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    • Day 34


      May 28 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Day 26 Léon

      A stunning day in Léon
      spent sitting at outside cafes drinking fresh orange juice and cafe con leche. We wandered the streets window shopping checking out the cheese/wine shops and gourmet grocery stores which were rather tempting. With just a little over 300kms to go we are almost into Part 3 of the Camino which they name the ‘Soul’ and where we cross the mountains of Léon and Galicia.
      We’ve had a fabulous rest day and ready for the walk tomorrow.
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    • Day 24

      Tourist day 2 - León

      May 29 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Poem for The Guitar by García Lorca

      La guitarra

      Empieza el llanto
      de la guitarra.
      Se rompen las copas
      de la madrugada.
      Empieza el llanto
      de la guitarra.
      Es inútil
      Es imposible
      Llora monótona
      como llora el agua,
      como llora el viento
      sobre la nevada.
      Es imposible
      Llora por cosas
      Arena del Sur caliente
      que pide camelias blancas.
      Llora flecha sin blanco,
      la tarde sin mañana,
      y el primer pájaro muerto
      sobre la rama.
      ¡Oh guitarra!
      Corazón malherido
      por cinco espadas.

      The guitar

      Suddenly, the guitar
      And the cups of dawn lie shattered.
      Suddenly, the guitar,
      Useless to silence,
      Impossible to silence,
      Weeping relentlessly,
      Like water,
      Like snow-bound wind,
      Impossible to silence.
      It weeps for distant things,
      Sands of the searing south
      Begging for white camellias.
      It weeps for the arrow with no target,
      The evening with no tomorrow,
      And the first dead bird of winter.
      Oh, guitar!
      These five swords
      Are piercing your heart
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    • Day 23

      Tourist day - León

      May 28 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Lots of museums, cathedrals, parks, restaurants - typical tourist stuff- of course spotting every pilgrim!

      In Museo de León:
      Landscape is memory.
      Beyond its limits, the landscape bears the marks of the past, it reconstructs memories, it projects the gaze of the shades of another times that now exist only as a reflection of itself on the memory of the traveller or of anyone who simply remains faith to that landscape

      Julio Llamarez - The river of forgetfulness (1990)
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    • Day 24

      Resting in Leon

      June 14 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      Day off and a lie in. What a luxury. We visited Gaudís dragon building this morning. It's really beautifully designed down to every last detail and would be an achievement even today. The dragon in the photo is a replica of the original which had a tube containing documents and the plans, hidden by Gaudí.
      Other than that we just wandered around, ate random not memorable food and am now resting and looking out of the window at the lovely derelict patio.
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    • Day 23

      Made it to Leon

      June 13 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      I decided to walk today, although most people take the bus to avoid walking through the outskirts of Leon. It was only 18km, which is just as well as my latest ailment (pain in right foot) has got worse. The other ones have all gone away. I self diagnose tendon damage through overuse but will consult a chemist tomorrow. We followed Fiona's policy of always stopping in the second bar for breakfast. On the basis that being second, they try harder, and the coffee is better. This one in the third of several villages beginning with V had a coffee accompanied by 2 free cakes, which if you spoke Spanish you got to choose, for €1.50 . Free food with all drinks is a thing in the province of Leon so we haven't had to buy much. They don't cater for vegetarian s mind.
      Leon city is lovely, and I have no idea why it has taken me 60 years to visit. We are staying in a very nice room in the historic city centre in a building that looks semi derelict from the outside. The cathedral is stunning, one of the few that will stand out in my memory. Gothic at its best with lovely stained glass windows., and possibly an influence on Gaudí s Sagrada Familia, as he was here. More about that tomorrow.
      There is also an art materials shop next door to the hotel, so after looking for one for 10 days, I was finally able to replace the pen I need for drawing.
      This evening we had a drink with David, who lives in Malaga, and who we have been bumping in to and having meals with for 2 weeks now, in one of the hundreds of bars, all heaving. Even the pigeons are enjoying tapas, which come free when you buy a drink. Apparently, today is university day, when the students finish, so having asked for a quiet room at the back of the hotel, there is still a buzz of noise in the background which will go on all night. It won't stop me sleeping though.
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    • Day 26–27

      D25- a day in Leon

      June 7 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      An easy day today as we took a rest day in Leon. Took the little train around Leon, visited a local market then sat in a cafe watching the world go by. After siesta we took in a tour of the cathedral with all its stained glass windows. We then took a tour of the Basilica de San Isidora.Read more

