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    • Tag 71

      The Young Rhône

      14. Juni 2023 in der Schweiz ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      We got an early start and said our goodbyes to Anaïs, Laurent and the boys, then we started pedalling up the Rhône. We followed the river mostly as we rode to Brig. The trail felt flatter than we'd expected, likely helped by a moderate tailwind. Leaving Brig we took some side roads to avoid the traffic of the main highway, but the elective additional elevation gain felt oppressive given the heat of the day. As we climbed higher the valley narrowed, although there were still pastures even on the very steep slopes. Close to Fiesch we found a suspension bridge across the Rhône where the river had carved a deeper canyon. Then we were up in the flatter alpine pasture lands where small villages dotted the landscape with distinctive sun-darkened wood houses. After 75 km we called it a day and found a small forested campsite along the 'young Rhône', also called the Rotte, for a refreshing sleep in the alpine air.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 9


      7. April 2023 in der Schweiz ⋅ ❄️ -1 °C

      Nach einem besonders sonnigen Tag folgt ein Tag mit Schnee.
      Die Sicht ist dementsprechend schlecht und ich fahre nur ein kurzes Stück bis Fiesch und spare mir den Rest der berühmten Glacier-Express Strecke für den nächsten Tag.
      In Fiesch befinde ich mich in der Nähe von Interlaken, wo ich vor ein paar Tagen war, nur der Aletschgletscher und ein paar Berge sind dazwischen 😉

    • Tag 20


      29. Dezember 2018 in der Schweiz ⋅ ☁️ -8 °C

      Wow where do I start regarding today. It was just so amazing. You see pictures of the ski resorts in Switzerland but they are so much better than I imagined and photos do not do them justice.

      We left cologne at 1.30am and drove in the dark till the sun rose at about 7.45am and we were greeted with the most amazing vistas. Just mind blowing with picture perfect weather.

      We drove the car onto the train which took us through the Furka Pass tunnel and we then drove through the valley to Fiesch. Parked the car and loaded all our luggage into a large trolley that came with us on the cable car to the top. I don’t even know how to describe the view from Fiescheralp at the top. I felt like I was on top of the world looking at a postcard. It was a total bucket list experience.

      The snowplough/tractor took our luggage as well as louise and lochie to the hotel jungfrau where we quickly settled in, after a fantastic lunch. Lochie could hardly contain the excitement and although we hadn’t planned to start skiing till tomorrow, lochie would not wait. So we booked them into ski school from Monday but got the three kids a two hour private lesson for tomorrow to get them underway. But even that was not good enough for lochie who wanted his skis on now cause he had come here to go skiing! Vern and I agreed to give them a go with help from uncle Philipp. Lochie nailed the basic snowplough on the magic carpet on the beginners hill in 20mins, and the other two kids had it after about an hour. They all just loved it and wouldn’t stop till the sun started to set.

      Now I am going to go overboard with the photos here and will text some videos, but they really don’t do the place justice. Although I don’t ski I know I will come back here cause just sitting outside is such a wonderful experience.

    • Tag 22


      31. Dezember 2018 in der Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ -3 °C

      Well it’s NYE and we are on top of the world! Another fantastic morning of skiing and even better now that Katrin, Nikko and his friend Ethan arrived last night. Louise had a brief go again today but seems skiing is not her thing, but it is for the boys! They can’t get enough of it.

      I had so much trouble getting them to stop for lunch but I really wanted to go up the next cable car to the top of the Eggishorn which is at about 9500ft. It was a perfect day but we did get a little cloud at the top. The Altesch glacier is amazing. I could have watched it all day. We had lunch in the little hut at the top but pretty pricey, particularly in Swiss francs. We had a good look around and watched some skiers take off from there down the side of the mountain. Philipp and Katrin went up a little later than us and skied down. They are both awesome skiers.

      Can I just mention how wonderful the Hotel Jungfrau is. The rooms are just basic but the beds we really comfy, clean and the food is great. But the real winner is the staff. The owner is here working from before brekky till late at night, and nothing is too much trouble. All the staff go out of their way for you regardless of how busy they are.

      We did see the Air Zermatt helicopters a few times today doing rescues and retrieval’s for people that had injured themselves on the slopes. What those guys can do is amazing.

      The afternoon consisted of more skiing from all three males and all really improved dramatically. Lochie would not stop and went right till they shut the t-bar. Then just about collapsed. Those legs were so tired he could barely walk.

      Tonight we have a special NYE dinner but first the guys are all in the bar at the teepee which you can see on the webcam. Apparently its the place to be.

      Happy New Year everyone!

    • Tag 23

      Happy New Year!

      1. Januar 2019 in der Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ -5 °C

      Happy New Year from the Swiss alps! We had an awesome 5 course dinner with great wine, followed by an awesome fireworks display right outside our hotel. What a way to see in 2019! A NYE I will never forget.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 23

      First serious full ski run

      1. Januar 2019 in der Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ -4 °C

      Yesterday Katrin told lochie he was ready for a full ski run from the big chairlift. So first thing this morning lochie was practising his parallel turns on the t-bar run so he was ready whenever Katrin was free to take him. Philipp decided that will and Vern were ready also. After lunch they all took the t-bar then had to ski down a fairly steep section to the 4 person chairlift (the Fiesch chairlift). Then up they went almost to the top of the Eggishorn! I have included the map so you can see where the went.

