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    • Day 16

      Zwitserland is duur😭😭

      July 21 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Zojuist is mijn bankrekening onherstelbare schade toegedient na een maaltijd in het éénnagoedkooptste restaurant van Zermatt.
      Een volle 101 euro bedroeg de rekening die vanuit de mist is opgetrokken.
      Het besef dat de cola alleen al een respectabele 6,40 heeft gekost voelt als een pijl die het hart heeft doorboord.
      Het geweten dat onze maaltijd voor 2 personen in Zermatt net zoveel heeft gekost als de 3-persoons barmeals in Engeland zal mij tot in mijn nachtelijke dromen achtervolgen.

      Ik schrijf in de hoop hiermee mijn hart te kunnen luchten en mijn geweten in staat te stellen, los te laten wat deze avond is overkomen. Maar ik ben bang dat alleen tijd deze klap zal verzachten.

      In het vervolg zal het toetje toch maar overgeslagen worden.

      Geschreven door:
      Uwe lieflijke Teun Beerepoot

      'Maar de pizza was lekker.'
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    • Day 7

      Sprehod do modrega jezera

      July 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Ogrevanje za jutri oziroma prvi sprehod po Aosti.

      Prispela sva v oblačno dolino, se je pa vreme hitro popravljalo in sonce naju je že grelo na potki do modrega jezera (menda se mu tako reče).

      Vsega skup nekaj višincev in dobro uro pretegovanja nog, razveseljujejo pa razgledi na strme gore vsenaokrog. V ozadju (al pa ospredju) se je iz oblakov lupil tudi Matterhorn.

      Na povratku še en "aperol with a view". Pasalo je 🙂
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    • Day 83

      Matterhorn Trail Run

      July 17, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 46 °F

      I've had some great runs on this trip, but this was without a doubt the most spectacular. I took the gondolas up to the Schwarzsee station at 8,474 feet. Then I followed the trail up towards Trockener Steg, a "minor prominence" at 9,642 feet, in the area between the Matterhorn and the Breithorn. We had visited Trockener Steg yesterday by gondola and there were several beautiful lakes at the foot of a glacier.

      I didn't have enough time to make it all the way up, so I did an out and back instead. I ran where I could but most of the first mile was a hike up a steep incline. At altitude it was a great workout.

      The family met me back at Schwarzsee and I got some extra running in with Eowyn. Overall it was a fantastic experience and I hope to come back someday for more hiking and trail running. - Sean
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    • Day 15

      Whymper-Strube Meal

      December 22, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌬 30 °F

      Complete Swiss meal with rachlette (a slab of toasted cheese). Except they served French fries with the steak it was perfect.
      It must have been one of the other 57 versions of Heinz as it tasted different.Read more

    • Day 13

      Amazing day with beautiful company

      March 8, 2020 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      So today my beautiful friend Cass & I went to the top of Gornergrat mountain alongside the mighty Matterhorn in Zermatt & went sledding down the slopes.. it was so incredibly fun & absolutely stunning! 🙏❄️💖🏔Read more

    • Day 14

      Lokale kaas proeverijtje

      July 19 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Op de camping kwamen wij 2 wandelaars tegen die de lokale berg, de Matterhorn, gingen beklimmen. Zij hadden kaas over, dus konden wij een proeverijtje van de lokale kaas starten zonder er een maandsalaris aan te verliezen. En ik moet zeggen dat de St. Paulin en Tilsiter moeilijk weg te leggen waren. Emmentaler was al voor ons opgegeten, dus ik ga er van uit dat ook die lekker in de smaak was gevallen. Le Gruyere daarintegen was uitermate matig en niet aan te raden.

      De twee lokale wandelaars zijn ondertussen weer terug trouwens, compleet gesloopt, maar vreemd genoeg kijken ze nu al naar de volgende berg, de Mont Blanc😵‍💫 in een dag of 2
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    • Day 12

      Onze dagen in zwitserland

      July 17 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Na een werkelijk prwchtige treinrit vanaf milaan zijn we aangekomen in zermatt. Zermatt is een dorp in de zwitserse alpen aan de voet van de matterhorn. De matterhorn is een beroemde puntige bergtop die inder andere bekend is omdat het logo van de toblerone chocolade erop gebaseerd is. Met ons tentje heb je als je s'ochtends opstaat een prachtig uitzicht op de bergen hier die niet snel verveeld. Toch voelen we ons hier wel een beetje misplaatst vanwege de doelgroep van dit dorp, het stikt hier werkelijk van de designerwinkels en de rolex dealers. Maar dat mag de pret niet drukken want we hebben ons hier een paar dagen uitstekend vermaakt. We kwamen tijdens het wandelen dit prachtige riviertje tegen waar bijna niemand was, het water was ijskoud omdat het direct uit de bergen kan maar dat is het dubbel en dwars waard als je kijkt naar het landschap waar je in zwemtRead more

