehe zwar die Schnarcher an, aber mit Ohrstöpsel einigermaßen zu ertragen.
      Heute gemeinsam mit Patrick aus Melbourne gegen 8 Uhr gestartet.
      Bis Las Herrerias eine einigermaßen abwechslungsreiche Etappe, ohne große Steigungen. Sind viel entlang der Landstraße gelaufen. War kein verkehrliches Problem, da heute Sonntag ist.
      Dann ging es in die Bergkilometer bis La Laguna. Hier bin ich, trotz Landstraße, ganz schön am meine Grenzen gekommen.
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    • Day 34

      Tag 34 Villafranca Lalaguna de Castilla

      June 4, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Der heutige Tag ist nur mit einen zu beschreiben sehr Fordernt.
      Es ging erst durch einen Schnellstraßen Tunnel der eigentlich für Fußgänger gesperrt ist.
      Dann fing es an zu regnen und zu guter letzt ging es auch noch 700 Meter hoch.
      Er war der erste Tag wo ich wirklich am Ende war und froh als die Herberge in Sicht kam. Natürlich wie sollte es auch anders sein gab es als Belohnung noch eine richtig dicke Blase.
      Bei der mir ein anderer Pilger dann gleich half und die Blase versorgte.
      Genau so wie ich am 2ten Tag einem anderen auch geholfen hatte.
      Das ist der Geist dieses Weges .
      Genau wie in einer große Familie.
      Es wäre schön wenn dieser Geist auch im normalen Leben Einzug hälte.
      Leider gibt es das viel zu wenig.
      Hier merkt man erst das es völlig egal ist wo einer herkommt und was er macht alle haben die gleichen Outdoor sachen an so gibt es keine unterschiede.
      Alle sind einfach nur Pilger.
      Die 600 km Marke ist geschafft.
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    • Day 33

      Von villafranca nach la laguna de castil

      June 4, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 10 °C

      Hallo zusammen, heute stand die nächste Etappe auf dem Speisezettel und das Menü war seeehr abwechslungsreich. Vorspeise: Überwiegender Untergrund: Asphalt an Tunneldurchführung und Autobahnbrücken. Hauptspeise: Strömender Regen, zerklüftete Bergpanoramen und Sonne Wolkenmix. Nachspeise: extrem steile Anstiege mit Geröll und glitschigem Untergrund auf ca 1200 hm, Hellado in Form von Hagelkörnern. Alles in allem ein abwechslungsreiches Menü auf einer Länge von ca 25km. Erkenntnis des Tages: Es wird gegessen, was auf der Speisekarte steht.Read more

    • Day 28

      Etappe 23 - La Laguna 2

      October 9, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      In La Laguna gegen 15 Uhr erschöpft, aber glücklich angekommen.
      Herberge wieder 10 Personen in einem Raum. Aus unserer gestrigen Auberge alle wiedergetroffen. Hier geht wahrscheinlich keiner verloren.
      Derzeit bin ich fast nur mit englisch sprechenden Pilgern zusammen. Muss ganz schön meine Englischkenntnisse ausgraben. Manchmal beginne ich schon in englisch zu denken, bzw. Selbstgespräche zu führen - seltsam!
      Bin hier völlig auf dem Lande - wie aus den Fotos ersichtlich.
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    • Day 4

      O Cebreiro - Santiago

      May 16 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      6 hour bus ride and we are here at the destination where we start our 150 mile Camino walk tomorrow! 😁

      Got our first stamp. That’s a thing. It’s like a medal 🥇 at each spot when you arrive. It’s awesome. I love medals.

      The town we are at is called Cebreiro. It’s cobblestones and castle looking homes. It’s awesome. I want to buy one.

      Everyone staying here are pilgrims, that’s what people are called that do the Camino. Or peligrinos in Spanish. It’s like being a part of a cool club or a cult, either way, super cool. 😎

      Went to our first mass of our adventure. It’s tradition for the peligrinos to attend as they begin their journey.

      Oh by the way, it’s cold and rainy 🥶.
      But God made cold, and rain, and the Camino…so it’s all good.

      Our hearts are ready. ♥️ ♥️

      Tomorrow it begins!!
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    • Day 5

      Camino Begins!

      May 17 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 39 °F

      We did it! Well at least the first 13 miles of the 150 🤪

      It was cold and rainy but an incredible first day. 😄

      The landscape is beautiful. Tons of Green a color we don’t see in Vegas.