    • Day 2


      July 11, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      León - unser Ausgangspunkt für den Camino. Mit dem Zug sind wir durch die weite kastilische Einöde gefahren, durch spärlich zivilisierte Landschaften, vereinzelte landwirtschaftliche Betriebe, die unter der sengenden Sonne einen ewigen Sommerschlaf schlummern. Angekommen in León hat es leider nur noch für einen Aussenblick auf die prächtig beleuchtete Kathedrale gereicht, dafür aber für ein pane con iberico und ein kühles Bier. Morgen bzw. heute geht es los!Read more

    • Day 2

      Day 1. Success

      April 6 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Day 1 was a success. Did good with the metro and train. Got into Leon and ate lunch. We were both exhausted. So got an alburgue for the night. Tomorrow, we take a bus for 30 min to Hospital del Obrigo where we will start our walk.
      Shared a meal with 2 ladies. The place we are staying is so nice.
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    • Day 73

      Leon...die Löwin :-)

      April 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Natürlich muss ich hier halten und mir die Löwenstadt anschauen. Ein bisschen wie die kleine Schwester von Salmanaca.
      Eine Kathedrale, ein italienischer Platz, schöne Athmospäre und weniger Touristen.
      Heute bin ich in einem wunderbaren Hostel in der Altstadt. Der Herbergsvater hat beim einchecken an meinen Bewegungen gesehen, dass ich Rückenschmerzen habe.
      Er hat mir gleich einen Termin beim Masseur im Haus gemacht. Dort war ich gerade, er war auch ein Osteopath. Mein unterer Rücken ist jetzt getapt. Ohne das ich fragte, sagte er morgen kein Auto fahren, only relax! Ich wollte morgen eigentlich zur Küste weiter fahren. Naja, bleibe ich noch ein Tag hier, da morgen nur ein letztes Bett frei ist, ziehe ich in das gemischte sechser Zimmer. Lustig! Der Masseur hat eben gesagt, obwohl ich fast nichts gesagt habe, dass ich spanisches Temperament habe :-).
      Der Herbergsvater sagte, dass ich eine Hippieseele und ein ganz junges Herz habe :-). Schöööön!
      Und ich hatte wirklich schöne Gespräche mit den Pilgern :-).
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    • Day 44

      Very peaceful day in León

      May 10, 2023 in Spain

      A cold day today…max was 18° and single figures in the morning…but cloudless, sunny and sparkling! We got up leisurely, had breakfast and made our way to the cathedral at 9.30 when it opens….an excellent move, as by the time we had finished, groups and many people arriving, and we had a beautiful visit with only a handful of people wandering round. This cathedral is almost perfect - gothic, tall, stained glass windows covering almost every space. Simple and straightforward…we got an audio description from a QR code. Should not be compared with Burgos, such different styles - Burgos is a large complicated area, with added chapels over the centuries, and much more ornate…both wonderful in their own way, but at the moment I am in love with León! And amazingly there was no scaffolding so it looked magnificent.

      After that we walked along the camino route to leave León, as far as the monasterio San Marcos…we have always walked past it at the beginning of our walking day, and never stopped to look. It is a wonderful building, the church and small museum remains, and the main building is now a parador…very fancy 5 star hotel. But the church and museum were lovely, and we sat in the square afterwards in the sun…

      Walked back round the walls again and went to a bar and had first since I first went to hospital and actually found it nice thank goodness! Just hadn’t felt like it before.

      At 1.30 we went and sat in front of the cathedral as an Oz doctor walker who had kindly examined me originally in San Juan at the beginning of everything was walking into León today, and he and Amr had kept in touch and we met for lunch! He needed sustenance as he had a further 7 kms to walk, and we met in much better circumstances and chatted and found he was from Warwick, Queensland, where Pip Wolstenholme (my great niece) is and he was sure his wife would know her, as small community and the horsey people all know each other…small world…very nice guy, and then he set off again and we might meet up in Santiago (he will be with his wife by then) as our days seem to coincide after he has walked to Finisterre.

      Kindle time and downtime…Amr went for a visit to the Gaudi building…we went last time and I decided to duck that one, and then we also were booked in (free, but number limit) to visit the equivalent of the León county council building (their translation)…a gorgeous old palatial building, a 45 minute tour. Well, it was beautiful, but the tour consisted of standing in the courtyard while a very animated and knowledgeable woman described it and the history but all in Spanish, Amr was fine, but I gave up about half way through…standing, and not understanding is very tiring!! I saw a couple of others slipping out too…so now quiet time before dinner.

      Back from dinner..very nice but nothing to report and sleep time!!
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