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    • Day 2

      2. Station die Schweiz

      July 9, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Heute sind wir um 9 Uhr im Elsass gestartet. Wir haben nicht mit einem Stau an der Grenze gerechnet.
      Wir waren nach einer Wendung auf einem Berg um 13 Uhr auf diesem wunderschönen Campingplatz.
      Wir hatten alles in 10 min aufgebaut. Björn Sally und Vera sind zu Fuß zum Geschäft. Alles sehr teuer. Beispiel Pringels für die Jungs 1,50€ gestern noch heute hier 3,50€ also SF. Nun denn, es gibt wieder Käse und lecker Bier, zu Fuß zurück am Platz, in den See schön kühl.
      Ich finde hier sieht es aus wie ein gemaltes Bild.
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    • Day 6


      August 6, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Domenica è stata un'intensa giornata di viaggi. Partendo da Monaco, sono passata per l'Austria per giungere in Svizzera dove, dopo un rischiosissimo cambio di treno in solo 4 Min, sono riuscita ad arrivare a Chur dove, dopo un umilissimo pranzo al volo in stazione, ho preso il famoso Bernina Express, uno dei treni più belli del mondo, che attraversa parte della Svizzera per arrivare a Tirano, in Italia. Un viaggio lungo ma caratterizzato da un paesaggio mozzafiato, le foto allegate parlano da sé. Inoltre il mio viaggio è stato particolare anche per i miei compagni che avevano allestito un tagliere di salumi e formaggi degno di una qualsiasi pasquetta napoletana 🤣
      Durante il viaggio ci hanno dato anche la possibilità di scendere alla fermata delle Alpi Grüm per poter ammirare il paesaggio e scattare qualche foto fuori dal treno.
      Arrivata a Tirano, ho atteso un bus sostitutivo fino a Colico e poi ho preso l'ultimo treno della giornata fino a Lecco dove sono stata accolta da mia sorella e il fidanzato e soprattutto dove mi aspettava un'ottima pizza napoletana che desideravo da una settimana 😍
      Infine ho riposato comodamente sul divano insieme al mio amico Iban ❤️
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    • Day 9

      Titlis and Engelberg

      October 13, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      The perfect end to a wonderful trip....

      I spent the day on top of Titlis mountain in Engelberg. We took a cable car up to 10,000 feet and explored the top of the alps.

      I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and did all the excursions. Thanks to my guide Nikos for making me challenge my fear of heights on the bridge!

      On our way down the mountain, my friends and I got in a canoe on a gorgeous lake. After coming down the mountain, I indulged in some much needed alone time. I sat in the grass by a lake for a few hours, soaking up my last sunny day in Europe.
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    • Day 5

      Wanderung um den Lungerersee

      April 6 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Beat geht mit Robin und einem Kollegen fischen. Gaby umrundet währenddessen den Lungerersee. Das Wetter ist fantastisch. Die Instruktion von Jan war super, der Fangerfolg - bis zur Ringelnatter auf der Treppe des Bootes - ungenügend = 0. Es war ein herrlicher Tag zusammen mit Robin und dem Lehrmeister Jan.Read more

    • Day 4

      Mount Pilatus

      July 11 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Today we said our goodbyes to Zurich so that we could continue on to the next leg of our journey in Lucerne.

      Apparently jet leg was, in fact, not done with Laura and me, but caty managed to get a full night's sleep. We powered through and got the sleep that we could, before packing up so that our luggage could be transported to Lucerne.

      After breakfast and a quick workout, we boarded our train for the ~60m ride to Lucerne. We had a big fancy dinner planned for the evening, and so we were determined to "eat like rabbits" until dinner time.

      Since we caught one train earlier than needed, we used the extra time to drop off some a few of our backpacks at the hotel before catching our boat as the first part of the "Golden Pilatus" round trip tour. We stuck to the shady side of the boat to avoid roasting, which made it a pleasant, picturesque 90m ride to our dock at Alpnachstad. We boarded the cable car (originally built in 1889!), which took us up the hillside 7000 feet, at times at nearly a 50° slope.

      We were above the clouds at the summit, which apparently fulfilled one of Caty's childhood dreams of "touching a cloud". Luckily they came in and out, so we were able to see the vistas periodically as we walked a few of the trails along the edge of the mountain.

      We took the gondolas back down the other side of the mountain towards Lucerne, and made our way back to the hotel. On the journey down, we realized that A) our fancy dinner reservation was at a restaurant allll the way across the lake, and B) our luggage transfer was not slated to arrive until sometime between 6-9pm. This was not a good combination of factors.

