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    • Dzień 7

      Grande Finale

      8 września 2022, Szwajcaria ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Der letzte Tag in Zermatt! Dafür haben wir uns ein ganz besonderes Highlight rausgesucht 🙌🏼
      Der Morgen startet noch verregnet und so gehts erst am späten Vormittag mit der Bahn und Wanderschuhen 🥾nach Zermatt. Ein letztes Mal rauf zum Gornergrad und wir wandern ein bisschen durch die Gegend.
      Und dann ist es endlich soweit: wir machen einen Helikopter-Rundflug 🚁 WOW!!! Was für ein Erlebnis bei der Kulisse hier!
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    • Dzień 53


      8 sierpnia 2023, Szwajcaria ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Gornergrat is a mountain peak in the Pennine Alps, located in the canton of Valais in Switzerland. It is known for its panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, including the Matterhorn, as well as its cogwheel train that takes visitors to the summit. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 15


      7 lipca 2023, Szwajcaria ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Heute der Höhepunkt unserer Schweizreise. Mit der Bahn geht es von Täsch nach Zermatt und dann mit der Gornergrat Bahn zum Gornergrat.
      Heute haben wir mit dem Wetter Glück.
      Herrliches Panorama! Und das Matterhorn präsentiert sich ohne Wolken. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 10

      Hike Rotenboden to Riffelberg

      20 września 2023, Szwajcaria ⋅ 🌫 43 °F

      We rode the Gornergrat train down one stop from the summit to Rotenboden and hiked the Riffelseeweg and Riffelalp trails down to the next train station, Riffelberg.

      Yes, it’s a lot of Riffels.

      Like all our hikes in Switzerland, it was called “easy” and was about our maximum in skill and strength. For the record, Deb wants to note that we did all our hikes without poles. And , yes, that is a complaint.

      The Riffelseeweg took us directly to Riffelsee Lake, a well-known photo stop where, under perfect conditions, you can get a photograph of the Matterhorn and its reflection in the Lake.

      We continued on the trail wending our way through the rocks, mostly descending… until a new choice emerged: continue as planned on the Riffelseeweg or take our chances on the faster but perhaps harder Riffelalp.

      We went with the Riffelalp and got to the station just in time for the next train to Zermatt.
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    • Dzień 26

      Furi-Hangebrucke Hike

      3 lipca 2023, Szwajcaria ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      The day started off looking a bit dreary, but the sun soon came out. We were looking into hiking trails in the area, and came upon a loop hike near Ronda, a short train ride north. The loop included a suspension bridge, being the longest in the Alps at 494m. The logistics and efforts to get there were more than we had planned.

      So, Plan B! Luckily there is another suspension bridge much closer at Furi, just up the mountain from Zermatt. The loop in total was just over 8km, with the bridge being 100m long, and 90m above the Gorner Gorge. Along the trail we read up on some the local history on information boards. Apparently the Gorner Glacier advanced rapidly in the late 1860s during a mini ice age, destroying one alpine village, and coming very close to Furi.

      On the return portion of the loop we spotted at a convenient picnic table for a refreshing lunch picnic.

      We meandered back through town to our accommodations where we sampled different flavours of the local brew. A delectable dinner again on our monster deck 😋…
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    • Dzień 5

      Zermatt Tag 2, Gornergrat Trailmassaker

      6 września 2022, Szwajcaria ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück geht es bergab auf die ersten Trails. Die Abfahrt bis zum Riffelsee erinnert an cinque Torri, von der Averauhütte. Ist zwar teils recht verblockt aber sehr verspielt und geil!. Der untere Teil wechselt zwischen Naturtrails und den geshapten Flow.Autobahnen. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 4

      Zermatt, Gornergrat und Matterhorn

      12 sierpnia 2022, Szwajcaria ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Heute ging's mit dem Bus nach Täsch, von da aus mit dem Zubringerbus nach Zermatt.
      Dort konnten wir für "nur" 95,- € pro Person (30 % Rabatt, weil wir mehr als 10 Personen zusammen bekamen) ein Ticket für die Gornergrat-Zahnradbahn erwerben. Man ist nur einmal hier und die Witterungsbedingungen waren ideal! Also haben wir die Gelegenheit genutzt und es absolut nicht bereut. Von 1.600 m rumpelte die Bahn in ca. 40 min auf eine Höhe von 3.100 m. Während der Fahrt gab es die verschiedensten Perspektiven auf das Matterhorn, besser noch als oben, wo die Entfernung schon wieder größer war.
      Dort konnten wir uns die Beine vertreten, einen 360° Rundumblick genießen und hatten dabei die Sicht auf insgesamt 29 "Viertausender" (wir haben sie nicht nachgezählt).
      Bei der Talfahrt entdeckten wir einen Gleitschirmflieger und hätten so gerne mit ihm getauscht - das muss doch fantastisch sein, zumal wir sehen konnten, wie er in der guten Thermik sich immer wieder auf's Neue in die Höhe schraubte!
      Zurück in Zermatt ließen wir uns von dem Touristengedränge auf der Hauptstraße erst etwas entmutigen, aber nicht weit davon wurde es ruhiger und unsere Zeit reichte noch für einen Kaffee bzw. eine Apfelsaftschorle mit Blick auf das weite Tal dieser autofreien Stadt (na ja, Elektrofahrzeuge halten die Infrastruktur und das gesellschaftliche Leben aufrecht).
      Im Hotel nahmen wir unser letztes (wieder sehr gutes) Abendessen ein, denn morgen wird hier ausgecheckt, dann reisen wir mit dem Glacier-Express bis Chur, wo wir ein anderes Hotel mit unserer Anwesenheit beehren werden.
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    • Dzień 9

