Huddinge Kommun

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Huddinge Kommun
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    • Hari 58


      29 Ogos 2017, Sweden ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Die letzte Woche ist angebrochen. Heute habe ich die nächsten 400 Kilometer in Angriff genommen. Wieder war die Strecke ziemlich eintönig. So versuchte ich, durch viele kleine Stopps der Müdigkeit ein Schnippchen zu schlagen. Pünktlich zum Feierabendverkehr kam ich nach Stockholm. Mein Navi bot mir eine Ausweichroute an, die ich dankend annahm. Wie sich herausstellte, führte sie mitten durch die Innenstadt. Ob ich dadurch wirklich Zeit gespart habe, bezweifle ich zwar. Aber die unverhoffte Sightseeingtour mit Wohnwagen hatte was ;-) Jetzt stehe ich auf einem stadtnahen Campingplatz und habe zur Abwechslung mal wieder das Vordach aufgebaut. Es war noch nass vom letzten Abbau... Wo war das doch gleich? Vergessen. Ist jedenfalls schon lange her.

      Tageskilometer: 446 km
      Gesamtkilometer: 7116 km
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    • Hari 9

      Boda Borg, carpool karaoke, Oxelosund

      7 Julai 2018, Sweden ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Today we drove to a town south of Stockholm about 100 k away known as Oxelosund. Oxelosund is home to Boda Borg a quest centre which our friends the Kleins raved about after their trip to Sweden a few years ago. The trip was fun as we got to see some of the rural areas around Stockholm. The boys got their devices hooked up to the car computer via Bluetooth. I don't know how they can figure this out but they can. We had a good run of carpool karaoke all the way to Oxelosund. James Cordon would have been proud of us. I wanted to get a video but Chris wouldn't let me.The joy but frustration of living with teenagers.

      We made it to Boda Borg before ten and signed up for the full day and the lunch. Boda Borg is a quest centre. To complete the task you need a team of 3-5 . You can't do it by one's self .You enter rooms and either have to perform physical tasks as a group, solve puzzles, press light sequences in a specific order before being allowed to proceed to the next room. Basic instructions were provided in English on the doors which after about an hour my children realized would be helpful to read before starting.Rooms have themes like escape from prison, Safari adventure or Ninja warrior. There was a lot of crawling on knees through small spaces. I felt at times that I was in a McDonald's play area. By lunch I was exhausted and Cheryl had a massive headache but the kids were having a blast. After a traditional Swedish lunch of make your own Tacos the kids were back at it. Cheryl and I took a long time over the Tacos in order to savour the food in such a romantic setting. Or maybe it was because we needed a rest. I headed out for another round with the kids while Cheryl had a drug induced nap on the couch. By 2 I was absolutely spent and feeling my entire age. The kids didn't want to go but fortunately Cheryl had an exit strategy. A Cold War military installation just outside of town. My children seem to love anything military. They must get it from their mother who also has a penchant for military museums. Did I ever tell you that her Grandfather was at Vimy ridge. The opportunity to visit a Cold War series of batteries dug into the bedrock in the 60s was just too much to resist. The installation consisted of these three huge guns and radar facilities controlled by central bunkers built into bedrock to a depth of 30 metres. It felt very 60ish something you would expected out an early James Bond movie. We had our very own personal tour from a local high school student whose English was just okay. The tour normally takes an hour but we were so interested that it took us 1.5 hours. In addition to the large guns, they had lots of other military paraphernalia including guns, rockets, drones etc. We were in our glory. After the tour we got back in the car, drove to a grocery store for supplies and did some more carpool karaoke. On the way back to Stockholm everyone tried to console me for my poor showing at Boda Borg by telling me that as a tall adult that the place wasn't designed for me and that I was probably one of the older players at the facility. I also think that our friends the Kleins are a little younger and obviously a little fitter then we are.
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    • Hari 7

