Vilanova de Arousa

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    • Day 50–55

      Camping Paisaxe

      May 4 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Es regnet weiterhin. Wir verlassen dieses Regenloch, um zum nächsten zu fahren. Die Großwetterlage verspricht bis einschließlich morgen keine Gefahr eines Sonnenbrandes bzw. Atemnot durch Ozon.
      Heute war definitiv nicht unser Tag. Beim Verlassen des Platzes muss man seine persönliche Chipkarte, Karte für den Wohnwagen und die Karte, einen eingeschweißten roten DIN A 5 Zettel fürs Auto, abgeben. Den fürs Auto hab ich nicht bekommen, da bin ich mir sicher. Nützt nichts, kostet 25 €. Ich bezahle und schlucke den Ärger runter. Los geht's..., um nach 20 km wieder umzukehren. Mein Guide fragt, hast du vor der Abfahrt einen Kontrollblick über den Stellplatz getätigt. Just in diesem Moment fällt mir ein, dass die Auffahrkeile zum Ausrichten des Wohnwagens noch im Schlamm ihr Dasein fristen. Es nützt nichts, nach einer Stunde starten wir wieder neu.
      Um 14:00 Uhr ist unser neuer Standort in Spanien erreicht und das Kapitel Portugal geschlossen. Ein Schild sagt uns, dass der Campingplatz geöffnet ist. Die Rezeption ist aber nicht besetzt. Nur ein Zettel mit einer Telefonnummer und dem Hinweis, dass eine Nacht 30 € kosten, empfangen uns. Ein Anruf gibt uns nur den Hinweis, dass Englisch nicht gesprochen wird, nur "Espanol". Wir sind die Einzigen und stellen uns auf einen der 50 leeren Plätze und harren der Dinge, die da kommen mögen.
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    • Day 7

      Von Ribadsella > Vilanova de Arousa

      April 27 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Das Domizil für diese Nacht haben wir gut gewählt...ein sehr sauberer und schöner Platz. Nach einem guten Frühstück und einem Plauscherl - diesmal mit einem St. Pöltner Ehepaar (er ein gebürtiger Salzburger) ging's weiter.

      Der Regenbogen war wohl der Hinweis, auf das, was noch kommt : Regen, Nebel und letztendlich auch noch Schnee 🙈

      Es ging auch viele Kilometer einem verbrannten Wald entlang. Aber man sieht, der Wald erholt sich langsam.

      Naja, heute hat's gestimmt : April, April, macht was er will... 🤷...
      .... und endlich waren wir wieder an der Küste
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    • Day 19

      Walk To Villanova de Arousa

      June 5 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Was determined to walk today in spite of my foot and am so thankful for doing it.
      The first part of the walk out of Armenteira was through “Ruta da Pedra e da Agua” or Trail of Water and Stone, and the photos were amazing.Read more

    • Day 18

      June 4

      June 4 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Today we had a short distance to walk, only 10 km, because the path to Armenteira includes a very steep climb (about 450 m over a distance of a few kilometers). Mary and I set off for a local cafe to get our jolt of energy for the way. Our walk began meandering
      uphill through a small village that eventually transitioned into a lovely forest path. While it was a steady climb, we were both pleasantly surprised with how well we did. On the way, we met a very friendly man who lives in Scotland. We chatted with him a bit as we walked the last few kilometers into Armenteira and he joined us for a cold drink before continuing on his way. He bought us our drinks explaining he's trying to change the perception of the cheap Scottish. Lorelee, Mary and I shared a delicious lunch of tortilla and salads. We arrived at our albergue, a rather basic dorm accommodation with the issuance of a paper mattress cover and pillowcase typical when you pay ten euro for the night. We thoroughly enjoyed exploring the monastery and the Pilgrims' Blessing during the evening.
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    • Day 21