      Hike from Furi to Zermatt

      19 września 2023, Szwajcaria ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

      Our guide, Judy, took us to lunch at a friend’s restaurant in Furi. We shared wonderful traditional Swiss food and then finished our day of sightseeing with a hike down the mountain from Furi to the village of Zermatt. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 25

      Gornergrat Greatness

      2 lipca 2023, Szwajcaria ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We were greeted with a gorgeous morning. The sun was up and the birds were singing. A fair bit of hustle and bustle out on the streets many were out early to go hiking, or whatever their intended day's activity.

      We woke up at our usual time despite going to bed a bit earlier than usual. Surprisingly we were not as stiff and sore as was anticipated.

      After enjoying a yummy simple breakfast, A put together a picnic lunch and we set out to explore the area a bit more. Our race passes gave us free admission to the mountain train, so we decided to head back up to Gornergrat to enjoy the views we were too exhausted to enjoy yesterday.

      The views were amazing, but we were unable to see the Matterhorn due to swirling clouds around the summit. Despite a forecast of 4C at the top of the mountain, we found the sun rays very intense. A used his jacket to cover his knees, and still they got a bit pink. The picnic lunch was perfect while we were entertained by wandering tourists 🤣

      We decided to hike down to the next train platform at Rotenboden. The landscape was dotted in alpine flowers. A enjoyed capturing it, flowers, vistas, and all.

      Once the train reached Zermatt, we headed up to CERVO Mountain Resort to use our free beer vouchers! It was a bit of a hike up but worth the trip. We sat on the terrace lounge under shade sails hoping for a view of the Matterhorn, still elusive in clouds. Their Huntsman beer and lounge atmosphere was perfect. Quite a few other runners trickled in for their brews too, though I think we were the only ones to order some fries and a second beer 🍻🍟😋

      We then walked back across town to our accommodation to prepare another cheese fondue dinner. 😁
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    • Dzień 38

      The Most Amazing Day of All

      25 października 2018, Szwajcaria ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      I seem to have been repeating myself lately. Perhaps it is a sign of extreme old age, or maybe it's because I am running out of superlatives when trying to describe the scenery we have been enjoying every day. There is only a limited number of times you can use words like "amazing", "spectacular" or "breathtaking", before they become depreciated.

      What I will say is that today has been one of the most memorable days of my entire life. Allan and I began early with a trip on the cog railway from Zermatt to Gornergrat. This is a famous scenic location that offers 360 degree views of the surrounding mountain peaks.

      Although the Matterhorn is the most famous, and certainly the most recognisable of these peaks, it is actually not the highest. There are several others in this region that are considerably taller. Allan and I climbed to the highest point we could find and were thrilled that we had the place to ourselves. We spent the next 30 minutes just taking in the surroundings and pinching ourselves to make sure we weren't dreaming.

      Once again the weather was absolutely perfect, with blue skies, warm sunshine and no wind whatsoever. It was such a peaceful location to just sit and be thankful that we had this opportunity witness such beauty in such ideal conditions. Apparently this run of fine weather is coming to a dramatic halt this weekend. Plunging temperatures and snow is predicted for this region, but today you would not believe it.

      I found a lovely narrow alpine track along a ridge line and decided to follow it for some distance. On either side there were steep slopes disappearing down into the values below. I guess that is why the signs warned that the path was not suitable for anyone with vertigo. In the shady patches there was still a lot of hard ice, which made the walking a little treacherous. Fortunately I only came to grief once, and that didn't really count as I only fell onto one knee and not my backside.

      I found another isolated and elevated position and just sat and admired what was all around me. There is nothing like this in Australia and I was so glad that we had made the decision to spend this time in Switzerland. As I sat I could hear distant sounds from way down in the valley below me. Overhead white vapour trails marked the paths followed by numerous aircraft crisscrossing their flights across Europe.

      I could also hear something else. I think it was the sound of crackling forming on the top of my head and face. I had somehow stupidly left my hat in the hotel and I could feel the powerful rays of the sun burning their way into my exposed skin. It was time to head back.

      After a celebratory coffee and strudel at the summit restaurant we caught the train back as far as the first station. From there we walked to the Rippelsee, a lake that provides beautiful reflections of the Matterhorn. We then decided to continue our walk past another lake which had frozen solid and then down the hill to Rippleberg Station. The steep descent really tested my legs, but I could not help but feel that we were so privileged to have been able to share a day like this together.

      Tomorrow we catch the train to Geneva for our final night in this country, then it will be time to begin the long journey home. It has been a trip full of diverse experiences and I feel almost overwhelmed with the huge storehouse of memories I will be carrying home with me. That is the main reason that I have kept this blog. I hope also that those who are reading this have been sharing some of the trip with us.
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