    • Day 2

      Breithorn Occidentale 4.165 m

      October 30, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Dalla cima del Breithorn Centrale, alcuni di noi hanno proseguito per la cresta Ovest, che inizialmente scende all’ampia sella che separa i Breithorn Centrale ed Occidentale, risalendo poi al Breithorn Occidentale.

      Io e la mia cordata abbiamo optato di scendere 200 m per la traccia di salita fino al bivio da dove parte la normale al Breithorn Occidentale. Risalita la normale, ci siamo trovati tutti in cima!

      Riscendiamo poi per la via di salita.
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    • Day 8

      Častni krog pod Metterhornom

      July 22, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Sva šla danes na Sprehod nad Cervinom. Najprej z gondolo na koto 2.550, potem pa še dobrih 200 metrov više do planinske koče.

      Je zgledal sprehod v fazi planiranja bolj enostaven, na koncu pa se je nabralo precej metrov v hrib, ki sva jih dodala gondoli.

      Imela sva delno oblačno in precej vetrovno vreme, tako da je bilo slačenja in oblačenja precej. Noge naju bolijo, kot da bi midva odtekla nek gorski tek, ki so ga odtekli (brez gondole) gore-dole še pred nama tekaški intuzijasti.

      Sobota ni ravno za v posh centre it, ker je bil Cervino poln že od osmih naprej in imela sva srečo, da sva Coniglia stlačila nekam ob kontejner.

      Zdaj počivava na nekem piknik placu, mogoče bova zmogla zvečer kak qwirkel ali dva.
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    • Day 24

      Run day: Zermatt to Gornergrat

      July 1, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      The long awaited day is finally upon us. We started training for the Top20 half-marathon run in April.

      Our day started early, with a quick warm up and stretch; still overcast, but not raining or too cool. We did a light jog along the river. After a good stretch, had a light breakfast and headed to the race start location for 9am.

      We started near the back, and slowly meandered our way forward.

      J slowed down as the road incline increased, while A took off like a gazelle. Around the 7 km mark the road levelled out, and J picked up speed, but A was no where in sight. For the next 8km, the route was a combination of road and narrow trail. For the most part, only a slight incline.

      J finally caught up to A after km 15, just passed Riffelboden. Here the route got insanely vertical. From then on things got really gruelling. At this point "running" was just a notion, it was a chore just to get one foot in from of the other. J attempted a slow jog for a short stretch and quickly realized that walking was a better use of energy. A's ambitions of walking a bit faster were squashed by quads and hamstrings threatening to seize up! 😵‍💫

      A typical half marathon is 21.4km, this route was 22.1km... Every twist and crest became the next milestone. It was a bit deflating when the finish line became apparent at the top of Gornergrant. But in the end we both made across! The things we put ourselves through for a "finishers" tshirt 👕🤣

      It was an incredibly beautiful course to complete! This finish line is the highest for an event in Europe, 3089m!

      After some half-hearted stretching, and refreshments, took the train back to Riffelberg to pick up our clothes bags, and shower. The shower space was more like a prison or military shower setup: four rows of shower jets with space for about 40. The warm water felt amazing!

      We then headed over for our free beer🍻. It was terrible 🤢 We found a gopher🐿️ hole to dispose of the rest after a couple sips 🤣 Probably not a bad thing considering soon after J's stomach started to protest. We followed his nose to a Weiner stand, they wanted 9CHF for a slice of bread and sausage. All we had were Euros that they didn't accept, which is strange as its on parity and an international event 😕

      The train down was very hot and over crowded with tourists and runners. It was a challenge to stay upright and get to the bottom. By this point J was very naustious, and crouching near the floor. Once at the bottom, A grabbed a few food items from the store, and we headed back to our accommodations for a quiet restful night homemade Bratwurst and some rose wine.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Zermatt, زيرمات, Цермат, সেরম্যাট, Τσερμάτ, زرمات, Prât-Borgno, צרמט, ツェルマット, ცერმატი, Церматт, 체르마트, Pratobornum, Cermatas, 采尔马特

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