      Slow train to Stockholm

      5 Julai 2018, Sweden ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      I think the great thing about traveling with children specifically teenagers is that you can learn so much from them. Despite having so little worldly experience they seem to know how to conduct oneself when travelling. The first lesson I have learned from my son Christopher is that there is no need to show up for a train or plane departure in advance to give oneself any buffer room and doing so only indicates that you have a serious neurosis. Perhaps an anxiety disorder NOS. The second thing that I have learned from Chris is that one should never ever ask anyone for help even people working at information booths. One can learn all from the internet specifically YouTube videos. Being the accepting person that he was of my anxiety neurosis he allowed us to get to the train station 50 minutes early and he tolerated me talking to the information people. We learned that our train across the border into Sweden to Lund where we would catch our high speed train to Stockholm had been cancelled. My heart had a sinking feeling when I heard this. As we were in good time we could take another train and still make our connection which we did in Lund. At the Swedish border there was some pretty intense security with passport checks and ticket checks. I think the era of open borders in Europe may be coming to an end. The high speed train was glorious. I sat beside Cheryl and the children sat in other seats. The trip took about 4.5 hours which beat the 7-8 hour drive had we rented a car. All for $80 for all of us. When we made it to Stockholm we had a 10 minute walk to the subway line where we paid $20 to go three stops which was maybe 2 km. The enigma of Scandinavia. Oh it wasn't a slow train to Stockholm, it was a very fast train. A slow train to Stockholm just had a nice ring to it.

      When we got to our BNB accommodation in Stockholm Cheryl and I left the children to play one of our favourite games. It is called find the obscure ingredients for a recipe. This game is best played when you are a little tired and hungry . It is a timed event where the competitor, typically myself is expected to find obscure ingredients that the judge usually Cheryl wants me to find. I cannot be caught by the judge asking anyone for help or else I gain time penalties. At no time during the game must I say " Couldn't we make something simpler for supper or I will immediately forfeit the game and the penalty will be that I will have to make supper. The game went pretty well for me although I had some problems finding chicken broth. The best I could find were Oxo cubes. I also gained some penalty points as Cheryl caught me trying to explain what it was to a shelf stocker. I will have to improve my communication skills for our next game.

      We have been in Stockholm for less then a few hours. Maybe I was brainwashed by the Danes but I think that people really did look happier and healthier in Denmark. The Swedes well they appear more like us North Americans, a little frumpy and not as happy .
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    • Hari 10

      Volvos, volvos, volvos

      8 Julai 2018, Sweden ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Today was our last day with our car. We decided to drive to the ancient town of Sigturna on the northeast arm of Lake Malvern. Sigturna was a pretty little town on the lake. The only trace of the Vikings however was the Rune stones that had been organized around town on a little walk. We ate our lunch by the lake which was filled with Lilly pads and then decided to head to the University town of Uppsala. Uppsala is a university town. We visited the Cathedral with the longest nave in Scandinavia. It was of Gothic design build in 1453. It was a very impressive building and even the kids tolerated visiting it. After the church we headed off to the house of Carl Linnaeus, Uppsula's most famous son which is quite the claim given that scientists from Uppsula's university have won a total of 8 Nobel prizes. Carl Linnaeus was a physician and botanist who developed the formal naming system for plants and animals between 1743 and 1778. Think genus and species. He is quite big here having had his picture on the 100 kronor note. I thought of my colleagues Mark who maybe had he been born in another time would have been a great botanist. The museum and garden were quite beautiful. They had an audio tour where one would walk from room to room in the house and click on a light to hear information about the room and about Carl's accomplishments. The children stayed amused for 45 minutes and maybe even learnt something. Our last visit was to Gamla Uppsala. This consisted of nine large viking burial mounds from 500 AD. They were pretty large. We walked around them and visited the gift shop. No one wanted to go into the museum. We enquired at the museum about a swimming location and learned that the town of Uppsula's maintained a swimming spot on a river with bathrooms, a beach and a dock. It was quite busy. Madeline and I ended up chatting with some graduate students from the university doing Phds in molecular biology. It wasn't the spot that I would have thought that I would have had such a scientific discussion. It was kind of fun to think that we were swimming where Vikings once swam. We returned to Stockholm and after supper we returned our car to the Avis car rental with no cars and dropped the keys off.

