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    • Dag 1

      Just arrived

      18. august 2023, Schweiz ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Sind gut angekommen, entspannte Anreise. Stau an der Grenze (obwohl kein einziger LKW in die Schweiz wollte) und stockender Verkehr um Zürich. Das war‘s. GM hat wie üblich konservativ kalkuliert, angekommen sind wir mit 29% (110km).Læs mere

    • Dag 17


      8. august 2022, Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Morgens sind wir, nach der berauschenden Nacht, mit Sonnenschein aufgewacht. Zum Frühstück gab es heute Cornflakes. Um 10 Uhr haben wir uns auf den Weg gemacht - ab in die Schweiz.🇨🇭
      Die Grenze zur Schweiz war geschlossen, kontrolliert wurden wir aber nicht - an der Grenze haben wir uns noch eine Vignette gekauft. Der Jimny wurde heute richtig getestet, denn wir mussten einen 2108 Meter hohen Berg hinauffahren. Anschließend sind wir weiter Richtung den Vierwaldstättersee gefahren. Dort haben wir einen kleinen Stopp eingelegt um uns diesen anzuschauen. Türkises Wasser und Riesen groß! 🥰Læs mere

    • Dag 14–15

      Vierwaldstättersee Ingenbohl

      10. maj, Schweiz ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Nachdem wir unsere Reise richtung Heimat fortgesetzt haben, standen wir natürlich auch von der anderen Seite vorm Gotthard 1,5 Stunden im Stau. 🤦🏼‍♂️ (Andere Seite war jetzt natürlich frei 😀)
      Wir haben uns einen einfachen Schotterparkplatz zwischen den Bergen, am Vierwaldstättersee ausgesucht. Das Panorama ist super, den Platz kann man nur mit Franken oder auch per App bezahlen. Mit der App muss man natürlich schauen, da die Schweiz nicht der EU angehört, fallen hohe Roaming Gebühren an sobald man das Internet benutzt.
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    • Dag 2

      Brunnen kocht!

      19. august 2023, Schweiz ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Ausgerechnet heute Abend führt uns der Kulturverein in Versuchung 😊…

      Allerdings nicht lange, die Bergwanderung wirkt nach.Læs mere

    • Dag 1


      18. august 2023, Schweiz ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Schönes Hotel, direkt am See. Kurzer Bummel an der Seepromenade und Richtung Ortsmitte. Kurz weil [a] Brunnen und [b] bei 31° die Motivation überschaubar ist. Lieber etwas auf die Sonnenterrasse. 😀 Und in den Whirlpool 😅 Bevor dann der Feierabend mit den Alphörnern „eingeblasen“ wurde.Læs mere

    • Dag 39

      Erste Freunde und eine Seeüberquerung

      8. april 2023, Schweiz ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Gestern habe ich meine ersten Pilgerfreundinnen gefunden: Chantal aus Frankreich, die in Deutschland lebt, und Andrea aus der Schweiz. Nachdem ich mir mit ihnen das Zimmer geteilt und gefrühstückt habe, fühlt es sich an, als würden wir uns schon ewig kennen, als wir uns auf den Weg zum Bootsanleger hinunter machen. Dort warten wir auf das erste Schiff des Tages, das uns über den See bringen wird. Chantal wartet allerdings auf ein anderes Schiff, da sie nach Luzern fährt, wo sie ihren Mann trifft und danach eine andere Route um den See nehmen wird.
      Ich bin tief beeindruckt vom wunderschönen Vierwaldstättersee. Auf dem Schiff lernen Andrea und ich noch Toni kennen, einen weiteren Schweizer Pilger. Gemeinsam mit ihm machen wir uns am anderen Ufer auf den Weg.
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    • Dag 7

      Tschüss Engelberger Tal, Hallo Schwyz!

      2. april 2021, Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      *** English version below ***

      Nachdem wir die ganzen letzten Tag im Engelberger Tal fliegen waren, wollten wir heute mal woanders hin :-) aber zuerst mussten noch die verbleibende Punktekarte zu Ende geflogen werden 😅 also starteten wir noch zwei Mal am Büelen Startplatz. Heute war es viel ruhiger, keine Flugschüler und nur 1-2 andere Piloten. Daher nahmen wir uns die Zeit, um nochmal Schirm auslegen und Rückwärtsaufziehen mit nicht ganz ausgefaltetem Schirm zu üben. Dies war ja das erklärte Lernziel, nachdem wir am Spieser bei so viel Wind mit unseren ausgefalteten Schirmen gar nicht mehr zu Rande kamen und alles sich immer wieder zerwutzelte.

      Die Flüge waren auch überraschend lang - trotz schwacher Sonne konnte wir uns gut halten und gingen nur landen, weil wir ja noch weiter wollten.

      Zuerst musste aber auch noch die Liftkarte an der Brunnibahn abgegeben werden und so kamen wir doch erst am späten Nachmittag in Schwyz an. Wir kauften ein leckeres Eis / Espresso mit Kugel Karamell und schlenderten am Seeufer entlang - Urlaub wie am Fjord!

      Danach fuhren wir noch bis zum Ibergeregg Pass, wo wir morgen Klettern wollen. Wir hatten Glück und fanden einen Parkplatz ohne Nachtparkverbot und relativ ebener Fläche (4° um genau zu sein 😜). Nach einem leckeren Abendessen (mexikanischer Reis mit Paprika-Tomate-Mais-Salsa und Sour Creme) und einem Verdauungsspaziergang ging es dann zurück in den Bus für eine gemütlichen Restabend!

