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    • Day 3

      Via Ferrata Mürren-Gimmelwald

      August 31 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Een van de bekende bergen in het gebied, is de Schilthorn met zijn 2970 meter, ook bekend als Piz Gloria uit de James Bond film “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”. Boven Stechelberg uit, peilt een imposante 600 meter hoge wand, die tevens een populaire basejump locatie is. En precies op deze steile wand, is ook een via ferrata te vinden.

      Startpunt: Lauterbrunnen
      Kabelbaan naar naar Grutschalp, net naast treinstation.
      Van daar stap je over op de trein naar het autovrije stadje Mürren.
      In dit autoloze, schattige bergdorpje staat de Klettersteig (ofwel Via Ferrata) al aangegeven. En na vijf minuten vanaf het station bereik je de letterlijke ingang van de via ferrata.

      Prijs: de via ferrata is gratis toegankelijk met eigen materiaal maar je kan ook huren bij Intersport Mürren
      Huur is 35€ voor klimgordel, via ferrata kit en helm.

      Lengte: 2.2 kilometer lang, en er zit een hoogteverschil in van 300 meter.

      Duur: De duur ervan is tussen de 1.5 en 2 uur.
      Tip! Kom als eerste en vermijd zo wachtrijen op de via ferrata.

      Als eerste word je door het bos geleid, en wordt het al snel wat steiler. De via ferrata is technisch totaal niet zwaar, maar bied prachtige uitzichten op het dal van Stechelberg. Er zitten stukken bij, waar alleen een stalen nietje het enige is wat zich tussen jou en de ondergrond 600 meter lager bevind.

      Aan het einde is de prachtige, slingerende Nepalbrug van 80 meter. Vanaf deze brug heb je een adembenemend uitzicht over het dal van Stechelberg.

      Het einde is bij het gondelstation van Gimmelwald. Vanaf daar ben je in vijf minuten met de gondel weer beneden.
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    • Day 14

      Panoramarunde Lauterbrunnnen

      July 4 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Endlich blauer Himmel und Sonne 🌞 Wir fahren mit dem Lift bis Gimmelwald (gruselig 😱). Aufstieg nach Mürren auf den Panoramaweg. Und da sind sie endlich, die 3 großen Schweizer: Eiger, Mönch und Jungfrau. Man kann sich gar nicht satt sehen 🥰🥰🥰☀️🏔🏔🏔 Abstieg zurück nach Lauterbrunnen, ein letztes Mal ins TourigewimmelRead more

    • Day 15

      Interlaken (Day 2) - Mürren & Gimmelwald

      August 20, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      What we did:
      - Canyoning day! Picked us up at 9am to bring us to the shop and put on our wetsuit, helmets and lifejacket. It was a big group going as a mix of Americans, hungarians, Swiss, Brits, Spaniards, and French. It was a 30 minute drive up in the vans to the mountain and then 1-1.5 hours in the canyon!
      - The trail went through a 3-5 foot wide glacial river with large rock faces on both sides (i.e the canyon). Super cold glacial water so shout out to the wetsuits and 85 degree temps! Steph was still numb and shivering by the end. The trail was a mix of climbing through the river/rocks, sliding down rock faces into deep pools, jumping 10/15ft into other pools, and rope repelling down.
      - We grabbed a beer in the shop with the other guests before heading back to the BnB.
      - After regrouping, we took the trains/gondolas up to Murren! Absolute awe the whole way up. Walked the town and enjoyed the scenic overlook with some beers and Rosti while admiring the hang gliders (and freaking Trent out for our paragliding excursion the next day)
      - Walked the 30 mins down from Murren to Gimmelwald and possibly single best views and most peaceful walk we may have ever had. Stunned the whole way down
      - Gimmelwald is a postcard town - small swiss chalets with panoramic views smack right in the mountain. Stopped for beers at an idyllic patio at the Pension Gimmelwald overlooking it all.
      - BIG EXCITING NEWS - Mid Gimmelwald beers Jess and Joe facetimed us to tell us that they are officially engaged!! Great time catching up with them on the big day! Steph had been tracking Jess on “FindMyFriends” for a good 72 hours hoping to guess when it was going to happen

      What we ate:
      - Made eggs and sandwiches in the airbnb for breakfast/lunch
      - Snack of our 1st ROSTI at Hotel Alpenruh. Essentially a skillet of potatoes, swiss raclette cheese, ham onions and pickles 🔥🔥🔥. Trent was in heaven.
      - Another grocery store sandwich for dinner