      Having spent the last three days driving around in Sweden, it is tough not to notice that there are an incredible number of Volvos here. There are Volvos everywhere. I think about 50% of the cars are Volvos. Seeing all of these old Volvos has been a little nostalgic. We told someone that we met that Volvos were considered prestigious cars in Canada and they really thought that was funny. Whether it is Volvos or Skodas or BMWs, the Swedes love their station wagons. We also notice that they don't drive minivans or trucks. I think we only saw 4-5 personal trucks while driving around. We wondered what would all of the doctors drive to work at the Royal Alex if they didn't drive Volvos. Teslas ? The one car that we came across that piqued my curiosity was a 1981 Toyota Cirdan. It looked a lot like a Camry. We talked to the elderly owner who told us she was the original owner. It was 37 years old. By comparison my Toyota Odessey is only 15 years old. I am unsure It will make it another 20 years. For Ross there were a fair number of BMWs here but not many vintage ones. Maybe you could get a better price for your Beamer if you shipped it to Sweden.
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    • Hari 8

      Jour 8

      11 Mei, Sweden ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Apres 1 semaine de voyage et 2175 km parcourus, jour de pause à Flaten, près de Stockholm. Journée lecture, balade au bord du lac.

    • Hari 9

      Drottingham palace, Marieford

      7 Julai 2018, Sweden ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We picked up our rental car from a rental car agency which was only 1.6 k from the house. When we showed up they told us that they had no cars. After I told them we had travelled all the way from Canada and that we would take any car we mysteriously got a Kia Niro. We went back to the apartment picked up the children and headed off to Drottingham palace. It was supposed to have been a 12 minute drive but despite having a GPS we got terribly off course and ended up driving through a tunnel under central Stockholm. It took us about 50 minutes. Drottingham palace is the home of Sweden's King. It is known as the Versailles of the north which is probably a stretch. It is unique to Europe as it is one of the only royal palaces one can tour. I guess the Swedish king must be short of cash and needs a side hustle. It is probably only a matter of time before he opens up an Airbnb. We checked out the palace gift shop and wandered around the grounds. Interestingly we bumped into an old colleague of mine, Mr Toilet paper holder man. Initially I didn't recognize him, a common problem that befalls pathologists not being able to recognize tumours out of context. He told me he needed a break from all the crap he has to put up with at work. The most impressive thing we saw in the gardens was this collection of Geraniums. There must have been 60 different species many of which I had never seen or heard of before

      Drottningholm castle is on Lake Malaren, a huge lake just west of Stockholm. We decided to drive to Mariefred home of Gripsholm castle. Mariefred was a very pleasant lakeside summer resort town with a beautiful brick castle and grounds. We went for a swim in the lake just down the lake from the castle before touring the castle grounds and gift shop. There were some beautiful Rune stones in the gardens dating back to 1100. Rune stones were memorials that Vikings made to memorialize lost family members often with poems.

      All in all a very full day.
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    • Hari 3


      7 Oktober 2019, Sweden ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Ein Blick aus dem Bullauge verheißt gutes Wetter, blauer Himmel. Unser Versuch eine Schärenfahrt zu machen, scheitert leider am Wochentag, die Saison ist fast zu ende und Fahrten finden nur am Wochenende statt. Als Alternative wählen wir einen hop in, hop off Bus, der uns u.a. am Abba und Vasa Museum, Tivoli, am königlichen Schloss und vielen mehr vorbei fährt. Auch in Stockholm finden wir für das Mittagessen eine Markthalle und essen u.a. eine Fischsuppe. Zu Fuß durchstreifen wir anschließend weiter die Gassen der Altstadt. Kurz setzt leichter Nieselregen ein und ein Regenbogen in einer nie gesehen Intensität scheint in das Wasser zwischen den Inseln Stockholms einzutauchen. Stockholm liegt auf 14 Inseln.
      Heute gehen wir früh in ein kleines Restaurant zum Abendessen und wählen Schweinebacken mir Preiselbeeren und Köttbulär aus, beides schmeckt sehr lecker.
      Unser Schiff bietet in seinem Restaurant/ Bar mit Lampen beheizte Sitzmöglichkeiten an, mit einem wunderschönen Blick auf die Altstadt. Wir genießen die entspannte Atmosphäre und spielen einige Runden......
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    • Hari 1

      Pause in Jönköping, Ankunft Stockholm

      23 Disember 2023, Sweden ⋅ ☁️ -3 °C

      Big break for gas, time to play for dog and kids. Last stop before Stockholm, as first stop destination for section 1 of the trip

    • Hari 2

      God Jul in Stockholm

      24 Disember 2023, Sweden ⋅ ⛅ -8 °C

      A day break to breathe and take in the Christmas spirit. Minus 9C make it a bit cold, but clear weather makes the sights beautiful to enjoy. Some local traditions experienced make it a great day

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