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    • Day 16

      Ventosa to Nájera

      October 3, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      The climb to Alto de San Anton was not difficult, and there was a long gradual descent to the river valley below. Mostly through more Rioja vineyards. Sue finally broke down and grabbed a bunch of grapes to eat. I told her the Nájera police arrested anybody entering town with blue or purple lips! :-)

      A long walk across the valley floor seemed to last forever, but we made it to our hostel for tonight!

      Be met a nice bicycle Pilgrim from Brazil and bumped into a couple cycling, with a friend driving their camper van, who met met a few days ago.

      Update: Rioja apparently has Frontons! And when we first walked up the street to our Hostel, I did not notice the sandstone cliff at the end of the street!
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    • Day 11

      Day 10, Navarette to Najera

      June 2, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      We left last night’s rather splendid posada around 7.30 and began the day with coffee at a bar in Navarette where we met an Australian woman who was catching the bus to Santo Domingo in the hope of resting an injury. Leaving town, we bumped into the lovely Australian father and son we met on our first night. David and Noah were also both injured, were aiming for the same bus and seemed pretty low about it.
      I recognised the two little blisters which have developed on my left heel were pretty trivial in the scheme of things but this didn’t stop me worrying about them! Luckily we weren’t doing big mileage today.
      We were happily distracted for the first 6km by conversation with an American couple who set off at the same time as us. They told us they were on a 5 month mid-life break. They had taken a cruise to Europe and were planning a long trip to Paris afterwards to revisit Disneyland Paris which they loved but also, for the first time, to see the city itself and visit some museums. They were then taking a Disney cruise to see other European capitals. I was quietly assuming I had their measure when they revealed they were professional clowns who had spent 19 years living in a camper van as part of a circus.
      This I hadn’t expected. I decided their Disney obsession was professionally motivated and recalibrated my thinking.
      We are now in the Rioja region and, unsurprisingly, we are surrounded by vineyards. I was also taken by an odd beehive building commemorating a battle between the knight Roldan on his way to Santiago and a Syrian giant. It reminded me of the Gallarus Oratory in Kerry.
      Our destination today was Najera where we visited a monastery that was originally founded in the 11th century and full of treasures. Like most of the major churches we’ve seen (often in minor places) everything was on a massive scale and the altar full of baroque gold.
      Dinner wasn’t great but we met Janice and Sheryl and had an extra plate of chips at their restaurant before setting off for bed.
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    • Day 12

      Logrono to Najera

      April 3 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Leaving the albergue I was determined not to carry the funk for the next 29km. I did that insane yet effective thing where you reverse engineer a smile. You grin until the muscles send a message to the brain that there must be something to be happy about? I think that's how it works. It did, anyway.

      On the way out of Logrono I saw a black cat, and eagerly knelt down next to it, to love it. When I tried to stand up, my legs didn't have enough warning, and I fell down and nearly headbutted a hole in the poor thing. That had me laughing. Probably also helped that it was sunny, nobody bothered me, and I was generous with the stops.

      We are definitely in wine country, and I was grateful for the dry given this thick red dirt apparently makes for ruinous mud. I've downloaded the Buen Camino app, basically google maps but with one yellow line and the albergues on it, and it's making navigation easier in spots that would have given me trouble before.

      I took a two kilometre, largely WC-motivated, detour via a little town at the 18km mark, and on leaving was mobbed by a bunch of small girls - I'm really awful with estimating the age of children from when they can sit unaided to when they enter high school, but I'll guess they were eight. They held a tacklebox full of rubber-band accessories like it was the holy grail, and reverentially took me through their wares.

      The sad thing is that you sort of harden yourself to scams over the years and I initially tried to disengage before realising no, these were just kids that probably spent recess crafting and were now on the scrounge for pocket money.

      I knelt again, sincerely hoping I'd be able to get up afterwards, and together we had a serious think about what I could buy with 40 cents. This ended up being decided by committee, and I think my new ring goes very nicely with the others. It's not about the ring of course, it's about holding space for girly nonsense, which I happen to thing is one of the most sacred things in the world.
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    • Day 13

      Logroño to Ventosa 11 km 3.5 hour

      September 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Today we left the chaos of Logroño and back to the serenity of the Camino. However for me (Ann) I had a couple of blisters that were really bothering me so after 11km we had to take a taxi from Navarette to Ventosa. My feet were killing me and I was exhausted. The last 10km were done by taxi. I still managed to enjoy our lovely dinner and our albergue, which might be our favourite so far.Read more

    • Day 13

      Day 10 - Navarrete to Azofra

      May 25, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      At a glance:

      Food highlights: vegetable stew and a flan for dessert
      Kilometres walked: 22.24
      # of steps: 29,664
      Elevation gain: 200m mostly a slow climb.