      *** English version ***

      Today it was time to say goodbye to the Engelberg valley. We used up the remaining 2 passes for the Büelen gondola. Today was much calmer without any flight school at the launch site. Thus, we used the quietness to train a much needed skill: starting the glider with sufficient wind without fully laying it out (this would have been handy at Spieser where the fact that we laid out the glider caused all the line hassles when gusts blew the glider up and across repeatedly).

      We managed to have two good flights during which is was surprisingly easy to stay up - even though the sun was weak, it seemed enough 🤔

      We then returned the lift cards for the Brunni gondola and made our way north to the Vierwaldstätter Lake. We had a great ice cream cone / espresso with caramel ice cream and strolled along the lake shore - pure vacation feeling!

      From here we move up to the Ibergeregg pass where we want to go climbing tomorrow and found a parking spot without night parking prohibition. After a great dinner (Mexican rice with bell pepper-corn-tomato salsa and sour cream), we went for a short hike across the top and now are ready for a relaxing night in the bus.
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    • Visp and Steimen - day 12

      23. april 2019, Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We had a rather leisurely start this morning. I have had a bit of a sore throat and cough, so trying not to overdo it. It also was raining lightly this morning so that made it easier to stay in bed for a while. So we left the motorcamp at around 10am, and then got a bit distracted at the Lidl supermarket in Brigg (I loved Lidl when I was in Croatia, so wanted to visit another one). We were then heading to Rowena’s place (an old friend of Jody’s who has lived in Switzerland for 27 years). We left Brigg around 12, and googlemaps said we would arrive at Rowena’s in 2.5 hours. And then the journey began….

      It started off quite well, the roads were a bit narrow but not in great condition. The view was amazing again with such lovely little buildings all around and lots of little villages. As we went along, there was more and more snow, and the roads got narrower though the view got better. We seemed to be heading for some really high snowy mountains, but there didn’t seem to be a pass. At one stage we were heading for a tunnel, and found a round red sign that looked like it was a stop sign. We sort of thought that maybe we shouldn’t go through the tunnel, so I got out and asked the car behind us, and they didn’t have any idea either. So I beckoned the 3rd car through, and they went down a narrow path beside the tunnel, the other car followed, and I went to as well. But then a car came from the other way, so we waited for them, and then went on the narrow path. It was a couple of kms long, and it was very fortuitous that no cars came towards us, as there really wasn’t any room. It looked like a slip had fallen over the tunnel which is why we wouldn’t have got through it. When we got back on the road, it looked like there was a petrol station. We drove past that, through the town and then headed again for the mountains. The snow was encroaching on the road, and there was only just enough room for us to get through. I started thinking that this road really wasn’t a goer, and then we came across another red stop sign – looked like the road was closed. So we found somewhere to do a youie houie (missed a good photo opportunity there!) and went back through the time. There was a sign pointing us back to Brigg, but that seemed a long way to backtrack. So I thought we could go back to the gas station, and see if there was another option. Lo and behold but it wasn’t a gas station at all – it was a car train! The next train was at 1.05, and it was 1.00. So we quickly bought a ticket, drove over to the guard who showed us where to drive and we were on. He then handed us an A4 sheet of paper with about 10 different languages – basically saying that as we were pretty high, we couldn’t drive into the covered part of the train and we would have to wait at the other end for them to help us off. The train journey was around 15 minutes, and all the cars ahead of us just drove forward to get off. The cars behind us had to wait for the guard to open up some side gates, and maneuver us forward and back to get us off. The pass we went under was called the Furkapass (not what we were calling it!), and apparently it is only open for 5 months of the year. I have just seen picture of it, and driving under seems a preferable option.

      So the road after the tunnel was still a bit snowy and not well repaired, but then we started seeing some signs that looked like a motorway – yeehaa! The motorway still wasn’t amazing, and we went down a huge hill with hairpin bends (pleased that Nico has a manual gear), and finally got to the bottom of that and got on a road that I could even set cruise control on. We stopped at a gas station off the motorway and had lunch – ie Jody heated up our meat patties and cut up some stuff to go with them while I lay on my bed for a while. And then it was off on our final leg to Rowena’s in Steimen.

      What a lovely place this is. Rowena is a kiwi, but married Paul who is Swiss, and they have lived in this house for 27 years. We had a lovely dinner – bruschetta, rosti, and fleisch kase (translates as meat cheese). Rowena and Paul had a good time laughing at the routes that we have taken so far. Apparently the St Bernhard pass that we did on the first day was one that not many people would take by choice, and today’s effort was even better. Paul has been great at helping us with our route for the next few days – maps out all over the table. Interesting for me trying to login to my google drive on their wifi as it only gives me German and French as language choices. But very lovely hosts with a washing machine, and we get to sleep in beds where we don’t need to use ladders to climb into them – a bonus! Nico is currently parked in their driveway, but is on a bit of a lean so when Jody went in there with her socks on she slipped from one end to the other.

      So tomorrow we intend to go into Lucerne either by boat or train depending on what the weather is like.
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    • Dag 45

      Coffee and Crazy Golf

      24. juli 2016, Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      A nice walk around the village after breakfast with a stop so Louie could play in the park while we all had coffee. Louie challenged John and Francis to a game of crazy mini golf. We headed back to the Fisher's for lunch and Francis made a yummy fondue. Unfortunately, we had to leave the Fishers to return to Zurich.

      Thank you Francis and Kate for a most enjoyable weekend and Louie for allowing us to be your Aussie grandparents for a few days
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    • Dag 45

      Brunnen Train Station

      24. juli 2016, Schweiz ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      What a great few days it went so quickly but we are now heading back to Zurich.

      Yes, we have been upgraded apparently as we are now classified as a regular customer now not sure how that works but who cares this room is so much bigger we even have a small kitchen and a washing machine. Looks like washing will be on the agenda tonight.Læs mere

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