      From there they made their way down following behind Katrin one at a time. Turning when Katrin did and loving every minute of it. They came down the blue run 74 and joined the 75 then back onto the trainer run. Katrin and the boys left Vern and Philipp behind cause they were slower so when they got to the bottom Vern and Philipp were nowhere to be seen. They did catch up with them on the second run and all arrived together! Yes I do think Lochie’s skiing ability has surpassed Vern’s now. Quite an achievement after only 3 days.

      And again we had picture perfect weather!

    • Tag 24

      Coldest Day Ever!

      2. Januar 2019 in der Schweiz ⋅ ☁️ -7 °C

      Well today we had all the weather features except rain. When we got to brekky, not only could we not see the Matterhorn (our normal view) we couldn’t even see the t-bar next door! It was -3 at that time and lightly snowing, and it only went down from there. It did fine up with sunshine at lunchtime when it was about -4 but at about 3pm the wind picked up. The snow was being blown everywhere but lochie and will wanted to keep skiing with Philipp and Katrin. So after another trip down to the hill to the blue run, they headed up to the 4 person chairlift for one last run down the mountain. Thinking that that side of the mountain would be out of the wind. They were wrong, it was blowing a gale!

      They all came down safely and did really well but lochie was frozen solid and a bit upset cause his hands hurt so much. When we looked up the temperature it was -7 degrees with a 30km/hr wind, giving it a “feels like” temp of -16 degrees. This was the first time I was cold in my ski gear. Philipp said it was the coldest he had experienced in 30 years. Just like Siberia he said.

      We thawed out Lochie’s hands in the bathroom sink, by slowly raising the water temp till he was ok. His hands were always full of colour but just cold so no harm done. Tomorrow is supposed to be the same so we will add an extra layer all over.

      William and lochie are doing so well with the skiing that they have to ski with Philipp or Katrin cause vern won’t go on the runs they go on. As the runs are so big and so far away, they must go with a adult. If we go skiing again this is something we will need to consider.

      Another fantastic day.

    • Tag 25

      Ski Jumps

      3. Januar 2019 in der Schweiz ⋅ ☀️ -12 °C

      Here are a few photos that Katrin took yesterday when she took them skiing. The boys found a couple of little ski jumps and had a go. Probably best I wasn’t there.

      Al - I have included a photo of the empty fireworks boxes from NYE just for you.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 25

      Snow grooming!

      3. Januar 2019 in der Schweiz ⋅ 🌙 -13 °C

      Well today started out with a couple of cranky boys but ended up awesome. The boys had a brief ski after brekky but then decided to play in the snow and have a few runs on Jonathan’s sled. After just missing a few skiers the boys decided to head back inside for a bit which gave Vern and I a bit of time to ourselves. We took advantage of the deck chairs outside our hotel restaurant and enjoyed the sun with some morning drinks. It had warmed up to minus 8 by now so we settled in with the complimentary blankets and soaked up the amazing view in the sunshine. We just reflected on how awesome this holiday has been.

      Katrin offered to take our boys on the big chairlift run last thing in the afternoon and of course they jumped at it. Problem was as the temperature started to drop again lochie had cold hands and feet but Katrin sorted him out whilst Philipp and Vern helped me arrange something I had wanted to do all week. Snow grooming! You can book to go with one of the many snow groomers who groom those runs every night. They are huge pieces of machinery but we were told they only accept guests on Monday’s and Wednesday’s. That didn’t deter Philipp who convinced the man in charge to give me a go cause I had come all the way from Australia! It was amazing!

      The guy I went with really only spoke Swiss so that did limit some of my questions cause he only spoke a small amount of English and about as much German as me, but we muddled through.

      Wow the view from the top was breathtaking but boy are those ski runs steep. You felt like you just dropped straight down. So steep that the groomers have to hook on to 1km long cables to stop them sliding down the mountain. The photos don’t do the experience justice but it was absolutely a bucket list experience.

    • Tag 26


      4. Januar 2019 in der Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ -7 °C

      Today was a picture perfect day yet again! After another superb brekky Katrina, Philipp, Nikko, Jonathan, Ethan, William and Lochie headed out on an adventure to ski across to the next village of Bettmeralp. Louise wanted to practise her skiing here so Vern stayed with her. I took the cable car to the valley, the train down 4 stops to Betten and then another cable car up to Bettmeralp, to meet them for lunch.

      Although it was the long way around it was very relaxing on my own and I really enjoyed the view on the train and then to enjoy another village.

      Bettmeralp is much larger than Fiescheralp with more restaurants, shops, Chemist and teller machines. Probably 4 or 5 times the size of Fiescheralp and therefore much busier. Absolutely spectacular scenery though. And maybe a bit more posh! For many reasons I think I preferred where we stayed.

      Kids did incredibly well on their big adventure with no complaints or cold fingers, just lots of great skiing according to Philipp and Katrin. We are so grateful to Philipp ad Katrin for all the time they have spent teaching our boys and taking them on ski runs that we could not.

      Lochie and Will say that skiing is right up there with going to Bali and maybe even better! I guess we will have to come back.

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