      Armenteira to Vilanova de Arousa

      October 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Another hot night in the albergue with all the windows closed as usual, although didn't have a bad sleep and woke up when the lights were turned on at 7:30.
      Got away just after sunrise at about 8:30 and it was a really nice walk alongside a stream in the shade, a lot like in the Blue Mountains, for the first few km's.
      It was a 25km walk, but not nearly as hard as yesterday and the temp was in the mid 20's, unlike yesterday's 30's.
      It's funny how the brain works. Yesterday with the headache, my foot didn't hurt at all. Today without the headache, my foot was sore again, although not as sore as the other day.
      Got to the hotel around 4, then went for a swim at a beach that reminded us of Shoal Bay.
      Up early tomorrow for the 30km boat trip to Padron ⛵
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    • Day 8

      Walk to coastal town Vilanova de Arousa

      April 26, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      11.5 miles in 6 hrs. Last night we feasted on manchego cheese, potato omelette and moorish skewers then this morning our hotel made pilgrim to go bags with breakfast & lunch, so we're eating pretty well right now. We traveled the rest of the way down the mountains to the seaside where we booked our pilgrim boat to Padron tomorrow. We were stopped by a woman named Debora who ushered us into a pilgrim chapel where she sang the pilgrim blessing to us with her guitar then passed out much appreciated hugs. She reiterated that the pilgrimage is a metaphor for the personal baggage we carry every day, and that it is a time to reflect & let go of the things weighing us down. Food for thought on our stroll down the mountain. We agreed that if our personal baggage truly is a metaphor for the extra weight we carry, we're solid. Our bags were well planned and we don't carry more or less than we need. I get tired just looking at other hikers bags. Looks more like penance. 🤣😲Read more

    • Day 5

      Cuarto dia

      May 30, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Da Armenteira a Villanova de Arousa. Il nostro cammino è il cammino espiritual. In pochi lo percorrono. La natura ci ha fagocitati. Boschi e ruscelli ovunque disseminati da mulini antichi. Fiori bellissimi e vigneti che producono Albariño.Read more

    • Day 7

      Armenteira to Vilanova de Arousa

      September 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Up at the monastery the previous evening the chapel had been packed for the Pilgrims Blessing. I think a few people were surprised that Vespers was said before the blessing and left early. The chapel was still reasonably full though.

      It was a different story for the 07:30 Mass. The cloister was in darkness when we arrived and it was only from memory that we managed to find the chapel door. We were joined by one other person.

      With 10 minutes to go the door opened and in we went. Two more men appeared and went through to the sacristy. Just as Mass was starting two ladies turned up. So that was 5 of us in the congregation. A marked downward trend from the night before. Lauds was sang and then Mass followed. These entries are supposed to be about the Camino so I'll leave my thoughts on it all at that.

      Back up at the hotel the eccentricities of the day before continued. ( I dont think I've mentioned that my room had a large shower area with a floor that could be lifted up to reveal a sunken bath? A novel idea. I'd say the reason that it hasn't caught on is because it was almost impossible to get out of the bath after a soak. ) There's no chef so breakfast was a collection of cold offerings of various descriptions. Coffee came from a pod machine. I've never used one before so it was a struggle. The minimalist toast machine only had one job to do, but it didn't do it. Everything about the hotel looked fantastic, but wasn't functional. The staff were good though, so I was happy enough.

      Fed and watered we wandered back down towards the monastery ready to begin what had been rated as some of the most scenic walking on any Camino. The Ruta do Pedra e do Aqua. The way of water and stone. The river falls from Armenteira down to Barrantes with a number of mill races and grinding stones that were used for the production of flower. With expectations high, we started.

      It was hard going. Not particularly steep but endless tree roots were protruding waiting to trip the unwary. Or the less than fleet of foot. Then there were steep stone steps and slabs of downward sloping stone. Perhaps not unexpected given the name of the route. We'd chosen the path to the right. A Mexican lady had gone to the left. We were down at the river level, she was a good deal higher looking down through the trees to the water. In recent years I'd have to say that the bounce in my step has gone. I owe more to Brian from the Magic Roundabout these days than Zebedee.