      Luckily, the restaurant was very accommodating and allowed us to push our reservation back to 8:30, and our luggage arrived closer to 6 than to 9. We scrambled to get changed, and then caught a sunset cruise across the lake to Vitznau. We made it on the boat right before it started to rain, which meant we got to enjoy a rainbow on the waiter when it cleared up and the sun came out.
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    • Day 40

      Schweizer Berge, Schweizer Käse

      April 9, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      Was soll man sagen, außer dass der Weg durch das saftig grüne Schweizer Bergland ein absoluter Traum ist? Wenn man dann bei der Mittagspause mit Blick auf den nächsten See auch noch den Schweizer Käse genießen kann, den einem ein Pilgerfreund am Vortag spendiert hat, ist das Erlebnis einfach perfekt.Read more

    • Day 41

      Der Lungernsee

      April 10, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Ich staune jedes Mal aufs neue, dass ich hier in der Schweiz praktisch täglich an einem neuen See stehe. Hier muss ich mich leider fürs erste Auch von Andrea verabschieden, sie hofft aber, mich bald wieder einzuholen.
      Alleine mache ich mich auf den Weg zum Brünigpass.
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    • Day 3

      Missing Seconds

      September 16, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Although the title could just as easily be in reference to this morning's breakfast, it is the nuances of the Swiss Railway clock that is in my mind this morning. Having already established that Swiss trains are punctual, I was checking the second hand of the platform clock to see just how true that was and noticed that time froze briefly every time the hand reached the 12 o'clock position. There are no numbers on Swiss Railway clocks but you can visualise where 12 would be. Time to consult with Mr Google...

      The Swiss Railways clock was designed in 1944 using black lines and hands on a white background, to make it easy to read at a distance. Also, so that all railway clocks in the country would be at the same (correct) time, the minute hand was moved using an electric impulse, sent via telephone cable from a master clock in Zurich. When the red second hand was added 2 years later, there wasn't the technology to update a clock using impulses sent every second, so the second hand was allowed to complete a revolution of the clock face under its own steam (well 50 Hz electrical supply - railways don't use steam any more). To ensure that fluctuations in the power grid didn't affect accuracy, the hand was designed to complete a full rotation in 58.5 seconds and then pause, waiting for the impulse that moves the minute hand to kick start the next 58.5 second sweep. And there you have it, even though this technology has long since been superseded, this distinguishing feature of the Swiss railway clock was retained and continues to be a big part of what makes the Swiss Railways tick.

      Today we visited Engelberg, a picturesque alpine town surrounded by major summits, such as Titlis, Walenstöcke, Ruchstock and Wissberg, all above 2500 metres and so all well within my newly learned mountain classification. As with a lot of things in life, the journey was every bit as spectacular as the destination, as scenes from The Sound of Music and Swiss chocolate adverts moved slowly past our train's panoramic window.

      We didn't take the cable car up Mt Titlis as it was a bit steep (about £90 each), but instead chose to wander round the town and spend some time in quiet reflection, first in a coffee shop and then in the Kloster Chapel, part of Engelberg's Benedictine monastery complex. The chapel was stunning - vaulted, bright, colourful, airy and with beautiful music floating in the air, care of the group of classical musicians rehearsing in front of the sanctuary. Being a religious establishment, we had to do the obligatory tour of the graveyard so Mrs Y could tell me about all those who passed away whilst younger than her tender years. I don't know if the world has become a more dangerous place, but there seems to be more of them these days than there used to be. She even picked out a suitable headstone for herself and if she had taken much longer I might have been tempted to put down a deposit for an early delivery.

      By now we are more or less used to the fact that almost everything in Switzerland is more expensive than at home, but I was shocked when I discovered that having to answer an urgent call of nature this afternoon set me back £8.80. It's just as well that it came with a complimentary cold beer and a glass of wine, organised by Mrs Y while I was attending to my needs. Sitting in the sunshine, surrounded by blue sky and mountains, drinking in the scenery (and the cold beer / wine) was just wonderful, so much so that we let the 15.02 train depart in its timely fashion and caught the next one.
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    • Day 63–64

      Como,Schweiz und Liechtenstein

      October 13, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Von Nizza aus geht es jetzt immer in Richtung Norden und was sollen wir sagen, es wird immer kälter 🥶
      Die erste Nacht verbrachten wir auf einem Mall-Parkplatz bei Como.
      Naja jedenfalls waren dort saubere Toiletten und ein MCD für das Morgen KäffchenRead more

    • Day 7

      Fahrt bis zum Sarnersee / Teil 2

      November 4, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      Brienz ist ein Dorf im Berger Oberland.
      Die im 18. Jahrhundert erbauten Holzchalets und die Skulpturen überall im Dorf verweisen auf die Tradition der Holzbildhauerei. Das türkisblaue Wasser sieht traumhaft schön aus. Nach der Fahrt über den Alpenpass, ging es an Lungern vorbei bis nach Sarnen ⭐️Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kanton Obwalden, Obwalden, Obwald, Obvaldo, 옵발덴 주, Sursilvania

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