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Top 10 Travel Destinations Valais
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    • Day 12

      Gourmet Hike + Dinner Repeat

      July 19 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      We spent a little time at the hotel gym this morning after breakfast, but were careful not to overdo it so that we were fresh for the main activity of the day -- a guided hike.

      Our guide met us in the hotel lobby at 11, and we were thrilled to see that he was bringing his dog along for the hike. In fact, he introduced her (named Shooki? Jeuqis?) as our guide for the tour, which we initially took as a charming comment, but indeed, she ended up leading the way for the majority of the hike.

      We hopped in in the guide's van and rode about 25 minutes east until we pulled off and parked on a treacherous roadside cliff. Soon we were off. He spoke little English, which was just fine as we took in the views and watched our doggie guide plop down into every water source to cool off, before shaking off the water and running ahead to resume her guide duties. She made the hike all the better, as we also thought fond thoughts about our own doggies at home.

      We were pleased that our guide evaluated our fitness as above average, and so elected to take us on the longer and more challenging loop. We stopped near the top of the climb for picnic on a large flat boulder, and simple (but gourmet) selection of bread, meat, cheese, and pickled veggies. In total we hiked a bit over 5 miles, with many enchanting waterfalls spotted along the way.

      Once we got back we collapsed into bed for our now-standard afternoon nap, and then enjoyed the rest of the afternoon again at the resort pool and sauna.

      We loved our dinner so much last night that after evaluating our options we decided to go back to the same Italian restaurant. It proved to be the right choice, as the owner was thrilled to have us back and delighted us with freebies of amuse bouche, pallette cleansers, and grappa/amaro. We got the same Gorgonzola gnocchi to share, and Laura doubled down the chicken dish we shared last night, while I branched out and had the pork belly with ratatouille. We made sure to save room for the dessert we had to decline last night, and enjoyed the 4 flavors of sorbet and home made glace.
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    • Day 18–19


      July 18 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      We visited the Jungfrau mountain in the Swiss Alps! We saw snow in the middle of European summer and finally were at a reasonable temperature. At the top of the mountain, we saw some cool ice sculptures and went to the highest Lindt chocolate shop in the world. Anch did a 90meter high canyon swing which included a very high free fall (😧) and we carried on the Contiki tradition of taking some scandalous photos! For dinner we had an all you can eat cheese fondue.Read more

    • Day 16

      Zwitserland is duur😭😭

      July 21 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Zojuist is mijn bankrekening onherstelbare schade toegedient na een maaltijd in het éénnagoedkooptste restaurant van Zermatt.
      Een volle 101 euro bedroeg de rekening die vanuit de mist is opgetrokken.
      Het besef dat de cola alleen al een respectabele 6,40 heeft gekost voelt als een pijl die het hart heeft doorboord.
      Het geweten dat onze maaltijd voor 2 personen in Zermatt net zoveel heeft gekost als de 3-persoons barmeals in Engeland zal mij tot in mijn nachtelijke dromen achtervolgen.

      Ik schrijf in de hoop hiermee mijn hart te kunnen luchten en mijn geweten in staat te stellen, los te laten wat deze avond is overkomen. Maar ik ben bang dat alleen tijd deze klap zal verzachten.

      In het vervolg zal het toetje toch maar overgeslagen worden.

      Geschreven door:
      Uwe lieflijke Teun Beerepoot

      'Maar de pizza was lekker.'
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    • Day 6

      Hoch hinaus mit Juliane und Mike

      August 22, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Nach einer Bootsfahrt über den Zürichsee folgten eine kurze Fahrt mit der Drahtseilbahn zur Universität und zurück.
      Dann geht es mit dem Zug und Gondel zur Bettmeralp.

      Hier wurde auf knapp 2000 Meter ohne Straßenzugang ein Ort mit etlichen Hotels und sogar ein Stausee gebaut.
      Juliane, die seit 2008 immer wieder hier arbeitet brachte uns in einer hübschen Ferienwohnung unter.
      Es gibt kleine Autos hier oben, die offensichtlich mit der Gondel oder per Hubschrauber hier hochgelangt sind.
      Die meisten werden mit Strom betrieben und bringen Touristen und ihr Gepäck zu den Hotels.

      Am nächsten Tag fahren wir mit einem Lift zum Bettmerhorn und folgen einem Grat der oberhalb der Ortschaften entlang führt.

      Von hier haben wir einen beeindruckenden Blick auf den längsten Gletscher der Alpen, den Aletschgletscher. Er fließt ein Tal entlang und vereinigt sich mit weiteren Gletschern.
      Dieser Anblick wird bald nicht mehr möglich sein. Man sieht deutlich wie die 900 Meter starke Eiszunge an Dicke und Länge verloren hat.

      Nach einem anspruchsvollen Abstieg lassen wir den Abend noch bei einem Fondue mit Blick auf die weißen Gipfel ausklingen.
      Zu guter letzt willigt Samuel ein sich von Mike unter dem beeindruckenden Sternenhimmel die Haare kürzen zu lassen.
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    • Day 8

      Eine tierische Brücke

      August 24, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Am vorletzten Tag wandern wir noch zu einer beeindruckenden Hängebrücke.
      Über ihr kann man den Fluss der aus dem Gletscher entspringt überqueren.

      2 Ziegen waren ebenfalls begeistert von der Brücke und überquerten diese mehrmals. Sie waren zutraulich bis aufdringlich.
      Ein schöner Bergsee darf natürlich auch nicht fehlen.
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    • Day 15

      Whymper-Strube Meal

      December 22, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌬 30 °F

      Complete Swiss meal with rachlette (a slab of toasted cheese). Except they served French fries with the steak it was perfect.
      It must have been one of the other 57 versions of Heinz as it tasted different.Read more

    • Day 13

      Amazing day with beautiful company

      March 8, 2020 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      So today my beautiful friend Cass & I went to the top of Gornergrat mountain alongside the mighty Matterhorn in Zermatt & went sledding down the slopes.. it was so incredibly fun & absolutely stunning! 🙏❄️💖🏔Read more

    • Day 16

      Top of the world

      March 11, 2020 in France ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      Oh my god. 2100metres, climbed to the summit after last lift up & sat in the sun atop the Swiss alps above the clouds! Avalanche warning 4/5 but had to be done. Then we shredded all the way down... Kaz smoked it, first day on the pow pow epic!Read more

    • Day 16

      Magic scenery ☀️

      March 11, 2020 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Following an epic day on the slopes we had this delightful drive home.. the sun shining on the snow capped mountains looked like gold topped mountains, we were in absolute awww & feeling very blessed..Read more

    • Day 83

      Matterhorn Trail Run

      July 17, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 46 °F

      I've had some great runs on this trip, but this was without a doubt the most spectacular. I took the gondolas up to the Schwarzsee station at 8,474 feet. Then I followed the trail up towards Trockener Steg, a "minor prominence" at 9,642 feet, in the area between the Matterhorn and the Breithorn. We had visited Trockener Steg yesterday by gondola and there were several beautiful lakes at the foot of a glacier.

      I didn't have enough time to make it all the way up, so I did an out and back instead. I ran where I could but most of the first mile was a hike up a steep incline. At altitude it was a great workout.

      The family met me back at Schwarzsee and I got some extra running in with Eowyn. Overall it was a fantastic experience and I hope to come back someday for more hiking and trail running. - Sean
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Canton du Valais, Wallis, Valais, Vallese, 발레 주, Vallais

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