      I batted on but I can't say I'd enjoyed it that much. Too much at stake really. After 2k the river flattened out a good deal and the walking was easier. Another 6k later and Barrentes was reached. Not much more than a large cantina next to a busy road. My mind went back to a Peanuts cartoon. Charlie Brown and Lucy are running barefoot through the grass exclaiming how marvellous it feels. Snoopy is looking on nonplussed. "You soon get used to it". Maybe that was the problem. River walks like this are common in Cumbria and the Dales. Ah well.

      From here on the path follows the Rio Umia and Rio Amelas. There was very little shade and the sun beat down. I was struck by the huge shoals of fish in the rivers. About the size of trout and all pointing upstream. I can only assume that whatever they were they were poor eating. If not you'd expect to see hombres casting nets.

      Another thought came to me. Since we seemed to be walking by the side of endless rivers we'd seen precious few fountains. When I did find one the water was unusually heavily chlorinated.

      Around 15k in we the path swung right onto a forrest path and up and away again. Mercifully short though. Then we entered an areas of vines. No shade whatsoever. I was begining to flag. As if on cue, I was caught by a Polish girl who decided to chat with me. Her excitement when I greeted her with Dzien dobry was short lived when all I could manage to go with that was Dziekuje. However, after finding that she'd been born in Warsaw I asked her where she was studying. "You won't know it, it's called wudge" ( I'm giving you the phonetic pronunciation here ). Ah ha! "That'll be spelt Lodz" says I. ( Łódź had I been writing it but, strange as this may seem, I didn't have a pen to hand ) I brought her to a standstill. We chatted on for a half hour and suddenly we were out of the heat and weaving our way through a small village. Kallina stopped to wait for her friend who was struggling on some way behind us. I pushed on reinvigorated. Maybe my middle name should be Tobias rather than Anthony.

      Vilanova de Arousa was now in sight. A sparkling sea and a golden beach. Thankfully I didn't wander over the large road bridge but kept on around the coast until a footbridge came into view. It looked a lovely town but boy was it hot. Finding it impossible to follow Google maps directions to an open mercado I commandeered what appeared to be two young lads. On closer inspection, they were "hanging tuff" with a plethora of tattoos and ciggies on the go. Drenched in sweat and swaying slightly I had a stab at asking where I could get aqua fridgedo. Near enough. Never judge a book and all that jazz. They took me down a couple of streets to an open shop trying out their best Spanglish on the way.

      Then, having done all Holy Mother Church had asked me to by walking into V.d.Arusa, I had them walk me to a taxi so I could ride out to my bed for the night. A place that looked like a small Scottish castle set in vast grounds. Old fashioned somewhat, but with large cool rooms and a bath. Sorted.

      Executive Summary. Well, disappointing. Not a bad days walking but..... didn't live up to the hype. Also, about 15 degrees to hot today.
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    • Day 9

      Camino Day 7 to Padron

      August 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We walked two miles to the boat. Took the 4:00 boat to Pontecures which saves us 25k walking. Then walked 9K to Casa Grande de Capadillias. Had an amazing dinner at Buen Camino. Met Phil and Lou again from Eugene on the beach in Villanova de Arousa.Read more

    • Day 14

      Vilanova de Arosa

      May 23, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      We are so grateful for the favorable weather each day. Makes the walking easier.

      Roy wraps my foot and stuffs it in my boot.
      We pill up and walk.

      We walked 11+ miles in a little over 5 hours to reach our Pension.

      Woman initially couldn’t locate our reservation, but ended up on the top floor. Again twin beds,no frills, no food on site.

      Just coffee No breakfast.

      Pensio Mar de Rosa. One woman powerhouse. She does it all.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Vilanova de Arousa, فيانويفا دي أروسا, Villanueva de Arosa, بیلانبا د آروسا, ビラノーバ・デ・アロウサ, Вильянуэва-де-Ароса, Віланова-де-Ароуса, 比拉诺瓦德亚罗萨

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