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    • Day 22

      Day 22: Lucerne, Switzerland🧀❤️

      July 25, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      We had a great breakfast with Evelyne of muesli, homemade bread, jams and honey, and a variety of cheeses. It was a hot ride to Lucerne , but when we got to the city we found a place to jump in the lake and Cooloff. We had a great night with Sandro, talking about bicycle terrain, and especially his adventure from Switzerland to Japan. He made us a traditional Swiss dinner of wheat pasta, cheese, sautéed onions, and boiled potatoes. As all of our experiences so far are warmshower hosts have been so kind and accommodating. We love sharing stories with them and talking about our passions of life. Tomorrow we are off to Zaziwil in the Canton of Bern, this is where my great great grandfather and grandmother came from. We will be in search of the Shüpbach bike shop, the Zaziwil cemetery, and possibly some information about the Biglers.Read more

    • Day 26

      Karlsruhe to Lucerne

      August 1, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      An observation about Germany ...

      We stayed in a overnight hotel last night. At breakfast the spreads were served in edible bio-degradable wafer containers as recycling is really promoted in Germany. Then you go into the foyer and can buy cigarettes or beer from a vending machine which is such a foreign concept to us.

      Train travel has proved to be a really efficient and easy way to travel and also good downtime to catch up on diaries etc. However even trains can be delayed and we missed our connection from Basel to Lucerne.

      We arrived in Basel to find the delay was no problem and we caught the next train to Lucerne. The only thing we had to watch was that Leah got off the train with us as its final destination was Milan 😍, the shopping mecca of Italy.

      Travelling on German Railways was good, but the Swiss take it to another level. Our train to Lucerne was very modern, comfy and spacious and included complimentary free wifi! Heaps better than flying.

      One of the first things we noticed was that prices are all in Swiss francs and not euros and that Swiss power points are a different fitting to the rest of Europe!!

      Lucerne is known as one of Europe's most beautiful city. But the combination of rain and mist and things being closed as its the Swiss National holiday meant that pizza and kebabs were on the menu as it was one thing that was close by and open.

      We knew Switzerland is expensive, but the cost of pizza seemed very expensive. However when the pizza materialised we soon worked out that whilst Switzerland is expensive, the size of the pizza was also a contributing factor 🍕😊.

      It was meant to be an early night here ready for a big day tomorrow, but fireworks have just started...
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    • Day 3

      Il giardino dei ghiacciai

      February 8 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Parte museale
      Ci sono reperti di questi spedizionieri alpini, raccolti in una dimora storica, degna di nota anche senza la mostra. C'è anche un mega plastico di una battaglia (mi interessava poco e non ho approfondito ma penso fosse della guerra franco-prussiana).
      Comunque la cosa più interessante è questa mummia di cucciolo di mammuth, attaccata al muro come un trofeo di caccia.
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    • Day 3

      Il giardino dei ghiacciai

      February 8 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Bella anche la collezione di fossili rinvenuti nelle valli svizzere.
      Vabbè, per chi non ci crede, non sono fossili, sono puzzle con cui giocavano Dio padre e Dio figlio il sabato sera, aspettando che la signora Padreterno rientrasse...Read more

    • Day 3

      Il giardino dei ghiacciai

      February 8 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Un capatina al sottosuolo per vedere un paio di plastici della città e delle valli circostanti, e poi un viaggetto tra gli strati di roccia, per vedere l'opera della terra, dei terremoti, degli smottamenti sull'attuale stato delle sedimentarie.
      ...e interessante immaginare che impronta lasceremo noi sul pianeta!
      C'era anche un cronofonografo in cui si chiedeva di lasciare un pensiero: l'ho lasciato in italiano, ovviamente!
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    • Day 5

      Day 5 - Stunning Scenery in Switzerland

      March 3 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Woke up at 8.10am feeling decidedly groggy, I really shouldn’t have finished off all of my wine on a pretty much empty stomach. I finished off my blog & tried to post it with 2 videos. I later discovered that it didn’t go. Uploading videos takes too long, so I won’t be doing that again.

      After a shower & getting packed up, I left the Green Marmot Capsule Hotel at 9.58am, just 2 minutes before I had to be out. I loaded up my bike and set the SatNav to take me to Interlaken on the Windiest Route to ensure it took me past the lakes. My plan was to stop early at a supermarket to get some much needed sustenance, but I soon came to realise that no supermarkets are open in Switzerland on a Sunday.

      Somewhere near Zug, I stopped at McDonalds for a coffee and Big Mac that cost me close on £10. I used the opportunity to make a few phone calls, including to my parents who were celebrating their anniversary today. My mum told that she had been reading the blog, but was upset by the derogatory comments by someone called Andy Mays.

      Back on the bike, now feeling much better, I was soon in the attractive town of Lucerne sitting on the shore of Lake Lucerne with snow capped mountains in the distance. I stopped for a quick photo & continued on. The road followed Lake Lucerne, then Lake Sarnersee, Lake Lungersee and Lake Brienzersee, before arriving at Interlaken. The sun had been out throughout this leg of the journey. It could not have been a more enjoyable ride…..or could it get even better.