      A quiet day for the most part walking on paths and narrow country roads between vineyards. The old vines have 4-6" diameters and are pruned right back to knee high, the new growth rising up another foot, maybe two. No wires or a supporting trellis nor any signs of a watering system yet right across the path are newer vines with a water system and the older growth trained along a wire support. I wonder how different the harvest is?
      Tonight we are at a Municipal albergue. Municipal albergues vary greatly but are usuaĺy a tad grungy and they are all cheap. This one however, is a modern albergue whose construction surpasses most municipal albergues. For €12 each we each get a bed in a room for two. Not a bunk bed. There is a foot pool in the courtyard to soak your aching feet but only one young man braves the cool temperature. Deluxe!
      The town is small and only one restaurant with the typical pilgrim menu 1st course mixed salad or vegetable soup, 2nd course chicken, or pork or calamari or eggs and chips and 3rd course ice cream on a popsicle sticker flan.
      We met Michael a young adventurous Aussie (with clean feet from soaking in the foot bath) who joined us for dinner.
      Michael is tattooed all over with nose and lip rings and dread locks.
      He told us that like Cheryl Strayed (author of Wild) he had no clue of what he was doing when he embarked on a 1,000km across Australia hike. He soon learned tins of food were not the way to go. Yet here he is wearing a heavy cotton! (heavy and never dries) hoodie and a too heavy pack which includes a laptop and foul weather sea going gear which he needs for a hoped for job on a yacht. We told him about Ivar in Santiago who runs a Camino forum and a luggage storage service.
      He told us that after the Camino he was going to Canada next . 'We're from Canada. Where in Canada are you going?'
      'British Columbia.'
      'We're from BC. Where in BC?'
      'Vancouver island. '
      'We're from Vancouver Island. Where on Vancouver Are you going? '
      ' A place called Nanimo or something like that.'
      'We are from Nanaimo. '
      It's a small world.
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    • Day 20

      Logroño to Ventosa

      April 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Bloody weekend party people from Barcelona raucous till about 3am. Others didn't even roll in till we were getting ready to leave.
      Easy walk to Ventosa and a real bed! Tight accom meant we had no option but a hotel room. 75 euro expensive (compared to 11-18 in pilgrim auberge) but very nice. Shower all to ourselves - such luxury. Watching Basque handball (buruz) on TV.Read more

    • Day 11

      Day 10 - Ventosa -> Ciruenã

      May 11, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Another day among the vineyards and beautiful sights.
      The five of us left the albergue together and stopped on the next street to have breakfast, in the only bar open in the village.
      We started our walk with a beautiful rainbow in the sky. I can also remember how the sun lit up the landscape.
      Shortly after leaving the village it is possible to leave the way for a few meters and reach the Alto de San Antón, a mirador with 637m of altitude. You can see the reward in the video here.
      After more vineyards we stopped in Nájera to rest and eat something. I was able to taste my first Pimiento de Padrón. In Nájera the highlight is the impressive monastery of Santa María la Real, built in the 11th century.
      Since I had no plans about where to stop that day, I followed Mark, Sonja, Eva and Emanuel to Cirueña.
      Manuel stayed in the municipal albergue and Mark, Sonja, Eva and I followed to the private one. There were only two albergues in the village. Cirueña has only about a hundred inhabitants. Mark and Sonja decided to book the dinner at the albergue, but Eva and I preferred to try the restaurant. Of course it was the only one open. It was an enjoyable dinner. Good food, good wine, and good company.
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    • Day 11

      Day 10 Navarrete to Najera - a day of vi

      June 2, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Left Navarrete around 7.30 in cool cloud. Perfect walking weather. Met up with Dave and Sherri from the US. They are on a 5 month European tour and including the full Camino. After telling us that they were spending some time out of Burgos at a circus festival they explained that they are clowns and have lived out of their van for 19 years - although they have also spent 5 years running a cat and dog kennels which they had to take over when Dave’s mother died. It had been her business and they took it over with no prior knowledge of what to do and had to combine managing the business with clearing her house as she had been a serious hoarder.
      Spent most of the morning with them including a delicious breakfast stop.
      This was a short day - 17km altogether - so we had time to explore Najera in the afternoon after waiting out a big thunderstorm.
      The monastery of Santa Maria was outstanding - it seems extraordinary that some of these towns are so off the tourist routes as they are very special.
      Dinner was another slight mistake but we managed to eat just about enough and then had a cup of tea with Sheryl and Janice who we bumped into.
      We are in Rioja now surrounded by vineyards - some with tiny grapes already in evidence, others with just leaves so far that I guess will be harvested later. Wonderful countryside but closer to big roads than before.
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    • Day 8

      My mom's birthday

      August 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Today is the first 30th of August since my mom passed away. It's her birthday and therefore I had to leave a little stone just for her .
      Further this day has been my longest hike on the camino with about 38km of distance covered. More distance, more views.Read more

    • Day 17

      Op weg naar Nájera

      May 18, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      De stad uit inclusief stadspark was zo'n 10 km. De volgende 20 km zijn in de volle zon, veel op en neer, niet altijd even goed wegdek, maar al met al wel prettig rijden. Wegen waar, als er auto's zijn, zij ook meestal niet harder dan 50 km per uur gaan/kunnen. Lekker om te doen.Read more

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