      Fun Facts:
      - Trent forgot to tell them he had a previous knee injury until after we were in the canyon, which our guides weren’t thrilled about, but was easier to stomach than the man last week who let them know he had severe epilepsy once in there.. knee hung strong though!
      - Steph was shocked every time she was dunked in the canyon because it was soooo cold. She would have floated over waterfalls a couple of times if Trent wasn’t there to catch her!
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    • Day 88

      Murren- up in the Alps

      September 13, 2017 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      We are now staying for 2 nights up in the Swiss Alps. To reach Murren we travelled first by cablecar then mountain train. Not possible to take the car so we've left it in Lauterbrunnen car park. We then walked to the close by village of Gimmelwald. Neither Murren or Gimmelwald have cars (except for a couple of locals) and are everything you would expect to see in a Swiss Alpine village. Surrounded by snow capped mountains, chilly fresh air, goats & cows ringing their bells and amazing views! to the big 3 peaks- Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau! Snow is forecast for tomorrow! Murren is also where you catch the cable car to Schilthorn- the mountain peak with the restaurant where they filmed James Bond's 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'. Maybe some 007 action awaits us at the top of the Schilthorn??Read more

    • Day 5

      The very mountains shook...

      July 19, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Today, after I walked to the campground store across the street for coffee, we traveled 1/4 mile to the entrance to Trammelbach Falls. This is a World UNESCO site and the only waterfall in the world that falls INSIDE a mountain. After a short hike, you enter a cable car type elevator and go up six stories. From there, you hike straight up for four more stories inside the mountain, which is filled with mist and the deafening sound of the rushing water that has carved fantastic formations into the rock. Then you hike ten stories down passing through wet stairs in the center of the cliff and sunny places where the rock has worn through. The very mountain rumbled with the force of the pounding rivers that meet there. Our ten day travel pass was purchased today, so tomorrow we begin adventuring in the Alps. This gets us on almost all buses, trains, cable cars, funiculars and boats for “free”. Next stop “Top of the World”.Read more

    • Day 8

      No cash, no problem

      July 22, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      When I didn't have cash for my goods at the campground store across the street, the clerk asked where I was staying. When I said, "Heidi's " she replied, Oh jah, Heidi. Just pay when you have cash." She sent me on my way with the groceries. To kill time before our paraglide, we bussed to Lauterbrunnen and hiked up the iconic Falls there. Had to stop part way up and sing in the tunnel! T minus two hours to flight!Read more

    • Day 14

      The pace has infected us...

      July 28, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 57 °F

      At some point yesterday, a grand scheme was hatched to visit a place known for its beauty and cultural significance in a nearby town. But at 2 am, I awoke and realized that with only a few days left I cannot leave this valley. Our life here happens at walking speed, except for our few failed attempts to go to a big city of say, you know, 5000 people. When we do ride the bus, it is only to Lauterbrunnen, which now feels like a trip to New York, though it has only 2500 people. Even the cog wheel trains into the mountains run on a gear.

      Nothing is fast here in the valley. Nothing is supersized. I cook in our little Swiss sized kitchen with a mini refrigerator and no microwave. If you want bread, you can go to the camping store across the road and order it to be delivered fresh the next day. Across the street, the farmer sells the fresh milk he gets from the cows we visit every day.

      I am already anxious about re- entry. Usually as we approach the end of a vacation, I am anxious to come home. This is the first place I have ever been where I don't want to leave. I told Tim before we left that my greatest fear in coming here was not of the paraglider but that I would never want to leave. That fear had been realized. I am living in the Elven kingdom here.

      So today, as I write this to you with tears I can't explain, I decided to send you pictures of our home away from home.

      You, our friends, our family, are what calls us back to our abode... but in my heart, this is the only home I will ever know ... it took a lifetime to find it.
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    • Day 45

      Trümmelbachfälle and last🇨🇭day🥺

      June 23, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      This is a long one, so you really don’t have to read. The pictures say enough 🤞❤️ I have started to use this app honestly as a diary of the things that have happened on my trip so I can look back at it and the photos that match the stories :)

      When I got to Lauterbrunnen from the top of the mountain I walked to a waterfall and you took a lift in a tunnel up and got to see different pats of the fall. At the top , there was a huge amount of water coming out and it was so fast. It sprayed onto you when you leaned over the tunnel (it was inside and lit up by lights and a small bit of natural light from parting in the rocks above it) and so I wore my rain jacket so I could go closer. It was so so loud you could hear it from ages away. I got some cute older people who I caught the lift up to the top with to take a picture for me so here I am with a bit of the waterfall next to me !
      On the bus back we passed a restaurant that was chilling drinks in a little stream which was very cute and smart.