      In Interlaken I found a convenience store, where I bought a large bottle of water, a Coke Zero and 2 packets of my favourite Biscoff biscuits. I didn’t stay in long in Interlaken, mainly because there was no focal point of a lake. Instead I took a diversion from my planned route to visit a little town called Lauterbrunnen, which was 16 km south of Interlaken and had been recommended by my brother, Jonathan who is holidaying there later in the year.

      The narrow windy and windy road took me through a brewery and then a farm. The road was flanked on both sides by steep mountains & it followed a river and a train track. Lauterbrunnen looked like a scene on a chocolate box. It was crammed into the valley between two mountains which had waterfalls falling from them. It was very picturesque. Lauterbrunnen looked like the perfect place to take a ski lift up the mountains and walk back down. Strangely this small municipality in the Swiss Alps was absolutely heaving with Asian tourists. They didn’t look like they were there for the skiing!

      I returned to Interlaken then headed west where I followed the winding road on the northern shore of Lake Thunersee. It was absolutely stunning. I felt compelled to keep stopping to take photos and admire the beauty of the lake with its backdrop of the snow covered alps. To make this absolutely the perfect ride the sun remained out the whole way.

      My left arm was aching from waving to all my fellow motorcyclists. I wasn’t doing it like I was a village idiot, I was doing it because it is the done thing that every motorcyclist does on the continent. We ignore the moped and scooter riders.

      This road, the ‘Seestrasse’, took me through the villages of Merligen, Gunten, Oberhofen am Thunersee and Hilterfingen, before arriving at the town of Thun at the other end of Lake Thunersee. The villages I passed through had beautiful castles, hotels, restaurants and mansions to just increase the pleasure on the eye.

      By now time was pushing on, so I hotfooted it to the outskirts of Bern, where I located Muhle Hunziken, the venue for tomorrow’s gig. It was then a 25 minute ride into Bern and to Hostel 77, my accommodation for the next 2 nights. My heart sank when I pulled up outside at 5.10pm. There were about 50 children and a handful of teachers hanging around at the front. I had visions of sharing my dormitory with a load of 10 year old boys.

      Daniel, the receptionist, checked me in and assured me that the children were all on the floor above me. Daniel gave me lots of information and surprisingly all the buses and trams in Bern were free of charge to me. I just needed my hotel receipt which had a QR code for them. Breakfast is also included.

      I went up to my dorm 309 and got the feeling that I would probably have the whole dorm of 6 beds to myself. It is now gone 9pm at the time of writing and no-one else has arrived. What a result.

      I settled in & listened to the football commentary in time to hear Utd concede 3 goals. I decided I couldn’t be bothered to go out. I made do with my biscuits and water and enjoyed the luxury of the dorm to myself.

      Today was a (very) good day. My ride should have only taken just over 2 and a half hours, but actually took over 7 hours.

      Song of the Day - Slow Ride by Foghat.

      NMA Song of the Day - Today is a Good Day by New Model Army.
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    • Day 14

      Day 14: Luzern

      September 25, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      We had a (somewhat) relaxed day today exploring the Musegg Wall - a wall built in 1370 to protect the city. As we were walking up some very steep steps, Matt saw something move and said " Look at the squirrel" as a dirty, big rat ran towards me. After my heart rate returned to normal - and not from the climb! - we walked along the top of the wall, stopping to climb 6 of the watch towers along the way. Lunch was baguettes and sandwiches by the water, before we found 4 churches - before Matt found 4 churches! - very pretty and totally different from any we have seen before. Midafternoon, washing done for the next 4 days, Matt went out wandering while I lay in the sun reading. Cambeys returned with make-your-own fondue for tea, washed down with a 3.55 Frank bottle of wine. Time to repack our bags; tomorrow Matt and I leave the Cambeys for a few days, to drive across France, before meeting up with them in Paris!Read more

    • Day 5

      In Love with Lucerne

      July 20 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      We traveled by car, plane, and train today to Lucerne, Switzerland. It’s beautiful here! Truly from the moment you land in the airport to the views from the train. Lucerne is busy. Our Airbnb host provided us a welcome plate of cheese, meat and bread. He says the best bakery is downstairs from us. Kids were tired so watching hang gliders from balcony and went to the local market for a things to munch on - all looks so fresh. We haven’t even spent a day here, but I think this is a great place to come back. Added pics at end of train ride from Zurich to Lucerne and the old bridge in the city center.Read more

    • Day 5

      Day 123: Scenic Train to Zürich

      May 12 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      With our Eurorail pass, we could use a Panoramic Train between Interlaken, Lucerne, and Zürich. First we needed to hop on a normal regional train to Interlaken.

      We find the platform, confirm the direction and train, and get onboard. About 2 minutes before we depart, the train announcer says this train his headed to Bern instead. We, and many others, look around confused and jump up to get off the train. None of us make it off the train as it pushes away from the platform.