      Route Summary
      Destination: Triacastela, Galicia
      13 mi, 1117 ft

      Starting the stage in O Cebreiro means immersing yourself in a world where history and legend intertwine. Known for its pallozas and its mystical air, this village offers a unique perspective of the Way of St. James.
      As you move on, the road descends through the majestic Sierra de Ancares, presenting breathtaking landscapes and evoking stories of ancient Celtic villages. Each step towards Triacastela is a descent through the natural and cultural diversity of Galicia, culminating in a village that marks the beginning of new discoveries and the promise of more wonders on the Camino. The final stretch to Triacastela is a descent through a landscape that mixes rich vegetation with the history and traditions of the region.
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    • Day 35

      Las Herrerias

      October 22, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      Today we walked around 15 miles steadily uphill. It was very gradual and felt pretty flat! We walked alongside either a river or creek all day. Today’s walk was almost entirely on the side of the road. We stopped in two small churches. He we got stamps for our pilgrims, credential, and each of the churches, which is kind of unusual, because a lot of times there’s no stamp in churches. Beginning in Sarria in a few days, we have to be sure to get at least two stamps with dates per day to qualify for our Compostela, which is a certificate showing that we have completed the Camino. No rain today but it’s supposed to rain every day except one for the rest if the trip.

      We are in a little hostel right now that has cows right outside the window that have large bells on their collars that go donka donka donka!

      David’s back feels great as long as he doesn’t have to carry a backpack. My blister on my feet from my poorly fitting shoes is slowly disappearing. At this point in the walk, my legs and feet are very sore. I don’t think anything’s wrong, I think I’ve just walked almost 500 miles over the last month!

      We were sad to say goodbye to our friends, Lisa and Lisa, but they texted us that they made it up to the top of the mountain we are climbing tomorrow. In one of the little churches, we stopped into. We saw our friend Sandra from our first three or four days of the Camino! What a surprise to see her after all this time!
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    • Day 30

      Day 30

      September 22, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      Have had a really enjoyable day.. who couldn’t have with such amazing views, scenery and company..
      Met back up with Robbie to walk up to O’Cebreiro this morning.. what a fabulous walk, really cold and clear skies to start with, but it warmed up quickly and I seriously didn’t notice how much we’d climbed as it went so quickly, poor Robbie’s ears must have been ringing😬.. in my defence, I’ve hardly spoken to anyone I know for 4 weeks 😂😂
      We literally just walked passed chatting, so many people struggling… I guess we’re both fitter than the average walker doing the Camino..
      There was a lovely church in O’Cebreiro that I lit a candle for Jack I and just sat in for 10 minutes ❤️
      My accommodation was a 10 minute drive outside of the village, so I had a number for Miguel, who had arranged my transport ..
      My meal this evening was seriously underwhelming, so I thought it only seemed right to have an extra glass ( they did give me a bottle) of the slightly less underwhelming red wine 🤪
      All a bit brief tonight, but I’m really tired looking forward to going to bed 🥱
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    • Day 36

      Day 32: Cacabelos to Vega de Valcarce

      June 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Mileage: 16.75 miles
      Altitude gain: 1,309 feet
      Altitude loss: 889 feet
      Weather: lovely but quite warm in the afternoon
      Total mileage: 383 miles

      Sundays are always a little quieter, and today was no exception. Lots of up and down in the first six miles, and then a gradual but steady ascent the rest of the day as I head into the mountains. Those early hills plus (as of today) three 16-mile days mean that my legs are tired! Looking forward to a good sleep tonight.

      The early part of the day took me through miles of vineyards, on dirt roads. The rest of the day was alongside a river - Río Valcarce- and a highway on asphalt. The river is also next to my hotel, so it will sing me to sleep.

      I had lunch and dinner with two women from Finland today. Their English is impeccable, of course, so we had nice chats. They’re walking ahead of me tomorrow so I won’t see them after tomorrow, which is often the way of the Camino. I was glad to have their company today.

      Tomorrow will be short(er) but intense - 8 miles up a mountain! Wish me luck.

      1. and 2. I took an embarrassing number of pics of the vineyards this morning, so be glad I managed to control myself here!
      3. One of the towers of the Castillo-Palacio de los Marqueses de Villafranca
      4. This is a hostal, apparently! San Nicolas el Real in Villafranca del Bierzo
      5. Colegiata de Santa Maria de Cluni; not the only church in town! I had a really nice conversation with an older woman headed to mass at one of the others after this. She promised to pray for me.
      6. Looking back over Villafranca
      7. The Río Valcarce kept me company today.
      8. A nice divergence from the highway took me up this road.
      9. Paella for lunch! I was very grateful for an open restaurant on a Sunday and happy to eat the carbs. Delicious!
      10. Yes, another one of these. I can’t stop! Maybe Neal can photoshop out the power lines. There were a lot of those today, ruining my shots! This is in La Portela de Valcarce.
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