      It had been sunny all day which was amazing (as this was the same day as the other hike) and so it started pouring on the train back. My train to Zug got cancelled, then the next train stopped before Zug because a tent had fallen onto the tracks in the wind. All of this was told to me over the loud speaker in German but I have become quite good at realising something is wrong when the people around me start sighing or walking away from the platform or looking up other train timetables. Everyone is really nice and most people speak English so I asked the lady who was doing a sudoku next to me what the speaker had said and she told me we all had to get a bus !

      Another girl then overheard me saying I was going to Zug and said she was too so we caught the replacement bus together. She was really sweet and told me about how she grew up in Germany but her dad was from Dubai and her mum from India, and she told me about how she found it living there as a resident and how she had moved to Switzerland so she would have more freedom and to be able to work. She told me about her cat too who is apparently a deva and how her husband got another cat because he was jealous and his cat is quite the gentlemen. Anyway , it was really late by the time we got there but she walked me to my bus stop because she was going a similar way so that all made the trip quite fun even though it took me 5 hours to get home instead of about half that.

      I didn’t do much yesterday (the 24th). It rained all day so I FaceTimed some friends and fam, watched some tv and tidied up to pack my bags. There was also some sort of plane show that happened during me eating my lunch so that was pretty cool (a bit scary at first- it was so loud and seemed unusual because all of the neighbours were taking photos) but I later saw a sign about some sort of plane festival so I guess I just got a sneak peak <3
      The sun came out in the afternoon and so I went on a walk in both directions around the lake at the perfect time to see the sun making the trees and buildings and windows and water golden. It was so beautiful. The photos are in the second half of this post :)

      This morning I went for a very early swim in the lake and the water was warmer than the air. It was so so luvlyyyy. Then I packed my bags and got on the train to Milano Centrale to then go to Rome again. I will miss Switzerland a lot and will most definitely come back 🤞🌼
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    • Day 65

      Trümmelbach Falls

      July 12, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Taken right from Wikipedia

      Trümmelbach Falls (German: Trümmelbachfälle) [...] are a series of ten glacier-fed waterfalls inside the mountain made accessible by a tunnel-funicular, built 1913, stairs, and illumination.

      To try to add more commentary to that, this waterfall seems to have been formed when water found a soft part of the inside of a mountain. Making most of the falls hidden from human view. Someone drilled a hole out of the mountain to create pedestrian walkways and a series of stairs to observe the falls first hand. It was amazing how we were in 80+ degree weather, then would walk 10 yards inside the caves and suddenly be in refrigerator temperatures. It changed quite quickly.

      It wasn't a small waterfall either, as you can tell from the videos, it was quite powerful.
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    • Day 46

      Day 46: Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland

      August 5, 2017 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      What do you do while you're in Switzerland? You hike (and eat a lot of chocolate and cheese)!

      So that's exactly what we did today. We took the cable car from Lauterbrunnen to Grütschalp and hiked our way to Allmendhubel. The hike was challenging at times, but it turned out to be a really nice one. We had a gorgeous view of the Alps and saw plenty of cows. Apparently Switzerland has the happiest cows in the world.

      When we got to Allmendhubel, we hung around in the Flower Park and were waiting to take the last cable car down to Mürren. The waitress said it would warn us when to get on, but it didn't, so we missed it and had to walk to 45 minutes down. It wasn't too bad. When we got to Mürren, we took the cable car down to Stechelberg and bussed it back to Lauterbrunnen.

      Thank god we made it back in time to eat a cheese fondue. We wouldn't have wanted the cheese to go bad. ;) It turned out to be so good. It's a mixture of cheeses that they serve with bread, potatoes, chives, onions, garlic and mushrooms. We devoured the whole thing and I got a Swiss hot chocolate and a mini chocolate bar which were amazing too. Thank god I don't live in Switzerland. It would be very bad for my health and my wallet.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Mürren, Muerren, مورن, ミューレン, Мюррен, 3825, 米伦

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