      We determined that the train was originally headed to Interlaken, but a different train to Bern had been delayed by 40 minutes and they needed to get it out. The monitors didn’t update so many folks were misdirected. It was no issue though as the next station stop served both routes. It gave us more time to grab sandwich meats.

      After reaching Interlaken, we settle into the panoramic train and take in the sights of lakes, mountains, and valleys. They build the train so there is max window surface area.

      We get into Zürich and their metro trains are covered on the pass so we fork over the $9 euros to ride a train for 7 minutes 🥲 After unpacking at the hostel, we set up at a little cafe to get some work / research done for Austria. Because it was Mother’s Day, the owner made lemon drinks for all the women and it was delicious.

      Hostel: MEININGER Hotel Zürich Greencity

      Restaurant: Olive Ladencafé
      Food: Greek/Mediterranean

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    • Day 21

      Oct 10 - Luzern/Lucerne

      October 10, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      The weather was cool, but with no rain. A good day in the making! With Luzern as our destination, we drove through more of the flat part of Switzerland. We were able to see two of the big peaks of the Alps - Jungfrau and Eiger - in the distance. We drove along with a brilliant blue lake on one side and a soaring mountain on the other side.

      Our first stop was in Brienz. The sun was shining brightly, so there was not one word of complaint about the cool temperatures. William had a morning surprise for us - Linzertort - the same dessert I had tried the day before. William’s father is German, so having Linzertort is a fond memory from William’s childhood. Two beautiful white swans graced us with their presence at the water’s edge.

      We did a quick photo stop at Lungern. What a glorious view of a valley tucked between two mountains and a little village built on the shore of the lake. Picture postcard - again. This is what of the advantages of a formal tour - the tour guide knows all the most panoramic stops.

      Before we went into the downtown of Luzern, we stopped first at the The Lion Monument, or the Lion of Lucerne, a rock relief of a giant dying lion that commemorates the Swiss Guards who were massacred in 1792 during the French Revolution, when revolutionaries stormed the Tuileries Palace in Paris.

      Luzern, also known as Lucerne, is located in the German-speaking portion of Switzerland. It sits on the shores of Lake Lucerne and the river Reuss. William gave us a walking tour of this beautiful city. Since the city straddles the Reuss where it drains the lake, it has a number of bridges. The most famous is the Chapel Bridge (Kapellbrücke), a 204 m (669 ft) long wooden covered bridge originally built in 1333, the oldest covered bridge in Europe, although much of it had to be replaced after a fire on 18 August 1993, allegedly caused by a discarded cigarette. Part way across, the bridge runs by the octagonal Water Tower (Wasserturm), a fortification from the 13th century. Inside the bridge are a series of paintings from the 17th century depicting events from Lucerne's history. The Bridge with its Tower is the city's most famous landmark. (Thank you, Wikipedia.)

      Downriver, the Spreuer Bridge (Mill Bridge) zigzags across the Reuss. Constructed in 1408, it features a series of medieval-style 17th-century plague paintings titled Dance of Death. The bridge has a small chapel in the middle that was added in 1568.

      The Lucerne Jesuit Church with its distinctive onion-topped domes was the first large baroque church built in Switzerland north of the Alps. The inside is beautiful - it’s very light and bright with a lot of gold gilding and red marble. The Jesuit order, founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1534, were active participants in the Counter-Reformation, the Catholic fight against the birth of Protestantism.

      At lunchtime, we found the local grocery store. We picked up a sandwich which we split, yogurt, milk and a fat pretzel. We travel with a set of cutlery so we can always find something to eat in a grocery store. (Restaurant meals in Switzerland are very, very expensive.) We ate by the water’s edge as we soaked up the sunshine. Afterwards, we strolled around and admired the old-style architecture.

      We had a good giggle as we window-shopped on a street lined with exclusive shops (some guarded by beefy guys with tasers) selling high-end watches. We each picked out a watch that we liked. Each had a 5-figure price tag and that’s in Swiss francs - add another 30% to convert to Canadian dollars! Then we found a store that has a wall of flowing liquid chocolate. They get you from every direction in this city!

      Bus parking is very tightly controlled in the centre of Luzern, so promptly at our appointed rendezvous time, Ivan pulled up, we piled on the bus in record time, and off we went. Our next destination was Zürich, the final stop on this part of our trip.

      I estimate that we went through at least 20 of Switzerland’s almost 500 tunnels during our driving today. Switzerland spends a lot of money on its infrastructure because roads, tunnels, trains and bridges are integral to keeping Switzerland moving.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Luzern, Lucerne, لوسرن, Горад Люцэрн, Луцерн, ལུ་ཛེར་ན།, Lucern, Lucerna, Люцерн, Λουκέρνη, Lucerno, Luzerna, לוצרן, ルツェルン, Canton Lucerne, ლუცერნი, 루체른, Lüzerna, Liucerna, लुत्सर्न, 6000, Lucerni, Łuxerna, לוצערן, 卢塞恩

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